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Disaster Management

The China United Nations Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) is established within the framework of the UN Resident Coordinator System to ensure effective and concerted UN emergency response, as well as assistance to the Chinese Government for preparedness, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and disaster mitigation. It is composed of representatives of all UN offices in China and supported by UNDP for administrative and logistic support. The UNDMT coordinates all disaster related activities, technical advice and material assistance provided by UN agencies. The UNDMT works with the Government of China to coordinate and promote international humanitarian relief efforts through a multilateral approach to disaster response. The UNDMT interfaces with the emergency management team of the government, the China National Committee for Disaster Reduction (CNCDR). After the devastating and tragic earthquake that struck Sichuan Province on 12 May 2008, and as soon as China requested international support, the United Nations in China, through the UNDMT, was able to respond and immediately started organizing and coordinating relief activities. The UN Secretary-General announced that up to $8 million will be released from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to provide life-saving relief to the affected communities. This will be organized and delivered by UN staff in Beijing. In addition, UN Agencies are mobilizing their own resources and partners to contribute in a coordinated way to the relief operations. In addition, the UN provides regular situation reports describing the progress of relief and reconstruction activities. The UN's work in China in this area is coordinated by its Disaster Management Team.

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