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Dear Friends, The annual Word of Life Hungary Missions Conference is rapidly approaching!

Join us January 20th-22nd for a missions focused weekend filled with encouragement from the Word, fellowship with other believers, and the challenge to renew your commitment to world missions. This year we are focusing on the needs of Serbia. Did you know that less than 1% of Serbians are born again believers, and over 84% consider themselves Orthodox? The youth of Serbia are in desperate need of the life transforming message of Jesus Christ, and we are thankful that we can help Darko Vika and Word of Life Serbia meet this great need! With great pleasure and excitement we look forward to partnering with one of our graduates and his family as they pioneer a new and growing work in Serbia. Darko and Elizabeth Vika, along with their four children (pictured above), are actively evangelizing and discipling the youth of Serbia by starting WOL Bible Clubs, holding summer camps, and ministering in a variety of other ways. This years conference theme is Road to Revival: Driving the Gospel to the Youth of Serbia. The Vikas are in desperate need of a dependable ministry vehicle so they can travel and minister throughout Serbia. This years Faith Promise Offering will be going towards that end. In addition to having the Vikas with us, we will be joined by David and Patricia West, who are directing the dynamic ministry of Word of Life Portugal. David brings an excitement for youth, missions, and a passion for the preaching of Gods Word. We look forward to being challenged from the Word by these dear servants of the Lord. Come join us for this great event! I know you will leave greatly blessed by the messages from Gods Word, the reports from the Vikas, and the sweet fellowship of the saints. You may register and/or learn more by clicking here. I hope to see you in Talms! Paul Weaver

Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute Director

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