Present Perfect

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PRESENT PERFECT Subject + have/has + the third form of the verb (+ed for regular verbs) I have bought

some flowers. He has visited this castle before. Interrogative: Has he bought the flowers yet? Have you visited this castle before? Negative: He hasnt bought the flowers yet. I havent visited this town since 1999. Adverbs: yet, already, just, never, ever, for, since. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Subject + have/has been + verb + ing I have been learning English for 5 years. (= I still learn English) I have learnt English for 5 years. (I have stopped learning English) Interrogative: Have you been learning English for 5 years? Has he been watching TV for 3 hours? Negative: I have not / havent been studying English for 5 years. He has not/hasnt been watching TV for 3 hours. Adverbs: already, just, yet, for, since.

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