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Mateu Cots

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By Pol Bartolom, Albert Carnero and Pere Cots

Early years

He was born at his parents house in a little town called Lorca, in Murcia. It was in 1923. But his parents died as soon as he was one year old.


Early years

Fortunately, he was adopted by a parents friends who have three children. He consider they his family. But dont remember too much of this period.


Early years

He went to school in Lorca until he was about thirteen. He left the school because, he have to immigrate to Catalonia with his family.


In Barcelona

When they arrive to Barcelona, they found a cheap flat in Eixample. Mateu have to look for a job, like his father and brothers. First, he sold newspapers on a corner and later found work as waitress.


In Barcelona

When he was waitress, he have to get up at seven oclock every morning, except Mondays. He expends his free time in the street or at home, because some days was dangerous to be in the street.

Due to the civil war, two brothers had to go to war, for fight against 5/5/12 the nationalist.

In the Civil War

When he was nineteen, he decide to fight with the Republican side. In 1938, his two brothers die in combat. It wasnt a good period of his life.


In the Civil War

Before the war ends, he decide to desert and go into exile in France. After that, he lives for three years in a French country town until the war ends. And then, he returns to Barcelona.



Now in Barcelona, he starts to work in a electronic factory. He met Magdalena Amat, with whom would marry years later. Once married, they rented a flat in the Eixample and had six sons.


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