Scene One

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Scene one - INT. DAY Shot 1 - M.

S of ESTA walking into a Bedroom (half dressed), Camera pans round to reveal ESTA pick up a TV remote and switching off the news. He then walks to the front of the bed to put on a shirt. Shot 2 - MONTAGE - C.U of ESTA buttoning up the top of his shirt. Shot 3 - MONTAGE - C.U of ESTA'S chest as he puts on his suit. Shot 4 - MONTAGE - C.U of ESTA picking up cuff links from side table. Shot 5 - MONTAGE - C.U of ESTA's hands attaching the cuff links to his shirt, he pulls the ends of his shirt down to make them level. Shot 6 - Mid-Shot of ESTA from behind taking his suit from the back of a chair and putting it on. Shot 7 - PAN around ESTA as he walks toward the mirror to look at himself ( shot lasts 3 seconds, before his mobile rings ) Shot 8 - C.U of the Phone Vibrating cross the table, ESTA picks up the phone. Shot 9 - LOW ANGLE M.S of ESTA picking phone and reading the text. Shot 10 - OVER THE SHOULDER of ESTA looking at the text Shot 11 - Cut to a C.U of ESTA's phone screen, so you can read the text which says "10pm, 17 North Street, 200 blind, 1k max, special personal prize if you win" (ESTA scrolls down the message) Shot 12 -M.S of ESTA walking over to table and finds a scrap of paper Shot 13 - C.U of Esta pulling out a pen from his top pocket. Shot 14 - C.U of ESTA's eyes as he follows the pen as he scribes his message. Shot 15 - C.U of ESTA folding the paper (slowly enough for the audience to read) Shot 16 - L.S of a hall with ESTA putting on a large black overcoat. He puts the note on the floor and exits.

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