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12/20 SESSION: FORM POINTS COVERED: -Flat Back -90 Degree Angles -Movements are fluid -2-2-4 Count

-Hanging: Shoulders actively pull down away from the ears -Squat form: Break Parallel- This means that your hips go down just past the knees. Be careful not to keep going too far. You have a nice deep squat, and since you could keep going deeper, be careful to control the depth to just past the knees. -Breathing: When you are working the hardest, breathe out. For example, in a push-up, you breathe out when you push. In a pull-up, you breathe out when you pull. Take a deep breath in during the easier part of the motion.

FULL-BODY WORKOUT **Gym Equipment Required For This Workout. Body Reserve Gym Membership Recommended, 207 5th Ave. I think that your first in-gym workout we should do together, so until we have our next session, see below this workout for an at-home alternative** Goal for this week: Complete the workout 3 times. Notes: 1) Terminology: A barbell that you see in a gym (the kind that you would do a bench press with) is called a Standard Olympic Bar because it is the bar that olympic weightlifters use, and it weighs 45 lbs on its own. It is good to be aware of this because at-home bars usually only weigh 5-15 lbs. So when you perform a lift with a standard olympic bar that has two 10-lb plates on each side, you arent lifting 20 lbs, you are lifting 65. 2) Terminology: A rep is short for repetition. It is the number of times you perform an exercise. A set is the number of times you repeated an exercise that has an assigned number of reps. So If I do 2 sets of 12 pushups, I do 12 pushups two times with a short rest in-between to allow for recovery time. 3) Do the workout 3 days/week with 1-2 rest days in-between. We are starting with a conservative amount of weight, reps, and sets. Dont worry if you feel like you arent doing enough or lifting enough. After taking a long break from strength training and being sick, you want to ease into it gently to allow your body to adapt to the change. You will be as strong as you were before and stronger in no time. All you need to do is focus on getting this workout done 3x this week. Next week we will add to the workout and add progressions where appropriate so that you get your strength back gradually. 4) Warm-up before and stretch after. To warm-up, jog or march in place for 10 minutes. Circle your joints: head circles, shoulder circles, hip circles, knee circles, ankle circles, elbow circles. Do a body-scan (check-in with yourself) and stretch and message any areas that feel tight.

IN-GYM WORKOUT Plank: 30 seconds Superman: 30 seconds Back Squat (2-2-4 count): 10 reps Set 1: 45 lb (the weight of the bar with no plates added) Set 2: 65 lb (the bar + 10 lb plates on each side) Bench Press (2-2-4 count) : 10 reps Set 1: 45 lb (the bar) Set 2: 55 lb (the bar + 5 lb plates on each side) Deadlift (3-3 count: 3 seconds down, 3 seconds to standing): 10 reps Set 1: 45 lb (the bar) Set 2: 65 lb (the bar + 10 lb plates on each side) Assisted Pullup Machine (2-2-4 count): 10 reps Set 1: 100 lbs assistance Set 2: 90 lbs assistance AT-HOME ALTERNATIVE **NOTE: check-in with yourself after 2 sets. If you feel like you still have energy and strength to spare, do a 3rd set. If not, hold off on the 3rd set for this week. Plank: 30 Seconds, 2-3 sets (rest 20-40 seconds between sets) See this link for a visual reminder:

Superman: 30 Seconds, 2-3 sets See this link for a visual reminder:

Bodyweight Squat: 12 reps, 2-3 sets Hold it at the bottom 6 seconds at the bottom of every rep Push-Up: 6 reps, 2-3 sets Touch your chin to the floor for a full rep Crab-Up: 12 reps, 2-3 sets

Lift your hips as high as they can go (you should make a table-top shape, where your shoulders, hips and knees are in a straight line) and then lower them to touch the ground. See this online video for a visual reminder: Sit-Up: 12 reps, 2-3 sets Keep your back straight. Start sitting up with your feet under something. Lean back just as far as you can control it and be able to come back up smoothly without jerking. Then sit up, looking at a point in front of you and slightly up (if you look down, you are likely to round your back).

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