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Course Outline: Rural Marketing BBA-2011-12

No. Topic 1 Introduction to Rural Marketing 2 Sweeping Forces that have shaped Indian Economy Basic Structure of Rural Economy Pre/ Post Independence Changes Govt. policy towards Rural Development FDI, FII Roles of Govt. agents, undertakings Private partnership/ NGO/ SHG Case Study 3 Rural Marketing Environment Economy structure Credit flow Purchasing power Literacy, brand awareness 4 Consumer Behavior in Rural India 5 Rural Marketing Research MR Project 6 Targeting, Segment & Positioning Case Study 7 The Product P in Rural India Farm Products Non Farm Products Raw materials/ Farm Inputs Fertilizer, Tractor, Labour, Irrigation motors, Electricity Marketing of Services Herbal Hard sell Agricultural Insurance Folk dance/ Folk tale/ culture 8 Pricing in Rural India Case Study MID TERM 9 Distribution Channels in Rural India Problems of Distribution in Rural India 10 Communication & Promotion 11 Innovations in Rural India 12 Marketing of Rural Innovations Group Presentation 13 Social Marketing, scope & aspects 14 Future of Rural India Presentation (Corporate sectors involved in Rural Marketing) ITC e-Choupal IFFCO HLL TRIFED OMFED APICOL No. of Class 1 2 Date

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