Volume C

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Volume (C:) Volume size Cluster size Used space Free space Percent free space Volume fragmentation

Total fragmentation File fragmentation Free space fragmentation File fragmentation Total files Average file size Total fragmented files Total excess fragments Average fragments per file Pagefile fragmentation Pagefile size Total fragments Folder fragmentation Total folders Fragmented folders Excess folder fragments Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation Total MFT size MFT record count Percent MFT in use Total MFT fragments

= = = = =

7.38 GB 4 KB 6.06 GB 1.32 GB 17 %

= 9 % = 16 % = 2 % = = = = = 26,008 350 KB 3 2,480 1.09

= 768 MB = 2 = 5,220 = 1 = 0 = = = = 42 MB 31,635 73 % 2

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fragments File Size Files that cannot be defragmented 945 120 MB \Documents and Settings\Sayyed Dilaawar\Local Se ttings\Temp\fla77.tmp 1,536 166 MB \Documents and Settings\Sayyed Dilaawar\Local Se ttings\Temp\fla72.tmp

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