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Sit-ins and Freedom Rides: Reformers in Action

Teyona Wilkerson Junior Division Individual Website

I wanted to pick a topic that would clearly relate to the National History Day theme and contain a strong relationship to. I also looked for a topic that would have primary documents easily available. My teacher asked us to do research on the possible different topics on the Nhd website list before choosing one. I decided the Sit-ins and Freedom rides because it was the most interesting of the topics I considered. Once I had chosen my topic, I began gathering resources. I started looking on Google looking for secondary sources. Next, I went to the Library at school to look through the different books dealing with the Sit-ins. which supplied detail to the Sit-ins and Freedom Rides: Reformers in Action. I spent several weekends at the Main library looking through the many primary sources (letters, speeches, and Congressional documents) that I found in Historical papers. I also searched for photographs and posters at Main library and online in the Library. My teacher suggested looking for research over the Winter break to get further in our project I chose to create a web site because it enabled me to use more words than an exhibit board, which allowed me to develop my ideas further.

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