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Marketing Information System (MIS) for Pakistan

Sami Ulhaq Imran Asad Hanif Haroon



What is MIS?

A marketing information system is a management

information system designed to support marketing decision making. Jobber (2007) defines it as a "system in which marketing data is formally gathered, stored, analysed and distributed to managers in accordance with their informational needs on a regular basis." Kotler, et al. (2006) define it more broadly as "people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers."



MIS refers broadly to a computer-based

system that provides managers with the tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently running their departments

Right Information To the right person At the right place At the right time In the right form At the right cost

Sub Components
The three sub-components
Management, Information and System
System emphasizing a fair degree of integration and a complete view Information stressing on processed data in the context in which it is used by end users; Management focusing on the ultimate use of such information systems for managerial

decision making.

Why need Information?

The information serves a vital role in
Marketing Information System. It serves the following purposes: Gain a competitive edge Reduce financial risks Determine consumer attitudes

Why need Information?

Measure performance Improve advertising reliability Verify intuition Improve effectiveness To ensure effective and efficient decision making leading to prosperity of the Organization. Monitor the environment

But. Information is Critical

The information we have ,
is not what we want,

The information we need

is not available.

Why MIS? Its Role

Increased Business & Management

A system that analyzes and assesses marketing information, gathered continuously from sources inside and outside an organization and helps the decision makers to improve their marketing planning, implementation, and control.

There are many different factors collected

and analyzed by MIS, such as:
Production, distribution and delivery costs Profit vs. costs (ROI) Effectiveness of advertising/special offers/discounts

Target market penetration Market share Competitive information Financial indicators Demographic data Other additional factors


Problems in Existing System

government statistics agencies are not generally
known for the speed with which they publish their data and may not, therefore, be too efficient at daily price dissemination. When agriculture ministries operate MIS, it is often the case that statistics ministries continue to collect market price information for their own purposes, thus duplicating scarce resources


Data is split No Proper Strategy and infrastructure Middlemen (Agents) at various levels of
marketing system causes increase in price As Pakistan is an agricultural country, but farmers are mostly ignored Dont have a centralized and integrated system.

unavailability of reliable market information farmers dont have proper knowledge
about the prevailing prices therefore, cannot get better remuneration of their production. Grading of products is totally ignored. Thus without proper grading, doesnt attract buyers

Benefits from Proposed System

A Market Information Service (MIS) can play an
important role in promoting increased trade within Pakistan and facilitate external trade

Organized data collection Facilitates marketing planning and control Quick supply of information Improves quality of decision making Helps to recognize market trends The ability to do a cost-benefit analysis



The company is able to highlight their strength and

weaknesses Giving an overall picture of the company and acting as a communication and planning tool. The availability of the customer data and feedback can help the company to align their business processes according to the needs of the customers. The effective management of customer data can help the company to perform direct marketing and promotion activities. The consumer buying trends and behaviors can be predicted by the analysis of sales and revenue reports from each operating region of the company.


The accessibility of the MIS unit to its key

constituents Awareness in the key interest groups Gather information in a cost effective way Analyze the information to the required standard Deliver it to the target audience in a timely manner Present it in a manner that is accessible to the target group Disseminate the information in a format that was appropriate to the target group

Functional Uses of MIS

Enhance :
Quality of our operations

Quality of our services

We achieve :
Transparency Speedy Decision making


Strategic Uses of MIS

Precise development of strategies, planning, forecasting and monitoring Problem solving



Key Interest Groups

Farmer Trader Exporter Government


Setting-up an MIS
Greater the level of research at the
beginning, the more likely is the MIS to prove valuable Tailoring the size and scope of the service to available budgetary resources Ensuring that all operatives are fully trained


Ensuring Sustainability
An FAO survey found numerous Market
Information Services that had been established by donors,
But the risk associated with this is that when the donors left, then.

Alternative may be the Govt Funded MISs

But here, the problem is that Govt dont pay Attractive packages. Thats why have no job satisfaction.


Analyzing the Marketing System and its Information Needs

A keen Market Survey is required

To know about the competitors The requirements of the key stakeholders.. To understand the business flow


Who should collect Market Information?

people who have the time available to do the job
accurately and have an interest in ensuring the success of the service. some markets make available information on daily transactions. Such information can be useful for MIS. It should be kept in mind that data collected from traders are likely to be very suspicious. (fear of tax :-)

How often and when to collect Market Information?

A government-operated MIS will rarely be

in a position to collect prices at weekends when government offices are closed, even if the markets are functioning on those days Data should ideally be collected during the peak trading period for each market


The peak period is preferable for price

collection because that is when both suppliers and buyers are at their maximum and when price formation is most reliable


important than ensuring data collection during the peak trading period is the need for data to be collected at the same time every day

Data Accuracy
Where price information has to be collected from
scratch , then considerable attention needs to be paid to making sure that the data collectors are fully trained in price and other data collection techniques Repeated revision training will also be required. Collectors should be issued with data sheets to fill in, and provided with strict instructions regarding the quality

A feasibility study looks at the viability of
an idea that attempts to answer one main question: Should we proceed with the proposed project idea? Is it a viable business venture?


Need of Feasibility Study

Identify how, where, and to whom you
intend to sell a service or product. Give focus to the project and outline alternative. Identify reasons NOT to proceed. Enhance the probability of success. Provide quality information.

Increase investment in the company. Provides documentation. Help in securing funding from lending
institutions and other monetary sources


Types Of Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is conducted at three levels
Economic Feasibility: Will it make economic sense if it works and is built? OR Profits at less expenditure
Legality Feasibility: Can it be built? OR Study of function performance and constraints. Operational Feasibility: Will it work? OR Measure how people interact with the system


Financial feasibility

1. There are too many Donors who is

sponsoring these kind of Applications
BUT the problem Associated with this is that Once
the Donor Dried up funding everything Stopped

2. Another method of generating cash flow

would be to charge for services offered to the client 3. Government 4. OR from business organizations such as chambers of commerce or trade associations


Legality feasibiltiy
For the Survival of MIS we have to prove
its worth to the Concern authorities both organization and govt If the sponsoring ministry lost interest in its operation then SO, There has to be a political will for such an endeavor to succeed,


Operational feasibility
For an MIS unit the much higher staff
would be required than what is generally available in most government ministries

The question is how to attract those staff

and retain them? Financial incentives is the obvious answer
But to manage them within the available budget is a challenge

A Market Information System (MIS) can
play an important role in promoting increased trade within Pakistan and facilitate external trade

Establishing sustainable MISs that serves

not only government and donors but also the private sector and other agencies

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