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Nowadays there are so many homeless dogs that at every moment somebody can be attacked.Acording to some statistics every 12 hours somebody is attacked by a street dog.For many years Chisinau confronted with problem of street dogs and this problem wasnt solved till now.Olso street dogs present a real danger for us not only because they are aggresive bit because they can condaminate us with diferent kinds of infections deseases.Our Governament doesnt want to solve the problem of thousands of homeless dogs, they dont pay enough atention to this big problem,because they have bigger problems than that,thats my opinion.Thats why they prefer to kill this poor animals but not to built a shelterfor them ,because it wont be profitable for our Governament.A good solution ti solve the problem of street dogs wiil be to built shelters and to take care of them, but it would be too expensive. There is olso an easy solution and not very expensive to exterminare all homeless dogs , but its not human.

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