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Terror plot foiled

The United States says it broke up a plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to Washington. The alleged conspiracy was "conceived, sponsored and directed from Iran", said US Attorney General Eric Holder. The White House would soon be announcing steps against Iran.

The trial of Yeates murder

Domestically, the trial of Vincent Tabak over the murder of Jo Yeates begins. Miss Yeates went missing on 17th December 2010 and was found dead on last Christmas day. The jury heard she suffered 43 injuries and death was not instantaneous. Mr Lickey, Counsel for the prosecutor added Miss Yeates's death would have been "uncomfortable and painful". Mr Tabak admitted manslaughter but denied murder. The trial continues.

Row over Fox continues

On the political front, the conduct of Liam Fox the Defence Secretary dominated news this weekend. Questions have been raised against his close friend Adam Werritty who claims to his his advisor and being allowed attend meeting with foreign government officials. Mr Werritty does not have security clearance nor any official capacity. The Prime Minister will make a decision on the future of Mr Fox once the final report into this matter becomes due on 21st October 2011.

Cambridgeshire couple wins lottery

In contrast with Mr Fox's predicament, a couple from Cambridge celebrated becoming one of the wealthiest people in Britain. Dave and Angela Dawes from Wisbech won the Euro Lotto jackpot of 101 millions. Chelsea fan Mr Dawes plans to buy a house near Chelsea football ground and invite Frank Lampard over for tea.

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