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Brand portfolio*

Brand Portfolio Strategy

Brand portfolio strategy specifies the

structure of the brand portfolio and the scope, roles, and interrelationships of the portfolio brands.

The goals are to create synergy,

leverage, and clarity within the portfolio and relevant, differentiated, and energized brands.

Product Defining Roles Brand Portfolio Portfolio Roles

Brand Portfolio Strategy

Brand Scope

Portfolio Graphics
Portfolio Structure

Brand Portfolio Strategy

Brand portfolio strategy can be further elaborated in terms of six dimensions:

- The first of these is the brand portfolio itself, which provided the set of brands to be drawn upon to achieve the portfolio objectives.

- Two others, product-defining roles and portfolio roles, specify the varied set of roles that each brand could potentially play.
-The brand scope reflects the product categories or subcategories for which each brand will be relevant and the relationships between brand contexts. -The portfolio structure formalizes the relationships between the brands. -And portfolio graphic indicate how they are to be presented by themselves and relative to other brands.

Brand Portfolio

Brand portfolio includes all the brands and sub-brands attached to product market offerings. In order to distribute the companys investment most effectively, we have to look at the relationships between all the sub-brands and its strategic importance in overall brand building.

Endorsers Brands Master Brands Alliance Brands

Brand Portfolio
Corporate Brands

Branded Energizers

Branded Differentiators

Apple Case:

Master Brand (Apple Macintosh)

Apple History

steve wozniak (electronics hacker, HP 1975)

steve jobs (atari) Call Computer (run by alex kamradt),

time-sharing firm, hosting minicomputers Popular Electronics magazine "How to build your own computer terminal"

Apple History

From Satori to Silicon Valley (1986): The Whole Earth Catalog:

West Coast counterculture, need to produce printouts, letter labels, & databases

- late 1960s, before pc and desktop publishing, made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras sort of like Google in paperback "It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions" Homebrew Computer Club, small hobby machines

Portfolio Graphic*

Motter Tektura Apple Garamond Adobes Myriad

Motter Tektura

Prior to the first Macintosh, Apple used a typeface called Motter Tektura alongside the Apple logo which the logo designer is Ryan Smith, in 1976. At the time, the typeface was considered new and modern. In the early 1980s, the logo was simplified by removing computer nc. from the logo.

Apple Garamond

Apple's corporate font was a custom variant of the ITC Garamond typeface, called Apple Garamond. It was used alongside the Apple logo, for product names on computers, in countless ads, printed materials and on the company website. Apple Garamond was used in most of Apples marketing.

Adobes Myriad
Since 2001, Apple has gradually shifted towards using Myriad in its marketing. Adobes Myriad is the typeface which is used in Apples modern marketing.

Apples Logo

Portfolio Structure*

Clip: The first Macintosh product

QuickTime an d a decompressor are need ed to see this p icture .

Brand Hierarchy Tree-Apple Company

eMac iMac Mac mini

MacBook MacBook Pro

Apple TV iPhone iPod Touch iPod nano iPod Classic iPod shuffle

Clip: The development of Macintosh product

QuickTime an d a decompressor are need ed to see this p icture .

Product defining roles*


eMac was initially available

only for educational markets.


iMac: The ultimate all in one

The all-new, all-in-one iMac packs a complete, high-performance computer into a beautifully thin design. More than ever before, iMac allows you to live a digital life. Loaded with iLife, the new iMac makes it easy to turn your photos, movies, and music into blogs, podcasts, books, and calendars. All the other essentials are built in as well, including an iSight camera, WiFi, and Bluetooth. Just plug it in, turn it on, and youre ready to create something great.

Clip: iMac advertising clip

QuickTime an d a decompressor are need ed to see this p icture .

Mac mini

Mac mini represented Apple's first real

foray into the low-end consumer market. Mac mini packed an impressive feature set into a very small package, just two inches tall and 6.5 inches wide and deep.

Special Holiday TVC

QuickTime and a H.264 decompressor are neede d to see this picture.

MacBoo k
The MacBook replaced the existing 12- and 14-inch iBook and 12-inch PowerBook model, completing the transition of Apple's portable computers to Intel Processors. The MacBook shipped in a newly-designed case, built around a 13.3-inch "glossy" LCD panel.


MacBoo k
MacBook Pro MacBook Pro was the first
portable Mac to use Intel Processors. The name for Apple's professional portable was ostensibly changed from PowerBook because Apple felt that all Macintoshes should have "Mac" in their product names, but was probably chosen because the Mac Book Pro no longer used a PowerPC processor.

Apple TV

Apple TV allowed streaming of audio and

video from any iTunes-equipped computer on the local network, acting as a single FrontRow-style interface for all computers in a household.

iPhone iPhone: A Mobile phone, a widescreen
iPod, an Internet device. Apple reinvents the phone.

iPod Touch

iPod Touch: Tap into even more. Its

always been an amazing iPod. Now with great new applications built right in, iPod touch tops itself. It can mail, map, web clips, customizable home screen, stocks, notes, weather, movies and musics.

iPod nano


iPod nano: Its thethe worlds most one very small iPod with big idea: Video. Now popular

music player lets you enjoy TV shows, movies, video podcasts, and more. The larger, brighter display means amazing picture quality.

iPod Classic iPod classic: Hold everything.
It lets you carry everything in your collection, up to 40,000 songs or up to 200 hours of video, everywhere you go. In a completely new, even thinner, all-metal design, this iPod is a modern classic.

iPod shuffle

The 1GB iPod shuffle lets you wear up to 240 songs on your sleeve. Or your lapel. Or your belt.

Portfolio Roles*

Strategic Brand

Linchpin Brand

will directly influence significant sales and market position in the future.


Linchpin Brand
iPhone is such a linchpin brand product for
Apple company, because it represents the future ability to control a substantial and critical segment in the mobile phone industry.

Moreover, iPhone can be sorted into high, medium and low priorities in term of the impact on the target brand and the cost involved.

Branded Energizers

is any brand product, promotion, sponsorship, symbol, program, or other entity that by association significantly enhances and energizes a target brand.


Branded Energizers

iTunes is a kind of either branded product or program for any people to easily download free music, video clips, movies and etc. This program is provided association of the branded energizer between Apple company and target brand. iTunes, branded energizers, is an entity that can live beyond the Apple product and its use, such as iPod,. Moreover, this program can increase awareness and energy to Apple company for both of Apple and Microsoft users.

Clip: iTunes advertising

QuickTime an d a decompressor are need ed to see this p icture .

Silver bullet brand

is the brands that can play a strategically significant role to positively change or support the image of another brand.
The specification of a silver bullet role creates some rather fundamental changes in how a brand should be funded and managed.


Silver bullet brand

As an iPod is a small product which it easily and conveniently to use. It can contain a lot of music. This branded product is the cheapest price while comparing with other Apple product ,and it is also the best selling product,. iPod has many great qualifications at a cheap price thus it can play a strategically significant role to positively change or support the image of Apple company and other Apple brand.

Cash Cow brand

is a brand that does not require as much investment as other portfolio brands. The sales may be stagnant or slowly declining, but there is a hard-core loyal customer base that is unlikely to leave the brand, for example MacBook.


Clip: Apple Advertising break before get in Game show part

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