Technical Details

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The inquiry Details Capacity : 3 pcs.

Cryogenic Nitrogen generation unit, with a capacity of 900 Nm/h, Total Capacity for these plants will be 2700 Nm3/h Purity : 99.9995%
O2 : 3 ppm Carbonaceous compounds : 1 ppm sulphuric compounds : 1 ppm dew point : - 60C temperature : 30C Pressure : p = 6 bar(g) p 3 bar(g) at Taking Over Point (T.O.P) Normal consumption flow required is estimated as 1500 Nm3/h Maximum connected flow as we mentioned upper is 3 times 900 Nm3/h

incl. filter, compressor, cooler, adsorber, heat- exchanger, rectification column, all necessary accessories, safety equipment etc. - complete back up system for a bridging time of minimum 48 hours (liquid Nitrogen), incl. storage tanks, vaporizers, safety equipment, all necessary equipment for integration in the supply system - volume meter (incl. compensating of pressure and temperature for indication of Nm/h) - all necessary instrumentation - control system. Internal piping, ducts Internal cabling Consumables for start up Supervision of all erection and installation works Training of the buyers personnel Commissioning and Start up

Needed Extra Technical Details Design and engineering of all necessary parts and equipment for a functional unit Design and engineering of the internal utility systems (piping) of the offered plant/ equipment up to the taking over points (TOP) Design and engineering of the internal systems for electrical power supply (incl. cabling) of the offered plant/ equipment up to the taking over points / feeding points Detailed definition of civil works requirements Detailed specification of requirement for providing of utilities and electrical power (connected load + average consumption) Detailed definition of interfaces Provision of connection for data transfer to the central DCS- system (preferably PROFIBUS DP, RS 485) Preparing of a detailed I/O- list for integration of measuring and control systems of the supplier into the supervisory DCS- system Supply of all necessary materials and equipment according specification and definition of interfaces, incl.:
General plant concept The generation plant should consist of 3 cryogenic generation units, two for normal operation up to max. 2000 Nm/h, the third as stand by and for peak loads as well as for re- filling of the back- up system if necessary. Because the supply of Nitrogen has to be guaranteed without interruptions a back- up system has to be provided for periods of the failure of the generation plant, the maintenance of cryogenic generation units etc.

Hydrogen Generator - Electrolyse method Capacity : 3 pcs. Hydrolyse unit, with a capacity of 60 Nm/h, Total Capacity for these systems will be 180 Nm3/h Pressure : p = 4-5 bar(g) p 3 bar(g) at Taking Over Point (T.O.P) Purity : 99.999% O2 : 3 ppm CO2 : 3 ppm CO : 2 ppm CH4 : 1 ppm NH3 : 1 ppm sulphuric compounds : 0.5 ppm dew point : - 60C temperature : 30C Normal consumption flow required is estimated in between 80 - 110 Nm3/h Connected flow will be 180 Nm3/h Supply of all necessary materials and equipment according specification and definition of interfaces, incl.: 3 pcs. Hydrolyse unit, with a capacity of 60 Nm/h, icluding all necessary accessories, safety equipment etc.,- 3 pcs. Treatment unit for provision of the Hydrogen with the required purity - complete back up system for a bridging time of minimum 24 hours (as a high pressure system), incl. compressor, storage tank, safety equipment, pressure regulating station, instrumentation -control system Internal piping, ducts Internal cabling Consumables for start up Supervision of all erection and installation works Training of the buyers personnel Commissioning and start up An uninterrupted supply of hydrogen is to be guaranteed.

Necessary supply period from stand- by- system: minimum 24 hours: For this reason a back up system has to be provided. The capacity of this back up system depends on the maximum possible downtime. The back up system has to come in operation automatically depending on a defined minimum pressure level. Because the supply of Hydrogen has to be guaranteed without interruptions a back- up system has to be provided for periods of the failure of the generation plant, the maintenance of hydrolyse units etc. Needed Extra Technical Details Design and engineering of all necessary parts and equipment for a complete functional unit Design and engineering of the internal utility systems (piping) of the offered plant/ equipment up to the taking over points (TOP) Design and engineering of the internal systems for electrical power supply (incl. cabling) of the offered plant/ equipment up to the taking over points/ feeding points Detailed definition of civil works requirements Detailed specification of requirement for providing of utilities and electrical power (connected load + average consumption) Detailed definition of interfaces Provision of connection for data transfer to the central DCS- system (preferably PROFIBUS DP, RS 485) Preparing of a detailed I/O- list for integration of measuring and control systems of the supplier into the supervisory DCS- system Option: Complete generation plant as container version incl. local cooling and re- cooling systems (water cooling). Content of the Offer General conditions and requirements for the preparation of the offer and necessary content: The offer contents all necessary services and equipment for a complete functional part of the production line resp. delivered equipment The plant is to be implemented according to the industrial safety and environmental standards valid in the European union. The supplier guarantees that the whole object to be delivered is free of licences and third persons' rights, necessary licenses are included the offer price/ cost of equipment Necessary UPS plants for controlling systems are part of the offerer's scope of supply and shall be integrated into the switchboards All used PLC in the Instrumentation & Control systems and their components shall be Siemens S7. Options are to be offered with indicating of single prices. For the various options it will be checked whether local services can be performed or whether they will be re-equipped to the scope of the offerer at a later moment. All main components are to be delivered as pre- fabricated units (as far as possible)

For defined parts of the offered plant/ equipment which are to be delivered by the customer the offerer has to provide all necessary detailed data Technical description and specification of the equipment Specification of main dimension, space requirements Expected figures for connected loads and average consumption of utilities and electrical power Expected figures for the use of refractories (specification of the different qualities with specification of use) and steel For the melting furnace specification of the guaranteed specific energy consumption General time schedule Single prices for main parts - that are listed as follows: engineering/ design - equipment delivery - all specified options - spare parts - Supervision - erection works - commissioning, cold test, start up, performance test - training of the buyers personnel - production assistance after performance test Delivery times Expected manpower for suppliers personnel for supervision of erection, commissioning and start up

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