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RADAR TRACKER: The new generation of radar trackers were developed in super wideband, which cover all radar

guns operating on X, K or Super wideband Ka(33.4-36GHz). The Tracking Radar is used to monitor consecutive updates from the radar system in presence of noise. It is also used to estimate the current speed and heading of the target. It provides one track for each target, with the track history often being used to indicate where the target has come from. It is used in military applications because it provides an automatic target feature and targets position with sufficient accuracy for weapons delivery.

Fig: multi radar tracker


Chaff consists of electromagnetic dispersers and reflectors, normally arranged in form of Strips of metal foil packed in a bundle. When they are released by an aircraft which constitute the chaff bale, they are dispersed and become highly reflective clouds. Chaff is usually employed to foil or to confuse surveillance and tracking radar.

The design of the shape of the dispersers which form the cloud improve the properties of radar chaff. Multilevel and fractal structures antennas are distinguished in being of reduced size and having a multiband behaviour. The main electrical characteristic of a radar chaff disperser is its radar cross-section (RCS) which is related with the reflective capability of the disperser.

The dispersers with a fractal form are long electrically but can be included in a very small surface area. This means it is possible to obtain a smaller packaging and a denser chaff cloud using this technique. Consequently more disperser can be encapsulated in a same cartridge, rocket or launch vehicle. Chaff constituted by multilevel and fractal structures provide larger RCS at longer wavelengths than conventional chaff dispersers of the same size. Due to lighter weight of the chaff dispersers, the launching devices can shot the packages of chaff farther from the launching devices and locations.

LANDMINE DETECTION: Hand held landmine detectors are used to detect landmines in soil, cavities and also to identify the defect. Landmine detectors use GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) system. GPR uses high-frequency radio waves and transmits into the ground. Higher frequencies do not penetrate as far as lower frequencies, but give better resolution where the depth of penetration could be up to 15 m.

Fig: landmine detection

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