Written Test: Java Questions

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Written Test: Java questions: 1. int j; for (int i=0;i<=5;i++) j+=2; System.out.

println (j:+j+i:+i); Q: point out the error if any 1. Nothing wrong 2. J is not initialized 3. I cant be initialized within for loop 4. 2. Public class abc { String s1=n1; String s2=n2; String s3=n3; { String s4=null; S1=s2; } S3=null; } Q: how many values will go into garbage collector? 1.compilation fails 2.1 3.2 4.3 3. Public class Excp { Int values[]={1,2,3,4,3,2,1}; Try { For(int j=values.length-1;j>=0;j++) System.out.println (values [j] + ); } Catch () { System.out.println(2); } Finally { System.out.println(3);

} } Q:what is the output? 1.1 2 3 2.1234321 3.1 2 4.2 4.static inner classes 5.which of the following is like a main() thread 1.start() 2.go() 3.run() 4. 6.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS NOT TRUE IN CASE OF THREADS? 1. when wait () method is called currently executing thread will be paused 2. wait() and notify() must be written in synchronized block 3. synchronized concept will be applied to block and method 4. 7. what is the correct usage of variable value: Int i=0; String str=new String(1.2); Double value=1.2; Boolean flag=true; 1.if(value.equals(str)) System.out.println(value); 2. value= ++i; 3. if(value) value=value+flag; 4. str = value;

RDBMS Questions: 1.There is a table emp which have only one column ename then how can you delete duplicates in that ename 2. what is the minimal superkey? 1. primary key 2. foreign key 3. candidate key

4. composite key 3. SELECT REPLACE (TRANSLATE(LTRIM(RTRIM(!! ATHEN !! , !) , !),AN, **), *,TROUBLE) FROM DUAL; 1.TROUBLETHETROUBLE 2. TROUBLE 3. THE 4. TROUBLETHE UNIX Questions: 1. which command is used to login in terminal as super user 1. Root 2. su 3. Suser 4. Admin 2. Which command is used to display the complete path of a command? 1. Find 2. Where 3. which 4. when 3. Which of the following commands is used to delete all the records of a table even after rollback operation? 1. Truncate 2.delete 3.drop 4. Reasoning 1. Recursion can be applied to which data structure? 1. Queue 2. Stack 3. Tree 4. Recursion concept cannot be applied to data structures; it can be applied to only methods 2. How many queues are required to make a priority queue? 1.1 2.2 3.4 4. 3. in a meeting there are n number of people, everyone shake hands with others in the meetings, total number of handshakes found to be 190.how many people

attended the meeting 1.20 2.19 3.21 4.32 4. A number 120 has to be formed by using only 0s,with the help of any operators, how many zeros are required to make that number 1.5 2.6 3.120 4.7 5. There are 80 coins out of those one is of lesser weight, how many number of trails required finding that coin with less weight 1.5 2.6 3.7 4.8 6. R= (30^65+29^65)/(30^64-29^64) 1.0.5<=R<=1 2.0.5>=R<=1 3. R>=1 4. 7. One side of a cube is painted with 3 colors (red, green.blue) and cut into to ......etc 8. A solution of 4 liters has to be formed with the help of 3 lts jar and 5 lts jar how much minimum possible iteration are required to make that solution 9. Conversion from infix to postfix notation 10. How many possible number of trees can be formed with 12 nodes? 1.2048 2.4096 3.4095 4.4886 Interview Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. about threads synchronization(types of synchronization with examples) run time polymorphism(real time ) Collections servlets life cycle

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

diff between jsp and servlets Abstract class vs. inheritance(Real time scenarios) Abstract class vs. interface(Real time scenarios) jsp lifecycle RMI(concept) JavaScript (object oriented structure)i.e. it do not fallow inheritance Question on content you write in the resume.(Technologies ,personal, Project etc) 13. Achievements

Personal interview: 1. Tell about your self (you must aware of each and every word you speak) 2.

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