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Written Test in Walking Tree

RDBMS ----------1) Which is the proper statement for SELECT query? 2) Joins 3) Which is the proper statement for Sub-Query?

UNIX --------1) Which is Shell Variable? 2) What is the Command to Copy one file to another file? 3) Basic Command in the UNIX (Open, Copy, Delete.. etc) 4) For which purpose Flush command is used?

Reasoning ---------------1) Question on time and distance 2) A monkey climbs a 30ms pole, its climbs 2m/sec and comes down 1m/sec after climbing? How much time it will take to reach the top of the pole? 3) In a party of 10 people, each person shake-hands with each other. Find out how many shake-hands have been taken place? 4) Question on Directions 5) What is highest no. which can be formed using 5 zeros and using any arithmetic operator?

6) A vessel of 10ltrs is filled with milk and 2 empty vessels one of 3ltrs and another of 5ltrs is given. Using both (3ltrs & 5ltrs vessels) separate 4ltrs milk from 7ltrs and tell in how many iterations u can get 4ltrs milk.(Similar Questions are asked)

Technical --------------1) Wrapper classes (2 Questions) 2) Exception Handling 3) Questions on Compile time errors and Runtime errors( 5 Questions) 4) Run-time polymorphism( 2 Questions) 5) Question on Threads ( where is the Synchronized keyword is placed) 6) Where the final keyword is placed in the method? 7) Question on public static final? 8) Can interface can be compiled and run?

Interview Questions
1) Tell me about your self? 2) Tell me about your project? 3) Tell me about your strength & weakness? 4) Abstract Class 5) Inheritance 6) Multiple Inheritance 7) Interface 8) Difference between abstract class and interface 9) Can an object can be created for abstract class 10) Write a program using abstract class and interface 11) Exception Handling 12) Null Pointer exception 13) Write a Query to retrieve data from 2 tables using single statement 14) What are the different types of joins 15) Can a method have return type as a object

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