İngi̇li̇zce Bağlaçlar 2

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ngilizce'de cmleleri anlam bakmndan birbirinden balamak iin "Transition" bala grubu kullanlr. Bu bala trnn yapsal zellii (Gramer) u ekildedir: CMLE.BALA,CMLE Yani; Transition balalar iki cmle arasna gelerek onlar anlam bakmndan balar ve Transition bala trnden hemen sonra virgl kullanmak arttr. Daha iyi anlalmas iin aada baz rnekler vereceim:

a) BUT (CONJUNTION)= AMA, FAKAT : He studied hard, but he could not pass b) HOWEVER (TRANSITION) = AMA, FAKAT = He studied hard. However, He could not pass.

********** DKKAT ! NOKTALAMA ARETLER SZE KPDS, TOEFL, DS GB SINAVLARDA P UCU OLACAKTIR. MUTLAKA DKKAT EDN ****** TRANSITION BALALARINI RENMEK Bu balalar yapsal adan ayndr. yani hepsi iki cmle arasna girer, nlerinde nokta ve kendilerinden sonra virgl kullanlr. Bu balalar anlamlar balmndan renirseniz hem gnlk yaamda, hem iinizde ve hem de svalarda sorular kolayca zmede baarl olursunuz. NEML NOT: Paragraf tamamlama, cmle tamamlama, Verilen cmlenin e anlam, eviri sorular gibi soru trlerini yapabilmek iin mutlaka balalar iyi bilmek gerekir. ZITLIK (CONTRAST) however, on the other hand , conversely, in contrast, nonetheless, nevetheless, even so, inspite of this I woked hard. However, I could not pass

SONU (BUNAN DOLAYI) therefore, as a consequence, as a result, consequently, for this reason, thus, hence, accordingly I did not study hard. Therefore, I failed

LAVE FKR (DAHASI) Also, In addition, further, furthermore, moreover, more and more, besides Jane is a laweyer. Besides, she is a mother to two children

SIRALAMA First, second, third... Firstly, secondly, thirdly...

ZAMANA GRE SIRALAMA At first, afterwards, later, then, in the meantime, meanwhile I had breakfast this morning. Afterwards, I left for work

RNEKLENDRME For example, for instance, to illustrate There are huge cities in Turkey. For example,

stanbul is pne pf the biggest cities in the world. FOR EXAMPLE + CMLE GELR** SUCH AS + SM ( .......... such as stanbul, Ankara and zmir) BENZERLK Similarly, correspondingly, in the same way Long viechles dirve slow down in the city centre. Simirlarly, other viechles must also keep slow

VURGU (Bir nceki anlam glendirmek) In fact, indeed, as a matter fact, actually stanbul is one of the biggest cities in Turkey. In fact it is the biggest city in Turkey.

AIKLAMA, YENDEN ANLATMAK In other words, put it in a different way , That is She is a vegeterian. That is, she does not eat meat

DZELTME Rather He was elected to be the president. Rather, it was by chance

YOKSA Or else, otherwise We must hurry. Otherwise, we will be late

SONU In conclusion, briefly, in shortly, to sum up

NOT : Elbette ki ngilizcede daha fazla bala vardr. ancak temel olarak bilmeniz gerekenler yukarda snflandrlm ve rneklendirilmitir.

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