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Forms of Consumer Exploitation

Underweight and Under Measurement Sub-standard Quality High Prices Duplicate Articles Adulteration and Impurity Lack of Safety Devices Artificial Scarcity False or Incomplete Information Unsatisfactory after-sale service Rough Behavior

Free EXIT and ENTRY of the firm Monopolistic competition There are many producers and many consumers in the market, and no business has total control over the market price. Consumers perceive that there are non-price differences among the competitors' products. There are few barriers for entry and exit. Producers have a degree of control over price.

Jaago Grahak Jaago campaign undertaken by Government Competition Act 2002 after 1991 globalisation

Consumer Guidance Society of India

Established in 1966 Enforced government comprehensive Consumer Protection Act, Special Consumer Court Directorate for implementation of the Act. Product Testing

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