Food Safety and Microbe Control

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1.0 1.1 INTRODUCTION Background of the issue Nowadays, we always heard about the news that related to food poisoning. Even some of the case caused death. the campus. The day was raining during that time. Investigators that involved in the project are the students of Food Science and Nutrition course. We gathered all the information by taking pictures, observing and interviewed the seller.

2.0 2.1

EXPERIENCES The hygiene of the maker When we arrived at the burger stall,

there is only one person that in charge in making the burger. But then, after a few moments, there came another person to help him. One in charge in grilling the burger meat whiles the other ones in charge in According to the news reported, school children are the highest number of victims of food poisoning. Food poisoning is when somebody gets sick after eating foods or drinks that already contaminated. Symptoms occur suddenly within 48 hours after eating. Some of the common symptoms are nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. 1.2 Purpose of the project This project is about searching for a restaurant or food stall around UPSI to investigate how the foods are prepared. My friend and I chose a burger stall in front of wrapping the burger. The person that wrapped the burger was having flu at that time. He always wipes her nose by using the towel on his shoulder. When he wrapped the burger, he did not cover his hands by using gloves. We did not know whether he had washed his hand before or not. He held the bread just like that. This will allowed the microbes easily transferred from his hands to the bread.


Besides that, when he saw that the slices of tomato were finished, he just carried the slices of tomato from the kitchen in his hands without wearing gloves as well. My friend and I were wondering why he did not put all the slices in a container which make them easily to be carried. The other person washed his hand before he started his job but he wiped his hands at the towel that hung at the stall. That towel was seems a bit dirty. Still, the microbes from the towel have chances to be transferred to his hands. When he opened the egg, his fingers were dipped in the egg. Other than that, he took out the burger meat from its packet by his hands without wearing gloves. At least, he wore an apron while he grilled the burger meat. Both of them also did not talk much to prevent the molecules of saliva dropped on the burger.


2.2 Environment The burger stall is run in an open air. In front of the stall is a road for the vehicles like cars, buses and motorcycles. So, it is exposed to the smokes from the vehicles. The road is very busy all the times. There is a dustbin under the table where the burgers are wrapped. The dustbin should be put far away from the table. The microbes from the dustbin can be easily transferred through the air since they are very near to each other. The maker used a turner to flip the burger meat. After using it, he put it aside of the metal plate used to grill the burger meat. At the edge of the plate, there was some dirt such as residues of oil. Other than that, the knife he used to open the packet of burger meat was placed wherever he wanted. 2.3 Utensils used

Besides that, there was stagnant water and rubbishes in front of the stall while at the back of the stall is a corridor where people pass by. This environment is not suitable in order to run a burger stall.


2.4 Food storage Even though each material has its own container but it is not covered well. 3.1 3.0 FACTORS AFFECTING

MICROBIAL GROWTH Water activity Bacteria need quite a bit of water to survive. The amount of water available for microbial growth is measured in terms of water activity, aw. Most bacteria require at least aw of 0.90 while yeasts and molds require aw of 0.80 and 0.70 respectively. At low water activity, microorganisms die because water inside the cell diffuses out in order to balance the osmotic pressure. 3.2 pH of the medium Microorganisms live in certain range of pH of medium. Most bacteria cannot survive at pH values less than 4.5. Yeasts can live between the range pH of 3.0 and 8.5 while molds can live at pH between 2.0 to 11.0. These wide range enable yeasts and molds to survive in environments that not suitable for bacteria. The pH level changes the ability of microorganisms to transport molecules in and out of the cell. In an acidic environment, the saturation of proton (H+) in the membrane makes the cations difficult to move in or out. At alkaline environment, hydroxide (OH-) ions saturate the membrane, thus prevents the movements of anions in or out of the cell.

The containers of vegetables were opened widely. The cap of the bottles of chili sauce do not closed well. There still has a chance for the microbes to enter to spoil the food. The burger meat did not placed back into the polystyrene container for them to keep cold.


3.3 Temperature Microorganisms cannot survive at very low or high temperature. They die in low temperature because of a slowing down of reaction rates during metabolism and decreasing of fluid in cell membrane which slow down transport of nutrients into the cell. On the other hand, they die in high temperature because of inactivation of enzymes, as well as denaturation of cell structural components. 4.2 To prevent from foodborne illness and other diseases Food borne illness is any illness resulting from the consumption of

contaminated food, as well as natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms. When we get infected, the body will be weak for several days. This will end after all the toxins in the body are flushed out of the body. In rare cases, food poisoning can result in kidney or joint damage.








FOOD INFECTION? 5.1 Foodborne illness Food poisoning and food infection are different although their symptoms are similar. Food poisoning is caused by eating food that contain contains a toxin or poison due to bacterial growth in food. The bacteria that excreted the toxic into the food may be killed but the toxin they produced causes the illness or digestive upset to occur. Food infection is the second type of foodborne illness. It is caused by eating food that contains certain types of live bacteria which are present in the food. Once the food is consumed, the bacterial cells themselves continue to grow and illness will result.


To ensure that the body get enough food nutrition The human body requires nutrients

to stay alive and maintain health. The essentials nutrients must be obtained from food since the body cannot synthesize them. Other than that, nutrients are needed to form body structures such as organs, bones and skin, to serve as regulators of body processes on a molecular and biological level and to provide energy. If the food that consumed by human are contaminated, it will affect all the biological process in human body.


Salmonellosis is an example of foodborne infection. Salmonella live in the intestinal tracts of humans and animals and are continually passed from person to animal, animal to person and person to person in a continuous cycle. The prime sources of Salmonella contaminants of our food supply come from the animals intestines. Rodents, cockroaches and flies also carry Salmonella. Salmonellosis is caused when we eat foods that contain Salmonella. These bacteria continue to grow and multiply in the small intestines. The result of illness is appearing eight to 24 hours after we eat the contaminated food. Salmonellosis is Depending on the type of infection, people can even die as a result of food poisoning. That is why it is very important to take steps to prevent food poisoning. The question is how to prevent food contamination? There are few aspects that are important to prevent food contamination; the food processing, the way to serve, store and handle foods, and also the kitchen utensils that being used. The hygiene of these aspects must be observed to prevent contamination which can cause food poisoning. 6.1 Food processing Food processing is the methods or techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food in home or by the food processing industry. Processing contaminates are

characterized by an abrupt onset of diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, prostration, chills, fever and vomiting. These symptoms vary in intensity from slight to severe. The

generated during the processing of food. In factory or in our kitchen, food processing can be a major source of contamination. Areas used for processing need to be kept scrupulously clean or cross-contamination can be easily occur, especially with meat

symptoms rarely cause death except to infants or the elderly who may rapidly dehydrate.


HOW WOULD YOU AVOID FOOD CONTAMINATION? As we know, food contamination

products. Heating, fermentation, drying and cooking are examples of food processing. To avoid contamination when cooking raw meat, make sure that food from animal sources is cooked thoroughly or pasteurized. Using a thermometer is recommended. Cook beef to at least 160F and fish to at least

refers to the presence of harmful chemical and microorganisms in food that can cause illness. Cases of food poisoning, especially in school is increasing in our country.


140F. Cooking meat such as chicken meat in optimum temperature will eliminate the presence of a microorganism such as Salmonella. 6.2 The way to serve and handle the food A good way to serve and store food also can prevent contamination in food. Food that is stored incorrectly can be a source of transferring bacteria and other contaminants from one food to another. This is a very tricky area because often people don't think that some foods could be a source of contamination but are unaware that cross-contamination has occurred. One of the important things to do is to keep foods separated. At all times, keep raw meat, raw eggs and poultry away from cooked food, fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not place cooked meat back onto the same plate that held the raw meat. Reheat leftovers 6.3 Kitchen utensils that are being used Any prepared food must be using clean kitchen tools such as knife, spoon, cutting board and plate. When using cutting board, choose nonporous surface cutting board such as plastic, marble or pyroceramic because it is easier to clean than wood. Use one cutting board for fresh product and bread and a separate one for raw meat, poultry, and seafood. This will prevent bacteria on a cutting board that is used for raw meat, poultry, or seafood from During preparation and serving, protect food from insects and animals. Never leave cooked food at room temperature for more than two hours. This is due to the bacteria growing in food. Food contamination

from bacteria occurs much faster in warmer weather.

contaminating a food that requires no further cooking. To keep all cutting boards clean, wash them with hot, soapy water after each use, then rinse with clear water and air dry or pat dry with clean paper towels. All plastic and wooden cutting boards wear out over time. Once cutting boards become excessively worn or develop hard-to-clean grooves, they should be discarded.

thoroughly before serving. Leftovers that have been reheated poorly can still contain active food pathogens. Moreover, if

leftovers have gone bad, no amount of reheating will make them safe. Any signs of discoloration, sliminess and growth of mold are signals to discard or compost the leftovers. Do not keep leftovers for long and never reheat leftovers more than once.


6.4 Personal hygiene Staphylococcal food poisoning can be prevented by careful sanitation methods such as washing hands and cleaning work areas. Hence, we should wash our hands often and always before cooking or to increase the awareness of food safety among the vendors and public. 7.1 Slow talk with the owner In order to advise other person about some of their mistakes, it should be done in good manner to prevent different

cleaning. Always wash them again after touching raw meat. The hygiene of hands while preparing foods is very important. This is due to the bacteria that can transfer to food from our hands. Bacteria have their own population explosion going. They can reproduce every 20 minutes. The number of bacteria on our body is greater more than we imagine. Our hands do all sorts of things. Our hands gather bacteria with each job they do. We can remove many of these bacteria by washing our hands and scrubbing our fingernails. We were recommended to wash our hands with soup about 20 seconds or more to eliminate the bacteria.

misunderstanding towards us. We can talk with the owner to express our feeling about their food preparation. Other than that, we want to share them some information regarding the importance of food safety for consumers and ways to increase the safety level of the foods. This is also one of the way to prevent embarrass towards the owner as we talk directly to him without known by the public. 7.2 Distribute pamphlet about food safety and microbe control This is one of the simplest ways to increase the awareness on food safety among the public and vendors. All of the important information about food safety can






be packed into one piece of paper. This activity also can be done everywhere at anytime. The arrangement of colours and information can attract the public to read the pamphlet.

PROBLEM? Nowadays, food safety becomes one of the major concerns of public health. Concerns of cleanliness and freshness often discourage people from eating outside fast food. There are few things that can be done


7.3 Report the case to the Ministry of Health If the problem still has no changes, we can report the case to the Ministry of Health to handle this problem. Some peoples do not trust the ability or take it easy when it comes to students activity. The Ministry of Health can carry out mystery shopping. This is a way used to measure quality of food or to gather information about product and services. The mystery consumers specific identity is generally not known by the owner that being evaluated. They perform specific tasks such as purchasing products and asking question. Then they will run legal action towards the owner if there is any problem. 7.4 Organize food safety campaign Other than that, we can organize food safety campaign for the vendors in this area to train them about how to keep the food safe to eat. May be some of them do not know how to control food safety in a proper way. In this campaign, they will be exposed with the serious effect of 8.0 CONCLUSION In conclusion, food safety is very important in our daily life. Diseases can transmit to the other person through the food that contaminated. To prevent this things happen, we should make sure that the foods are stored in proper way. Besides that, any equipment used to prepare food must be cleaned and sanitized very well. The public should cooperate together to overcome this problem. It is impossible for us to keep the food fully clean from bacterial infection but we can take precaution to reduce the bacterial infection in the food.

uncontrolled food hygiene to the consumers. A guest speaker from the Ministry of Health is invited to deliver talk about this matter.

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