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International Islamic University Islamabad

Subject: International Relations

Submitted to: Ms Aminah Mehmood

Submitted by: Nadia Irshad Tehrima Tahir Madeeah Kanwal

MCQS 1. a) b) c) Constructivism is interested in how....... define the national interest. Hegimon state Actor Democratic state

(Actor) 2. .is a set of rules, norms, and procedures around which the expectation of actors converge in a certain issue area a) International regime b) Neoliberalism c) liberalism (International regime) 3. Postmodernism is a broad approach to scholar ship that has left its mark on various academic especially the study of. a) Sciences b) Socialism c) literature (Literature) 4. In 2005 a woman was elected leader of . a) Germany b) India c) Pakistan (Germany) 5. . Argues that even in an anarchic system of autonomous rational states, cooperation can emerge through the building of norms. a) Collective goods b) International law c) Neoliberalism (Neoliberalism) 6. Hegemonic stability theory suggests that the building of predominant power by one state international relations. a) Security b) Stability c) Anarchy (Stability) 7. .can help solve collective goods problems by increasing transparency. a) Regimes b) Dominance c) Identity (Regimes) 8. Collective security refers to the formation of. a) Nation state

b) International organization c) Collective security (Collective security) 9. a) b) c) After the horrors of. the league of nation was formed World war 1 World war 2 None of these (World war 1) 10. .has a duty to intervene in states to restore law and order. a) Local b) International community c) UNO (International community) 11. .disagree that woman have substantially different capabilities. a) Liberal feminists b) Religious scholars c) Others (Liberal feminists) 12. Guerrilla force more often includes woman and female U.S military policy in. Often participate in fighting. a) Pakistan b) India c) Iraq (Iraq) 13. Theory of Marxism holds that more power classes. the less powerful by denying them their fair share of surplus. a) exploit b) support c) none of the above (Exploit) 14. Feminist scholars of international relations agree that.important in understanding. a) Woman b) Man c) Gender (Gender) 15. .tried to influence state foreign policies regarding military force a) Peace movements b) Reciprocity c) feminism (Peace movements)

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