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Against the topicThe aim of Marketing is to make Selling superfluous by understanding the customer so well the product or service

fits him/her and sells itself. (Ducker 1973) By this statement Drucker did not intend to negate the importance of selling. Drucker felt that the goal of marketing was to make selling unnecessary, even if this objective could never be attained in the real world. 1 1.0 MarketingA social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others2. Marketing is no longer the responsibility of single department3- it is a company-wide undertaking that drives the companys vision, mission, and strategic planning. It succeeds only when all departments work together to achieve customer goals. When engineering designs the right products, finance furnishes the right amount of funding, purchasing buys the right materials, productions makes the right products in the right time horizon, and accounting measures profitability in the right ways. Such interdepartmental harmony can truly coalesce, however, when management clearly communicates a vision of how the companys marketing orientation and philosophy serve customers. 1.1 Limitations of marketing concept as the philosophy of business4The marketing concept is often advocated as the philosophy for business success in a free enterprise economy. As a philosophy of business, however, marketing concept has a number of limitations. Lack of evidence favouring the concept- While there can never be any antecedent that principles like the marketing concept will, if adopted, lead to success; we would except that those following the marketing concept would in general be the more profitable firms. But, however inherently sensible the marketing concept appears, we need to collect more hard evidence. Operational problems- There are often serious operational problems in identifying market wants. People are not always conscious of their wants. In other words, many wants are latent and are activated only on being presented with the product and informed of its potential. Consumer may not know what they want until they actually use the product or its full potential is demonstrated to them. Neglect of competitive strengths and weaknesses- In its rejection of production orientation in favour of customer orientation, marketing concept places the emphasis where it belongs, but neglects to consider the fitness of the firm to cater profitably to wants it identifies. As a guide to strategy formulation the marketing concept is thus incomplete.

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- Jim Blythe (2005), Sales and key Account Management, Thomson learning 2005,(pg.8-9) - Kotler P., Wong V., Saunders J., & Armstrong G., (2008)( Fifth European Edition) Principles of MarketingPearson Education ltd - (pg-7)
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- Kotler P., Keller K., (14 edition),Marketing Management, pp.(41-44) -Shaughnessy J.; (1995)- Competitive Marketing (Third Edition)- (pg 13-19)


Balancing the demand of competing Stake holders- No firm is entirely autonomous. Though free to plan, a company has a number of stakeholders or constituents whose support it must win of it is to survive and prosper. One group is its customer, but other groups such as environmentalists, unions, government, suppliers, shareholders, and so on, also need to be considered. Understates the power of persuasion- Earlier is was argued that consumer have latent wants and do not always know exactly what they want and so are open to persuasion. Buyers are not all knowledgeable about product they buy; do not know all competing brands; often do not know what they want and possess not perfect but flawed rationality. To exaggerate the power of promotion, there is danger in the marketing concept of underemphasizing its potential. Conflict on the occasion with consumer well being- What if the consumer wants things which, though legal, are dangerous to health like cigarettes? It is difficult, under the marketing concept, to argue that the marketer knows the best what customers real interests are. Furthermore, it may be against the firms commercial interest to consider anything other than what the customer is willing to pay for. All the above questions raise ethical issues Individual and public well-being- Criticism is levelled at health-undermining products like cigarettes, and the social consequences of, say, polluting the environment. Truthfulness- Truthfulness is advertising is a major public concern, with the demand that firms substantiate all claims about a products safety and performance 1.2 Decline and Dispersion of Marketing competence- 5

The inability to measure Marketing Productivity- Closely related to the issue of shorttermism is the wide spread realization that marketing has a difficult time justifying its expenditure in terms of direct return on investment ,especially as many of the desired outcomes are long-term, multi quarter results that are by definition difficult to measure. It is difficult to separate cause and effect here. Shifts in Channel power and loss of Manufacturer control- This factor is seen clearly in large retailer such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Target and Staples; in the important e-commerce companies such as; and in internet based operations of traditional direct marketers such as Lands End and L.L.Bean. Their leverage has led to huge shifts in channel power. As a consequence, producers have placed more importance on customer relationship management, trade promotions and the field sales force.

-Webster F. Jr., Malter A., Ganesan S., (Summer 2005) The Decline and Dispersion of Marketing Competence MIT Sloan Management Review (pg 35-43)

Moving resources from marketing to Sales- In a world of flat or falling marketing budgets, the shift of sales driven customers relationship management pulls funds away from massmedia advertising and consumer promotions and toward field sales activity and trade promotions. It marks a sharp reduction in marketings influence and the related erosion of marketing competence and skills Limiting Marketing Role- Marketing has lost a seat at the table6 In most companies corporate marketing maintains companywide responsibility for global brand management and marketing communication. The top marketing executives now typically manage a very small staff and is largely responsible for polices to maintain consistency in how the brand is used worldwide for building brand equity. The shift of marketing to strategic business units- A theme expressed by executives from about two-thirds of the companies in or sample was that responsibility for marketing strategy had been pushed down in the organization and out into the strategic business units. It remained at the corporate level only in those companies where the CEO has a strong marketing orientation and background.

2.0 SELLINGSelling probably employs more people than any other branch of marketing. The interactive nature of selling makes it the most effective means of bringing in the business.7 It is popularly assumed that buyers buy only the physical product. In practice buying process is more complex, because buyers also buy reputation, an after sales service regime, and even in some cases the likeability of the company. The main difference between selling and marketing is that selling is concerned with individuals and individual relationships, whereas marketing is concerned with market segments. Although direct marketing and database marketing seek to target every small segments, even a segment of one, by using information technology, sales person already do this, face-to-face and in real time, without the benefit of marketing departments range of resources. Selling is particularly important when company markets throughout the world because ofo o o The restriction on advertising through the media or suitable media may not exist. The importance of personal contact in many countries. The communication burden being higher when products well established in the home market are new abroad. Also it helps to Build one-to-one Relationships-Two way communication with customer. This enables direct market research. It performs like a Vital link between firm and customers -Communicates firms marketing message and voice of the customer to the firm. Thus Responsible for creating, developing and maintaining profitable value proportion and helps to breed the opportunity for better marketing ideas.

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- Webster F. Jr., Malter A., Ganesan S., (Summer 2005) The Decline and Dispersion of Marketing Competence MIT Sloan Management Review (pg 39) 7 - Jim Blythe (2005), Sales and key Account Management, Thomson learning 2005,(pg.1)

2.1Comparison of Marketers activity and Salespersons activity8Marketers Research into needs of consumers Gap Analysis New Product development, designed to meet the customers need Pricing - Selecting price which meet the needs and expectations of customer and firm Promotion- developing an appropriate promotion strategy which will equate to the consumers, psychological and behavioural characteristic. Distribution Decision- ensuring that the product is in a convenient place for consumers to buy Salespersons Needs analysis based on situation and problem questions Analysis of needs to identify problems. Selection from among the existing range of products to find the closest fit for prospects needs. Price Negotiation-Negotiating price which meet the needs and expectations of customer and firm Promotion- explaining the features and promotion of the product in terms of consumers need, psychological and behavioural characteristics Distribution negotiation- ensuring the product reaches the consumer in right quantity in right time.

Customers go through different mental stages, where selling becomes effective in the final stages (AIDA). This shows selling is important in the communications activities of the marketing mix9-

2.2The Buying Funnel-10 Theres a conventional view that Marketing should take responsibility for the first four steps of the typical buying funnel customer awareness, brand awareness, brand consideration, and brand preference. (The funnel reflects the ways that
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- Jim Blythe (2005), Sales and key Account Management, Thomson learning 2005,(pg.11) th -Smith P., Taylor J.,(2004)- Marketing Communication An Integrated Approach (4 edition) (pg-292) 10 -Kotler P., Rackham N., Krishnaswamy S.,(2006)- Ending the war between Sales and Marketing (HBR) (pg77)

Marketing and Sales influence customers purchasing decisions.) Marketing builds brand preference, creates a marketing plan, and generates leads for sales before handing off execution and follow-up tasks to Sales. This division of labour keeps marketing focused on strategic activities and prevents the group from intruding in individual sales opportunities. The sales group is responsible for the last four steps of the funnel purchase intention, purchase, customer loyalty, and customer advocacy. Sales usually develop its own funnel for the selling tasks that happen during the first two steps. (These include prospecting, defining needs, preparing and presenting proposals, negotiating contracts, and implementing the sale.) Apart from some lead generation in the prospecting stage, Marketing all too often plays no role in these tasks. The Marketing activity thus creates the platform for the sales activity, so that the buying process is completed. It clearly shows the interdependency of marketing and selling to achieve the final goal. Without the next process the first process is incomplete. ALL TOO OFTEN, organizations find that they have a marketing function inside sales, and a sales function inside marketing11.

2.3 Changes in the concept with Time-12


- Kotler P., Rackham N., Krishnaswamy S.,(2006)- Ending the war between Sales and Marketing (HBR) (pg-74) 12 th - Kotler P., Keller K., (14 edition),Marketing Management, pp.(39-41)

(The diagram shows various concepts that was followed and how it changed from time to time, with name of the companies that followed the particular concept at that time frame) The production concept is one of the oldest concepts in business. It holds that consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. Then was the product concept, proposes that consumers favour products offering the most quality, performance and innovative features. The Selling concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, wont buy enough of the organizations products. The marketing concept emerged in mid-1950s as a customer-centred, sense-and respond philosophy. The job is to find not the right customers for your products, but the right products for your customer. Without questions, the trends and forces that have defined the first decade of the 21st century are leading business firms to a new set of beliefs and practices. It is doubtful that selling can be eliminated, regardless of how efficient and effective a marketing function performs13

3.0 LearningSelling to customers is an on-going relationship rather than a series of unrelated practice14-

Due to increase in demand, limited resources and capital, the race to survive and sustain in present competitive environment is very fierce. Therefore it has become necessary to focus and give importance to all the aspects that contributes towards the process of delivering right goods and services to the consumer.

4.0 ConclusionMarketing is an important aspect but it requires selling in order to satisfy the aim of firms and need of customers. Selling is an integral part of the process which plays a vital role to provide support and complete the business process. So MARKETING and SELLING should go hand in hand to establish sustainable and profitable business process.


- Swaim R., (2010)- The Strategic Drucker: Growth Strategies and Marketing Insights from the Works of Peter Drucker, (pp. 63) 14 - Kourdi J.; -The Marketing Century: How Marketing Drivers Business and Shapes Society(CIM)

References-Jim Blythe (2005), Sales and key Account Management, Thomson learning 2005 -Kotler P., Wong V., Saunders J., & Armstrong G., (2008) (Fifth European Edition) Principles of Marketing- Pearson Education ltd -Shaughnessy J.; (1995) - Competitive Marketing (Third Edition) -Webster F. Jr., Malter A., Ganesan S., (Summer 2005) The Decline and Dispersion of Marketing Competence MIT Sloan Management Review -Smith P., Taylor J., (2004) - Marketing Communication -An Integrated Approach (4th edition) -Kotler P., Rackham N., Krishnaswamy S., (2006) - Ending the war between Sales and Marketing (HBR) - Kotler P., Keller K., (14th edition), Marketing Management - Swaim R., (2010) - The Strategic Drucker: Growth Strategies and Marketing Insights from the Works of Peter Drucker -Kourdi J.; -The Marketing Century: How Marketing Drivers Business and Shapes Society (CIM) Word Count - 2092

CONTENTS1- MARKETING 1.1- Limitations of marketing concept as the philosophy of business 1.2- Decline and Dispersion of marketing competence 1-2

2- SELLING 2.1- Comparison of Marketers activity and Salespersons activity 2.2- The Buying Funnel 2.3- Changes in the concept with Time





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