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Captain, We have just emerged from hyperspace.

We will proceed as close as we can using our sublight engines, and then I shall release your drop pod. The maneuvering engines on the pod will take you to Oboa-Skai itself, and your navicomputer will put you in a free fall to a selected drop zone on the southern face of a mountain range above your mission objective.

Captain, This is as far as we go, I will release your pod in 321 (H-CHUNK). The docking clamps have released. In a moment your maneuvering engines will cut in and take you closer. When you hit the atmosphere, armored protectors will cover the windows and will only release once you are through the upper atmosphere.

(FWOOOSH) Captain, you are now moving rapidly beyond our visual range. To avoid damaging your comm systems, we will remotely shut down your antenna array and retract it into your pod. It will reengage once you hit the ground. We have made sure to adequately file your living will should the worst occur.

Just joking Captain. the other side.

Good Luck, we will hear from you on

(SHUMP- the armored heat shields open)

(FUMP- chutes open up and maneuvering jets quiet)

(CRASH) Captain, From your landing point, you should be approximately 1 mile north of your target objective. When you see it, a New Republic mountain observatory and research center, send up the hard-embedded code in this message and I shall speak with you again. Beware captain, this area is prone to avalanches and rapid snowfalls. Till we speak again.

Captain, It turns out that the Emperor himself had laid a massive storage bank here of Galactic Empire secrets. He detailed every single hidden location within his three datacrons that the researchers at the Sphinc Observatory and Research Center were able to find. This is truly a major discovery. Thankfully you were able to land safely. Simply make your way to the facility and pick up the datacrons. Simple. Upon receipt of these datacrons, make your way back to your drop pod. A shuttle will then be dispatched to that location and will catch a skyhook deployed by your pod and drag you back into orbit, back to our fleet. Hopefully there will be no complications, but this should be an easy first mission for Renegade. Good Luck, Captain, and may the Force be with you.

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