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Department of Electronics

QUESTION BANK (Electronics)

Prepared By Dr.Y.Narasimha Murthy Dr.C.Saritha Dr.V.Sukanya




Department of Electronics
B.Sc - First Semester - Paper I: Circuit Analysis
UNIT- I (15 Hrs)

Fundamentals of A.C : Sine wave representation of A.C Peak,Average and RMS

valuesTheir relation- J - operator Polar and rectangular forms of complex numbers. Circuit Analysis: Kirchhoffs Voltage and current laws, Applications to simple networks consisting of resistors and A.C. sources. Solution of single source and two source networks using Determinant, Substitution method, Loop current method, Node voltage method. UNIT- II (15 Hrs) Network Theorems (for both A.C and D.C.): Superposition theorem, Thevenins Theorem, Nortons Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem, Reciprocity theorem and Millmans Theorem, applications to simple networks containing linear circuit elements. UNIT III (15 Hrs) RL and RC circuits: CR Circuit-Growth & Decay of charge-LR Circuit growth & Decay of current -Time constants- frequency response of CR&LR circuits their use as Low pass and High pass filters, Passive differentiating and Integrating circuits. Series and Parallel resonance in RLC circuits. Q-factor, Bandwidth, Selectivity. Distinction between series and parallel circuits. UNIT IV (15 Hrs) Measuring Instruments: CRT and its working, Electron gun, electrostatic and Magnetic deflections, Deflection sensitivity, Fluorescent screen, CRO block diagram, Measurement of voltage, phase and frequency using CRO Analog multimeter Conversion of basic meter into Ammeter, Voltmeter and Ohm meter. Function generator Block diagram - description of functional units.
Books Recommended

1. BSc Electronics Vol -1,(Passive components & Circuit analysis) S.V. Subrahmanyam et al. Hi-Tech Publishers, Hyderabad. 2.Unified Electronics Vol I, A.S. Prakashan Meerut 3.Circuit Theory Umesh Sinha, Khanna Publishers 4.Circuit Theory K.A. Gangadhar, Khanna Publishers 5.Basic Electronics, Grob/Schultz, 9th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill 6.Engineering Circuit analysis. Williyam Hayath, J.E.Kemmerly

B.Sc. First Semester - Paper I: Circuit Analysis

I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. State the advantages of AC supply over DC? 2. State the advantages of purely sinusoidal waveform as compared to other non sinusoidal alternating waveforms. 3. Define (a).Instantaneous value (b).Time period. (c).frequency (d).amplitude. 4. How do you convert the basic meter into ammeter, explain. 5. Define (a).cycle (b) Angular frequency. (c) Form factor. (d) Peak factor. 6. Give the concept for effective value of an alternating quantity? 7. Write a short note on conversion of basic meter into voltmeter. 8. How do you convert the basic meter into ohmmeter, explain. 9. Define the following (a).Admittance (b) .Conductance (c) .Susceptance. 10. Explain Polar & rectangular forms of Complex numbers. 11. What is the difference between emf and potential difference? 12. State and explain KCL and State and explain KVL 13. Define active and passive networks 14. Define ideal and practical voltage sources. 15. Define ideal and practical current sources 16. Define mesh or loop and node analysis. 17. Explain J operator and polar representations of sinusoidal voltages. 18. State and prove Superposition theorem. 19. State and prove Thevenins theorem. 20. State and prove Nortons theorem. 21. State and prove Maximum Power transfer theorem. 22. State and prove reciprocity theorem 23. At a node there are 3 live conductors joining. The currents flowing in two conductors towards the node are 1A and 2A. What is the direction and magnitude of the current in the third conductor? 24. Find the equivalent current source for a voltage source of 100 V with series 3

resistance of 2 ohm. 25. A 10A current source has a source resistance of 100 ohm. What will be the equivalent voltage source? 26. Draw the V-I relationship of an ideal voltage source. 27. State the advantages of sinusoidal alternating quantity and Define R.M.S value. 28. State and explain maximum power transfer theorem for variable Pure resistive load. 29. Derive bandwidth for a series RLC circuit as a function of resonant frequency 30. A resistance 5 ohms, inductance 0.02H and capacitor 5 microfarads are connected in series. Find the resonance frequency and the power factor at resonance. 31. State the condition for resonance in RLC series circuit. 32. In an RLC series circuit if 1 and 2 are two frequencies at which the magnitude of the current is the same and if r is the resonant frequency, prove that 2 r = 12 33. Explain and derive the relationships for bandwidth and half power frequencies of RLC series circuit. 34. Find the current in 4 ohm resistor

35. A DC voltage of 100 volts is applied to a series RL circuits with R = 25 ohm what will be the current in the circuit in the circuits at twice the time constant? 36. Distinguish between the steady state and the transient response of an electrical circuit. 37. Find the time constant of RL circuits having R = 10 ohm and L = 0.1 mH. 38 What are the differences between LCR series and parallel resonant circuits?

39. What is the function of horizontal and vertical deflecting plates in CRT? 40. Write short notes on deflecting plates in CRO. 41. What is the function of time base generator in CRO? 42. What is the significance of Lissajous pattern? 43. What is the function of phosphor screen in CRT? 44. How do you convert the given basic meter into voltmeter and ammeter? 45. Explain the working of a passive integrator and differentiator. 46. Explain the determinant method of solving networks. 47. Write a short note on electron gun in a CRT. 48. What is a multimeter? How do you convert a basic meter into an ammeter and voltmeter. Define shunt. 49. How do you measure the frequency of an alternating voltage and phase using a CRO. 50. Explain the sine wave representation of AC and give the relationship between RMS voltage and peak voltage. The RMS voltage of a source is 200V find its peak voltage and average voltage. 51. Explain the polar and Rectangular notation of complex numbers. a) Convert E=3+j4 rectangular form to polar form.
45 b) Convert E=10 polar form to rectangular form.

52. Explain how LR circuit acts as passive integrator and differentiator. 53. Discuss the growth of current in LR circuit and define inductive time constant. 54. Explain the electrostatic deflection method of electron beam in CRO. 55. A parallel resonant circuit has R=10k, L=150mH and C=0.47F. Find its resonant frequency, Q and Bandwidth. 56. Find the expression for growth of current in an RC circuits and explain. 57. Explain the action of RC circuit as high pass filer, write the cutoff frequency. 58. Bring out the difference between parallel and series resonant circuits. 59. What do you understand by rms value and average value. Derive an expression for rms value in terms of maximum value. 60. Explain j operator and polar representations of sinusoidal voltages. II. ESSAY QUESTIONS

1. Explain with neat diagram, generation of an alternating voltage? 2. Derive the relation between (a) RMS value & Maximum value. (b) Average value & maximum value for a purely sinusoidal alternating quantity. 3. Show that alternating quantity can be represented by a rotating phasor. 4. Apply KCL and KVL to the circuit shown in fig.

5. Find the current through each resistor of the circuit shown in fig. using node analysis method.

6. Explain the loop analysis of analyzing a given network with a suitable example. 7. Briefly explain the node analysis of analyzing a given network with a suitable example. 8. Find the current through branch A-B using mesh analysis

9. Find the current through each resistor of the circuit shown in fig. using node analysis method.

10. Briefly explain about (i) Superposition theorem. (ii) Millmans theorem. 11. Briefly explain about (i) Thevenins theorem. (ii) Nortons theorem. 12. Derive an expression for maximum power transfer theorem. 13. Find the current through 5 ohm resistance using Superposition theorem.

14. Find the current through 3 ohm resistance by using Thevenins theorem.

15. Discuss the growth and decay of charge in CR circuit. 16. Discuss the growth and decay of current in a LR circuit with necessary theory. 17. Discuss the resonance in LCR series circuit and find an expression for resonance Frequency, bandwidth and Q-factor. 18. Draw the block diagram of CRO and explain the functioning of each block. 19. Explain the following (i) measurement of voltage and current(ii) measurement of Frequency. 20. Explain the working of a Function generator with a neat block diagram. 21. a) Explain the theory of LCR series resonance circuit and obtain the resonance frequency. b) Distinguish between LCR series and parallel circuits. 22. a) Explain RLC circuits and selectivity in parallel resonance and write their advantages. b) Explain how thevenins theorem can be applied to simple networks containing linear circuit elements. 23. a) Define the terms RMS value, Power factor, form factor. b) Write about phasor representation of sinusoidal currents and voltages. 24. a) Explain ringing in RLC circuits. b) Derive an expression for the growth of current in a circuit containing inductance and resistance only. 25. Obtain expressions for Q1, bandwidth and impedance of a parallel resonant circuit. 26. Discuss how LR and CR circuits can be used as filters, differentiator and integrator. Explain operation of each circuit in detail. 27. Describe how CRO can be used to measure voltage, phase and frequency.

28. a) Explain the importance of Kirchoffs law in electrical circuits. Explain substitution method of solving the network. b) An AC current is given by i=14.14(sin157T). Find the RMS value and frequency of this current. 29. Describe the action of LCR series resonant circuit. Obtain expression for the Q factor and bandwidth in the circuit. 30. Describe the construction of electron gun in CRO and how electric and magnetic deflections of the beam on fluorescent screen take place. Explain. 31. Explain the functioning of LR and CR circuits as integrating and differentiating networks. 32. Define the terms amplitude, frequency, phase, average value, rms value of a periodic waveform and derive an expression for the rms value of an ac waveform. 33. Discuss the transient response of an RL circuit for DC source. Obtain expressions for rise and decay of current. 34. Draw the timebase circuit of a CRO. What is its necessity? Explain its working with a waveform. 35. a) State and explain kirchoffs laws for electrical network. b) A cell of emf 1.5 volts and internal resistance 2 ohms has its terminals joined by resistance of 5 ohms and 12 ohms in parallel. Find the current given by the cell and the current through each resistance.


Department of Electronics B.Sc. Second Semester - Paper II: Electronic Devices
UNIT I (15 Hrs)
Diodes PN junction, depletion region and junction capacitance. Action of forward and reverse bias. Diode equation (derivation not necessary) and its interpretation. V-I characteristics. Explanation of diode as a non-linear element. Reverse saturation current of a diode as a function of temperature. Types of Diodes Types of PN junctions, their construction, working and applications i) Junction Diode ii) Zener Diode iii) Varicap iv) Tunnel Diode.

UNIT II (15 Hrs)

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) PNP and NPN transistors, current components in BJT (I E, IB, IC, ICO) and of a transistor. BJT Static Characteristics Input and Output Characteristics CB, CE & CC configurations (explanation of cut off, active and saturation regions) and experimental arrangement to draw I/P & O/P characteristics in CE configuration. Biasing Biasing and load line analysis, Thermal run way, fixed bias arrangement, collector to base bias arrangement and self-bias arrangements. Low Frequency Model CE configuration as a two-port network, h parameters and h parameter equivalent circuit. Transistor amplifier in CE configuration and analysis.

UNIT III ( 15 Hrs)

Field Effect Transistor (FET) Schematic representation of FET. N and P Channel FETs, Output and Transfer characteristics. Biasing the JFET, Types of FETs. Small signal FET model. Applications of FET . Uni-Junction Transistor (UJT) Structure and Schematic representation of UJT Characteristics and experimental determination of its parameters, Applications of UJT as a relaxation oscillator.

UNIT IV (15 Hrs)

Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR) Construction of SCR, Two-transistor representation, Characteristics of SCR. Experimental setup to study SCR characteristics. Applications of SCR for Power control. Photo Electric Devices Photo electric effect, Photo conductive cells characteristics and spectral response, Photo voltaic cells construction and operation. Photo diodes, Photo transistors. LED. Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electronics Devices and Circuits Salivahana, TMH Publications Electronic Devices and Circuits S.V. Subrahmanyam Unified Electronics Vol-2 Electronics Devices EC circuits Y.N. Bapat Electronics Devices EC circuits Mithal


Question Bank
B.Sc. Second Semester - Paper II: Electronic Devices I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Explain continuity equation with suitable diagram and mathematical relation. 2. Explain the significance of Fermi Energy level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor. 3. What is tunnel diode? What is valley voltage of tunnel diode? 4. What are the applications of tunnel diode? 5. What is varicap diode? What are the applications of varicap diode? 6. Explain the operation of BJT and its types? 7. Define the following regions in a transistor: (a)active, (b)saruration, (c)cut-off 8. Write comparisons of CC, CE, and CB configuration? 9. Derive the following for the emitter follower circuit: 1. Avf 2. Rif 3. Rof 10. What is meant by operating point Q? What are all the factors that affect the stability of the operating point? 11. Define Stability factor S. Derive an expression for it. 12. What is thermal runaway? 13. Explain the operation of JFET 14. Explain the working of FET as a voltage variable resistor(VVR). 15. In which region the JFET act as a simple resistor and why? 16. Why FET is called as voltage controlled device? 17. Write the advantages of N channel MOSFET over P channel MOSFET 18. Differentiate between FET and BJT. 19. Draw and explain the small signal model for FET. 20. Define holding current and latching current. 21. What is the turn OFF mechanism used for SCR? 22. What is forward break over voltage and reverse break over voltage? 23. What is UJT? What are the different regions in characteristics of UJT? 24. Explain how an UJT can be used as a relaxation oscillator. 25. What is photodiode? Explain its functioning.


26. What is phototransistor? Explain the working of photo transistor. 27. What are photovoltaic cells? Write its operating principle. 28. What are the types of display devices? What are the advantages of LED? 29. How h parameters are used to describe a two port network? Draw their equivalent circuits. 30. Discuss the operation of PN junction diode under forward and reverse bias conditions. 31. Explain volt ampere characteristics of a zener diode. 32. Explain the working of PNP and NPN transistors. 33. What is thermal runway? Explain different biasing techniques. 34. Explain the schematic representation of FET. Mention two applications of a FET. 35. Explain the setup to determine the parameters of UJT experimentally. 36. Explain the two transistor representation of SCR. Give two applications of SCR. 37. What is photo electric effect? Explain in detail. 38. What is drift current and duffusion current in a semiconductor? Explain. 39. What is meant by tunneling? Explain the VI characteristics of a zener diode. 40. What are thermal run away and early effect in BJT? 41. Derive the relationship between alpha and beta of a transistor. Define fa and fb of a transistor. 42. Write the applications of FET and MOSFET and their advantages over transistor. 43. What is meant by UJT? How do you determine the parameters of UJT? 44. Write the characteristics of photo diode. Write operation of photo voltaic cell. 45. Draw the circuit of Emitter follower. Explain its working with the help of equivalent circuit. 46. Discuss the structure of UJT and explain its application. 47. What is meant by photo electric effect? Discuss the photo transistor characteristics. 48. What is meant by amplifier? Discuss about small signal amplifiers. 49. With suitable diagram explain the use of SCR in power control. 50. Explain the working of UJT relaxation oscillator and derive time period of oscillations. 51. What is tunnel diode? Explain its working with volt-ampere characteristics.


52. Differentiate between PNP and NPN transistors. Explain the current component in BJT. 53. Explain the relation between beta and alpha of a transistor and write their uses. 54. What is junction capacitance? Explain the action of forward and reverse bias of PN junction diode. 55. What is meant by junction diode? How it differ from tunnel diode. Write its importance. 56. Using suitable diagram depict the various current components in a BJT. 57. Draw the fixed bias circuit and derive expression for its stability factor. 58. Derive the continuity equation for semiconductors. 59. Draw the structure of an n channel depletion type MOSFET. Explain how depletion region is formed in the channel. 60. Explain the construction and working of UJT with VI characteristics. 61. Write a note on photoelectric effect and give photoelectric equation. 62. Describe the different biasing conditions for a JFET. II. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Explain the theory of PN junction and explain how it acts as diode? 2. Derive the expression for transition and diffusing capacitance. 3. Explain the Zener diode and its breakdown mechanism? 4. Describe the operation of zener diode and explain its characteristics. 5. Explain the tunneling phenomenon. 6. Write short notes on varicap diode and PN junction diode. 7. Draw and explain the biasing circuits in case of (i) fixed bias(ii) fixed bias with emitter resistor RE in series with emitter and reference ground, (iii) collerctor to base bias . 8. Explain the thermal resistance and thermal stability of a power transistor circuit. What is the power dissipation condition to prevent thermal runaway. 9. Derive the expression for Ic versus Ib for common Emitter transistor configuration in the active region . 10. Draw the circuit of transistor in common emitter configuration of BJT and sketch the Output characteristics indicates the active, saturation and cutoff region.


11. Derive the relationship between and for BJT. 12. Explain the working of N-channel MOSFET. What is the difference between enhancement and depletion mode of operation. 13. Explain the effect of negative feedback on gain and frequency response of an amplifier with help of suitable diagram 14. Explain LED with a neat diagram. 15. Explain the operation and characteristics of SCR. 16. Describe the construction and working of tunnel diode. Sketch the characteristics and indicate the negative resistance region. 17. Give an experimental setup to draw the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CE configuration. Explain how the h parameters can be determined from the characteristics. 18. What is LED? Give its principle, construction and working. Draw its V_I characteristics and mention its uses. 19. Discuss the construction of p channel JFET . Give its circuit symbol and explain its operation by drawing drain and transfer characteristics. 20. Write the construction of SCR. Explain the experimental setup to study SCR characteristics. How SCR is applied to power control? Explain. 21. Sketch the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CC configuration. How do the biasing and load line analysis? 22. Give the circuit diagram of the emitter follower and explain its operation. Derive expression for voltage gain, input resistance and output resistance. 23. Explain the action of JFET. Draw its small signal equivalent circuit. Give the experimental circuit for FET amplifier. 24. Describe the construction and characteristics of photovoltaic cell. Explain its operation and spectral response. 25. Explain the construction and characteristics of Junction diode and zener diode. What is the significant difference between them? 26. Give the construction details of SCR. Explain the characteristics of two transistor and discuss how SCR can be applied in power control. 27. Distinguish between photo diodes and photo transistors. Give the principle,


construction and working of photo conductive cells. Draw the V-I characteristics and uses of photo diodes. 28. a) Discuss the classification of amplifiers based on type of coupling. b) Derive expressions for the current gain, voltage gain, input impedance of a transistor amplifier using small signal h-parameter model. 29. a) Mention three differences between a transistor and JFET as a circuit element. b) Sketch the basic structure of n-channel FET. c) Describe the drain characteristics of n-channel FET. 30. a) Describe the construction and working of photovoltaic cell. b) Explain the operation of photo diode.



B.Sc III Semester - Paper III: Analog Circuits (w.e.f : 2009 - 2010)
UNIT I : (15 Hrs) Power Supplies: Rectifiers Halfwave, fullwave and bridge rectifiers- Efficiency- Ripple factorTypes of filters - Choke input (inductor) filter- Shunt capacitor filter- L section and section filters Block diagram of regulated power supply - Series and shunt regulated power supplies Three terminal regulators (78XX and 79XX) Principle and working of switch mode power supply (SMPS). UNIT II : (15 Hrs) RC coupled amplifier : Basic concept of amplifiers Types of amplifiers Need of coupling in amplifiers RC coupled amplifier - Analysis and frequency response of single stage RC coupled CE amplifier. Feedback : Concept of feed back, types of feedbacks, Effect of feedback on gain, band width, noise, input and output impedances Negative feedback amplifier (Emitter follower). UNIT III : (15 Hrs) Operational Amplifiers: Differential amplifier- Block diagram of an Op-Amp- Ideal Basic Op-Amp characteristics of an Op-Amp. Op -Amp parameters - Input resistance- Output resistance- Common mode rejection ratio (CMMR)- Slew rate- Offset voltages Input bias current. Amp. Interpretation of Op-Amp data sheets. UNIT IV : (15 Hrs) Applications of Op-Amps: Summing amplifier- subtractor- Voltage follower- IntegratorDifferentiator - Comparator- Logarithmic amplifier- Sine wave [Wein Bridge] and square wave [Astable] generators- Triangular wave generator- Monostable multivibrator- Solving simple second order differential equation. Basic Op-Amp series regulator and shunt regulator. Books: 1. Electronic Devices and Circuits-Millman and Halkias- Tata Mc Graw Hill (TMH) 2. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits- Ramakant A. Gayakwad- Prentice Hall of India (PHI). 3. Operational amplifiers S.V. Subrahnyam , McMillan 4. Applied Electronics- R.S.Sedha- S Chand &Co 5. Principles of Electronics- V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta - S Chand &Co 6. A first Course in Electronics A.A.Khan & K.K. Dey PHI circuits- Inverting Op-Amp- Virtual ground- Non-inverting Op-Amp- Frequency response of Op-


Question Bank
B.Sc III Semester - Paper III: Analog Circuits I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. What is feed back and what are feed back amplifiers? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of negative feed back? 3. State and Explain the Nyquist criterion for feedback amplifiers. 4. Draw the R-C coupled amplifier circuit. Calculate the current gain for low, middle and high frequency region. 5. With the neat diagram explain the working of two-stage RC coupled amplifier 6. Explain RC coupled transistor amplifier with special reference to frequency response, advantages, disadvantages and application. 7. Draw the block diagram of operational amplifier and explain it in detail. 8. Why an Op-amp is called as operational amplifier? Define input impedance and output impedance of an op amp. 9. What are the ideal characteristics of an Op-amp? 10. Explain concept of virtual ground. 11. Explain slew rate and CMRR of an op amp. 12. Draw the circuit symbol of op-amp. Explain what is mean by inverting input and non inverting input. 13. What is voltage follower? Explain it in detail. 14. Explain input bias current and slew rate. 15. Describe the log amplifier using op-amps. 16. What do you mean by summing amplifier? Explain. 17. Explain how an op-amp can be used as a an inverting adder. 18. Draw the diagram of non-inverting amplifier and derive an expression for it. 19. Draw the circuit diagram of op amp subtractor and explain its working. 20. Draw the circuit diagram of op amp integrator and explain its working. 21. Draw the circuit diagram of op amp differentiator and explain its working. 22. Explain how op-amps can be used to subtract the two input voltages? 23. For the inverting amplifier if the input voltages are 1V, 2V and 3V and corresponding resistances are 1K, 2K and 3K respectively and feed back resistor is 1.5K. Calculate 17

the output voltage. 24. For the inverting amplifier if the input voltages are 2V, 4V and 6V and corresponding resistances are 2K, 4K and 6K respectively and feed back resistor is 3K. Calculate the output voltage. 25. Discuss the working of the log amplifier using op-amps. 26. Explain the concept of Virtual Ground. 27. Discuss the working of op amp series regulator. 28. Explain working of op amp voltage follower circuit. 29. Distinguish between series and shunt regulated power supplies. 30. Write a short note on the applications of the comparator. 31. Explain the action of op amp as differentiator with a neat diagram. 32. Write a short note on shunt capacitor filter. 33. Write the applications of voltage regulators. 34. Give an account on

section filter.

35. Write a short note classification of amplifiers. 36. Write the analysis of inverting amplifier. 36. What is regulations and ripple factor of rectifier? Explain. 37. Draw the circuit diagram of series regulated power supplies. 38. What is meant by off-set voltage and bias current? Explain. 39. Write the block diagram of IC op amp and explain the each block. 40. Explain the term offset voltage. Bring out the ideal characteristics of op amp. 41. Write a circuit, explain briefly the working of choke input filter. 42. Draw the circuit diagram of a free running multivibrator using op amp and explain its action. 43. Explain the term slew rate? What are the different characteristics of an ideal op amp. 44. Write about the principle of virtual equality and virtual ground in operational amplifier. 45. Draw the circuit diagram of op amp voltage and current follower and explain their operation. 46. An IC op amp with a differential gain of 1200 find common mode gain and CMRR.


47. Draw the block diagram of an op amp and explain the operation of each block. 48. Give a circuit diagram of inverting amplifier and obtain expression for its gain. 49. Draw the circuit diagram of half wave rectifier with resistive load and derive expression for output voltage. 50. Discuss Emitter follower as an example of as an example of negative feed back. Obtain expression for current gain. 51. How do you determine the gain of an amplifier with feedback? Explain. 52. Write a short note on three terminal regulators. 53. When negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier of gain 100, the overall gain falls to 50. Calculate the feedback factor. 54. Derive an expression for voltage gain of the amplifier with positive and negative feedback. 55. What are different configurations of differential amplifier? Draw the
neat-labeled diagram for a) dual input, balanced output, b) dual input, unbalanced output and c) single input, balanced output. 56. Draw the block diagram of regulated power supply and explain each block. 57. Explain the working of shunt regulator. What are its advantages over a series voltage regulator?

II.ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Discuss the action of various filters. 2. Explain the construction and working of a switch mode power supply with block diagram . 3. Discuss the frequency response of a RC coupled amplifier 4. Explain the effect of negative feedback on the gain, bandwidth, input impedance and output impedance of an amplifier.


5. Discuss the solving of a second order differential equation using an op amp. 6. Explain the working of a triangular wave generator. 7. Discus the working of op amp based Wein bridge oscillator. 8. Draw the circuit diagram of half-wave and full-wave rectifier with explanation. 9. Define the filters and types of filters and how they are operated in power supplies. 10. Write the applications of free running multivibrator and their working conditions. 11. With neat circuit diagrams, explain the action of op amp as a) Summer b) Differentiator. 12. Draw the circuit diagram of a free running multivibrator using op amp and discuss its operation. How it can be used to solve a simple second order differential equation? Explain. 13. Draw the circuit diagram of L section explain their working. 14. With neat circuit diagrams, explain the action of op amp as a) Integrator b) Differentiator. 15. Draw the circuit diagrams of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers and explain their operation. Derive expressions for their voltage gain. 16. Draw the circuit diagram of choke input filter with a full wave rectifier and explain its working. What is regulation and ripple factor for such circuit. 17. What are the characteristics of an ideal op amp? Draw the schematic diagram and derive the expression for the output voltage for a) an ideal non inverting op amp b) an adder. 18. Explain the working of a fullwave rectifier with resistive load and derive expressions for a) dc value of current b) efficiency c) ripple factor b) Explain the concept of virtual ground. 20. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a bridge rectifier and explain its operation. b) Sketch the the diagram of a waveform from a rectifier. 21. Suggest a circuit using op amps to solve the following differential equation 20 d) peak inverse voltage 19. a) Explain the operation of an op amp as comparator. Give relevant circuit diagram.

section filter with a full wave rectifier and

section filter and explain its response to a voltage

d 2V + 2V 5 sin t = 0 dt 2 where V(0)= -1 and V(0)=0

22. Explain the working of a RC coupled CE amplifier with the help of neat circuit diagram. Discuss its frequency response. 23. Explain the various types of feedback. Discuss the gain of amplifier with feedback and write the effect of feedback on (a) gain (b) bandwidth and ( output impedance. 24. Discuss the principle and working of a Switch mode power supply.

(w.e.f : 2009 - 2010) UNIT I : (15 Hrs) Introduction to communication systems: Block diagram of communication system, Transmitter, Receiver Characteristics of receivers - Types of receivers - Tuned radio frequency receiver & Super heterodyne receiver, Noise Definition - External noise Internal noise - Effect of noise on communications. UNIT II : (15 Hrs) Modulation : Need for modulation Types of modulation Amplitude modulation, Frequency modulation and Phase modulation. Amplitude modulation Analysis of Amplitude modulation - side bands - modulation index - square law diode modulator Demodulation - diode detector draw backs of AM. UNIT - III : (15 Hrs) Frequency modulation: Analysis of Frequency modulation, Working of frequency modulator - Ratio detector - Advantages of frequency modulation over AM and differences between AM and FM. AM and FM radio receivers [block diagram approach]. UNIT IV : (15 Hrs) Microwave, Radar & Satellite Communications: Significance of Radio waves and microwaves in communication, Microwaves properties Generation (Klystron) and Applications. Introduction to satellite communication - Keplers laws - Geostationary orbit Transponders. Introduction to Radar systems Radar fundamentals Frequencies used in Radar, Factors governing Radar performance Radar range equation Applications and limitations.


Text Books: 1. Electronic Communication Systems - George Kennedy & Bernard Davis TMH. 2. Electronic Communication - D. Roddy & J. Coolen- PHI 3. Principles of communication systems Taub and Schilling, TMH, New delhi. Reference Books: 1. Modern digital and analog communications systems: B.P. Lathi 2. Analog and digital communications : K. Sam Shanmugam 3. Principles of Electronic Communication Systems Louis E. Frenzel TMH

Question Bank
B.Sc IV Semester - Paper IV: Electronic Communications

1. Draw the block diagram of a communication system. 2. Mention the characteristics of a Receiver. 3. Explain the need of modulation. 4. Briefly explain AM, F.M and Phase modulation 5. What are the advantages & disadvantage of FM over AM? 6. Write a short note on square law diode modulator 7. Explain the diode demodulation with a block diagram. 8. What are the limitations of a Amplitude Modulation? 9. Explain the working of frequency modulator 10. Discuss the significance of radio waves in communication. 11. State the Keplers laws and define a Geostationary satellite. 12. Write a short note on transponders. 13. What are the frequencies used in RADAR? 14. Mention the factors governing the RADAR performance 15. Mention the applications of RADAR communication. 16. Give the classification of noise. 17. Define thermal noise and shot noise. 18. Define external noise and Internal noise with examples. 19. Explain TRF receiver with block diagram & give its advantage and disadvantage. 20. Mention the properties of Microwaves. 21. What is the importance of side bands in Amplitude modulation.


22. A carrier wave of frequency 10M Hz & peak value 10V is amplitude modulated by a 5K Hz sine wave of amplitude 6V. Determine the modulation index . 23. What are the different degrees of modulation in AM? 24. A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two sine waves with modulation index of 0.3 and 0.4. Find the total modulation index? 25. What are advantages & disadvantage of FM over AM? 26. Give an account on amplitude modulated wave. 27. Describe the simple frequency modulator. 27. Write a short note on microwaves. 28. Explain how the use of an RF amplifier improves the signal to noise ratio of a superheterodyne receiver. 29. Write the concept of microwaves and important properties. 30. Give a note advantages of frequency modulator. 31. Explain how AM signals are detected using a diode detector. 32. Explain the working of superheterodyne receiver. 33. What is the need for modulation? Mention the different types of modulations. 34. Give the circuit diagram of an FM detector and explain its working. 35. Give the applications and limitations of a RADAR. 36. Draw the frequency spectrum of FM. 37. What is meant by the term noise as used in communication system? 38. Draw the block diagram of general communication system and explain brieflythe function of each stage. 39. Explain different types of modulation. Define modulation index. 40. What are the limitations of AM? Why does AM gives noisy reception.

II. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Explain how the super heterodyne receiver worked and give their advantages. 2. Outline the basic idea of amplitude modulation. Draw the circuit of all amplitude modulator and explain why this circuit produces amplitude modulation. 3. How is frequency modulation differ from amplitude modulation? Explain the working


of a reactance modulator with the help of circuit diagram. 4. What are the types of receivers? Discuss the working of a Tuned radio frequency receiver with the help of a block diagram. 5. Discuss the working of a super heterodyne receiver using a block diagram 6. Write an essay on the various types of noises and their effect on communication . 7. Derive the RADAR-Range equation. Mention the limitations of this equation 8. Give the analysis of amplitude modulation and obtain an expression for modulation Index. 9. Explain the principle of operation of square law detector with necessary diagrams. 10. Explain the generation of Microwaves using Klystron with a neat diagram. 11. Draw the block diagram of FM receiver and explain its working. 12. Explain the properties of microwaves and application to communication of medical, scientific and domestic. 13. Write the advantages of frequency modulations. Explain the working of simple frequency modulator for detection of FM waves. 14. Explain the basic idea of amplitude modulation. Draw the circuit of an amplitude modulator and explain how this circuit produces amplitude modulation. 15. What is frequency modulation? Explain the working of reactance modulator with the help of a circuit diagram. 16. Define amplitude modulation. Find an expression for the amplitude modulated wave with sinusoidal modulation. Obtain the power relation in AM waves. 17. Draw the block diagram of superheterodyne receiver and explain the function of each block. 18. With relevant diagram explain the working of a FM detector. 19. Explain how AM signals are detected using a diode detector. 20. Write the properties and applications of radio waves. 21. a) Write a short note on geostationary orbit. b) Explain the working of transponder with a neat diagram. 22. a) What are the factors that govern RADAR performance? b) Explain the RADAR range equation.


SRI SAIBABA NATIONAL (AUTONOMOUS) COLLEGE Department of Electronics B.Sc. Third Year - Fifth Semester Paper V: Digital Electronics
(w.e.f. 2010-2011)

Number system - Introduction - Binary number system, Conversion of Binary to Decimal and Vice -Versa, Binary addition and subtraction (1 s and 2 s compliment methods). Hexa - decimal number system, Converting Binary to Hexa decimal and Vice-versa, Converting Hexa decimal to decimal and Vice-versa. Octal number system Conversion of Octal to Binary and vice versa, Binary coded decimal (BCD - 8421) and gray code, conversion between Binary and gray code. The ASCII Code (American Standard Code for information interchange).

Logic gates: OR, AND, NOT, X-OR, NAND, NOR gates - Truth tables Positive and negative logic Logic families and their characteristics RTL, DTL, ECL, TTL and CMOS Universal building blocks NAND and NOR gates. Laws of Boolean algebra - De Morgans Theorems Boolean identities Simplification of Boolean expressions Karnaugh Maps Sum of products (SOP) and Product of sums (POS). UNIT-III: Combinational and Sequential circuits: Introduction to combinational logic circuits - half adder - full adder and parallel binary adders. Multiplexer and demultiplexer. Introduction to Sequential logic circuit - Flip flops RS, D, JK and JK Master-Slave (working and truth tables), counters synchronous and asynchronous counters, Up/Down counters- Decade counter (7490) - working, truth tables and timing diagrams. UNIT-IV: Data converters: Introduction Digital to analog conversion, Specifications of D/A converter (Resolution, linearity, accuracy, settling time etc.,) Binary weighted resister D/A converter and R-2R ladder D/A converter. Analog to digital conversion, Specifications of A/D converter (Resolution, drift, speed, accuracy, quantization error etc.,), Successive approximation A/D converter, Dual slope A/D converter.

Reference Books:


1. Digital Principles and Applications- Malvino & Leach- TMH 2. Digital Fundamentals F.Loyd & Jain- Pearson Education 3. Modern Digital Electronics- R.P Jain-TMH

Question Bank
B.Sc. Fifth Semester - Paper V: Digital Electronics I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. What are different number systems? Explain how binary numbers are converted into decimal with example? 2. Write a short note on hexa-decimal number system. 3. Explain how binary numbers are converted into gray code with examples. 4. Convert the following (a) (10001)2 to decimal (b) (2F3C)16 to binary (c) (457)8 to decimal. 5. Write a short note on ASCII code. 6. Convert the following binary numbers to Gray code. (a) 110100 (b) 0111100 (c) 0001111 (c) 1111.00111 7. Convert the following binary numbers to their equivalent decimal numbers. (a) 11111101 (b)11.011 8. Explain 2s compliment method with examples. 9. Perform the following subtraction using 1s compliment arithmetic. (a) 0.1001 - 0.0110 (a) 11011 10100 (b) 0.01111 - 0.01001 (c) 1000 0100 (b) 11100 00100 (c) 1001 1110 10. Perform the following subtraction using 2s compliment method. 11. What is a logic gate? Briefly explain the basic logic gates. 12. Explain the concept of positive logic and negative logic. 13. What are different logic families? Explain their characteristics. 14. With a neat diagram briefly explain the working of a RTL- NOR circuit. 15. What are universal logic gates? Explain how NAND acts as a universal gate . 16. Explain the laws of Boolean algebra.


17. State and explain De Morgans theorems. 18. Prove the following identities using Boolean algebra and De Morgans theorems:

19. Implement the following Boolean expressions using minimum number of gates.

20. What are De Morgans theorems. Explain them with examples. 21. Briefly explain the working of DTL- NAND circuit. 22. Construct the K-map for the following truth table. Inputs 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 outputs 0 0 1 1

23. What is a K-map? Briefly explain the procedure for simplification of Boolean functions using K-map. 24. Map the following expression on a K-map

25. Explain the properties of K-map. 26. Design full adder using K-map and realize the sum and carry outputs using AND OR gates. 27. Design full subtractor using K-map and realize the difference and borrow outputs using AND OR gates. 28. Briefly explain the following concepts. (a) SOP (b) POS 29. Design half adder using K-map.


30. What is a combinational logic circuit? Explain the working of halfadder. 31. Explain the concept of Multiplexing. 32. Briefly explain the working of a parallel binary adder. 33. What are the differences between combinational and sequential logic circuits. 34. Explain the working of R-S flip flop using its truth table. 35. What are the differences between Synchronous and asynchronous counters. 36. Briefly explain the working of decade counter using timing diagram. 37. What are the specifications of D/A converter. 38. What are the specifications of A/D converter. 39. What advantages do synchronous counter have over asynchronous counter? 40. Explain mod-5 counter with its timing diagram & truth table. 41. Draw the block diagram of 4-bit synchronous counter and timing diagram. 42. Explain 4 bit asynchronous counter with block diagram, truth table & timing diagram. 43. Draw the diagram of successive approximation ADC. State its advantages. 44. State the advantages & disadvantages of successive approximation ADC. 45. Explain the operation of successive approximation ADC. Discuss it merits and demerits. 46. Explain the operation of R-2R DAC. 47. Explain the operation of binary weighted resistor DAC. 48. Draw the circuit diagram of R-2R DAC and state its advantages. 49. Briefly explain the working of dual-slope A/D converter. 28

50. Draw a pair, a quad, and an octet on K-map. 51. Simplify the following expressions using Boolean Algebra (a) X= (A+B) . (A+C) (b) Y= [AB (C+BD) + AB]C 52. With suitable diagram explain the operation of a Multiplexer. 53. What are the special characteristics of logic families? 54. Briefly explain the principle of Dual slope A/D converter. 55. Convert the following (a) (125.85)10 into binary II. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are different number systems. Explain each with two examples. Explain the operation of TTL NAND circuit using necessary circuit diagram. Write the laws of Boolean algebra. Discuss the various logic gates used in digital electronics in detail. What are universal logic gates? Explain NAND & NOR as universal gates. What are the properties of K-map. Explain how an octet in K-map eliminates three variables example. 6. 7. What is a logic gate? Discuss the working of different logic gates using their truth tables in detail. Explain how Boolean expressions can be represented as Sum of Products and Product of Sums form. 8. What are the sequential logic circuits. Describe the working of Master Slave JK flip-flop. Give its truth table. 9. Explain the operation of dual slope A/D converter. Discuss it merits and demerits. 10. 11. Draw the block diagram of decade counter. Explain its operation What is an ADC. Explain the working of Successive approximation with the help of timing diagram. type A/D converter. and their compliments? Explain it with suitable (b) (11111101.110110)2 into decimal


12. 13.

What are the specifications of D/A converter. Explain the operation What is a Counter. Draw the functioning diagram of ripple counter

of binary weighted resistor D/A converter. and explain its working using timing diagram. 14. What are the differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous counters? Discuss the working of a Synchronous counter. 15. Simplify the following SOP equation using the K-mapping procedure and realize the simplified equation using AND OR gates.

16. What are Karnaugh maps?

Explain the simplification of Boolean expressions

using a three variable Karnaugh map. 17. With the help of a suitable diagram explain the operation of a TTL NAND gate and give its specifications. 18. Explain the conversion of Hexadecimal system to Decimal system & BCD to Binary system with examples. 19. Explain the working of Master slave J-K flip-flop with a neat diagram. 20. What are the special features of ECL circuit. Discuss the working with a neat diagram. 21. Explain the working of JK Master-Slave flip-flop with a circuit diagram and truth table. What are its advantages over other flip-flops. 22. Explain the theory and working of R-2R ladder D/A converter with a circuit diagram. What are its advantages over binary weighted DAC. 23. Discuss Successive Approximation A/D converter with a suitable diagram. 24. What is a combinational logic circuit? With suitable diagrams discuss the operation of half-adder and full- adder . 25. What are the specifications of A/D converter? With the help of suitable diagram explain the working of Successive approximation A/D converter. 26. Obtain the minimal POS expression for the switching function given below using four variable Karnaugh map. f (A,B,CD) = (3,4,6,7,11,12,13,14,15) 27. Find the SOP form of the switching function f(A,B,C) whose truth table is given 30

below. Inputs A 0 1 1 0 1 B 1 1 1 0 0 C 1 0 0 1 0 Outputs f 0 1 0 0 1

28. With the help of truth table and timing diagram explain the operation of up/down Counter. 29. What is a sequential logic circuit? With the help of truth table explain the working of Master-Slave J-K flipflop.

SRI SAIBABA NATIONAL (AUTONOMOUS) COLLEGE Department of Electronics B.Sc. Third Year - Fifth Semester Paper VI: Microprocessors
(w.e.f. 2010-2011)

UNIT-I: Introduction to Microcomputer and Microprocessor: Evolution of microprocessors, Intel 8085 Microprocessor Block diagram and its detailed study central processing unit CPU arithmetic and logic unit ALU timing and control unit register organization address, data and control buses - pin configuration of 8085 and its description. Timing diagrams - Instruction cycle, machine cycle, fetch and execute cycles.


UNIT-II: Programming the 8085 microprocessor: Flow charts, Algorithms, machine language, assembly language, high level language, writing delay program using single register and two registers, Instruction set of 8085, instruction and data formats- classification of instructions addressing modes with examples. Assembly language programming examples of 8 and 16 bit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Finding the largest and smallest in a data array. Programming examples using stacks and subroutines.
UNIT-III: Interfacing memory and I/O devices Introduction, Address space partitioning memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O schemes, memory interfacing, I/O interfacing, Data transfer schemes Synchronous data transfer, asynchronous data transfer, interrupt driven data transfer, direct memory access (DMA), serial data transfer comparison between serial data and parallel data transfer. UNIT-IV:

Interfacing peripherals and applications: Programmable peripheral interface (8255A), Programmable DMA controller (8257) Interfacing A/D converter (ADC 0809) and D/A converter (DAC 0800) to 8085 microprocessor, Interfacing a Stepper motor to 8085 microprocessor to control its speed, interfacing a seven segment display. Reference Books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture and Programming Ramesh S. Goanker- Penram 2. Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers B. Ram-Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 3. B.Sc., Electronics Vol-III - Telugu academy, Hyderabad.

Question Bank
B.Sc. Fifth Semester - Paper VI: Microprocessors I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Explain the evolution of Microprocessors. 2. Write a short note on Status register of 8085 Microprocessor 3. Give the significance of SIM and RIM instructions available in 8085? 4. Write a short note on System bus in 8085. 5. What are the features of address bus,Dat a bus and control bus in 8085? 6. Explain the need of ALE signal in 8085.


7. What are the interrupt signals of 8085? 8. Define machine cycle and instruction cycle ? 9. What is the significance of NOP instruction 8085 processor? 10. Write an ALP to Add two 8 bit numbers? 11. Write an assembly language program to add two 2-digits BCD Number. 12. Explain the need of multiplexing in 8085? 13. Define bit, byte, word, double word, quad word and instruction 14. Explain the difference between the machine language and the assembly language of the 8085 microprocessor 15. What are the advantages of an assembly language in comparison with high level languages? 16. Explain the four control signals commonly used by the 8085 MPU. 17. Discuss the function of the accumulator. 18. Write a short note on Program counter and stack pointer in 8085. 19. List all the interrupt signals of 8085 microprocessor and write their priorities. 20. Explain the functions of the ALE and IO/M signals of the 8085 microprocessor 21. Discuss various types of addressing modes of 8085 22. Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupts. 23. Explain the RIM & SIM Instructions in 8085 processor 24. Explain the concept of Direct Memory Access (DMA). 25. Write a note on the applications of microprocessors. 26. Explain the use of SID and SOD lines in 8085 processor 27. Write a short note on primary and secondary memories. 28. Discuss briefly the cache memory. What is the function of a CAM. 29. Discuss the interrupt structure of 8085 microprocessor. 30. What is a timing diagram. Give the timing diagram of any simple operation. 31. Explain the rotate instructions. 32. What is a flow chart. Write its importance. 33. What is a delay program. Write delay programs using one register and two registers. 34. Write an assembly language program to find the largest of a given array of numbers. 35. Define assembly, machine and high level language programs. Explain the debugging


procedure. 36. What is memory map. Explain how to determine the memory map of 2048 (2K) bytes with the starting address is 4000H. 37. Define the terms data logging, data acquisition and analog to digital conversion systems. 38. Discuss why an interrupt control is required and mention the features of hardware interrupts. 39. Write an assembly language program for the addition of two 8 bit and 16 bit numbers. 40. Write an assembly language program for the multiplication and division of two 8 bit numbers. 41. Distinguish the memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O. 42. Describe PUSH ad POP instruction execution with suitable example. 43. Write about the data transfer schemes. 44. Describe about implicit addressing in INTEL 8085 microprocessor. 45. Distinguish between assembly language and high level language. 46. Explain in briefly about data bus and address bus. 47. Write a short note on stepper motor control. 48. Give a brief explanation of stack. 49. Explain the various types of data formats for Intel 8085 instruction. Mention the example for each type of data format. 50. Explain the applications of different programming languages. 51. Write the comparison between parallel and serial data transfer. 52. Discuss the functions of various registers. II. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Draw the block diagram of 8085 microprocessor and explain each block. 2. Explain the instruction set of 8085 in detail. 3. With neat block diagram explain the architecture of 8085. 4. Discuss the various addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor with one example each. 5. Draw and explain the timing diagram for opcode fetch operation. 6. Draw the block diagram of 8255 and explain its working 7. Explain the functional diagram of keyboard and display controller.


8. Describe how different conditional jumps are executed in micro programming fetch operation in a microprocessor system. 9. Explain the necessity and importance of successive approximation of A/D conversions. 10. What is meant by SID and SOD pins? Explain their function in 8085. Discuss the IN and OUT instruction of 8085. 11. Distinguish between programmable peripherals interface (8255A) and programmable interrupt controller (8259A). 12. Explain the RAMs and ROMs with suitable examples in each case. 13. Explain What operation is performed when the following instructions are executed DAD rp, DAA, CMP r, CMP m, POP rp and PUSH rp. 14. Write a note on various addressing modes. 15. Write an assembly language program to arrange the data in ascending order with suitable explanation. 16. How do you interface the stepper motor with 8085 microprocessor and write an assembly language program to control the speed of the stepper motor. 17. Draw the interfacing diagram of DAC 0800 with 8085 microprocessor and explain its working. 18. Explain the interfacing of 8 bit successive approximation type ADC with neat diagram and write its necessary software program. 19. Explain various data transfer schemes. Discuss in detail interrupt driven data transfer scheme with suitable example. 20. a) Write an ALP to arrange the data in descending order. b) Write an ALP to multiply two 8 bit numbers. 21. Explain what happens when the 8085 processor executes the following instructions a) RIM b) SIM c) DAA d) DAD Rp 22. Draw the interfacing diagram of seven segment display with 8085 microprocessor and explain its operation with suitable software program. 23. Give the sequence of events, with schematic diagrams that take place when a microprocessor executes the following instructions a) ACI data b) SBB r c) DAD rp d) RIM 24. a) Discuss about assembly language and assembler.


b) Give an account of areas of application of various languages. 25. Write assembly language programs for a) 8-bit multiplication 26. Give brief explanation of a) System software and application software b) Interrupts of 8085. 27. With neat block diagram, explain Programmable peripheral interface (PPI). 28. Explain the Programmable DMA Controller (8257) with neat block diagram. b) 8-bit division.

SRI SAIBABA NATIONAL (AUTONOMOUS) COLLEGE Department of Electronics B.Sc. Third Year - Sixth Semester Paper VII: Microcontrollers and Applications
(w.e.f. 2010-2011) UNIT I : Introduction to Microcontrollers : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, comparison between Microprocessors & Microcontrollers,Evolution of Microcontrollers from 4- bit to 32-bit. Development tools for microcontrollers assembler compiler simulator/debugger. UNIT-II:


Microcontroller Architecture: Overview and block diagram of 8051. Architecture of 8051. Program counter and memory organization. Data types and directives, Flag bits and PSW Register, Register banks and Stack; Pin diagram of 8051, Port organization, Interrupts and timer. UNITIII : Addressing modes, instruction set and assembly language programming of 8051 : Addressing modes and accessing memory using various addressing modes. Instruction set: Arithmetic, Logical, Single Bit, Jump, Loop and Call Instructions and their usage. Time Delay Generation and Calculation; Timer/Counter Programming. Programming examples: Addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, arranging a given set of numbers in ascending / descending order. UNIT IV : Interfacing and Applications of Microcontroller Interfacing of - PPI 8255, DAC, ADC. Temperature measurement, displaying information on a LCD, Control of a Stepper Motor, Interfacing a keyboard. generation of different types of waveforms using DAC. Reference books: 1. The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c Kennet J. Ayala, Dhananjay V. Gadre, cengage publishers 2. The 8051 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems By Muhammad Ali

Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi- Pearson Education Asia, 4th Reprint, 2002 3. Microcontrollers Theory and applications by Ajay V. Deshmukh-Tata McGraw-Hill 4. The concepts & features of Microcontrollers by Rajkamal - Wheeler Pub

Question Bank
B.Sc. Sixth Semester - Paper VII: Microcontrollers and Applications
I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Give the differences between Microprocessor and Microcontroller. 2. Explain the evolution of microcontrollers fr0m 4-bit to 32-bit. 3. Explain the Timers in 8051 Microcontroller. 4. Write a short note on the Ports of the 8051 microcontroller. 5. Write a short note on evolution of Microcontrollers. 6. Briefly explain the features of program counter in 8051. 7. What are the different data types used in 8051 microcontroller.


8. Write an assembly language program for addition and multiplication of two 8 bit numbers. 9. Briefly explain the time delay generation using 8051 controller. 10. Write a short note on LCD interfacing to 8051. 11. Explain the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller. 12. Write an assembly language program for arranging the given array of numbers in ascending order. 13. Write a short note on timer/counter programming. 14. Briefly explain the data types and directives of 8051 microcontroller. 15. Write an assembly language program for arranging the given array of numbers in descending order. 16. Write an assembly language program for addition and multiplication of two 16 bit numbers. 17. Write a short note on control word register of 8255. 18. Briefly explain the instruction set of 8051 microcontroller. 19. Write a short note on port organization of 8051 microcontroller. 20. Briefly explain the interrupts of 8051 microcontroller. 21. How to access memory using various addressing modes. 22. Write a short note on memory organization of 8051 microcontroller. 23. Briefly explain the measurement of temperature using 8051 microcontroller. 24. Distinguish between microprocessors and microcontrollers. 25. What are the advantages of microcontroller over microprocessor. 26. Draw the pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller and briefly explain. 27. Write a short note on assembler and compiler. 28. Give the pin details of 8051 microcontroller. 29. What is Microcontroller? List the features of 8051 microcontroller. 30. Name the five interrupt sources of 8051?. 31. Explain the functions of the pin PSEN of 8051. 32. How the program memory is organized in 8051 based system? 33. Write a program to load accumulator A, DPH and DPL with 30H. 34. How the program memory is organized in 8051 based system?


35. Explain the JUMP instructions present in 8051 microcontroller with a mnemonic code and its operation for each. 36. List out the arithmetic operations of 8051 microcontroller with an example. 37. Write about JUMP and CALL statements in 8051? 38. Explain PSW SFR. Give the application differences between Carry and Overflow flags. 39. Explain Quasi Bidirectional ports of 8051. 40. Briefly explain time delay generation and calculation. 41. Write a short note on timers of 8051. 42. What are the development tools of microcontroller? Explain any two of them. 43. Explain (a) Flag register (b) PSW register of 8051 microcontrolleer. 44. Write a short note on (a) Simulator (b) Debugger 45. Briefly explain the interfacing of Keyboard to 8051 microcontroller. 46. List out the logical and single bit instruction with examples. 47. Briefly explain the displaying of the message on LCD using 8051 microcontroller. 48. Give a brief account on register banks of 8051 microcontroller. 49. Write 8051 ALP to read data from port I when negative edge triggered at INT0 and supply the data to port 2 by masking the upper 4 bits. 50. Explain the JUMP instructions present in 8051 microcontroller with a mnemonic code and its operation for each. 51. Compare the serial data and parallel data transfer schemes. 52. Briefly explain memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O schemes. 53. Write an Assembly language program to find the sum of two 16 bit numbers. II. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Describe the architecture of 8051 with neat diagram. 2. i) Discuss the peripheral interface of 8051. ii) Explain the memory structure of 8051. 3. Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 microcontroller Explain how interrupts are prioritized. 4. Explain the different serial communication modes in 8051. 5. Explain the function and operating modes of timer in 8051.


6. Explain the functional pin diagram of 8051 Microcontroller. 7. Explain the different serial communication modes in 8051. 8. Explain the instruction set of 8051 microcontroller. 9. Explain how a stepper motor is interfaced to an 8051 microcontroller with a neat circuit & write an assembly language program to control the speed of the motor. 10. What is a Programmable peripheral interface device (8255). Discuss the function of different operating modes . 11. Discuss the classification of Instruction set into different groups and mention two instructions that come under each group. 12. Write an essay on the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller with one example each. 13. Draw the block diagram of 8051 microcontroller and explain each block. 14. What are the different development tools for microcontrollers? Explain them. 15. With help of suitable diagram ,explain interfacing of DAC with 8051microcontroller. 16. What is PPI? How do you interface 8255 PPI with 8051 microcontrollers? Explain. 17. With the help of explicit diagram, explain how to measure the temperature using 8051 microcontroller. 18. Write an assembly language program to find the largest number in a data array. 19. Explain the detailed procedure of interfacing ADC 0809 to the 8085 microprocessor with a circuit diagram. 20. With the help of suitable diagram explain the interfacing of LCD to 8051 Microcontroller. 21 What are addressing modes? Explain how to access memory using various addressing modes, explain in detail. 22. Explain how to generate different waveforms by interfacing DAC to 8051 microcontroller. 23. Explain (a) assembler (b) compiler (c) Simulator/debugger. 24. What are the development tools of 8051 microcontroller? Explain. 25. Write assembly language programs for (i) Arranging the given array of numbers in ascending order. (ii) Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers.


26. Explain the detailed procedure of interfacing DAC 0800 to the 8051 microcontroller with a circuit diagram. 27. Explain different modes of 8255 in detail. 28. With a neat circuit diagram explain how a 4 _ 4 keypad is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for keypad scanning. 29. List out the arithmetic operations of 8051 microcontroller with an example and show how the flags are affected for each operation. 30. Write the Analog to Digital conversion program in 8051 microcontroller to convert analog data into digital. Digitalize the input for every 100s and store the 1000 values in external RAM location 4000b to 43E7h.

SRI SAIBABA NATIONAL (AUTONOMOUS) COLLEGE Department of Electronics B.Sc. Third Year - Sixth Semester Paper VIII: Embedded systems and applications
(w.e.f. 2010-2011) UNIT-I: Introduction to embedded systems: What is an embedded system? Categories of embedded system Stand alone embedded systems, Real-time embedded systems, Networked information appliances, Mobile devices, Overview of embedded system architecture , specialties of embedded systems Reliability performance - power consumption cost size -user interface, Software upgradation capability. UNIT-II: Architecture of embedded systems: Hardware architecture Central processing unit (CPU), memory, clock circuitry, watchdog timer, chip select, input/output devices,


communication interfaces, power supply unit. Software architecture operating system, services provided by an operating system, architecture of embedded operating system. UNIT-III: Recent trends in embedded systems: Processor power, memory, operating systems, communication interfaces and networking capability, programming languages, development tools, programmable hardware, applications of embedded systems. UNIT-IV: Applications of Embedded Systems: Consumer appliances, Office automation, Industrial automation, Medical electronics, Computer networking, Telecommunications, Wireless technologies, Instrumentation, Security, Finance. Reference books: 1. Embedded/Real time systems-concepts, design and programming, Dr. K.V.K.K. Prasad, dreamtech press. 2. The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c Kennet J. Ayala, Dhananjay V. Gadre, cengage publishers 3. The 8051 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems By Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi- Pearson Education Asia, 4th Reprint, 2002 4. Embedded systems by Rajkamal, TMH.

Question Bank
B.Sc. Sixth Semester - Paper VIII: Embedded systems and applications I. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. What is an embedded system? Write the typical characteristics of an embedded system. 2. What are the advantages of embedded system? 3. Write some of the applications of an embedded system briefly. 4. Discuss the classification of embedded systems. 5. Give examples for Small, Medium & sophisticated scale embedded systems. 6. Mentions the categories of embedded system and explain briefly. 7. Mention the specialties of embedded systems briefly.. 42

8. What are the factors to be considered while evaluating the processor for embedded system. 9. What are the hardware components of embedded systems? 10. Define processor. Compare CISC and RISC processors. 11. What are the three processor architectures in embedded systems? Explain briefly. 12. Write a short note on watchdog timer. 13. What is reset circuit and power-up reset in an embedded system. 14. What is meant by OS? Mention the different categories of OS. 15. What are the features of an Embedded system? 16. Mention the categories of embedded systems. 17. Write a short note on Watch dog timer in an Embedded system. 18. What are the various communication interfaces? 19. What are the programming languages used in embedded systems? 20. Mention the applications of embedded systems. Explain any two. 21. Briefly explain the role of Embedded systems in Medical electronics. 22. How the embedded systems are useful in Industrial automation? 23. How the embedded systems are useful in Financial applications. 24. Write a short note on input and output devices of an embedded system. 25. Define embedded system and explain the reliability and performance of an . 26. Discuss the stand alone embedded systems. 27. Write a short note on development tools of an embedded system. 28. Write a short note on CPU. 29. Write a short note on Memory. 30. Computer networking, Telecommunications 31. Write the application of an embedded system in the field of instrumentation. 32. Explain the layered architecture of an embedded system. 33. Why mobile devices are treated as a special category of embedded systems, Explain. 34. Write a short note on networked information appliances. 35. Mention the specialities of an embedded system and explain any two of them. 36. What is the need for LCD and LED displays? 37. What are the main components of an embedded system?


II. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Write an essay on Stand alone and Real time embedded systems. 2. What are the specialities of an Embedded system? Explain them. 3. Discuss the hardware architecture of an Embedded system. 4. Write short note on the following : a) DAC c) RAM memory. 6. Discuss the applications of Embedded systems in Telecommunications and wireless technologies. 7. Define embedded system. Mention the categories of Embedded system and explain The following a) Networked information appliances and b) Mobile devices. 8. Write short note on the following parts of embedded systems: a) Processors c) Operating systems 10. Write short note on the following : a) LCD c) Sensors in an embedded system. 12. Explain the services provided by an operating system. 13. Discuss the overview of embedded system architecture. 14. Explain the architecture of an embedded operating system. 15. Write the application of an embedded system in the field of Computer networking, Telecommunications and Finance. 16. Explain the recent trends in Embedded systems with mention to programming Languages and development tools. 17. Discuss the recent trends in Embedded systems with mention to communication b) ADC d) Debug port b) Memory d) Programming Languages b) ADC d) ROM

5. Explain the recent trends in Embedded systems with mention to power &

9. Explain the basic processors and hardware units in the embedded systems.

11. Explain the operating system and services provided by an operating system


interfaces and networking capability. 18. Write short note on the following parts of embedded systems: a) Watch dog timer c) input/output units b) Clock circuitry d) Communication interfaces


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