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ECOLOGIAs Work: Bridging the Global-Local Gap ECOLOGIAs programs bring international perspectives and resources to local sustainable

development projects, and bring locally based on the ground experience back to the world of international decision making. Our programs combine a practical focus on local projects with direct involvement in international policy-making arenas. We believe that local leaders create the best, most sustainable long-term solutions to problems, and that this local experience should shape the development of national and international decisions. ECOLOGIA works by creating direct people-to-people connections. By linking individuals to one another, we foster the emergence of a global civil society a worldwide network of individuals and organizations sharing common interests, information and resources. With staff, colleagues, and partners around the globe, ECOLOGIA is building global connections to create civil society and support sustainable development initiatives.

ECOLOGIA works with innovative leaders in dynamic, fluid situations - often before trends are dominant or even clear to others. Better Risk Management Through Stakeholder Involvement November 2011 article by Randy Kritkausky, President of ECOLOGIA "Stakeholders" refers to all the groups of people affected by the operations of a business. Thus, workers and their families, community residents, suppliers and purchasers, as well as investors, are "stakeholders". Engaging those stakeholders in discussion can help businesses find out about problems and work to correct them, before human, environmental or economic damage occurs. ECOLOGIA's Handbook for Implementers of ISO 26000 ECOLOGIA's Handbook is designed for small and medium sized businesses, to encourage them to use the new global guidance standard, ISO 26000, to improve their Corporate Social Responsibility. ECOLOGIA staff is now working with selected businesses in China, using the Handbook to strengthen their business models, and to improve their environmental, social and economic impacts on their communities.



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