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1. The Caspian Sea is the worlds largest Lake, Is it filled with Fresh water or Saltwater?

2. 90% of the worlds Opals come from which country?

3. Who is said to have discovered Gravity after seeing an apple fall from a tree?

4. What is the number of days that the earth takes to orbit the sun? a. 365.89451 b. 364.89451 c. 364.15423 d. 364.24219

What is the name of Phenomenon caused by solar particles hitting the atmosphere which can be seen at the North Pole? The name literally means Dawn of the North Wind!

Which among these measurement units is larger: Two Meters Square or Two Square Meters?

7. Which Telescope was created to observe the Universe without interference from weather or other atmospheric effects?

8. What three colors are used to generate all of the shades on a color TV Screen? 9. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Took place in which year?

NASA developed pens which write in zero gravity. What did Russian Cosmonauts use instead?



Saltwater. It is the largest inland body of water with an area of 1,43,243 sq miles.








Aurora Borealis. Also known as the Northern Lights. For more Info refer:

6.Two Meters Square. It is equal to Four Square Meters.


Hubble Space Telescope. For more images of HST visit: The following image is of the Orion Nebula taken by the HST. HST is a Powerful Reflecting telescope system orbiting 966km above the Earths Surface. It was launched into orbit in 1990 and is still in use.

8. the

RGB. Red Green & Blue. They are also known as Primary Colors.


Hiroshima: 6th August 1945 (Little Boy-Name of the Atomic Bomb) Nagasaki: 9th August 1945 (Fat Man-Name of the Atomic Bomb) U.S declared war on Japan on 8th Dec 1941, after the surprise military strike by Japan at Pearl Harbor. Japan announced its surrender to the Allied Forces on 15th Aug (6 days after Nagasaki bombing). (Left: Little Boy, Right: Fat Man)

10. Pencil. Below is a detailed view of an Astronauts Pen

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