Walking in A Soldiers Cemetery in Europe

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Walking in a Soldiers Cemetery in Europe

My feet walked the pavement As I climbed up a gentile hill To my right and left Were rows of cypress trees Spaced evenly apart, Creating the illusion Of endlessness. The sun remained hidden By grey clouds that Threatened an inevitable rainstorm Long anticipated. I passed a shallow pool Filled with clear water, Calm, reflecting the Tranquility of a silence Broken only by the soft Rustling of the wind. Across the way was A statue of polished bronze Standing vigil over Perfectly clipped hedges. I eventually turned left Off the path and

Began to cross the Freshly-mown grass. After a short distance I came to a piece of White marble erected Beneath a poplar tree. And at the foot of the marble Was a single bouquet Of chrysanthemums. As I gazed at the marble I found myself imagining The stories of all those Men and women who found Themselves here with me; Who they were, Where they had been, What they had done. But always my Thoughts would return To that piece of marble and Its inscription:

I Cannot Cry Anymore All My Tears Are Shed But Always I Will Remember

To Honor The Fallen Dead

By Andrew Cohee

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