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Newsletter n.

( 1 st t r i m e s t e r 1 4 3 3 )

Who are we ? ILM4U is a Dawah orientated project established in Birmingham, UK, working with Masjid as-Salafi and Salafi Publications. The project was born out of a concern for the spreading of knowledge and Tawheed in places where it has either never been heard or places where the Dawah of Tawheed and Sunnah is weak. Because so many Muslims around the world do not have access to authentic Islamic material, we intend to send free literature (books, leaflets, Cds) of the Salafi scholars to our Muslim brothers and sisters so that they may benefit from it.

The objectives of this project are to:

Propagate the true Islamic creed, based upon the correct, authentic teachings of the Noble Quraan and the Sunnah according to the understanding of the Salaf as-Saalih (The Pious Predecessors) Focus particularly on the hard-to-reach areas around the globe Connect the Muslims to the scholars of the Sunnah Disseminate free, authentic literature

"When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity); knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)'

This can make a significant difference by the will of Allaah. That which took place in Senegal is a very good example of the difference that can be made by simply sending a few books; the elders of a village upon receiving a book concerning Tawheed (sent by other brothers in a separate project) removed the grave from their Masjid. Islamic books and other dawah materials have already been sent to the Maldives, Somalia, Gambia and to various prisons across the US. We look forward to sending books, Cds and leaflets to places like the Barbados Islands, Bosnia, Hungary, more prisons in America, Pakistan, South Africa and many other parts of the world, inshaa Allaah. Why not try to make a difference? Plant a seed of knowledge which will grow and bear fruits that you will benefit from and others too, in this life and the hereafter inshaa Allaah...

News October: - a box of 398 items was sent to the Maldives

November: - a box of 120 leaflets was generously given by the SPUBS and sent to Gambia - a box of 30 Islamic books (checked and approved by Abu Suhayb, may Allaah preserve him) sent to Hargeisa, in Somalia December: - Books and leaflets have just recently been sent to brothers in prison across America
For more info :


Maldives, consisting of over 1,192 coral islands and located 417 mi (671 km)
South West of Sri Lanka, is most popular for its natural beauty and as a top tourist destination. These coral islets are stretched over an area of 35,200 sq mi (90,000 sq km). The original name MahalDvipa or Mahaldvip became Arabicised, around the 10th century, by Middle Eastern travellers to Mahaldib. Later this name got Anglicised by the European travellers and emerged "Maldives". However, throughout history, Maldivians have always used the name "Dhivehi Raajje" (meaning; country Salafiyyah was introduced to the of the Dhivehi people) Maldives around 2002 and, today, Condition of Salafiyyah
there are about 300 salafis

Salafiyyah was introduced to the Maldives around 2002. Currently there are four tullaab al-ilm, who received their education from Madinah University, and around 300 Salafis in Maldives Alhamdhulillaah, currently there are five Salafi students in Madinah University. With regard to connection with Salafi scholars and sheikhs : Some of our Salafi brothers have attended Salafi activities such as the 'Five Pillars Umrah' by Salafi Publications and the Birmingham Summer Conference of 2011. During Hajj and Umrah trips, they have also sought private audiences with Sheikh Rabee, Sheikh Muhammad bin Haadi, Sheikh Abdullah al-Bukhaari. Close contacts are being maintained with the latter two scholars. In addition, Sheikh Abdullaah Maree al-Adani visited the Maldives mid 2011. Salafis in the Maldives do not have any centre or masjid. Much of the duroos are held in masjids or in private homes. Permission to use the Masjids are given on renewable basis for a period of three months and that is also strictly to teach 'Ministry approved' books. Though Salafiyyah is still at a early stage in the country, it is slowly spreading from the capital island into the outer atolls.

Next Trimester

1- Barbados We are collecting books, Cds and leaflets for our brothers and sisters in the Island of Barbados
2- Nigeria We are collecting books, Cds and leaflets for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria

Mosque Male - Maldives

Mosque in Hargeisa - Somalia

To donate books, Cds, leaflets, money then you can leave them at the Salafi Bookstore:

Salafi Bookstore (Mention it is for ILM4U) 472 Coventry Road BIRMINGHAM B10 OUG
ILM4U TEL : 0044 7931918705 / 0044 7943097716 EMAIL :



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