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What is the Color of The Sky? Agnes M.


At dawn the sky is violet sometimes lighter by the sea. As it nears dawn, the sky is peach as if awaiting for the sun to stretch out its arms and wave her hand. I remembered filming a fisherfolk couple in San Juan, Batangas. They got up at 4 am when the Sky was violet. They are Fely and Uya. After two hours, they caught 1 and half kilo of fish. The sky was

nearly blue. They sold the fish at a higher price to buy a cheap one for their consumption.

For sure, the sky is blue for people wanting their clothes to dry. I look up and ask Heaven To make it blue aside from the clothes, I wanted the path towards our home to dry. Its muddy when it rains, I havent seen Skys color as muddy brown. Thats why I pray for Saturdays with Sky so blue my friends to make it to our home and share their stories.

When I look at the window of the plane, the skys color is infinitely blue. Then the sky is white dragons, lions, tigers, children and kites floating as clouds. I can almost touch them with my sight.

The sky is orange like the sun when it sets. It paints warmth and assurance of days work and worth. The sky was like this when the heron stood on the carabao catching lice in Talisay, Batangas.

At night, the sky is not black but midnight blue with lights of stars and moon. The sky is silent, although vast. The sky embraces like a shawl with diamonds. Guiding people fast asleep.

Sometimes, we are lucky to see a Sky with its Rainbow. It is a bridge, an invitation and a

fulfilled promise of God to His people.

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