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Which Packaged Butter do you use?

60 % Nurpur 25% Blueband 15% Misc.

Have you tried Nurpur Milk?

Insufficient Promotion 50 % Never heard! Planned Purchases 25% Didnt tried 10% Yes! Not Good in taste. Negative Word of Mouth 5% Loyal

Company Introduction
Brand Name Nurpur is extracted from Nurpur Noon. The company was incorporated in 1966. The produce packaged milk, milk powder, butter & cheese under the brand name of Nurpur.


UHT Milk:

500ml 1000ml

Whole Pasteurized Milk: 1000ml 500ml

Yellow Butter: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 grams, 1 & 2 KGs

Flavored Milk: Strawberry Mango Banana


UHT Cream : 250ml

Cheddar cheese (Slices)

Cheddar cheese (Cakes)

Cottage cheese (cakes)


Strawberry & Apple Jams

Orange Marmalade

Orange Juice

Apple Nectar


Desi Ghee : 870gms 16kg

Nurpur Pure Drinking Water: 500ml 1500ml

Business Model
Supplier Cash Paid Raw Materia l (Credit)

Cash Receiva ble

Product ion

A/R Distribu tion (Credit)

Invento ry

Strengths: Strong Business Name "NOON Group Innovative & growing Product Line One of the pioneers of Dairy Products

Weakness: Low market campaign

Lack of research & Development

Dependence on third party for supply of Milk


Opportunities: Increasing demand of Milk Target market has big profit margins Bright scope of dairy products

Threats: Strong Competitors Danger of price war Availability of natural Milk

Competitors & Market Share

Nurpur 4%

Milk Pak 45%

Good Milk 10 Olpers 17 %

Haleeb 22 %

Brand Attributes
Pronuncia tion

Easy as per the standard of local market

Stands for a village in Sargodha District, Punjab


Head of Healthy buffalo

Brand Equity Components

Brand Awareness Brand Loyalty Brand Personality Perceived Quality
Milkpak (43%), Haleeb (38%), Olpers (9%), Good Milk (9%), Nurpur (1%)

Low (Karachi Market), due to: Inadequate advertising

Weak, due to: No R&D and Marketing department

Weak, due to no customer services department

Brands Strengths & Weaknesses

Strength weakness

Brand Positioning


All Purpose Milk

Nurpur, Zindagi Bharpur

BRAND EQUITY (Karachi Market) Brands Financial Equity: (Positive)

Brand Equity Ranking Milkpak A+ Olpers
Haleeb Nurpur

Prices 1 Liter Milk Milkpak Olpers

Haleeb Nurpur

Rs. 80 Rs. 80
Rs. 78 Rs. 78


Good milk B-

Good milk Rs. 75

Customer based brand equity

insufficient promotion

knowledge gap


compressive promotional branding strategy of Family Name

Strong relationships Improved merchandising

Restructuring Organizational structure with cross functional efforts


Portfolio Management


Brand loyalty consumer-centric analytic framework

enhance Product image

change logo and packaging enhance perceived trustworthiness

Research Need recognition

Strategic Brand Analysis


Brand equity is the essential lever of profitability because it represents the value of the brand in the marketplace, independent of added features and lower price (both of which cost the company money). Brands with strong brand equity can: Command premium prices Capture and maintain market share Support new line extensions Attract investors Fend off new competitors Some suggestions are submitted for reviving brand equity of Nurpur. We believe that Nurpur can become a strong brand, if it is tackled strategically

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