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If I search suppose casting in search option, the result should be displayed as per standard format which is being us clicking on the supplier (OEM or Auto supplier).

2. The Fonts used for displaying number of listed suppliers, Visitors now in the park, Visitors in the park in December and Total visitors should be same. Done. ( We tried to make it similar. some text are comming from third p arty server, still we are trying to make it equal.) 3. nk-Din I am not able to log in as different user other than Sagar Borkar in Li even if I log out. 4. The edit option of the profile of individual member should be displayed on the profile page only. If he/she clicks on the edit option, it will go to the edit page. No need to give personal information page in setting. 5. l be Upload picture option in setting of account should be removed as it wil in edit option of profile. 6. A. sting The related suppliers should be displayed based on the below criteria. If user goes for the subcategory casting, then all top 5 supplier of ca subcategory should be displayed. B. If user goes for the searching option, then all keyword top 5 suppliers should be displayed. 7. If keyword is entered for the search, then it should scan subcategory a nd products in Search@products. 8. uiry. The name feedback form in contacts of supplier should be changed to Enq And attachment option should be provided in Enquiry. 9. Still the name as Sagar Borkar logged in get displayed on the top right side of the website. Please remove it. 10. Font for key customers has been changed plz check. Done

11. http://demo1.ostpl.com/demo_autopark/index.php?q=node/63 font is not sa me all over. Plz check last three lines.

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