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London, England

The Miracle Self Copyright 2008 by Paul F. Gorman All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. FIRST BIG SUR PUBLISHING PAPERBACK EDITION 2008 ISBN: 978-0-9561258-0-4 Big Sur Publishing 212 Piccadilly, London W1V 9LD For multiple trade or study copies call 01233 633313.

For more Paul Gorman teachings, CDs, classes and retreats, visit:

*** Dedicated to my wonderful son, Tristan and beautiful daughter, Grace You are each in your unique way the Miracle Self present here on earth. I love you! ***


Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The Invisible Made Visible Its Me Light on an Extraordinary Truth Calm The Rippling of The Mind The Secret of Demonstration is to Lift Above The Visible A Shocking Realisation The Infusion of Awareness Under The Control of Spirit If You go to Bed Tonight... Personalising: The Great Mistake Realising Self-Complete Omnipresence The Highest Form of Meditation Spirit is Only Able to Enter an Empty House Only Spirit is Supply An Important Clarity on Supply The Self-Contained Life Sow, And The Reaping Will Take Care of Itself 7 Steps Let Go It is Done Belief After Silence is Important The Deep Well The Master Ability to Demonstrate If You Were The Only Person in The World My Kingdom is Not of This World The Symphony Within

9 11 23 33 45 53 59 67 75 81 89 95 99 103 107 113 125 133 143 161 165 171 181 191 203 209 217

Why, if spirit really does exist, and if we are all one with Itone with the very essence of Life, love, harmony, abundance and joy Itselfdo we suffer? Why, after more than 150 years of metaphysics and metaphysical techniquessuch as visualisation, affirmation, positive mental attitude, tithing and meditationplus 4000 years of truth teachings and demonstrations given to us by the greatest spiritual masters who walked the earth, are we, as a general world populace, and commonly individually, still in the grip of disease, lack, limitation, war or threat of war, and discord? How can an individual study dozens, even hundreds, of books written on the subject of spirituality and truth, and practice diligently, yet suffer the same degree of hardship, illness, injustice and disharmony as those who do not study or practice? Why is it that you or I can seek spiritual health, prosperity, love, success and true purpose in life for years or decades yet fail to experience the tangible fruitage? The answer is this: Metaphysics has lost its way in deviating from the pure truth as taught by the Masters of old. The pure Truth is principle not caprice, therefore repeatable. When the Masters healed the sick, fed the multitudes, demonstrated abundance of all, and brought peace where there was disharmony they were not only demonstrating the presence and ever availability of the Infinite, but revealing the principle involved so that anyone including you and me, here and nowcan do the same. This is the secret revealed and taught in a series of breakthrough lessons in The Miracle Self given by a spiritual light whos travelled the path before you, and has much to show you. The minute you discover even a grain of the truth of Spirit and therefore of yourself, and then you learn to rest in Its sublime Peace and Wholeness, you not only release the miracle within, but experience a sustained life of such harmony, love, health, abundance, success and fulfilment that living takes on a completely new, higher and more richly rewarding purpose and fruitage than ever the mind could imagine.Paul Gorman. In The Miracle Self Paul has given the world a teaching that


infallibly leads to demonstrationby principle. As he illustrates, in the same way you can rely on and trust the principle of mathematics, music, and gravity, so you can rely on and trust the principle that is Spiritthe Infinite Invisible substance and form of all existence. When the mind has ceased its words and thoughts, its mental efforts and struggles, and becomes silent and transparentopen and receptive to the Silence Itselfthen Spirit is tangibly witnessed within as harmony, life, love and abundance of all, then experienced as the outer material harmony. Silence is the principle, and the miracle itself. If you have read spiritual books, attended seminars, practiced meditation, visualisation, affirmation, incantation, and tithing with little or no sustained tangible result here is teaching that can, finally, be the catalyst for your breakthrough. This is not a coffee table book, nor a work youll read once then delegate to the book shelf. You will want to keep it by your side, dipping into it each day, sometimes each hour, drawing truth and inspiration that gently evokes your silence of mind. Each chapter contains a clarity and power youve not found in metaphysical teachingsa clarity that is enabling breakthroughs for spiritual students the world over. In these pages you rediscover the ancient art, principle and actual demonstration of the miracle in every day life, here and now. Once the profound, yet in essence, simple, principle is lived each hour of each daya joyous, often ecstatic experience itselfindividual life becomes glorious, beautiful and bountiful without limit, overflowing with the tangible fruitage of health, love, relationship, prosperity, home, success, attainment and true life purpose. It truly is a miraclethe Miracle within you, functioning as you, and pouring through you into your outer world of body, mind, people, activities, things, places, situations and conditions in joyous harmony, synchronicity and abundance.


The Invisible Made Visible

The problems of humankind are experienced because of mistaken identityan identity which assumes itself as being limited mind and finite form, rather than limitless mind and spiritual form. This is a spiritual universe; a spiritual world. You, I, and all beings, and all things and situations, are Spirit. All being is Spirit, yet experienced through the mind as material formpeople, animals, insects, plants, vegetables, things, places and conditions. The mind experiences pairs of oppositesgood and bad. In Spirit there is no opposite. There is no good versus bad, there is just Oneness, life Itself, abundance Itself, love Itselfthe all-pervading fulfilment of being, without opposition. While we are ignorant of our true identity, and the true identity of all in this world, while we trust and rely on the material formations of life only, we are bound by degrees of limitation, lack, ill health and frustration inwardly and outwardly. When we awaken to our true identity and the true identity of all people, things, places and conditionswhich is Spiritmiracles of love, reformation, life, success, happiness and abundance quickly become our individual experience.

The Invisible Infinity of Being

Spirit is incorporealinvisible, infinite, omnipresent. Even though the mind sees and operates with what we call materiality or corporealitycorporeal people, functions, substances, materials, objects, conditions and placesall of what we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and think, and all of the ways in which we use every thing and interact with every person and situation isdespite how real the physical nature of it appears to beincorporeal.



This is the secret of secrets. It is the ultimate truth. We do not need further understanding when weve grasped this mind-shattering awarenessnot just intellectually, but deep within our ourselves, as a deep knowingness that we enable to escape through us, out, into and as the outer appearing world of people, places, things, and activities. When we finally possess this knowingness all day and night when its permeated and saturated our entire inner senseswe find ourselves in a paradise of inner and outer joy, life, success and happiness. Nothing can enter our life that is anything less than fulfilment: nothing to do with body, business, employment, home, friend, lover, travel, employee, customer, student or patient. Even those people, animals, things and conditions we experience day by day no longer register as just corporeal; we seeperceivethrough the appearance to the invisible nature of him, her or it. We have an inner awareness. We know that every person and thing is Spirit appearing materially to our minds. So we dismiss the way the mind registers our world, and we rest in the glorious awareness that all is Spirit and therefore all is bliss and perfection, without limit, here and now, despite appearances. That firm knowingness has immediate harmonising and healing power. When you can truly look at anything, or any situation or condition at all, and not be fooled, but deeply know that it is spirit and therefore perfect life, abundant supply, complete harmony, health, happiness and fulfilment youll witness healings and improvements everywhere you go. Wherever you are the harmony of being becomes evident. Youll see miracle regeneration, turnarounds, opportunities. Youll see love present everywherelove bursting forth from within every person, thing and situation. Youll see the effects of this extraordinary universe of love pour out into visibility as tangible material people, things, events and places. But you must never be fooled. Even as the universe pours out into visibility its lavish life, abundance and harmony in every direction you must continually know what is really happening: the everpresent incorporeal spirit is appearing as incorporeal people, things and places in a form that the mind is convinced is, and experiences as, corporealvisible form. You must forever dismiss the material images and concepts of which the mind is convinced. You must see through everything and realise (have the perception of) the incorporeality of absolute-

The Invisible Made Visible


ly everything that ever presents itself to you. When we achieve this, eighty or ninety percent of our individual world is found to be paradise prepared for us, ready and waiting for us to walk into and enjoy without limitBefore they call I have answeredthe joys and fruits of which we can indiscriminately give, serve, and share with others. On the few occasions when collective mind belief finds its way into our consciousness we quickly recognise it for what it is and know how to deal with it: by lifting awareness up and out of the material scene and by realising the incorporeality of spiritual harmony right where, and as, the very people, things and conditions the mind sees as corporeal and problematic.

Two of The Major Challenges Facing The World

Two of the major challenges faced by millions throughout the worldill health and lackare found to have their cause in the minds insistence in seeing and believing this universe to be material instead of spiritual. The awareness of spirit being the only presence dissolves these material problems, to reveal life, abundance and fulfilment of purpose. Lets assume that we, at this moment, face a problem we are unable to solve mentally or physically, or even by traditional metaphysical means. The problem could be one of health, supply, relationship, home, employment, business, morals or sense of worth and purpose. From the perspective of the mind the need is the material solution to the problem. Our thoughts are obsessed with the need for healing, money, opportunity, love, relationship or companionship, more customers, a nicer home, a happier family, better morals, greater safetywhatever we see as being the outer need and solution to the problem. It is logical and real to the mind. It is common sense. It is reality. The mind is incapable of knowing more than the materialcorporealforms of life, therefore it accepts only a material, physical solution. The outer physical or material forms of life and fulfilment are the minds only yard stick. It has no other. There is nothing wrong with that as far as it goes. In fact, there is everything right with it as far as it goes. But as far as it goes is the mental and material realm of awareness onlythe very cause of all problems amongst the human race.



A Greater Awareness is Required

We must raise awarenesseach one, individuallyabove the level of mind-only awareness. If we do not, we will continue to experience the great limits of the mind, and suffer them. There is no magic cure despite the promises made in many of the worlds metaphysical teachings. While the mind remains dominant spiritual harmony cannot appear. We must realise: Spirit is infinite; Spirit fills all space. Spirit is everything, everywhere. Spirit is incorporealinvisible to the mindand yet, because Spirit is infinite, filling all space, being everything everywhere, what the mind sees, hears, tastes, touches, smells, and thinks is actually Spirit appearing as all these forms of sense and activity, but misinterpreted by the mind.

Spirit Does Not Change Its Nature, Character, Substance, Infinity

The mind interprets Spirit conceptually. Everything we see, hear, taste, touch, smell or think is a concept of spirit but not Spirit Itself. Spirit is infinite, eternal, untouchable, immovable, unchanging. Spirit does not change its nature, character, substance, or infinity. It cannot. It is eternal allness, self-completeness, indestructible fulfilment of being. No one, nor any thing, can change the fullness, bliss and omnipresence of Spirit one iota. Neither can Spirit be contained in or by the mind. Think about that: Spirit cannot be contained in or by the mind and yet we have thought we can bring spiritual fulfilment to our lives by the use of the intellect, and by affirmation, visualisation, positive thinking, right doing, correct giving and the like. Is not all of this using the mind and physicality? What you and I see as a person or thing is actually Spirit Itself, existing as that person or thingSpirit unchanged in nature, character, substance and infinity. The person or thing does not actually exist as your mind or mine experiences it. The mind experiences a person or thing but it is actually Spirit, the whole of Spirit, infinity Itself, abundance Itself!, bliss Itself!, life Itself! The form you see is an illusiona very convincing illusion no one can argue!, but an illusion nevertheless. Therefore, if you are trying to bring more or improved illusion into the illusion, you fail. It cannot be done because the illusion doesnt exist in the

The Invisible Made Visible


pureness of reality. It seems to exist; the mind is convinced it does. But it does not. What the mind experiences the person or thing to be is actually nothingness compared with what she, he, or it truly is. How can you improve a person or object that does not, in reality, exist as you see it? It is impossible.

Can You Brighten a Sunset?

If you are watching a sunset and believe the sun is turning itself offbecause it is now a gentle orange glow rather than the blazing white intensity it was an hour agoyou are believing a trick of the mind. The sun is, of course, just as intensely bright as it is twenty-four hours a day, yet the mind is watching it become a dim glow. The dimness appears real enough, and to a child who has never seen a sunset it may be unquestionable: the sun is turning itself off. To the mind that knowsthe mind that has risen above the belief in a sun that turns itself off at nightthe puzzle is easy: what is being witnessing is simply an illusion of the senses. The adult mind is not fooled by it. Likewise, if you have raced on a go kart track, you will have discovered that what seems like one hundred miles per hour is actually only fifteen or twenty miles per hour. The same fifteen or twenty miles per hour experienced in a car or truck seems like a snails pace because youre sitting two or three feet above the ground. But in a go kart you are inches off the ground. Your proximity to the ground makes just fifteen or twenty miles per hour seem like one hundred. The feeling of high speed is an illusion of the senses. When you are familiar with it you are no longer fooled. In the same way, we must now rise above the infant belief that the material, physicality of life is real. Matter is not real because the only thing present where the mind experiences matter whether it be body, person, building, money, relationship, city, beach, ocean, office or factoryis Spirit.

SpiritThe Only Presence

Spirit is the only presence, the only thing, the only person, the only place, the only condition because Spirit is infinite and therefore fills all space. There is no space left for you or me or body or



money or city or dogor whatever material thing or being we are thinking of. Spirit does not change Its nature, character, substance or infinity. There is only Spirit, therefore no matter what you need or desire, as known by the mind, no matter what it is or how large or critical it is, the real and only need is Spirit. When you know Spirit, Spirit appears as the need or desire fulfiled in the material, physical senses of the mindi.e. Spirit appears as the tangible need fulfiled whether that be health or healing of the body, prosperity of the finances or of employment or business, opportunity, fulfilment of purpose, loving relationships, happy family, safety, security, beautiful new home, and so on, without limit. The moment you grasp this and start desiring Spirit instead of the forms Spirit assumes youve cracked the greatest secret in the universe. You have found your direct access to infinity and you can have as much of it as you wish because there is no limit to infinity. The allness of infinite good exists right now, within you. It is only a matter of how much you dwell in that awareness thereby letting It pour out into and as your tangible harmonious world of self and circumstances. There is no limit, no amount, no time frame, no season, no lack, no process when you walk through your day realising the incorporeality and therefore infinity and omnipresence of all. Please understand this! When you understand it there is no more you need from me or any other spiritual teacher or teaching that has ever existed. Youre free! You have become the very infinity of abundance and bliss youve been searching for for years. You have discovered that you are it. I am THAT I AM. I am what I have been searching for. That which I have been seeking, I AM. I AM the entire incorporeal universe existing as me, right here, and as everything I experience and involve myself with. The entire universe supports me, shines here AS me, maintains me, protects me, supplies me but I must have an awareness of the incorporeality of all before I am able to witness the infinity of all as an actual tangible experience. You are one with the infinity of all because both Spirit and you are the one incorporeal existence, the one existence that fills all space aware of Itself at that point called you.

The Invisible Made Visible


You are not what the mind has assumed you are, a corporeal form with a corporeal mind that needs corporeal people, things and situations to survive or thrive. Form is never again seen or desired the way the mind sees and desires it. You have risen above the mind in awareness into spiritual discernment. You know that everything is incorporeal and you have discovered that the knowing of this great secret, and the resting in it with a peaceful, transparent consciousness, is enough to open wide the floodgates of heaven and witness the great and boundless treasures of the infinite right here where you are, every day and night. But you have to start from where you are. What do you do? How do you make this practical so that the riches of the infinite life, success and supply become your reality here and now, and forevermore? Lets make this very practical and quick. Many people ask me, How long will it take for my needed harmony to become tangible? How long will it take you to realise that the setting sun is not turning itself off? Its up to you. Ifevery time you witness the setting sun you have the discipline to remember it is not turning itself off, it is just an optical illusionthen very quickly you will not have to work at it. Youll simply know it. By the way, your knowing it doesnt stop you enjoying the illusion of the setting sun, or a thousand, or ten thousand of them. Your knowing the illusion of money, clothes, car, home, good food, good travel, good movies, good theatre and concerts doesnt stop you enjoying these things of life, and an abundance of them. It is just that you are never again fooled by the appearance anymore than you are fooled by the appearance of the sunset.

The Miracle Self Method

Whenever your mind begins to think of what the material need is health, love, money, home, happiness, safety, securityquickly catch it and lift your thinking to incorporeal Spirit as everything, everywhere. Realise that Spirit is the limitless and perfect supply at every point in space, for every situation, for every need and for every true desire and it is already fully manifest right where you are. There is no unmanifest spirit. Spirit already exists in Its manifested infinity right there where your mind latches onto a corporeal appearance of a need. Lift your awareness away from the



appearance of a need into the atmosphere of the omnipresence the absolute overflowing allnessof Spirit filling the very space the mind is looking at and sees a lack, limitation or discord. Then rest the mind. Stop the thoughts and words the mind occupies itself with. Stop thinking even about the infinite incorporeal omnipresence that is Spirit everywhere, filling all space. Stop thinking about Spirit. Get still, peaceful, and silent and let Spirit Itself flood into your awareness like an ocean floods a cavern. In your silence let Spirit do the work. Let Spirit rush in. Let Spirit be your awareness. It is right there waiting for your stillness and silence twenty-four hours a day, ready to rush in and flood every nook and cranny of your being and experience. Do not try to bring the complete awareness to yourself because that will be trying amiss. Spirit is everything, everywhere and Spirit is aware of Itself right where you are, as you, and as everything about you, every finite detail, need and desirespiritually, incorporeally because Spirit is you and everything about you. Mind is incapable of knowing or experiencing Spirit so let Spirit do it. Spirit to spirit Spirit to spirit Spirit to spirit... not Spirit to corporeal person, thing or condition but Spirit to spirit Incorporeal Infinite All to incorporeal infinite all even though the mind sees it as a finite thing or person or amount or condition appearing tangibly.

The Fulfilment of Every Need

The Self-awareness of Spiritmeaning Spirit being aware of Itself, now tuned into by you, in and as you, as an actual awareness you receive or feel withinis the fulfilment of the need. Spirit is the self-completeness of every point in space, the very space or situation the mind is seeing as needing improvement, life or prosperity. Do you see that? There never was a need but mind saw what it thought of as a need, because it sees only corporeally. The incorporeal wholeness is already existing where the mind is seeing a corporeal need. There is no corporeal need anymore than there is corporeal anything; there is only incorporeal everything so, again, the mind is falling for an illusion of its own making. Think, think! Spirit being aware of Itself right at the place where the mind is seeing a need is the fulfilment itself. It is one and the same. Spirit is the blissful fulfilment of all, and it already exists. The Self-awareness of Spirit is also the fulfiling form the mind

The Invisible Made Visible


thinks it needs. Except now you know that Spirit is incorporeal and Spirit is everything, everywhere. The fulfiling form already exists right here and right there. It always has existed right where you need or want it but because the mind senses only corporeally it is incapable of seeing the incorporeal Spirit already existing, eternally existing, as the need fulfiled, right there, right in that very spot where you sense the need.

Spirit And Form Are One

Spirit does not change Its form from invisible to visible. All is one I and the Father are one. Jesus The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth; the named is the mother of all things. These two are the same: they are only different names when they become manifest. They both may be called the cosmic mystery. Lao Tzu The One is in eternal manifested existence wherever you are and in whatever form you need or desire it, without limit, without question, without effort. All already exists. Exceptrememberall form is incorporeal not corporeal. All of everything everywhere is incorporeal which the mind is incapable of experiencing. On knowing this our job is to let the incorporeal allness reveal Itself to our awareness. Let Spirit rush into the empty cavern of our consciousness, no longer cluttered with thoughts, words, ideas, schemes, fears all based on a corporeal, finite sense of existence. Into the stillness, peace and silence of consciousness rushes the entire universe of Spirit, and all is well. All harmony, health, abundance and joy is revealed. It is felt within as a welling-up of peace, or joy, or a sense of release from the problem the mind beholds, or as euphoria, or light, or heat, or sometimes as a clarity of meaning, a statement you have known for months or years but suddenly now geta great clarity or depth of meaning suddenly bursting into your awareness. This is how we know and experience Spirit. This is how we



realise the incorporeal Presence that is the fulfilment already existing but now tuned into by us in the complete silence, stillness and peace of mind. Then, the infant mind which experiences only corporeally, still witnesses an illusion in the outer world except now it witnesses a healthy, harmonious and prosperous illusion. It sees the need fulfiled as health, healing, love, money, home, travel, opportunity. Whatever the need or desire has been, as deemed by the mind, is fulfiled in the outer realmthe realm of the mind and its material formations. But, you are not now fooled by even the good illusions. As you watch the wonders, life, and riches of incorporeal Spirit appearing to the mind corporeally, you walk around with a gentle smile on your face in the knowing that all of this life, abundance and joy now appearing in your life is not what it seems; it is actually incorporeal Spirit appearing as incorporeal form, experienced corporeally, tangibly. You have discovered the greatest secret of the ages.

Sickness to Health
What about health? Volumes have been written about how to use metaphysical treatment to change sickness or disease into health and life. Yet, sadly, there are very few healings. What is the reason? What is the answer? The first requirement is to view sickness and disease as a product of the mind and its corporeal formations. Do not be fooled by the physical appearanceto the mindof accident, illness or disease. Go through the exact same process of knowing and then letting explained. This accident, illness or disease is the mind seeing corporeally what is actually incorporeal wholeness, beauty, bliss, health, life, perfection. While my mind, and certainly the minds of everyone around me, is seeing this injury or illness or disease, my inner activity is to lift awareness above the finite sense of corporeality into the freedom and perfection of incorporeal allness. I must close my eyes, either figuratively or literally, to the scene as it appears in the physical, corporeal world. I must stop focusing attention on the injury, illness or disease. I must bring my thinking to Spirit. I must remind myself that all is Spirit, all is incorporeal. Spirit fills all space including the very space that looks to the mind as if it is injured or ill or diseased. Spirit cannot have an injury, illness or disease! It is impossible!

The Invisible Made Visible


If you try to give incorporeal gravity a disease or try to injure it, of course you will fail. In the same way then, you can understand how impossible it is to injure or disease incorporeal Spirit. This is the awareness you to have to gain in the face of the appearing physical sickness or injury. When the mind has reached a state of peace by knowing the truth of the appearing problem, stop all thoughts and words. Simply be still, and silent. In the silence all harmony is revealed; Truth reveals Itself. It is felt as peace, a sense of release, a warmth or heat, a light, a clarity of understanding, euphoria welling up within. Thats it, a wellingup feeling within that lets you know you had nothing to do with it. It is a happening within you without any effort by you, as you simply sit in complete silence, expectantly, letting the infinity of Spirit be felt or experienced within your being. When you feel It, you can know all is well. You can be certain that the incorporeal blissTruthyou have felt within is also the incorporeal form that is perfect body or perfect organ or tissue, that will subsequently be experienced by the mind as a physical healing or regeneration or correction. But you are no longer fooled by the corporeal appearance as the healing appears visibly. You know that as soon as you feel the incorporeal Spirit happening within you you are already experiencing the incorporeal form of fulfilment. The mind normally takes some minutes or hours or days to catch up and see or experience it corporeally but you no longer fasten your reliance on the feedback the mind sees, or how it experiences life. All reliance is now grounded in the incorporeal omnipresence of wholeness, everywhere present, as everything. The minute you feel It within you the job is done. You can relax knowing all is well, all is fulfiled, all is safe. In the early days of realisation, because the mind is steeped in the belief of corporeality and the limitations, lacks, illnesses, diseases, accidents and disharmonies experienced where only the corporeal sense of awareness exists, we may have to repeat our awareness and silence a number of timesor many, many timesbefore the mind suddenly witnesses the tangible fulfilment. Do not let that dismay you or make you feel as if nothing is happening despite your knowing and silent meditations. You are opening up to a great power and presence, the greatest power and presence in the universethe One power, substance and presence. If you do not manage to get it completely the first or tenth or twen-



tieth timeor sometimes the hundredth timedo not worry or give up. You will never be too late as long as you continue catching your mind thinking in terms of the lack or disease or inharmony and switching thoughts to Spirit, all-present, all-knowing, allpower, then becoming peaceful and silent, letting Spirit flood your consciousness in stillness and silence. Most of all, one must, at all timesevery minute of the day and nightmake sure thinking is on and in the incorporeality of all, and not plunged back into corporeality. Nothing is solid or finite or limited. Nothing. Nothing is missing. Nothing as seen by the mind and its five senses is what it seems to be. Do not judge by appearances. All is incorporeal Spirit, omnipresent, blissful, beautiful, abundant, overflowing with life, fullness and joy at every point. We must know this truth to a degree weve never known anything before. And we must let it reveal Itself within our own consciousness, all the time being still, peaceful, silent and receptive open and expectantto the flow of spirit that is always bursting to flood our very being in, as, and out into the external scene.


Its Me
I used to be fearful of a crossroad not far from my home. Deep in the countryside, with heavy-growing, tall hedges and trees on all sides, the four single track roads that meet at the crossroads do not provide much warning of the approaching junction. Each day, as I drove through that junction, I sensed how easy it could be for a driver to be unawares, and to plough right through without stopping, causing a possible nasty crash with another car. One night, I was driving towards it, my mind absorbed in something or otherprobably Spirit!and suddenly I found myself feet from the junction. I hadnt noticed it. I slammed on the breaks, heart jumping out of my chest, and stopped with inches to spare. There it was! The very danger I feared! How easy for other drivers to make the same mistake, I thought. A few weeks later I was struggling with a particularly severe and stubborn appearance of a lack. Why, I thought, especially as I know Spiritthat Spirit is supply filling all space, therefore filling all space where I am, within and as everything I do, and that the invisible supply and visible forms of supplymoney includedare One presence, not twowhy after I have known this for years, and spent good time each day in the Silence feeling the presence of Spirit within, why am I still struggling to the point of ruin with this problem of supply? Bear in mind, by this time, the problem of lack had hounded me for years. I couldnt seem to free myself of it no matter how much knowing I practiced or how many hours in the Silence I devoted myself to. Looking back, I dont know what, other than the sheer might of Spiritual awakening happening within, without my conscious awareness of it, kept me on the path of finding a spiritual solution. I dont mind saying, those yearsabout twenty altogether, the last seven of almost unbearable lackwere the single hard-



est years of my life. Other people, maybe you too, experience the same problem with different effectswith health, or employment, or relationships, or happiness, or habit, or a sense of purpose and worth, or however else a lack of spiritual awareness may appear in individual experience. Actually, any lack, limitation or discord, in any guise, is the same problem: a lack of true identity with Spirit. It surfaces in different ways depending on the individual susceptibility of consciousness. With me, the problem mainly surfaced as lack of tangible supply, and later as some lesser relationship and health issues. One day, while I was deep in meditation, the statement Its me! suddenly popped into my mind: Out of nowhere the thought of the crossroad came, and with it, Its me! Its me that is the other driver who may speed through the junction and cause an accident. Its me! Oh gosh, thats different. I am the one responsible for safety at that junction, not other drivers; I. This was proved by my near mistake that night a few weeks back. Then, just as quickly, the realisation came, Oh, its me who is holding back the free flow of abundant supply in my business affairs. Its me, not any customer or client who is deciding not to respond to my offerings. There is no customer out there somewhere who is deciding my product or service isnt suitable, or is too expensive, or not timely; its me! I am the only customer! I am the only client! I am the only buyer! I am the only supply! I am the cause of that limitation I am experiencing! But if in truth I am spirit, if I AM THAT I AMthe pure life, activity, supply, joy and fulfilment of allthen the I that is my limiting experience must be a false sense of I, not the true, one I Spirit. Oh, that takes responsibility from my shoulders because all I now have to do is quieten the mind of its false and restrictive senses, to let Spirit shine through, which it automatically does as the mind is still and peaceful. I dont have to fight the experience of lack, I dont have to attempt to manipulate the scene, or try to persuade customers to buy from me. I simply have to recognise my business, and every customer, for what they truly are: Spirit. If I am experiencing any sort of inactivity or lack it is my very own consciousness projecting a belief of inadequate business or nonresponsive customers or not enough money into my world. Its me! Only I am present out there because out there is nothing greater or lesser than my own consciousness beaming out its complexion, its own flavour, colour and texture, its own response, its

Its Me


own fruitfulness or barrenness. I-am-that-I-am when Im unknowingly under the influence of mind, yet in truth I AM THAT I AM the fullness of Spirit existing here as me, with all the infinity of existence ever at hand, here and now. Therefore there is not a problem out there in the entire world or universe, including out there in by body, my family, my home, my employment or business, my customers or clients, my neighbours and neighbouring counties, countries and continents, there is only the pureness and overflowing joy of spiritual peace and paradise, omnipresent. But I have to remove the mind and its fractional, restrictive, judgmental complexion in order to experience the fulfilment of Is.

Neither Good Nor Bad

You see, the physical crossroad itself is neither good nor bad, safe nor dangerous, but the mind makes it so. The tarmac, hedges and trees have neither good nor bad in them, neither safety nor danger. They are innocent, of course. But as soon as a mind enters the scene, the scene is imbued with whatever complexion that particular mind contains. If my human mind contains the sense of danger I imbue that innocent crossroad with the complexion of danger. Then I have to live with it. My consciousness becomes so for me. I cannot escape it. The intangible and tangible are one and the same. Whatever the mind holds as conviction is also held in manifestation. Mind and manifestation are one; the two actually are one and cannot be separated. The presence then, at those crossroads when I am there either physically or in consciousness is that of my mind. Whilst my mind contains a fear of danger then that fear is tangible in my experience. Mind and manifestation are one and therefore the danger now exists tangibly. I demonstrated that fact by my near miss. Furthermore, by my conscious fear of the junction I open out the way for there to be an accident one day, even if that accident does not involve the physical appearance of me, but of others. If the fear of an accident did not exist in my consciousness there is no way in the universe I could become aware of an accident. There could never be an accident while I was present either physically or in consciousness. That means the driver who may be unaware and speeds dangerously, possibly disastrously, through the junction, is me. Certainly, if I was not present either physically or in consciousnessin other words, if I knew nothing about that junction; I had no consciousness of its existenceother drivers minds



imbued with a fear of it, if there were any, will have its effect in their experience. But as long as the fear is in my consciousness, I am the only driver. I have dominion over the scene while I am there; and remember, there means physically or in consciousness. I could be sitting safely at home but as long as that junction is in my consciousnesswhich it is even when Im not thinking about it, or physically present at itit is imbued with the complexion of that consciousness. It is the inescapable law of mind manifestation. Therefore I have a responsibility to know the Truth and live by it every minute. That shook me awake very quickly.

What is Going on in My Consciousness That Makes it So?

Do you catch this critical point? Whenever we look out at a scene, or a person, or a situation, or activity, and we witness either good or bad in it, life or sickness, abundance or lack, companionship or loneliness, we must ask, What is going on in my consciousness that makes it so? What is going on in my consciousness that allows it to possess this complexion, this appearance? This is a hard teaching, but critical if we are to make progress towards and witness the fruitage of the spiritual selfthe Miracle Self. There is no person, thing, condition or situation out there other than that which collective consciousness creates, and which individual consciousness unknowingly accepts. There is no out there; there is only in here. If we enter a room filled with unpleasant green light, we dont go to each point of greenness and try to fix it, we realise the source of greenness is at the point of light entering the room. We go to the source and there we would find a green filter covering the window. As soon as we remove the filter pure light floods every nook and cranny of the room. Fulfilment is suddenly present. Fulfilment was always present but as long as the filter remained the effects of it were inescapably experienced. Mind and manifestation are one; the green filter and the manifestations of it, green light, are one and inseparable. The greenness out there in the room was never the problem unless we believed it to be. Then are we stuck with it, and well have a never ending job on our hands to try to correct it. The truth is, well never permanently correct it because as long as the filter remains covering the source of light well always have some form of greenness to contend with, and to try to solve. Well never be free of it.

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The Solution To Any And Every Problem

It is in just this same way that we discover the solution to any and every problem, no matter whether it is a problem of health, supply, morals, habits, injustice, loneliness, success or any other appearing negativity or discord in our experience. Always the solution is to go to the sourceSpiritand realise it is only the mind that has unknowingly accepted the collective belief in good versus bad, and that that is the cause of the appearing problem. The solution? Still the mind and let Spirit permeate individual consciousness. Let Spirit dissolve the erroneous filters of belief to reveal the omnipresent harmony, joy and fulfilment that Is.

I Am The Only Presence and Activity

Do you see how this applies to all of lifes experiences? The realisation that I am the only driver and I am the only customer and the only supply changed the way I handled each day. With the realisation that the only thing out there is Spirit, yet it is Imy consciousnessthat imbues every person, animal, thing and condition out there with the idea and belief of limit or negativity or lack or discord in one respect or another, not only a great responsibility but also a great joy flooded over me. Responsibility because the only power affecting my world was the power I imbued it with, positive, negative or spiritual, and therefore the entirety of my world, right down to sales of my products and services, the health of my body and familys bodies, my home and the area in which I have my home, my happiness and fulfilment of being every aspect of my life, success and joyis the degree to which I know Spirit and am able to let Spirit, not mind, be my world. Joy because when I achieve the letting of Spirit be my world I know my world will be nothing less than paradise in every way, unimaginable bliss, life, abundance and overflowing satisfaction in every department and activity of life. Understand this: Nothing exists but Spirit. There is no person, animal, object, condition or situation out there that is not, actually, Spirit, and therefore perfection and fullness of life and success. But the mind projects whatever colouration or distortion happens to be lodged in it by collective consciousness, collective belief, which brings on the appearance of limit, lack, illness, loneliness and unhappiness where, in truth, there is only the fullness of



Spiritjust as the green filter brings on the appearance of green where, in truth, there is only pure light. The easiest way to understand this is that mind has a set of filters packed with collective belief, projecting their colourations into your world. Whatever particular set of filters you or I happen to have lodged in individual consciousness constitutes the colourations of our individual worlds. They are not yours or mine but those of collective mind which happen to have found lodging in your consciousness or mine. They have no actual power or presence even though there is no argument that while we remain under the influence of those filters we suffer, and sometimes suffer horribly. The solution is quick and sharp as soon as we discover the nature of the filterstheir nothingness, like the nothingness of the green lightand instead, realise the one presence and power of Spirit being the only person, thing, activity and condition, and rest in It, enabling the spiritual completeness to shine through the mind and appear in the outer scene in glorious fulfilment.

Consciousness is What I Am
Consciousness is what I am. My consciousness is what I experience in my world, and why I experience it. When my consciousness is imbued with mind I will experience the products of mind degrees of the lack, limitations and discords of mind belief, outpictured in my world and affairs in proportion to my particular deep-set beliefs. Even though these pictures have no actual substance or power they affect me as if they do have substance and power whilst I continue to believe them, and do battle to try to solve them. But the moment my consciousness begins to relax, open and become imbued with Spirit, the erroneous world of two powers, good and bad, begins to fade to reveal the pure spiritual presence of completeness, life, abundance, joy and fulfilment everywhere present. Life, health and vitality are revealed in the body and mind where there was sickness, fatigue, stress or depression; prosperous activity, abundance and success are revealed where there was business or employment inactivity and insufficiency; love, joy and happiness are revealed in relationships where there was disagreement, antagonism and frustration; companionship is revealed where there was loneliness; a perfect home becomes available where an imperfect home experience used to be.

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But the question comes, how? How is consciousness imbued with Spirit? How is it achieved? What do we have to do that is different than everything weve been attempting all these years? The answer is this: we have to find the Peace deep within our being, for that Peace is the substance of all form, and the very forms and activities of tangible life, love, harmony and abundance themselves. First, realise that every personwhether we name him or her a family member, friend, neighbour, customer, client, bank manager, shop assistant, employee, colleague, judge, policeman or beggar is Spirit appearing as that person, in that guise. Realise that every activity is Spirit, every enterprise or employment is Spirit, every thing and place is Spirit, every condition and circumstance is Spirit appearing as, and in the guise of that particular person, thing, place, condition or circumstance. Because all is Spirit, despite the multitude of guises, all is perfect, life-filled, abundant, satisfied, happy. Because all is Spirit, all is under the control and government of Spirit, not him or herself, or itself, but Spirit. All has the infinity of Spirit, the life of Spirit, the love of Spirit, the activity of Spirit, the givingness of Spirit. But heres the catch: you and I, individually, have to know that truth in order to witness it and benefit by it. Every person on the planet, every animal, thing, place, condition and circumstance is the miracle Itself existing as that individual expressionbut you and I have to know that truth in order to witness the miracle. If we do notif we are mentally lazy and allow world belief to run rampant in our minds, as I did at the crossroad and in my businesswe will witness world belief in every person, thing, activity, enterprise and condition by the degree of our particular colouration of beliefs. The crossroad will be imbued with world belief; our employment or enterprises will be imbued with the belief of success and prosperity or struggle and lack determined by what is sitting in our individual consciousness. We, and everything we have and are involved in, and every person we love and have friendship with, will be subject to the ups and downs, the health and sickness, the economic good times and depressions, the safety and accidents, the joy and depression of mind belief. Look around your world, youll see plenty of evidence of the two powersthe negative and positiveof mind belief on every corner. The first step is to dismiss the corporeal appearance of person, animal, thing, activity, place, condition and circumstance. Know



that whatever is its guise, it is not that. It is, in Truth and Reality, Spiritthe infinite invisible love, life and supply of all joy, yet appearing as that corporeal existence to the mind. We are withdrawing the mind from the scene and allowing Spirit to be acknowledged. The only person, thing, place, activity or condition ever present is Spirit. Spirit is the only presence and we have to know it. The second step is to now rest in the omnipresence of Spirit, be silent and open, and let Spirit infuse your consciousness with the joyous fullness of Self. Remember, your consciousness is your entire world, not just your inner awareness or inner being. There is no inner versus outer; there is just all-encompassing Oneness, completeness, wholeness. So as you are still, and silent, and as Spirit floods your consciousness, your entire world blossoms with the Peace, Life, Love, Supply and Satisfaction that it truly is. Your entire worldconsciousnesshas eternally been the wholeness of Spirit, but you havent known it, nor enabled it to become tangibly evident through your stillness and silence. Therefore, many times, and in particular cases, it has appeared difficult to you, or antagonistic, or sick, or unfriendly, or unfair, or lacking, or restricted, or depressing. But that was only the mind allowed to run rampant. Now you know the great secret of releasing the miracleknowing the Truth, then being still and silent to enable Spirit to burst through into visibility in all Its might, glory and grace as every person, thing, activity, condition and place in your world. Finally we can say, Its not me any longer; it is Spirit! We have withdrawn the mind from every nook and cranny of our lives and enterprises, and opened out the way for Spirit to be the only presence, the only activity, the only power, the only result. Now we begin to live the Miracle Self. The tangible miracles and boundlessness of Spirit become evident in our body, family, home and travels; in our work; as the manufacturing, buying and selling activities of our enterprise; as the fulfilment and abundance of supply, achievement and satisfaction, and as the life, love and happiness of every relationship, activity and endeavour. The Miracle Self is ours to experience here and now, throughout all of life, as we take away the mind, to reveal the One Self. Spirit, let me know the true Self, the Self that never dies, never deteriorates, never tires, depletes or ages. Let me know the true Life, the breath of the Eternal, the body eternal, the One. Let me know the untouchable, indestructible body of Spirit appearing here as my body,

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my life, my awareness, and the body, life and awareness of all who come within range of my consciousness. Then I will always have boundless life, health and vigour of body in the tangible. Let me know the true Supply, the Supply that never runs dry, never dissatisfies, never is lacking. Let me know the true Essence, Substance and Matter that is the impersonal infinity of Supply in every way, and for every need and desire, which blesses everyone I give it to and share it with, without measure, here and now. Then I will always possess an abundance of money and prosperity in the tangible. Spirit, let me know the true home, the Home that is You, not the finite, limited, unsatisfying home that is material. There is only one true home, and it is You, Spirit, the infinite invisible home that is perfection, happiness, comfort, safety and fulfilment in every way. Let me know that, and that only, for any home less than that One True Home will be limited and dissatisfying. Then I will always find my true and fulfiling home in the tangible. Let me know the One Love, the One Relationship, not the finite, limited sense of relationship my mind knows. Let me know the One Invisible Love and Joy in all relationships, especially the one closest relationship of spouse or partner, and family. hen I will always find myself with loving and satisfying relationships in the tangible. Let me know only the One employment or business, the invisible activity that is always full to overflowing, full of creativity and satisfaction, full of purpose and fulfilment of being, full of givingness and supply. Then I will always have prosperous and successful employment or enterprise in the tangible. Just the One Invisible Spirit, that is all I want and all I ever need, for that One Spirit appears in and as my tangible world as fulfilment and joy of all, without change, without opposite, without thought.


Light on an Extraordinary Truth

An extraordinary truth has been revealed in chapter one: Spirit being aware of Itself right at the place where the mind is seeing a need IS the fulfilment itself. It is one and the same. Spirit is the blissful fulfilment of all, and it already exists. The Self-awareness of Spirit IS ALSO the fulfiling form the mind thinks it needs. Except now you know that Spirit is incorporeal and Spirit is everything, everywhere. The fulfiling form already exists right here, and right over there. It always has existed right where you need or want it but because the mind senses only corporeally it is incapable of seeing the incorporeal Spirit that is already existing, and always has done, as the need fulfiled, right there, right in that very spot where the mind sees the need. Spirit and the forms of Spirit are one. Spirit does not change Its form from invisible to visible. All is one. And that one is in eternal existence wherever you are and in whatever form you need or desire it, without limit, without question, without effort. It already exists. This is the great secret of omnipresence. And the realisation or awareness of omnipresence is the great secret of demonstration. Once you are truly awarejust as consciously aware as you are aware of the scene in front of and beside you as you walk along the street, and therefore avoid bumping into people and thingsonce you have that degree of conscious awareness of Spirit being everything everywhere you will witness miracles of health, abundance



and happiness wherever you are. When you know that right where you are, right on the very spot, wherever that happens to be, or as whatever situation your mind happens to believe is a lack, limitation, inharmony or even emergencyactually is the presence of the entire universe of spirit incorporeal allness and blissand you then simply rest in the allness of incorporeality, nothing in the universe can block sublime harmony from your experience. When you know that the infinity of Spirit the mind cannot see, plus the finite corporeal people, places, things, conditions and situations the mind does see is all the One, unchanging Spirit existing fully, infinitely and harmoniously right where you are, and where every situation is, youll witness miracle after miracle of fulfilment taking place in your midst. The key is to maintain the awareness that Spirit is incorporeal, infinite, and therefore fills all space and is all formsall people, things, places and conditions. There is no Spirit and any thing, any person, or any situation or condition. There is only Spirit. Spirit is seen by the mind as corporeal person, thing, place, condition and situation but no such corporeality actuallyin the deepest sense of realityexists. Yet the mind is capable of sensing only in what we call a corporeal manner. Only incorporeal Spirit exists, and incorporeal Spirit does not change its nature, character, substance, infinity or omnipresence, so the very thing or person or condition or place you are looking at or experiencing is nothing other than the One Spirit in its absolute purity, incorporeality, wholeness, infinity and fulfilment.

Empty? Or Bursting With Fullness?

Look at an empty space in front of you. To the mind a space appears empty. Maybe its a space in the room youre sitting in, maybe its the openness of the outdoors, maybe its the sky. No matter where it is, the mind tells you its empty, it consists of nothingnessno persons or things. To the mind, the only things occupying it are air and gravity. You can move into that space and still breathe, therefore oxygen is certainly present. You can also drop an object and watch it fall to the ground, therefore gravity is also present. The mind accepts even the invisibility of oxygen and gravity because it experiences them corporeally through the physical activ-

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ities of breathing and witnessing objects falling to the ground. But are oxygen and gravity the only things occupying that space? In that space abides the entire incorporeal infinity of the universe and every thing in the universe. In fact, in that space exists the entire infinity of the universe. The whole of infinity exists at every point in space at the same time. (Thomas Troward) Therefore, in the deepest of spiritual realisation, that space is you, and me, and every person. It is the entirety of the infinite universeincorporeal Spirit being everything, everywhere incorporeallyat every point in space at the same time including the space right in front of you. Have you been searching for something you thought was missing from your life? Money, health, love, companionship, right employment, fulfiling vocation, prosperous business, beautiful home, automobile, amazing travel or holidays, youthfulness, happiness, purpose? Its all right in front of you in what looks to the mind as an empty space, or aging body, or lacking bank account, or loneliness, or inappropriate home or automobile. Its all in the palm of your hand. Its all in your lap. Its all laid out at your feet It has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.1 You understand this now: Everything, everywhere is incorporeal spirit, whole, self-complete, infinite, omnipresent. But the mind is capable only of experiencing corporeallyfinitely, fractionally, partially. Who cares what the mind sees or fails to see when we have the knowing that, despite what the mind is experiencing and judging, the whole of fulfilment is present in that very spot? Who cares if the mind sees a lack of money or a lack of health when we know the truth: that the infinity of Spiritmeaning the infinity of all fulfilment, in this case all the money and all the health that is ever needed right here and nowis already present in the very place the mind sees lack or ill health or disease because, actually, everything, everywhere is incorporeal and whole? That is why mind sees fractionally or in a distorted, limited way. We have labelled the minds inability to see what really is as a lack of money or poverty or illness or disease or any other of the multitude of negative experiences and images the mind believes exists through its fractional, corporeal sense. Its time to throw out the labels. We have labelled the experience of the sun disappearing from view each evening as the sunset. The sun isnt setting at all. Its doing exactly what it is always



doing, burning intensely twenty-four hours a day. But the mind sees it as setting so weve labelled it as such. But does the label have any power, any authority, any dominance over us, any truth? Of course notunless we allow ourselves to carry on believing it. Do you still believe there is nothing but oxygen and gravity occupying that empty space in front of you? Do not be fooled any longer! Do you still believe you are missing something or some person or condition from your life? Only if you are still believing the corporeal images mind is presenting to you can you believe youre missing anything at all. Do not be fooled any longer! Everything, everywhere is incorporeal Spirit filling-full that space as fulfilment of all. Spirit is indivisible. Its only existence is wholeness, self-completeness, the whole of infinity existing at each point in space, the whole of love existing, the whole of bliss, the whole of joy, the whole of harmony, the whole of supply. Close your mind to the corporeal appearance and open your inner eye, your perceiving inner self, your inner sense of the incorporeality of all, the omnipresence of incorporeal all. There you will find paradiseyour paradise. As you rest in it, it will come alive and visible to you. Complete and instantaneous fulfilment of the scene already exists as incorporeal allness and is suddenly felt by your inner senses: Spirit reveals Itself to spirit, incorporeal All reveals Itself to incorporeal you and incorporeal everything about you, because All is One. Incorporeal Spirit is appearing visibly to the mind as incorporeal you, but the mind experiences it corporeally.

Spirit is Indivisible
Lets take the truth that Spirit is indivisible: the whole of Spirit exists at every point in space at the same time. Being aware of this, a great spiritual breakthrough and lifetime demonstration will occur within you and out into your tangible world as you grasp what is about to be said. In the past, we have thought of Spirit as being the invisible substance we will try to make appear in a visible, tangible way as form in order that we may spend it, manufacture with it, heal our bodies with it, companion with it, pile it up as riches, homes, cars, opportunities. We have entertained the sense of twoness instead of

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Onenessthe false belief that incorporeal Spirit becomes or improves corporeal form. This is not true. Now we know that Spirit is everything everywhere. Therefore, there truly is only one substance, one existence, one form, one person, one place, one condition: incorporeal Spirit being everything everywhere, no matter that the mind sees it all corporeally.

The Infinity of Supply

Lets try an interesting demonstration: Take out of your pocket a single coin or note. Hold it in your hand. What does the mind see? It sees an object labelled a coin or note. The mind hasthrough its corporeal sense (the only sensing function it has)objectified infinite incorporeal Spirit as a coin or note. Thats okay as far as it goes. But whats the truththe reality? What the mind sees as that coin or notean object with form, weight and quantityis actually the one infinite incorporeal Spirit existing as incorporeal form. Think how dumb the mind is! You are holding an infinity of form, in this case, a form labelled moneyan infinity! Literally an infinity of any form you want or need for complete and perfect fulfilment of this very moment that is what youre holding! Yet the dumb mind sees, and worse, believes, that that coin or note is all youre holding! You are holding infinite incorporeal allnessall of incorporeality, all of infinite allness, all of infinite supply because Spiritincorporealityis indivisible. Look again at the coin or note. Smile about the fact that your mind actually does see the infinity of incorporeality as a corporeal objecta whole world of corporeal people, objects and conditions. Have the same understanding sympathy for the mind as you would have for a three year old child who is convinced the sun is turning itself off. You do not believe the sun is turning itself off because the child says it is. Therefore do not believe the mind because it believes corporeality. Now figuratively or literally close your eyes to the coin or note. Were going to dismiss the mind and open the inner sense. Let the sense of incorporeality gently permeate the scene within yougently infuse every nook and cranny of the minds idea of an object. How? Simplygentlyswitch your thinking to incorporeal everything, especially incorporeal coin or note. Let the awareness



rise up within you of the coin or note actually being incorporeal with no edges, no weight, no amount. It is infinite allness. This is the literal truth about what the mind is seeing as that coin or note. It is incorporeal. Spirit is eternal, infinite presence. It does not change Its nature, character, substance, infinity, omnipresence, Self-awareness. Indeed, Spirit is what that coin or note really is because there is no thing other than Spirit, no presence other than Spirit. Therefore what appears to the mind as the object is no object at all, it is incorporeal form, therefore the very presence of infinity Itself, fully existing, fully available, fully already present at every point in space at the same time as whatever incorporeal form is desired or needed at this instant for the visibility of perfect harmony and fulfilment now.

The Now Exists Before Now is Needed

Do you see why the now exists before the now is desired or needed? Only the dumb mind incapable of seeing the incorporeal bliss of all fulfilment right under its nose believes it desires or needs something that at this moment is missing. Nothing is missing. How can it be? Everything everywhere is incorporeal infinity, incorporeal Allness-of-all fully existing at every point in space at the same timethat includes right under your nose, right in your lap, rolling in ecstasy at your feet. To paraphrase Shakespeare, Nothing is missing yet the mind thinks it so. All we have ever got to do to bring unbounded harmony into our tangible experience is to dismiss the mind-sense and magnify our inner incorporeal senseawarenessof the infinity, the all-incorporeal-allness of every pinpoint of existenceno matter what the mind is telling us about it, or how it sees it. When we have trained ourselves to do this we possess the greatest treasure in the universethe ability to witness heaven here on earth. We experience perfection and sublime harmony right here in our tangible experience. This greatest treasure is worth more than all the money in the world piled up for our personal use, all the gold and silver in the world formed into priceless statues and jewellery, all the diamonds that have ever been mined, the greatest love potions and the greatest elixir of youth ever formulated, put together. This great pile of so-called treasure is corporeal! It is nothingness! And youll appreciate it as nothingness the very minute you

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grasp the incorporeality and infinity of bliss, life, abundance and joy that you really are, that everything everywhere really is, and that you have open access to twenty-four hours a day, for eternity. Yes, It appears to the mind-world as corporeal good and perfect life, things and conditions but these are just the effectthe corporeal sense the mind sees; the images the mind seesof the greater sense of incorporeal presence now permeating your awareness and mine. The greater our awareness of incorporeal allness the greater amount and instantaneity of goodness, perfection, health, abundance, joy and fulfilment we experience corporeally. An individual who allows the mind to dominate might see a lack of money in his life or business. An individual who has an awareness of the incorporeality of all places his attention on the very same scene and quickly experiences the tangibility of prosperity and fulfilment of life and business happening at that very point. Life, business and relationships suddenly become filled with love, prosperity and satisfying activity. The intellect cannot understand this because it is only able to sense corporeally, so it calls it luck or an opportunity or meeting the right person at the right time. It is none of these. It is the recognition that the very life or business that, to the mind, appeared to be a corporeal body or business or condition lacking or limited in some way is actually the One incorporeal Allness existing in perfect harmony and self-fulfilmentjoyous and abundant, creative, satisfying and fully productive Isness right there. But again, it takes the incorporeal sense to bring the incorporeal visibility to the scene, which then, to the mind, is called corporeal, tangible, real, solid, bankable, liveable, shareable, healed or prospered or made happy or harmonised.

Corporeality is Purely Mind-Made

All the things and treasures and conditions in the world are mind-made. They are the mind perceiving in the only way it is capable of perceiving: corporeally. Every corporeal thing and condition is the mind conceptualising Spirit. The mind takes spirit, experiences it corporeally, and then places labels on everything it experiences. It calls those labels reality. Yet everything the mind perceives is fractional imagery. The mind is incapable of experiencing the blissful infinity of love,



life, supply, and joy that exists fully, everywhere at the same time, without bounds. The mind sees objects and conditions through its fractional corporeal sense and names these images a value, an amount, a measure, a danger, a illness, a disease, a process and so on. It labels some things good and other things bad. But only thinking makes it soonly the complexion of thought interprets good versus bad, positive versus negative. All youve got to remember is that if the mind is experiencing it, it is corporeal, therefore nothingness. All of the world and the universe and everything in it as seen and experienced by the mind is of the minds making. The mind is its own worst enemy; in fact, its only enemy. Do you see that? Everything we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and think is corporeal, of the minds own making, both the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the youth and the age, the love and the hate, the joy and the fear, the rich and the poor, the health and the sickness. A lack or sickness or loneliness or disharmonyno matter of whatonly appears as such, and only has the power to operate as such, while the mind is in charge of awarenesswhile the mind is allowed to dominate the scene with its sense. The moment the incorporeal sense dawns in consciousness, and begins to permeate our awareness, even by a grain, miracles are witnessed. So I say to you: If you are still looking at that coin or note with a sense of finiteness stop it right now. If you are still looking at or experiencing something wrong with your body stop it right now. If you are still unhappy or frustrated or lonely or fearing some thing, person, or situation stop it right now. All of this is reacting to a state of corporeal sense. Stop it. Lift your awareness into the incorporeal sense and you lift yourself into paradise, and more specifically, a paradise right here and right now where just a minute ago it looked like degrees of lack, limitation, sickness or unhappiness because the mind was running rampant. Paradise right here, right now. This is the actual truth. It is reality, the only reality, and it is not some far-off dream youll experience one day if you meditate enough, or in the next life. Youre sitting in It now, moving in It now, breathing in It now, loving in It

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now, living in It now. Youre reading this in It now. This is It!!! You have It now all of it, all of infinity, all of every form, supply, condition, situation and person that is part of your complete, blissful fulfilment now!

Think! Think!!
Do you see now why I tell you to live with the awareness of I have rather than I have not? Do you now see clearly why I tell you that if you live each successive day thinking you need things, that certain people, things or situations are missing from your experience, and youd like them, or you desperately need them, then all you will demonstrate is a whole lot more have not? It is the surest way the mind ever invented of creating ill health, disease, poverty, loneliness and unhappinessthe appearance and belief in these mind-labelled conditions and situations. Its the surest way ever of dragging yourself through hell, the particular hell of your individual minds-eye sense of life. Stop it. Do you also see why visualising, affirming, positive-thinking, and even meditating for things and situations is the exact same mind-sense awareness of I have not? Stop it. All it can ever do is make things worse for you and yours whether you experience the worsening quickly or in a few months or years along the road. It is only a matter of time; you cant escape it as long as the mind is thinking, I have a condition or situation I do not want, or, I have a lack I need filling or a limitation from which I need freeing. Many spiritual seekers think they understand their true spiritual identity, and the true spiritual identity of the world and everything in it, yet they meditate earnestly for months or years with very little or no demonstration. The reason for the lack of demonstration is this: although they intellectually understand that Spirit fills all space, and that Spirit is everything everywhere, they havent actually realised it. Remember this well: The mind is incapable of knowing or experiencing Spirit. Therefore, if we are knowing this in the mind fulfilment will not be experienced. It doesnt work. It cannot. It has to be an actual awarenessthe miracle has to be felt within. That is what happened when I sent out early copies of chapter one of



this book to students. Many called saying they suddenly, after months or years, got it after reading that chapter. Yes, it clearly explains the truth of Spirit. It is causing wonderful breakthroughs in the consciousness of many. Now heres the wonderful thing: You cannot escape the I have NOT awareness. But neither can you escape the paradise that opens up visibly all around you, and with everything you touch and involve yourself in, as you live the awareness of incorporeal everythingof I have everything because I have and I am infinite incorporeal allness. I have the infinity of incorporeality because I am the incorporeality Itself existing here as me and as everything everywhere. There is just Oneness, one infinite incorporeal presence, existing as everything, the Invisible formless appearing to the senses as visible form, the Isness that is everything, everywhere, including my everything, everywherehere and now. You cannot escape the blissful infinity that is the incorporeality of all because you are itthe wholeness of allinseparably, by inheritance. I live and move and have my being in and as Spirit, and Spirit lives and moves and has Its Being in and as meyes, because Spirit and you are the one incorporeal existence, existing as you, and as everything, everywhere, filling all space, being all things, all activities, perfectly, harmoniously, beautifully, bountifully noweternally now. Never again do you look out at anything at all without being aware of its true identity: incorporeal infinity objectified as incorporeal person, thing or circumstance, experienced by the mind as corporeal. That is the miracle treasure, and you possess it now. It is yours in its fullness, eternally.

The Silent Mind Opens Space For The Miracle to Become Visible
There is now just one thing left to do: be silent. So far we have used the mindalbeit at a higher degree of awareness, a spiritually infused awarenessto grasp the truth of incorporeality. But knowing with the mind is not the miracle, and will not make the miracle tangible in human affairs. The mind can only know about the miracle, not experience It. So now we must turn over to Spirit Itself. We understand that

Light on an Extraordinary Truth


Spirit is the only presence, the only power, the only formall incorporeal. Spirit is incorporealitySilence, complete stillness, complete peace. In and into the silence, stillness and peace we make of the mind rushes Spirit Itself, the incorporeal Spirit being fully aware of Itself right at the very point of consciousness called you. The miracle has always been present in and as you, but nowthrough your silent, still mindyou enable it to become tangible to the senses. In the silence of mind Spirit rushes in in the silence Spirit floods the empty, peaceful stillness of you in the silence in the silence In the silence the miracle becomes evident. In the silence, peace and complete stillness of your mind the omnipresent Bliss becomes tangibly apparent, and all is well. In the silence Incorporeal All makes Itself known as incorporeal all Spirit aware of Itself as itself, you Spirit to spirit Spirit to spirit. Incorporeal Spirit to incorporeal everything everywhere all fulfilment everywhere, at every point, as every desire or need the mind sees Spirit to spirit Spirit to spirit... Silence to silence Silence to silence Bliss Itself to blissful visible fulfilment of all omnipresent omnipresence Is you. Rest in this. Trust. Trust the Infinite Incorporeal Allness that is Love, that is existing as you and your entire world and universe. You have nothing at all to be concerned about. The entire universe of incorporeal Allness bears down for and as you, lavishing you and your entire experience with the gifts of Love the treasures and endowments of the completeness of your fulfilment, from the biggest to the tiniest need and desirefrom the snow-capped mountains to the flutter of the butterfly, from the most extraordinary achievements to the tiniest happenings, from the exhilarating surges of life to the tiniest breath, from wealth beyond imagination to the tiniest penny, from selfless giving to the tiniest gesture of consideration, from the most exhilarating pleasures to the tiniest joy, from the beauty and romance of the sunset to the tiniest lap of the warm evening wave, from the deepest love to the gentlest lovers touch, from the immeasurable experiences of fulfilment to even a minutes blissful rest from mindAll is for you all is the incorporeal miracle being your every inner and outer fulfilment, everywhere, at every moment. Be aware of the incorporeal Bliss and rest in It. Thats all it takes, your deeper awareness, your inner sense of the Invisible



present everywhere, and your silent resting in It. You have that awareness now. Do not worry any longer about anything at all, you have the awareness. You have the treasure, the greatest treasure in the universe: incorporeal awarenessthe miracle awareness. Now be gently silent open... receptive... peaceful... and let. Then you will understand Franz Kafka as you have never been able to before now: You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, It has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.



A student beautifully likened the illusory corporeal senses of the mind as the rippling waves of a lake. As we opened our eyes from a few minutes of silence he said, I have just realised something wonderful. The activity of the mind that sees disease, lack and disharmony is similar to the waves on the lake that stop one seeing through the clear water to the beauty and life beneath. The calming of the mind is like the calming of the waves. With the stillness of the water all harmony below the surface becomes visible. This is a wonderful analogy. This is the way in which spiritual wholenessperfection of all, omnipresent, already and eternally existing, already manifestis brought out into tangible (mindawareness) experience. Metaphysics mistakenly calls this process healing or prospering or harmonising but the correct word for the spiritual experience is revealing not healing. Spiritual awareness and acknowledgement reveals the wholeness and harmony already present and eternally existingthe isomnipresent, as everything everywhere. Everything you have in your life at this moment, and everything you do not have, is your current experience because of the degree in which your mind is rippling with concepts, beliefs, fears, thoughts, and perceptions. The more you are aware of the presence of Spirit, therefore the calmer the rippling of your mind, the more health, harmony, happiness and abundance reveal themselves as your tangible experience. The less you are aware of the presence of Spirit, therefore the stormier the ripples of your mind, the less health, harmony, happiness and abundance reveal themselves as your tangible experience.



Imagine your perfect, complete, joyous existencein every way, and as every person, thing, place and condition now and ever in your consciousness, your kingdomnow exists below the surface of the water. The Allness of you and everything about you. Perfection in every way, as every person, every thing, every circumstance. Think about that. That is the truth of you, right here, right now, but the mind does not see it. The mind is the rippling or, often, the storms that keep the fulfilment that you are from your experience here and now. Get this feeling that the only thing separating youhere and nowfrom your complete and immediate harmony, bliss and fulfilment in every way is the rippling or storms of the waters surfacethe activity of your thinking, concerned mind. The illness or disease you or another is experiencing, the lack or limitation, the unhappiness or disharmony is nothing more than an image created by the rippling or storm of the waters surface. If we were to place a beautiful statue of youa perfect representation of you at your joyous best in every wayjust below the surface of a crystal-clear, completely calm lake, we would see you clearly. No ripples or storms are present to distort the image of you. If you have visited Greece or Hawaii or the Maldives for instance, you know the beautiful experience of swimming, or boating in a glass-bottom boat in the clear, still waters, watching the multicoloured fish dancing, the corrals, the reefs, and the flowers as clearly as clear can be. Just for a few moments imagine the perfect statue of you just below the surface of such an ocean or lake. We see you sharply, in perfect detail, in perfect colour, in perfect form. You are peaceful, happy, complete. You are abundant, healthy, joyful, successful. You are completely fulfiled in every way. Now imagine ripples begin to disturb the waters surface. Suddenly, the perfect, defined image of you is slightly distorted. We cant see you as clearly. You do not look as peaceful or complete. Youre breaking up. You have a look of concern about you. Certain things seem to be missing from you. Your body looks ill. Your circumstances appear somewhat incomplete. Your love, your family, your friends all seem to have something a little wrong or unhappy or challenging or stressful about them. Then the ripples turn to stormy waves and we can hardly make you out at all. You are fragmented, incomplete and stressed. The

Calm The Rippling of The Mind


perfect you is practically lost to sight. I cant make you out. All I see is some glimpse of an image but its fractional, distorted and discoloured. Every person, thing, activity and circumstance in your life appears, by degree, disjointed, deficient and curtailed. If I was fooled by the imagery Id think something terrible was happening to you and try to fix it, or Id walk right past without recognising and acknowledging you. Ah, do you catch that? Is this not what we do every moment of the day? Every person, every animal, every tree, every plant, every object, every place, every condition, every mineral, every cell, every atom is the full bliss and perfection of Spirit existing as that person, animal, tree, plant, object, place, condition, mineral, cell or atom. Do we recognise and acknowledge It? Or are we fooled by the appearance, both the good and the bad, the harmonious and inharmonious? We are fooled! We walk right past and in that ignorance miss the greatest miracle in the universe: the full infinity and bliss of our very own Self, existing here and now, in the very place we are. We entertain the belief that the ripples or storms the mind sees, and is fooled by, are what we are. We believe them to be our reality, and the reality of every person, every animal, every thing, every situation and every condition.

Stop Being Fooled by The Mind

Stop it now! Rise in awareness into the bliss of spiritual perfection existing here and now. Realise: a little sickness is a little ripple. A disease is a storm. The mind accepts the sickness or disease as real and then sets about trying to cure it. This is good as far as it goes. Lets never deny or criticise anything that helps in any way. At the same time, if we are serious about discovering the spiritual completeness of self, if we are serious about discovering how the great spiritual masters throughout history healed the sick, fed the multitudes, revealed abundance, and brought happiness and wholeness, then we must learn the principle they demonstrated. Every great spiritual healer throughout the agesKrishna (the first spiritual master on record), Shankara, Buddha, Isaiah, Moses, Elijah, Lao Tzu, Jesus, John, Paul (previously Saul), right through to Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Joel Goldsmith and Robert Adams of more recent yearsand othershave given us the same



principle, each in their own way and each with their own analogies and metaphors, but the same principles: Spirit is what you are, what every person is, what every thing is, what this entire universe is. Spirit fills all space. Spirit is everything, everywhere. There is nothing but Spirit. Spirit is incorporeal, invisible infinity, yet the mind experiences corporeality: tangibility and objectivity. The mind senses and experiences finiteness where there is only infinity. The mind sees, experiences and uses tangible form where there is only intangible form. The minds corporeal sense is not real, it is just sense, or concept. It is imagery appearing real to the mind. We have been born into an environment laden with centuries of belief that the objectified corporeal sense and experience is real. Let us not, then, be surprised that the discovery of all being incorporealinfinite invisible Spiritis a difficult, if not very difficult, truth to realise. Nevertheless, realise it we must if we wish to master the beauties, bounties and miracles of the spirituallyawakened consciousness. If weve had enough of the diseases, cruelties, injustices, poverties, lacks, limitations, selfishness, greed and miseries experienced in a world unaware of its spiritual identity it is now time, individually, to step higher, realise once and for alland seriously, with a daily disciplinethat all of the human experience, both good and bad, is but imagery on the surface of the waterthe ripples or storms on the lakeand yet, as we experience the storm the perfect whole is present and instantaneously accessible to us. There is no truth to the imagery seen in the rippling or stormy waters. The perfect whole is there just beneath the surface, waiting to be recognised. There is no truth to sickness, disease, lack, limitation, disharmony or unhappiness. This has been the great discovery made by the spiritual masters throughout all ages. That is why they were able to dismiss even the most destructive disease with a quick smile or wave of the hand, and it is why we can do the same today even if it takes us a more concentrated or prolonged awareness than just a quick smile. Our smile may need to be slower, but smile we may when we know the truth and are able to rest back in It letting Its perfect whole become evident to the quietened mind. There is no more truth to disease, lack, limitation of inharmony than there is to fragmented imagery created by stormy water. How can there be anything other than Spirit if Spirit is infinite? This is the great discovery. There is no Spirit and. There is only Spirit.

Calm The Rippling of The Mind


Therefore, what we see and accept as disease is the false reporting of the mindthe image on the stormy waterbut not the truth of the person or condition. The truth of any and every person and condition is Spirit! Thats all! There is no disease, there is only Spirit. There is no lack, there is only Spirit. There is no limitation or inability or inactivity, there is only Spirit. The evidence of the mind is always against us because the mind is capable only of corporeal sense. Spirit is incorporeal so we must dismiss the evidence of the mind and its beliefs just as readily as we dismiss the image on the rippled water. The imagethe appearance the mind perceives and believesis not the truth. Spiritual perfection and bliss is the only presence and the only truth. Andremember this important pointSpirit does not change Its nature, Its substance, Its character, Its infinity, Its form. When you and I individually walk through our lives and vocations being aware of the incorporeal infinity of bliss omnipresent as everything everywhere, even though our five senses and thoughts are giving a very different set of evidences, spiritual harmony must and does always appear tangibly. Our awareness and acknowledgement of incorporeal Spirit being everything everywhere has the effect of stilling the waters calming the mind, releasing it from the worrisome and fearful images it sees. In that peace, the wholeness appears. It already and eternally exists but now is seen more wholly and clearly. The whole is revealed where before incompleteness was apparent. The storm subsides and the perfect statue of you appears crystal clear, and all is well. The effect as witnessed by the mind is what we call healing of the organ or function of the body, dissolving of the tumour, prospering of affairs, wealth of employment and business, the bringing of harmony to the work place or trade affairs or unions, the blossoming of love and happiness in relationships, the emerging of great talent where there seemed to be little talent, innovations that improve the lives of individuals or nations, ideas that produce greater product and produce. All of this is the effect witnessed tangibly and materially but the cause of the appearing outer harmonies is Spiritthe One and Only omnipresent existencebeing realised individually by you and by me, and then seen corporeally by the mind as the health, wealth, happiness and fulfilment of tangible being. Remember: Spirit is what all is. Spirit is perfection, love, bliss, harmony, abundance, perfect activity, perfect function, perfect ful-



filment of being from the body and brain to the atom, from the mountain to the grain of sand, from the elephant to the ant. All of Spirit exists at every point in the universe at the same time. All is already manifest because Spirit is eternal perfection, It does not change, or move, or complete Itself. It already is complete, infinitely so. There is nothing to complete because All already Is, and it is Ising as you right here, right now, eternally. The process of spiritual harmony or healing is revealing the incorporeal Is that already is, not making something happen, not improving a condition or illness, not bringing abundance to poverty, not bringing love where there is hate. All this is just the false imagery of the mind, the belief of the mind. Forget it. Dismiss it. Do not work on the mind and its images and conditions anymore than youd work on the images created by the stormy water. The perfect wholein every wayis present everywhere, as everything. Let it reveal itself through your silent mind as the perfect statue of you reveals itself through the still, clear waters. Spiritual perfection and wholeness reveals Itself to you when the mind is still, peaceful and silent. You cant do it; It does it. The very attempt to do it yourself is mind activity, which again blocks the spiritual whole! Do you see? The perfect whole is right there where your mind is seeing a problem. It is only the activity of the mind that is blocking the perfect wholeness from tangible appearance. Do not work on anything other than stilling the mind and bathing in the sublime Love and Fulfilment of Spirit. Then youll discover the whole appears right in front of your eyes. Do not try to heal a disease; instead, know the truth about the appearance, then still the mind. Listen and let. It is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom. It is the oceans good pleasure to give you the beauty of the corrals, reefs, fish and flowers. All you and I have to do is still the waves, and then, like a miracle, all the beauty and bounty of the ocean is revealed to your sight where, even just a few minutes ago, it was distorted or blocked by waves. Still the wavesstill the mindand you will witness blessings after blessings, miracles after miracles, too many to count.

What is Most Bothering You? Witness Harmony Now!

Consider what is most bothering you, or someone dear to you, this moment. Gently know the truth about the condition or situation. Know that, whatever it is, it is actually just another name for

Calm The Rippling of The Mind


Spirita name the mind, in its unknowing, has given to Spirit, a concept of discord, lack or limitation. Thats okay, there is no harm in a name. But now realise that whatever this thing or condition looks like to the mind, it is really Spirit. Thats all. The bliss, the love, the joy of Spirit existing fully and harmoniously right there. Dismiss what the mind sees. Dismiss the corporeal sense that makes this thing look frightening, or limiting, or lacking, or threatening. Now perceive the withinness that is incorporeal Spirit. Completely forget the person, thing or situation. Let it drop completely from your mind, and replace your thinking with spiritual truth. Ponder it. Rehearse it in your own mind. Get the feeling that because Spirit is infinite, and therefore fills all space, thatyes!there is nothing other than incorporeal Spirit even though the mind sees millions of different corporeal people, animals, things, places, conditions. And because Spirit is eternal perfection and completeness at every point in space at the same time, it follows that Spirit does not change its nature, its character, its substance, its infinity, its omnipresence. Therefore everything the mind sees as corporealthe bad and the goodcannot be truth. It is all a trick of the mind and can be dismissed. Never be concerned about what the mind shows you; there is no actual power in it, no actual presence, no actual influence because Spirit is all power, all presence, all influence. As you feel an inner agreement, an inner assurance, a release from the worrisome looking thing or condition because you are now filling your awareness with omnipresent, incorporeal Spirit as being everything everywhere (remember, you are not thinking about the thing or condition now, neither are you trying to convert or send your Spiritual realisation to solve the thing or conditionyou must not do eitheryour thinking is now only on Spirit, incorporeal, omnipresent) you now become completely still and peaceful for Spirit to reveal Itself within your silence. Let Spirit reveal Its wholeness, Its bliss, Its joy to your withinness in Its own way. Do not outline what or how you want Spirit to become known to you, for instance in the form of a healed body or filled bank account or loving relationship. That is another storm and it will block the harmony from your experience just as surely as an ocean storm will block from your vision the beauty beneath the waters surface. Let Spirit be Spirit in, as and through you in Its own way. You have no idea how It will reveal Itself within youwhat feel-



ing or sense of enlightenment will well up within youbut be assured of this: When you feel Spirit happening within you the outer harmony is axiomatic. Nothing in the world can stop the harmony, health, wealth and satisfaction of the tangible experience onceand every timeSpirit is felt within, and is acknowledged as the only presencethe only thing presentfrom night to morning, and morning to night. Do not make the mistake of thinking that Spirit fills you within yet leaves the outer problem unfulfilled. Impossible! All is one, not two. The inner and the outer are the same oneness. As a powerful search light floods every corner of the room with bright white light, so Spirit released in individual consciousness (the knowing and silence of the mind) floods every nook and cranny of your life. Your entire consciousnessyour entire kingdom and everything in it lights up, becomes harmonious, joyous, successfulparticularly that one problem that is most bothering you. Watch it, it will blossom as paradise. It will be bliss. There will be joy where there was fear or worry. Why? Because the fullness of paradise, bliss and satisfaction is already present simply awaiting your and my knowing it, then recognising it for what it isincorporeal Spirit in all Its perfection and bounty in every wayour acknowledgement of Spirit being everything everywhereno more walking past It without recognising It and acknowledging Itand then our receptive silent mind. In the silence all bliss and perfection is witnessed to be omnipresent, first in the inner, then shortly afterwards in the outer.



The secret of demonstrating an infinity of all good, right here where you and I stand, is to lift awareness up and away from what appears to our senses as the physical forms of life into the atmosphere of Spiritthe intangiblewhere an infinity of All perfection and wholeness already exists without the physical forms being necessary. The great mystery and miracle of life is that when we lift awareness up and away from the physical forms of life into the pure spiritual allness of being without physical formfulfilment of all at each point in the universe, including the point called yousatisfying tangible forms are always present in our physical experience. Thats the great miracle. No one in history has been able to explain how Spirit works, other than that Spirit does appear to our physical senses as all form. But we must reach the point as quickly as we can manage to, of not caring how Spirit appears to us as form. It does. That is where our interest in the outer appearing world should end. Our entire interest and desire must be in spiritual realisation, spiritual dwelling, spiritual living. The outer world of abundant, glorious form then takes care of itself, in wondrous ways and experiences of fulfilment that reach into and as each niche of our lives.

Imagine you are the sun. You are the infinite fire, light and heat itself. Now imagine you have, this hour, temporarily lost awareness



of yourself, what you are, what you have, and the effect of your light and heat as it pours throughout the universe. Your awareness has come crashing down to earth and now occupies a tiny patch of light on a wall. Your temporary, fractional awareness occupies no more than the measurement and confines of that tiny patch of light on the wall. That tiny patch is the totality of what you think you are, what you think you have, and what effect you think you create in your life. Just imagine it! Suddenly, you would be in a state of panic. Demands are being made upon you for which you possess insufficient supply. Your body becomes ill or diseased because you possess insufficient health, insufficient life. Companionship becomes unsatisfactory because you think the only available companions are to be found within your tiny patch of being. Or you assume you do not have what it takes to attract a loving partner. Employment and business activity becomes hard, never quite as satisfactory as you want it to be because you draw solely on resources limited to the confines of your tiny patch of existence. And so on throughout every department of your life. Life seems to be, by degree, a neverending series of limitations, lacks, difficulties, unfulfilled dreams, desires and needs, sadness, unhappiness, and fear. Yes, of course! All you are aware of, temporarily, are the confines of the tiny patch of light on the wall you have falsely assumed to be youwhat you have, what you can do, achieve and experience. The patch of light represents what you as a human being falsely believe to be your limited self, with many more needs and desires than you seem to have the ability to satisfy.

Lets Take Supply

As a tiny patch of light you discover it doesnt take too much living as an individual or business owner before you run dry of supply. You have used all the light you possess as a tiny patch because you have assumed the tangible light that makes up your patch is the limited supply of light available to you for use in this physical experience. So what do you do? You go in search of more patches of light. You search and labour for the tangible because in your temporary unawareness you have thought that all you have is what you can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. Then you, and everyone in the same predicament (the whole human race), concoct all sorts of

The Secret of Demonstration


creative methods of getting and earning more patches of light money, along with every form of physical supply: home, clothing, automobile, companionship, loveall the things of a satisfying life. Most of these methods are more ethical than some! But, at their corewhether we call it working hard and ethically for money, or being lying, cheating or stealing itall methods are mislead because they each focus on getting or earning or making light patchesmoney. But making patches of light is impossible without the source of light that creates the patch, so they fail to be the prosperous fulfilment we seek. We try, but continually run short. We forever seem to need more, and quickly. You can see how bizarre this scenario is! You can also see that the whole scenario of limitation is caused by a lack of awareness of the truth of identity. Thats all. Youthe sun itselfthinks it is short of light and heat and so tries to make more by concocting methods of manufacturing light and heat without access to the sourcethe creative substance, activity, and presence Itself.

The Awareness That Evidences an Infinity of Good

What is your real need? Is it more patches of light and heat? No. What you need is a renewed awareness which reveals that, actually, you are the sun aware of itself individually at this point in the universe called you, and that the awareness itself is the gateway to all the light and heat patches you will ever have need or desire of in the physical. Of course! The effect cannot stop itself from appearing physically and tangibly. But you are not now concerned about the physical because your real nature is the intangible light and heat itself. You are the very infinity of light and heat, and so you never concern yourself with how your light and heat appears in the physical. You simply use your appearing physical patches of light and heat to trade with and play with, but you never try to get more because you know you already are all, and have all. You are the very cause of every patch of light and heat you experience tangibly. You are not getting them, you are them! Do you see that? All that is happening when you see something in the physical is that you are seeing the effect of you, yourself, appearing to the physical senses. The patch of light you and I see is the sun light



appearing tangibly to the physical senses. But the patch is an illusion of effect. The patch is not what it seems to be because actually it is invisible light appearing tangibly only because our tangible senses perceive it in such a way. The real substance is the light source itselfthe sun. Obtain the awareness of your infinity of light and youll have as many patches of light as you ever have need or desire of. Thats the secret of demonstrating supply. Never attempt to demonstrate money. Thats the seducer!the thought that the physical, the patch, is what you need. Youll find yourself possessing all the money you ever want and need, and in never-ending abundance, when you lift awareness up and away from the physical appearing money, and into pure spirit where money is unnecessary to fulfilmentthe place of awareness where supply is limitless, immediately available, and never runs dry. This is the secret of secrets! Please understand this. Re-read it a hundred times if necessary until your consciousness breaks into awareness, like a bud breaking out in spring. Most of all sit in the Silence, ponder it, empty your house and let Spirit move in. Lift your awareness into Spirit where there is no need for moneyjust pure, infinite Peace, Bliss, Completeness without tangible material form, and without a need for itand you will discover the great miracle is just as true for you today as it was for the greatest masters of the ages: that an infinity of supply of all good, including money, success, home, food and all good things is omnipresent right at the place you are standing, and becomes an infinity of material tangible things, people, places and conditions to your physical senses and experience. But you never look for them, or concern yourself over them, becauseif you are still doing thatyou have not understood what I am teaching you: that you are spirityou are the sunand so there is nothing more than that wholeness you can add to yourself, or desire. How can there be? You cannot add anything to wholeness. The infinity that you are, and that you now awaken to and bask inyour infinity of spiritual being appears to the physical senses as money, healthy organs, life-filled body, wonderful relationships, creative business or employment, happiness and joy of all lifejust as sunlight appears to the physical senses as patches of light on the wall. Open your awareness to the infinity of Spirit that you are and you find yourself in possession of an infinite number of patcheshealth, money, home, car, holidays, success, happiness and harmony in every department of individual experience.

The Secret of Demonstration


You can see how the same applies to every seeming challenge or limitation we face. We are facing it only because our awareness of what and who we are, and what we have, is confined to the tiny patch of being we have thought we are. You are not finite in any way, and nor am I. You and I and every person, thing and condition are the one infinite Spirit. Thats it. You need no more awareness than this because the moment you awaken to your true infinite identity all the patches of harmony, health and wealth appear to the physical senses. The moment you awaken to your true identity you no longer have concern for the patches of physical-appearing health, happiness, love and prosperity, and yetin your unconcernyou find all of life flowing harmoniously, healthily, lovingly and prosperously.

You see how, if there is an appearancea patchof ill health or injury or disease, in order to see that appearance dissolve into nothingness we must lift awareness up and away from the physical appearing thing or condition into the pure awareness of intangible spirit where ill health, injury and disease do not exist. It is in that pure awareness of Spirit that the healing occurs. The healing appears to our physical awareness whenand only whenwe have lifted above being concerned about the illness, injury or disease in the knowledge that the appearing problem is just the patch. It has no cause, no substance, no power. By the way, if you want to prove that physical things and conditions have no cause, substance or power try shutting off the source of light from the patch, and see how long the patch remains on the wall. Of course, it disappears instantaneously. There is no cause, substance or power in anything you and I can experience in the tangible. All cause is Spirit and therefore good infinitely so. You are that spirit and all you have to do is lift your awareness up and away from the physical into the pure Spirit, then rest there with an empty, open, peaceful, attentive, inviting attitudewith no concern or interest in the physical need or desire and simply let the spirit that you are exist freely in, as, and through your consciousness. Your spiritualised consciousness infallibly then appears as an infinity of patches in your physical experiencehealthy, fit, energetic body and mind; abundance of achievement, money and opportunity; beautiful relationships; happy, loving conditions; cre-



ativity, performance, achievement, attainment; joy, happiness and freedom in every endeavour and department of life. But you and I make no physical effort to get these conditions, we simply continually live and bathe in the awareness of the infinity of Spirit being who we are, and who every being is, what we are and what every being is, and what we have and what every being and has. But never again do we become concerned when something looking like a challenge or demand or accident or disease turns up either personally or to someone in our life. Instantly we recognise it as a patch that the human mindthe five-sense awareness terms difficult or impossible or upsetting or business-threatening or even life-threatening. Instantly we lift up and away from the appearing problem into pure spiritual awareness where there is no material form, either good or bad. There is just pure intangible Spirit, bliss, peace. As you dwell in that Spiritas you actually live there (in spiritual awareness) all dayas being your only true nature and substanceand you steadfastly hold onto spiritual awareness only not allowing yourself to become entangled in the belief that the patch you are seeing is something to work on or resolvethen you will quickly see the problem dissolve or correct itself as being the harmony it really is. Thats the secret of demonstration.



I am going to shock you now. Stay with it. Make sure you understand what I am about to tell you. Then immediately live with it each minute and each hour. As it takes hold in your consciousness it will become rich fruitage in your tangible experience. Spirit will never give you a thing. Nothing is ever going to come to you. No miracle is going to occur for you. The skies are not going to open wide and pour you down a blessing of health, or a million pounds. No spiritual balm is going to somehow be released within your body to heal your sickness or disease, or to restore your functionality or wholeness. No perfect partner, no employment or business opportunity, no perfect home or car, no happiness, no satisfaction, no youthfulness is going to magically manifest itself for you or within you. Does that seem to fly in the face of everything weve said so far? If you think it does, then it is about time to resolve the mistake made by thousands on the spiritual path. You see, this is the very mistake that leaves thousands desolate of their good. Thousands are still waiting for their demonstration, or at least the one big demonstration of health, supply, success, companionship, or love they need. Only the very few are actually, daily, experiencing their demonstrated good. Why is this? Because your boundless demonstrated good already exists right where you are, omnipresent, in, as, and through everything everywhere! Unless and until we individually reach the point of awareness that can agree that omnipresent, incorporeal, spiritual Allness already is existing right where we are, and as each and every one of us individually, we will continue to search the world over for our goodits teachers and teachings, its books, its semi-



nars, its holy temples and churches, its shrineseven within our meditations and mind-practiceseverywhere apart from where it is: right here!, already perfect, already whole, already being, already fully existing and functioning in Its entirety of fulfilment as you and as me, and as every person.

Spirit Does Not Give!

Spirit Is. Your manifested good, without limit, is already omnipresent at your feet, in the palms of your hands, all around you wherever you happen to be, in and as the very form you want or need for complete fulfilment this very moment, now. Lets recap to make sure you understand this great secret of demonstration, so thatfrom today forwardyou actually live your demonstration, actually experience itthe smallest, the biggest and the most serious and urgent each dayand never again be confused about what you are, what every person and thing is: incorporeal, omnipresent. Lets make sure you know, here and now, and forever more, how spiritual harmony becomes visible and tangible in individual experience. Spirit is incorporeal infinite allness. There is no Spirit and. Spirit IS what this world and universe is. Spirit fills all space, is all beings, objects and activities. Spirit is the only existence, the only existing person, thing, place, condition, situation. It doesnt matter who or what youre looking at or thinking about, it is Spirit objectified through the false-reporting five senses of the mind, with a sense and belief of corporeality instead of incorporeality. Corporeality is the conceptthe sensingcreated by the mind; concepts of That which is actually present: incorporeal Spirit, form, perfection, love, bliss, beauty, harmony, joy in everything, as everything. All is incorporeal. Only a corporeal sense exists in the mind. We have got to constantly remind and convince ourselves of this truth. It is not at all easy to accept at first, but it is fact. This entire world of people, things, conditions, and places looks real. It looks physical. It appears to have weight, measure, finiteness. It appears to have seasons, processes, distances, bodies and vehicles. I am here living in the same world as you; I know what it looks like. I know the mind and the intellect will argue all day long that this corporeal-looking world and every person and thing in it is real. But spirit is not physical. Spirit is incorporeal, infinite, filling all space, being all things, situations and activities. Spirit does not change Its

A Shocking Realisation


nature, form, character, substance, infinity or omnipresence, therefore there is no physical, there is no process, no season, no mechanics, no time, no distancethere is no thing or person or condition as experienced by the mind; there is only the One existence of all: Spirit. That is why we do not attempt to change or improve or heal or prosper what the mind sees as needing improvement. We recognise that what the mind experiencesreal as it certainly seemshas no actual reality. The perfection of Spirit is right there where the mind experiences a problem, illness, disease, lack, limitation or disharmony. When consciously recognised, the spiritual harmony appears visibly as health, supply, companionship and harmony.

The Fullness of Spirit Already Exists at Every Point

All is instant. In fact, all is more than instant, it is omnipresent; it already exists. It has, and will do, eternally because all is now Spirit being omnipresent allnessincorporeallynowat every point in the universe at the same time. Nothing is missing, nothing is sick, nothing is limited, nothing is needed, and when we realise the incorporeality and omnipresence of allness we possess the awareness that causes miracles. Do you see now that if you are sitting around waiting for something to happen you might as well tuck yourself in for a very long wait. Nothing is ever going to happen because it already has happened! All is eternally manifested. Nothing is going to be made manifest. The whole of your infinite demonstration is already sitting at your feet, waiting patiently for you to recognise it. When you stop judging the scene through your corporeal-sensing mind and begin judging only incorporeally suddenly the truth of spiritual bliss becomes yours to pour out as the outer scene.

A Subtle Extra Step we Easily Miss

There is a subtle extra step we have to take, which, if were not careful, we miss, and therefore overlook our already-demonstrated good. We fall into the trap of excuses and fail to experience our demonstrations being tangible, or, at least, we experience only the very fringes of demonstration. We say, Oh well, it hasnt happened today, but it will. There is obviously some spiritual reason why it hasnt turned up today, and that reason must be for my good, but I



really hope it will happen tomorrow because Im now desperate. It is urgent nowplease Spiritplease. I am desperate! No. That is not the Miracle Self. Your demonstration already is, and is ising right at the place you are, tangibly, in and as the very perfect and complete form it needs to be for your complete fulfilment, or the fulfilment of the person or situation you are treating. Thinking it will come one day soon will achieve only one thing: a lot more one day soons. For to every one having shall be given, and he shall have abundance, and from him who is not having, even that which he hath shall be taken from him. This is not a cruel law of the gods who reward the rich and deprive the poor of even the little they have; it is a principle of spiritual identity and awareness, the real self we each are. If we are aware ofhave spiritual identityevery one havingwe will continually experience more good in the forms of overabundance of harmony, health, wealth, success, attainmentcomplete joy of being, things, and purpose. But if we are unaware of our spiritual identityhim who is not havingwe will continually miss our already manifest, already present infinite-all and well watch as even the corporeal good health, good prosperity, good career, good family and friends, good safety and good environment weve managed to mentally create or attract seems to crumble and desert us. What is it we are missing? What are we failing to understand? What are we not doing? We have to not only be aware but also acknowledge and trust the presence of spiritual allness. There is a difference between awareness and acknowledgment. Both are required. You might be aware of the presence of Spirit, but are you acknowledging the presence in the form in which that acknowledgment is required? Websters New Riverside University Dictionary describes the word acknowledge as: To recognise; to know. 1a, To admit the existence, reality or truth of. 1b, To recognise the validity, force or power of. 2a, To express recognition of (acknowledge our presence). 2b, To express gratitude for. 3, To acknowledge receipt of. 4, To accept or certify as legally binding. Core meaning: To recognise, often reluctantly, the reality or truth of. That core meaning rings true, doesnt it? Dont we so often find ourselves reluctantly recognising the truth of omnipresent Spirit in favour of the minds senses and corporeal awareness of the world? I interpret acknowledgment like this: Lets say you and I were playing the game Hide and Seek. Before we play, you tell me

A Shocking Realisation


youre going to hide behind the tree in the field. I close my eyes and count to ten, you run into the field and hide, I open my eyes and set off to find you. I am aware of your position because you told me youll be behind the tree in the field. But I havent yet found you. Awareness is not enough. I now have to acknowledge your presence behind the tree. I have to express recognition of your presence. I have to recognise the validity of you being there. I have to acknowledge receipt of you. I have to accept as legally binding the fact that you are present behind the tree. I have to recognise, often reluctantly, the reality or truth that you are there. When I dowhen I actually say to you, There you are behind the tree, I see youyou come out of hiding. I have now demonstrated you; I see you, whereas a minute ago I could not see you even though I was awareconscious ofyour whereabouts. Do you see the difference between awareness and acknowledgment? This is what Spirit requires. This is the first principle or law of demonstration. I realised this after speaking with some students recently. I know this group have a good awareness yet their demonstrated good still evades them. It suddenly became clear: Acknowledgment is the secret. Indeed, we have to so deeply know that our good is already manifest right where we are as incorporeal allness, good, perfection, overabundance in the very form we need it without limit, that we walk around all day with the certain acknowledgment that it is right herejust as we would call out with certainty, There you are behind the tree, I see you. Then spirit is free to become released into and as the minds visibility; our manifested good becomes visible to the mind corporeally. We must move through our days and activities knowing with absolute certainty that all the infinity of our good is right here already manifested. We must continually acknowledge Its presence as everything everywhere, perfectly already-manifested good in every department of life. Hoping this is true will not work. Accepting that it will arrive one day soon will not work. Being content with its non-arrival today will not work. Why be content with its absence when you know it is already sitting at you feet? Acknowledge it now. Stop making excuses for its non-arrival. Acknowledge It now, and continually. The second principle, and requirement, is silence. In the Silence All becomes visible to the mind as long as you know It is present. In the silence all that is acknowledged as presentspiri-



tual infinite allnessbecomes tangible to the mind as the form of fulfilmentthe need fulfiled. You have awareness, and you have now acknowledged your infinite incorporeal goodremember, always incorporeal good, never corporeal good. Now, in the Silence, your good appears of its own accord. Spirit reveals Itself within your silence. Thank You, Thank You Spirit, I have found You. If I look into the seeming empty space in front of me, there You are in the fullness. If I look up into the sky there You are. If I look at my body, my employment, my business, my family, my home there You are in the fullness. I know You are there, I acknowledge Your presence, and all is well. I can finally relax. My troubles are over. I am well, I am safe. I was still, until now, trying to make incorporeal All produce some form of good for me. Now I know, and I acknowledge, the presence of incorporeal Spirit as all, and as the very allness of my complete fulfilment here and now and at every moment. I walk around with the continual awareness and acknowledgement that You, Spirit, Incorporeal Infinite All, are hiding from the mind right here where I amlike Hide and Seek to the mind. Spirit is continually omnipresent. Spirit pours forth as boundless love, joy and abundance of expression, ever available as freely as the sunshine is available to all who avail themselves of it. I have all form because I have all incorporeal infinity. Corporeal form is incorporeal infinity being seen by the mind finitely, therefore if it appears to me that I have a lack of healthy, harmonious or abundant form, it is because I am looking corporeally instead of incorporeally. How can I have a lack of anything when here I am, the very full presence of the infinity of Spirit, the infinity of incorporeality, existing here as me and as every fulfilment of me and every person and thing in my consciousness? I AM the infinity of incorporeal Spirit therefore I have all form. I AM incorporeal infinity therefore I HAVE incorporeal infinity. I rest in that assurance, never worrying about the corporeal sense of form my mind sees, and I discoverin my restingthat all good, loving, and abundant spiritual form becomes visible corporeally in my physical experience. My active awareness and recognition of Spirit omnipresent, here, there, everything everywhere, is my oneness with all form, all persons, all harmony, all life, all supply, all love. When I am living in awareness and acknowledgment of the presence of infinite incor-

A Shocking Realisation


poreal spiritual allness right here, right now, I am one with all form right here, right now. All fulfilment is mine now. I own it now. This peaceful knowingness brings forth the corporeal-sensed healing and fruitage of fulfilment in all of life. Now you can see why gratitude is important and possible. Webster says to acknowledge is to express gratitude (2b). When you know with such certainty that you acknowledge the presence of the already-manifested spiritual perfectionincorporeal perfection omnipresentand you know that as you acknowledge It It infallibly becomes visible to the mind as the corporeal fulfilment or healingthere is inherent gratitude. Use your abilityor lack of abilityto feel inherent, inner gratitude as a measure of your spiritual awareness. When you feel at least the same flood of relief and gratitude you would when you experience the physical corporeal manifested good, for the spiritual incorporeal good you know is ever manifested and formed simply awaiting your recognition and acknowledgement, you have attained the spiritual awareness that is the miracle.



Let us keep in mind the single most important awareness we must have: Spirit is incorporeal Allness, Infinity, Self-Complete, filling all space, being everything everywhere. Person, place, thing, situation and condition is also incorporeal allnessSpiritfilling all space yet seen and experienced by the mind as an objectified corporeal finiteness. Spirit does not change its nature, character, form, substance, infinity, omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience. A mountain or one grain of sand is the same one, unchanged, incorporeal Spirit appearing to the mind as a corporeal mountain or grain of sand. Anything and everything the mind sees, hears, tastes, touches, smells or thinks is a corporeal concept of an incorporeal reality. With this in mind, I want to give you a wonderfully clear way in which to understand the process of demonstration, a way that will bring rapid results.

Awareness Infused With and by Spirit is Miracle Demonstration Revealed

The awareness of the presence of incorporeal Spiritual All and the corporeal-appearing (to the mind) demonstration are one. The demonstration of perfect, blissful All already exists at every point. Your perfect, full demonstration is omnipresent wherever you happen to be, already waiting for you to be there, waiting for you to catch up with It by opening awarenessbut it takes an awareness infused with the oneness and incorporeality of Spirit in order for It to be seen by the mind corporeallyvisible to the mind as a tangible good thing or person or condition.



The demonstration already exists because incorporeal allness already exists at every point in the universe at the same time. You cannot demonstrate anything. You can only become aware of the already demonstrated perfection. You cannot manifest anything because all is already manifestAll is incorporeal Allness already existing at every point in space as both invisible incorporeality and visible incorporeality as is needed or desired for each moments fulfilment, witnessed by the mind as corporeal. You can only become aware of the already manifested, incorporeal Allness, thenin the silence of mindfeel it become incorporeal fulfilment within, shortly afterwards to be witnessed as the outer, corporeal fulfilment. But heres the thing: it is the degree of infused awareness that determines the degree of manifested good you or I will witness visibly each day, each hour. Make sure to remember: Only Spirit exists, only Spirit is aware of Itself, and only Spirit makes Itself aware as the individual mind and all the sensed things of the mind when the mind is completely still, peaceful and silent. Where the mind is still Spirit is fully present and fully demonstrated because the presence of Spirit is already the Oneness and Allness of full, completed demonstration. Heres an analogy that clearly illustrates the art of demonstrationthe process and principle, or law, of demonstration. Understand this and youve got your demonstration, inner and outer, one and the same: When you place tea leaves in a cup of hot water the water gradually becomes infused with the flavour, colour and aroma of the leaves. You keep the tea in the cup until the water is fully infused. At that point you remove the leaves. The full flavour and aroma of the tea is now ready to be enjoyed. This is a wonderful analogy for the process of consciousness becoming infused with the awareness of incorporeal Spiritual All, andas a resultexperiencing the visible (corporeal) manifested good of fulfiled demonstration in your midst. Lets say that tea is Spirit and water is our individual consciousnessour awareness. Lets also say that boiling the water in preparation for making the tea is our mind knowing the truth and preparing itself to be silentcontemplating, pondering, rehearsing the truth. The first thing we do is boil the water. It is a necessary preparation to the making of each cup of tea but it is not the tea itself. In the same way, the first thing we have to do each time we turn within for spiritual realisation is to know the truth with the mind.

The Infusion of Awareness


Our knowing truth with the mindthinking about truth; contemplating, pondering, rehearsing the truth with the mindis not the Spirit Itself but it is a necessary preparation. Why? Only when the mind has reached a state of knowing that enables stillness, peace, and silence can Spirit Itself become an awareness in and as the mind. Spirit is everything everywhere. It is the one power, the one allknowing intelligence, the one presence. It is all around you as you read and ponder this chapter. It is everything in your vicinity right now. Look around you. All of everything you see is incorporeal Spirit being that thing, and every thing, seen corporeally with your mind. What you are seeing in your vicinity is only a fractional view or awareness of what really is there: fullness of bliss, fullness of love, fullness of intelligence, fullness of everything you need and desire right now, present here where you are, fully available to you this minute as every good and loving form you require.

Your mind has to be truly silent, empty of thoughts and concepts. It has to become a state of receptivity. Complete silence. While you are looking out into whatever happens to be your current scenery with a false knowing that you are short of money or lacking in health or lonely or limited in some way your mind is busy entertaining belief-images of its own making. While its doing so Spiritual Allness cannot penetrate. It forever wants to. It is forever ready to. It is forever pushing at your consciousness trying to burst through. But your mind is busy with images, fears and schemes of its own making, thereby shutting Spirit out. What an amazing realisation! Right where you are this minute, reading this, your very surroundings and the things filling those surroundings are all incorporeal Spirit, the entire universe of bliss, perfection and fulfilment bursting to pour through your silent consciousness as the instantaneous fulfilment of absolutely everything and every condition your mind has thought was missing. Nothing is missing, nothing at all! Only the corporeal-sensing mind can look out and see a lack or limitation or illness or inharmony. But the incorporeal-sensing inner-awareness knows allness, beauty, abundance, perfection and joy in and as every person, thing, and nook and cranny of the universe. You areright now, and at all timesin the very midst of the infinite ocean of incorporeal Spirit Being your every fulfiled



demonstration now. Look at anything in your vicinityin your room, in your car, in the park, by the oceanwherever you happen to be reading this. Realise that that thing your mind is seeing is actually the entire universe of incorporeal Spirit, the entire incorporeal demonstrated fulfilment of all you ever need or desire. It knows you. It is aware of you. It wants you to close your eyes, shut out the minds view and thoughts of the world and about your situation, and be silent. Then It can rush in. It does rush in. The very second you silence the mind Spirit floods in, infusing your entire being with Its bliss, Its government, Its organisation, Its all-intelligence, Its harmonising presence, Its correcting and regenerating Self, Its miracle Isness of Being. Now, all of this contemplating, pondering, rehearsing of the truth is the equivalent of boiling the water. Its necessary but it is not the tea itself, it is not Spirit Itself. All we have done so far has not brought one drop of actual spiritual awareness and demonstration to us. It has been mind activity, not Spirit activity, which can only happen in the silence of mind. So now we have to let the tea infuse the waterlet Spirit infuse our awareness. But here we reach a very interesting realisation, a realisation that will forever clear up the confusion of why I am not witnessing the demonstration I need. First, the only way we can make a good cup of tea is to let the tea infuse the water. We cant make the tea infuse the water, it does it itself. Secondly, if we dip the tea into the boiling water for one quick second we get very weak tea. It really cant be called a cup of tea, its a cup of hot water. Our experience of tea will be weak, virtually non-existent. If we leave it in for a few seconds our experience of tea will still be weak and unsatisfactory. It hasnt fully infused the water! However, if we leave the tea in long enough to fully infuse the waterperhaps two to five minutesthen the fullness of colour, flavour and aroma has been achieved, and is experienced. Remember, weve boiled the waterpondered the truth until our mind is peaceful and still. Now we become silent, receptive for the infusing of Spirit to take place as actual awareness. This is the only actual spiritual awareness, the only actual demonstration. But if were not careful we fail to enable Spirit to fully infuse our consciousness. We keep thinking instead of listening. We keep our mind busy instead of resting and receptive. Its like boiling the kettle over and over again thinking weve made tea. Boiling the kettle is not making tea; it is only boiling water.

The Infusion of Awareness


Inner silence is what Spirit is, and where It is. Only inner silence. Only in the silence can Spirit rush in and infuse consciousness. Only in the silence can Spirits Awareness of Itself make Itself known to and as our awareness of the perfect demonstration already existing in our midst. In the silence of mind Spirit spontaneously Is because It already fully Is. But because our consciousness is so imbued with the beliefs of collective consciousness it takes some seconds, or minutes, or many, many minutes for Spirits Awareness to infuse Itself as our awareness. When has Spirit fully infused consciousness? When we feel an actual happening within, a glow within, some kind of welling up within, of peace, or bliss, or a sense of release from what was a worry or burden a minute ago, or euphoria, or warmth, or heat, or light, or a clarity of meaning, an understanding, or an involuntary intake of breath. Our role in the demonstrated good is just one: silent receptivity with a little patience. We dont bring-on the demonstrated good anymore than we bring-on the infusion of tea. We let. We be silence and wait for the happening to happen within, and it infallibly does, just as we wait with a little patience for the tea to fully infuse the water, which it infallibly does. There is no hope about the process, it is principle and law. It cannot fail to happen, it is law in action, principle in action. But we must be silent, we must wait, we must be a little patientand then, gradually or suddenly, the miracle of awareness happens, and all is well. Consciousness is infused. We have become aware of the presence of incorporeal Allness right where we are, as good and wonderful everything, everywhere. It is the greatest moment of experience. Then the corporeal sense experience follows. We drink the fully flavoured teawe see the fully demonstrated form of good with one or more of the five mind faculties: we see health where there was sickness, we witness healing where there was disease, we see abundant money where there was lack of money, we see a beautiful home where there was an unsatisfactory home, we see happiness where there was unhappiness, we see companionship where there was loneliness, we see creativity, ideas, innovations where there was a barrenness of mind we see, hear, taste, touch, smell or realise (think) whatever the fully formed perfection of being and circumstance needs to be. Yes, of course! Because what we have become aware of is the incorporeal wholeness that really exists at the very place the mind was looking through its finite corporeal senses which showed limitation, lack, inharmony, disease, dissatis-



faction, unhappiness, frustration, old age, disintegration, failure, fear. The dumb mind! Stop believing it. Stop relying on it. Stop allowing it to judge your scene and situation. Stop trying to use it to conceive fixes. Stop trying to use it to succeed or attain or achieve. It was never meant to be used in such a way. It is a receiving and utilising device not a creating, causal device. When the inner realisation has happened within then usually the corporeal sense of the good form will appear to the mind some seconds, minutes, hours or days following. Why? The mind is a slug. It is so slow to wake up that even though the presence of the need fulfiled is now actual awareness and form within, the mind does not instantly see it in most cases. Do not let this worry you! The demonstration is yours! It has happened! The mind will catch up very soon, as I say, sometimes within seconds or minutes, sometimes within hours or days. Your job during this seeming delay is to keep awareness on the omnipresence of incorporeal allness. Do not think of the corporeal form you need. Never do that. Maintain awareness of the infinite incorporeal omnipresence present right where you are, and as the seeming corporeal form you are handling, or need. That awareness will take care of the rest. You restand remain restingin that awareness all day and night long. Do not let it drop from your consciousness. Each cup of tea has to be fully infused if the tea experience is to be fulfiling. Each five or ten minute period throughout the day has to be fully infused with the awareness of incorporeal Spirit, omnipresent, as everything everywhere. Yes, each five or ten minute period. Its as if you thrivedyour life dependedon cups of tea all day, a fresh cup every five or ten minutes. Each cup must be fully infused if the experience is to be fulfiling. Your awareness of incorporeal Allness omnipresent has to be constant because it is the only reality. The moment your mind begins to sink back into collective five-sense mind belief youre in trouble, all the trouble the mind gets itself into worldwide. If, like me, you have had enough of the mind and its ways you have to be as constant about your awareness as you are about your breathing. Nothing less will work. Each five or ten minutes, turn within, ponder the truththe truth stated in these pagesthen be still and receptive. Be still and receive the inner flow of Bliss. Be still and let yourself be infused by and with the awareness of the already-present fulfilment of your being welling-up within. That welling-up is the substance of all form youll witness in the outer scene of your life.

The Infusion of Awareness


Resteven for just a few seconds now, because the constant turning within and receiving throughout the day will have kept your consciousness open and your awareness highin the bliss of stillness, peace, silence. That stillness, peace and silence of mind enables Spirit to infuse your entire consciousness. You see, once your awareness and receptivity is on, Spirit instantaneously infuses Itself into, as and through your entire beingyour entire everything everywhere. Harmony and joy of everything in and as your life is experienced. But when awareness is off or deadno awareness of incorporeal Spirit present and existing as fully demonstrated harmony at every pointthere is no water into which Spirit can enterno cavern, no receptivity, no opening, no available empty house. Try placing tea into a cup with no water and watch what happens. Why doesnt it work? Not because tea is absent but because water is. If you are not experiencing your demonstration its not because Spiritthe demonstrated allness of goodis absent, but because your awarenessyour receptivity and openness to the awareness happening within you twenty-four hours a dayis absent. Your awareness has to be greater than the minds awareness. The mind is telling you, I have a problem. Of course it has, it is unable to see properly. It senses corporeal finite things and situations or lack when all the time its looking at incorporeal, infinite, omnipresent harmony of all. The problem the mind has is not what it appears to benot the lack or limitation or illness or inharmony that seems to exist. The problem is the inability of the mind to realise what its looking at, and to judge the situation accurately. Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment. The ancient mystics and master metaphysicians have been telling us for centuries that the mind is incapable of being aware of the spiritual allness everywhere present. Judge with right judgmentjudge by your inner awareness of incorporeal allness, omnipresent at every point in space at the same time, existing as self-complete euphoric fulfilment as you, within you, for you, out through you into your entire world, and then let Spirit be the awareness of Itself within you. Dont you try to do it, youll be wasting your time. Let Spiritalready fully aware of Itself existing as you and as your allness of fulfilmentmake Itself known within your silence and stillness. In your gentle silence you are witness to the miracle of demonstration Itself. In your silence you are the miracle of demonstration Itself. In your knowing silence you are the allness of infinite bliss



Itself. Be the silence of awareness... be the silence of Life... be the silence of abundance... be the silence of love... existing here and now as you, at every point of here and now, and for every person who is lucky enough to enter your pureness of consciousness, your silence of awareness. Be... be... be... the absolute silence and stillness of the infinite incorporeal Bliss, present where you are, omnipresent as you. Be the miracle Itself... be the Miracle Self... be the miracle you are.



The tangible fruitage of spiritual realisation is experienced in life only as we individually maintain awareness that Spirit is incorporeal, omnipresent; that Spirit fills all space and is all form and beingall people, animals, places, plants, vegetables, minerals, cells, atoms, subatomic particles and beyond, yet experienced by the mind as corporeal. But, you see, we think we know what omnipresence means and is, and I am sure if I asked virtually any spiritual student what Spirit is, the synonym omnipresence would come up amongst others. Yet, is there a certain condition or situation that is bothering you, or someone dear to you, today? Are you worrying about your body and its function, or the body or function of someone dear to you? Are you challenged by the difficult time youre having at work, or the difficult economic or trade affairs your business is experiencing? Are you still fearful of the tumour, the disease, the arthritis, the joint, the organ, the restriction, the inability? Do you still believe in the lack or limitation you are struggling to resolve? Do you still believe a person can harm you or yours, or sue you, or steal from you, or be antagonistic towards you? Do you still believe there is danger in the streets? In this way we prove we do not know Spirit. We do not know what omnipresence truly is and truly means to our life experience. When we do know, our entire life experience changes inside out. Whatever problem you happen to be experiencing at this moment, no matter how serious it is materially, or how urgent, or how large, or how long you have suffered it, no matter what youve been told by doctors, solicitors, accountants, or professional advisors, and no matter how hopeless it seems to be, there isliterally and tangiblyonly one truth, one presence, one activity, one controlling fac-



tor: Spirit. And it is the certain solution to the appearing problem. Spirit is the only presence, the only person, the only condition, the only situation, the only thing, the only activity, the only life, the only supply, the only being, the only presence, the only governing power, the only control. And Spirit is love, life, harmony, joy - fullness of activity and function, fullness of success and achievement, fullness of happiness and fulfilment, fullness of bliss and ecstasy of experience at every moment. There is no destruction in Spirit. There is no failure, no decay, no malfunction. There is no lesson to be learned sent to us by Spirit as this appearing disharmony, lack, limitation, hardship or disease. Yes, well learn from it, hopefully, but thats got nothing to do with Spirit. Spirit Is. And the Is is only love, perfection and satisfaction at every point, every place, as every activity, every being. To think Spirit sends us lessons is as absurd as thinking the sun sends us sunburn so that we learn to respect the sun! What nonsense! Spirit Is Love. Love does not send hard lessons; love is ever available for us, as us, and as every thought, every word, every action, every person, everything, everywhere in our experience. But we have to individually know the truth, and be silent and open for It to pour into and as our entire consciousness and tangibility. And It does, in the most wonderful and miraculous ways. But now lets get specific, and in so doing, discover where we might be experiencing delays or slowness or even blocks in our demonstrations. Think carefully now. Spirit is omnipresent; Spirit is omnipresence Itself. The fullness of Spirit IS present at every point in space every point in the body and brain, point in the business, point in the high street, point on the road, point in the condition or circumstance. Where, then, is the problem? Where is the malfunction? Where is the inability? Where is the disease? Where is the deformed or paralysed organ or function? Where is the lack? Where is the harmful or limiting condition? Where is the person who has the power to do you harm, or be unfair, or steal, or injure? It can only exist in the corporeal senses of the mind. Do you see that? We can paraphrase Shakespeare: Spirit has no problem but the mind senses it so. Spirit is perfect wholenessincorporeal wholeness and blissyet the mind sees a problem or malfunction or inability or lack. Where, then, is the problem located? Not anywhere but in the minds corporeal sense. The mind looks at a beautiful tree, abundant with delicious fruit, and says, There is spirit. Isnt it miraculous. The mind then looks at the same tree in the depth of winter and says, There is no

Under The Control of Spirit


fruit, no colour, no beauty. Where has spirit gone? Both observations are incorrect. What the mind sees as barrenness and what the mind sees as abundant leaves, fruit and colour are neither Spirit nor lack of Spirit. Spirit is incorporeal invisible infinity appearing to the mind in its corporeal sense as both the tree laden with fruit, bursting with colour, and the barren tree. Both trees are the mind sensing Spirit in the only way it is able to: corporeally, therefore finitely, with seasons, growth, beauty, abundance; then decline, barrenness and decay. This is the mind not Spirit. We have to dismiss the evidence of the mind. My kingdom is not of this world. The kingdom of God (Spirit) is within youthe kingdom of spiritual Allness and fulfilment is within or hidden in whatever the mind is observing. All is Spiritinner and outeryet the mind sees only the corporeal sense of finiteness. The kingdom is right here and there yet the mind misinterprets It. Our miracle is right here where we are, yet the mind fails to recognise it, so walks on by. We have thousands of serious-sounding names and terms for these misinterpretations: diseaseshundreds of them, limitationshundreds of them, lackshundreds of them, unhappiness, stress, frustration just look at the millions of pages of medical journals and self-help books of the world. All of these pages contain the names the mind has conceptualisedall misinterpretations of the one harmony that Is. We are Spiritonly Spiritnot Spirit and something that can set up opposition to It. What does this truth mean when it comes to dealing with the appearance of a problem, particularly the problem uppermost in our mind this moment? Well, we can quickly see it dissolved if we go right to the heart of the matter: Spirit is omnipotence. The only power, the only controlling factor, the only influence, the only activity, the only function. As hard as it may be, dismiss the appearance of the problem and everything you think or know about it and how serious it is, or how irresolvable it is. Bring your awareness into Spirit only. Invisible to your mind and its five faculties is the incorporeal wholeness and perfection right there where you see the problem. Spirit has no problem; mind is the problem. Spirit is existing in all its perfection, beauty and bliss right there, yet the mind calls it a problem of disease, lack, limitation or inharmony.

A Shocking Truth
This is a hard truth for many, nevertheless, we must realise the



great import of it: Disease is just another name for spirit. Cancer is just another name for spirit. Meningitis is just another name for spirit. Arthritis is just another name for spirit. Poverty, limitation, hate, anger, accident, injury, injustice, stress, high blood pressure, frustrationall the names we place on conditions created by mind are, in fact, cases if mistaken identity. How can this possibly be true? Spirit is omnipresence. Spirit fills all space, therefore Spirit is all persons, things and conditions. Spirit is infinity therefore there is nothing else. How, then, can there be any other existence, any other thing, any other condition or activity? Of course, there cannot! Spirit is the only presence, the only thing, the only condition. Therefore, if we see an appearance of disease, lack or inharmony it must and is the mind misinterpreting what is actually the only thing present: Spirit, therefore love, harmony, perfection, joy, bliss, fulfilment of being, and of function, and of activity. The mind is experiencing Spirit false, therefore the need is to dismiss what the mind sees, hears, tastes, touches, smells and knows (thinks), and lift awareness into a spiritual atmosphere, an atmosphere of incorporeal sense, the sense that the perfection exists invisible to the mind, but as the only reality. Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. The kingdom of heaventhe healingthe bliss of allis within youwithin the very sight or sound or taste or touch or smell or thought you experience corporeally. Think about that! What an extraordinary realisation! The perfect whole is right there within the problem that looks to the mind as terrifying. The awareness of the presence of the kingdom and then the silence of mind so that the kingdom of perfection can reveal Itself in your stillness and receptivityas it infallibly does because it is already there simply requiring your and my silence of mindbrings the perfection into visibility here and now. The perfect whole emerges into visibility as perfect health, perfect organ, perfect function because the corporeal is nothing more than the incorporeal outformed or outpictured in the minds eye. The perfect wholeness of spirit emerges into corporeal visibility even as a regenerated organ where there was a destroyed organ yesterday. Of course. The corporeal, physical organ, in the first place, was nothing more than an outpictured image of spirit. The mind calls that outpicture real but the only reality is Spirit. The mind is incorrect. To the purely or mainly materially discerning mind this is nonsense. Its an insult to intelligence. But to the spiritually discerning

Under The Control of Spirit


mind this is understood and is truth. Body, business, companionship, love, money, home, car, jewels, clothes, wine, food, art, music - all of this corporeal life, beauty and bounty is nothing more than the outpicturing of Spirit as seen and used by the mind. If your discernment is purely material the life and things of life will be finite, limited, always lacking (always more to get or achieve), always at risk of failure or injury or accident or economic decline. But to the spiritually discerning mind all is Spirit showing through to the mind as the corporeal, tangible life and things of life. All, therefore, is infinite, untouchable, always present, always whole, always fully functioning, always harmoniously synchronised. All is under the control of Spirit and is simply experienced by the mind in a corporeal, physical sense but never believed to be real or causal. When you have spiritual discernmentreal spiritual awarenessyou are free. No one can touch you, no one can control you, no one can limit you, no one can cause you to lack or be impoverished. You are free in and as love itself, in and as bliss itself. Your every move, every companionship, every enterprise, every purpose and every thought is the very perfume of ecstasy Itself. Always remember this: The kingdom of Spirit is a finished kingdom. Nothing can touch it, alter it, make it ill or diseased, slow it down, injure it, make it lack, or limited, or disharmonious in any way. Our role in bringing the beauties, joys and perfections of spiritual completeness into corporeal visibility is first, to know the truth and, second, to be still, peaceful, silent in meditation to enable the spiritual allnessall-present alreadyto flood our withinness as peace, bliss, warmth, euphoria, a release from whatever it is that concerned us, which has the added effect of revealing the corporeal tangibility of wholeness as visibility. The kingdom is finished. Accept it, and let it emerge now. If we go to bed tonight thinking there is anything left to achieve or heal, we are not in full spiritual awareness. Think about that.



Did you catch that? That astonishing truth? If we go to bed tonight assuming there is still something to achieve or heal we are not in full spiritual awareness. Indeed, if we meditate for the purpose of achieving or healing or prospering our estate in some way, we are not in spiritual awareness. We are still living the outer awareness, not the inner, and we will fail to demonstrate spiritual fruitage. Can we take Spirit this literally? Can we trust and rely on the presence of Spirit and spiritual fulfilment to this degree, to the same degree we can state, If we go to bed tonight worrying how the tides will ebb and flow in the morning we are not in full oceanic awareness? Is Spirit this practicalright here and now where my problem of health or wealth or harmony is? Our concern that it isnt is the cause of lack of demonstration for many students and practitioners. Spirit Isnot will be. Health Is, wealth Is, harmony of all Is. If it isnt, then we are suggesting that Spirit will become harmonious when and if we work hard enough at making it so, or that Spirit will bend its ways for us, at our command or plea. No, no! Spirit Is. Spirit is eternal bliss. Spirit does not change. There is no unmanifested Spirit. The spiritual life, harmony, abundance and fulfilment that you are, and that those dear to you arein fact, that all isis in complete existence now, not will be someday soon, or after days, weeks or months of meditating and treating. Whether you or I can see the fullness of life and wealth and harmony that is this particular moment is a different matter. In fact, it is the matter. The



whole secret is right-awareness. Open his eyes that he may see. When we absolutely know that the whole of Spiritual perfection exists here and nowin all its trillions of individual expressions you and me and every person, thing and place includedand that all this outer manifestation of form is simply the outpicturing of incorporeal Spirit in the corporeal sense realm of the mind as body, as organ, as function, as relationship, as supply, then the harmonising of every situation comes through quick, and powerful, and sharp. It is when we do not have the awareness of omnipresent wholeness that we find ourselves living with a problem for weeks, or months, or sometimes years before it yields, if it ever does. And if it doeswhich it infallibly does when we know and let the perfection of Spirit reveal Itself to us where the bad condition appears in the absolute stillness and silence of our mindwhen is that yielding time? Immediately. When the mind is still Spirit reveals Its wonders because it is only ever the activity of mind that blocks them. The question is, how long and hard are we going to make the journey? Harmony of all reveals itself instantaneously when we give up all mental and intellectual effort. When the mind has failed to manufacture the needed fulfilment, were left desperate, with no other choice than to rely one hundred percent on Spirit, finally we reach the point of looking to and relying on Spirit one hundred percent. Or when we reach the full spiritual awareness through study, contemplation and meditation and therefore naturally rely one hundred percent on Spirit. What do I mean by full spiritual awareness? What altitude of awareness results in quick, and powerful, and sharp healings, harmonies, and bounties here and now? Close your eyes for a few minutesas I will before another word is written. Become open and receptive. Have the attitude of emptiness ready to be filled to overflowing with understanding. Stay within a few moments until you feel empty, ready and receptive... (Realise now, that the words flowing out onto this page come from the depths of consciousness. They are not mine, they are Spirit pouring though my open consciousness. I type what I hearwhat comes to me, not in audible words but in awareness. Lets listen to, therefore, and absorb, what Spirit instructs on this matter of full spiritual awareness): No one can change what is. If it is, it already is, and nothing you or I do will change that Isness. If youre holding a frog but you think its a toad, nothing you think or do will change the toad into a frog

If You go to Bed Tonight


because there is no toad, there is only a frog; the frog already is and is the only is. It is only our awareness that is at fault. Our awareness of what Is is illusory. What is the process of bringing fulfilment to the scene which appears, to the mind, to be a toad? Awareness! Awakening to what is. That is all! Treating to turn the toad into a frog will fail; meditating to turn the toad into a frog will fail. Why? The frog already is a frog. How can the toad respond to your treating and meditating? There is no toad! However, treating and meditating for awareness of what already is will always reveal the fullness and harmony that is. The nature of that which is hidden from you is to reveal itself, as the nature of the sun hidden below the horizon is to reveal itself to you.

Know what is in your sight, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not be manifest.
This is one of the most beautiful and important statements of truth ever written. Know what is in your sight Know that the toad isnt a toad. Know that Spirit is the only thing present. If what is in your sight is a person, healthy or sick, large or small, beautiful or plain, joyous or miserable, intelligent or unintelligent, know what is in your sight: Spirit only, appearing to your physical sight as that particular person, and as the particular traits of that person. But none of what appears corporeally is the Truth. Do not be fooled by the tangible appearance. The tangible appearance seems real, yes. But what is real? Is it what it appears to be to the finite senses of the mind? Or is it the infinite presence of Spirit being seen fractionally, finitely, through the distortions of belief and conceptual sense? When you know and rest in what Is, miracles start becoming evident. If what presents itself to your senses is a disease know what is in your sight: Spirit only, appearing to your physical senses as disease. The mental practitioner will immediately get to work attempting to heal the diseasethe attempt to change a toad into a frog. You would only attempt such a feat if you did not know what was in your sight. Do not judge by the appearance, but judge right judgement. When you know the truth of Spiritthat Spirit is infinite and therefore the only thing present, that Spirit is perfection, bounty and beauty, and that Spirit reveals Its wholeness when the mind is stillall you do is smile at the disease, turn within, be still,



and silent, and receptive, and patiently wait for the spiritual perfection that is to reveal Itself to you. It always willIt is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom. If what is in your sight is lack or limitation, whether financial, creative, in companionship, in love, in vocation, employment, business, or family know what is in your sight: Spirit only, yet appearing to your mind-senses as that lack or limitation. Do not be fooled by the appearance. Do not worry about itit is the minds inability to sense correctly, that is all. The appearance of lack or limitation is not a spiritual reality, and therefore not an actual reality in your experience, even though it appears to be. Judging only by the tangible appearance no one can deny the presence of the lack or limitation. But what is really present? What is the only presence, in reality? Is it what appears tangibly and physically to the faculties of the mind? Or is it the infinite invisible ocean of fullness being seen corporeally, fractionally; being misunderstood, or misinterpreted by the mind which, remember, is incapable of interpreting or experiencing Spirit? When you know the truth that Spirit is the All-in-all, that Spirit fills all space, is everything everywhere, the only thing present; that Spirit is perfect fulfilment, fullness of being, fullness of pleasure at every point in the universe at the same time; that your silentnot busy!mind enables that fullness to become evident as the truththe full perfectionabout that which to the mind seems to lack or be limited, then miracles of abundance, freedom, creativity, restoration and fruitfulness emerge from nowherefrom the invisible, incorporeal realm that, actually, is the only realm, yet sensed by the mind as corporeal and physical. Always remember: this is a spiritual, incorporeal, infinite universe beheld by the mind as corporeal, visible and finite. My kingdom is not of this world. There is only one form: Spirit. Yet the mind sees and believes form to be solid, corporeal, weighty, dimensional, limited, changeable and destructible. The mind believes form can be attacked by disease, or injured, or killed. The mind believes form can be abundant or lacking, beautiful or ugly, large or small, loud or quiet, deep or shallow, black or white, attractive or unattractive, pleasant or unpleasant, joyous or sad. None of these pairs of opposites are true; the only truth is Spirit because only spirit is present. Spirit is the only being or object present. This is what we must know, right in the face of the so-called tangible evidence to the contrary. And what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. That which the eyes alone are unable to see, and the mind alone unable

If You go to Bed Tonight


to perceive, will be revealed even to your mind and its faculties when you know what is in your sight. When you are able to look at any person or thing and know what is in your sight then you discover a great miracle: that that which appeared to you as one of the pairs of oppositesdisease or health, lack or abundance, limitation or freedom, love or hate, companionship or loneliness, or any other of the myriad human challengesnow appears to you as spiritual harmony made evident as tangible harmonious and enriched form. The spiritual wholeness emerges into physical wholenessthe infinite invisible form emerges into that which is witnessed as the finite visible form. We call that emergence healing or transformation or restoration or prospering or regeneration. Mostly we call it a miracle because the human mind cannot understand how the harmony suddenly appears when, a moment ago, there was disharmony, or how full function and healthy activity suddenly appears when, just yesterday, there was a lack of function, and inability, or even a diseased organ. Now there is only fullness of life, fullness of health. Nothing in the corporeal realm of awareness can explain it. No corporeal evidence exists. That is why, when we insist on continuing to employ the mind to create and maintain health, creativity, harmony, love, pleasure, wealth, happiness and fulfilment we struggle or fail. Or we manage it in one department of life through sheer mental effort yet fail to manage it in three others. We are naturally good in career or business but struggle in health, relationships and social activities. Or were naturally good socially but money and health we struggle with. Or we manage to resolve one illness or limitation only to find another popping up in its place a year or two later. The mind is incapable of experiencing Spiritual fulfilment. Always there will be another problem to resolve. Why? Mind always outforms itself. You cannot escape the principle or law of corporeal being: Mind always outforms itself. While there exists a belief in the possibility of disease, somewhere, somehow, some time disease will be experienced, either within our own bodies or within the body of someone who is in our range of consciousness. While there exists a belief in the possibility of lack, limitation or failure, somewhere, somehow, some time, lack, limitation or failure will be experienced. We cannot avoid it as long as we insist on continuing to employ the mind as our creator, go-getter, maintainer, sustainer, protector, fulfiler. Ah, but there is freedom from mind! There is freedom from the law of the outforming mind. It is Spirit. When we find our freedom



in Spirit we find our freedom in and from every person and every thing. When you Know what is in your sight, what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. Instead of being exposed to, and at the mercy of, the storms of mind and its multiplicity of beliefs, and the effects of those beliefs, you discover you have power over all. He that is within you is greater than he that is in the world. The Spirit realised by you is greater than anything and everything the mind and its world can throw at you. There is actually only one power, one presence, one activity, one controlSpirit. But remember, Spirit is incorporeal and so it must be perceived, it must be an awareness rather than something the mind can latch onto corporeally and say, There it is. It is nowhere the mind can detect or experience; it is invisible to the mind. Yet it is the one and only power, one and only presence, one and only All-in-all which becomes visible to the mind as tangible health, harmony, abundance and love everywhere and in every circumstance and relationship. Whilst we invest powerbeliefin the reality of disease or lack or limitation or loneliness or unhappiness we throw ourselves under the circumstances of that believed power. It is very hard in the beginning because we say the illness or disease or poverty or depression is real, and to the corporeal sensing mind it is real. But, again, we have to stop being led by the mind. Just because the mind believes the frog is a toad does not make the frog a toad. The frog is a frog and the minute we become aware of it the fulfilment that is the frog emerges and becomes ours to enjoy, our reality. This is very much how spiritual healing and harmony is made evident. Only Spirit exists, infinitely, filling all space, being all-in-all, everything everywhere. Any appearing thing or circumstance that is not spiritualmeaning harmonious, life-filled, love-filled, fully functional and abundant, successful, happy, fulfilingis the toad. It is simply a matter of mind misinterpreting what is. Know what is in your sight, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you.

There is no Unmanifest Spirit

For there is nothing hidden which will not be manifest. When you catch the significance of this amazing truth your entire world changes overnight. Lets recall what weve revealed so far: Spirit is eternal bliss of all, filling all space, being all people, things, conditions, circumstances, places, activities. Spirit is the only thing present no matter what the mind interprets that presence to be.

If You go to Bed Tonight


If Spirit is fulfilment, and is eternal, there never can be a split second when any part of spirit is unmanifest. If it was possible to have unmanifested spirit, spirit could not be infinite, eternal, omnipresent fulfilment of being. So we know that Spirit is fully, infinitely manifested. The kingdom is a finished kingdom. The kingdom of you is a finished kingdom, perfect and complete in every way, already fulfiled to overflowing in every detail, every activity, every love, every attainment, every joy. Yet the mind, when it is used purely corporeally, does not experience the blissful completeness. But when the mind is used first to Know what is in your sight, and then as a receiving device which enables Spirit to rush in and fill awareness with Itself, then, There is nothing hidden which will not be manifest. Do you catch that? All is already manifest simply awaiting your recognition or awareness of Itthe incorporeal manifested completeness of fulfilment, existing here and now waiting for you to pick it up like a television set picks up the incorporeal broadcast of pictures and sound. When you know this, then let it happen within you as an awarenessa feeling of peace or warmth or heat or light or release from the worries you had about whatever problem appears to you corporeallythe mind then witnesses the spiritual forms of fulfilment as corporeal healed people, things and conditions in the way we could say the television set witnesses the incorporeal broadcast as corporeal pictures and sound. You must not concern yourself with how the mind witnesses spiritual harmony anymore than you concern yourself with how the television set witnesses pictures and sound. No one in history has been able to explain how or why the mind converts incorporeality into corporeality, and believes it to be real. It doesnt matter. What matters is that you know the truth and let the truth become reality to you. And the how of it? The silence and receptivity of mind. Now do you see why, if you go to bed tonight still believing something requires improving or healing you are still under the hypnotism of the corporeal-sensing mind, not in full spiritual awareness? If by tonight you are still convinced that what youre holding is a toad, you are not in full awareness of what is. If you work and work on spiritual realisation of the problem, believing you still have to change the toad into a frog you are not in full spiritual awareness. Youll awaken in the morningand many, many mornings to comewith the same problem to overcome. Rather, go to bed tonight knowing the toad is actually already a frog despite the way it may be appearing to the mind. The full sat-



isfaction and perfection of beingright where the problem appears, no matter what it is or how serious or urgent it is, even if there are supposedly only days or hours remaining, the perfect whole is present in fully manifested completeness. Know this truth and then let the spiritual wholeness reveal Itself through your still and silent mind. All is well. All is whole. All is perfect. And you will witness that wholeness and perfection tangibly as the corporeal need fulfiled whether it is to do with your body or mind, someone elses body or mind, your finances, your employment or business, your relationships, your purpose in life, your happiness, your safety or security, or any other fulfilment you can possibly desire or need. It will show tangibly within a few hours, or days, or weeks at mostSpirit revealing Itself in your stillness as the need fulfiled. Know the truth, and lead your mind to a peaceful stillness. Keep your mind peaceful, still and receptive. Then watch the miracles of Spirit appearing tangibly everywhere in your world.



One time, I was pondering why, when Spiritthe all-fulfilment of beingis everywhere present, so many seekers do not evidence their demonstrated good. The answer came, sharp and clear: Because they personalise their needs. Lets look at this because the moment you understand it, and then cease from making the mistake of Personalising, you open the floodgates to infinite good throughout your life, here and now.

Spirit is Principle
We must remember that Spirit is principle not caprice or impulse. Spirit and Its abundance of omnipresent good is never going to do something for you. It will never send you health, prosperity, success or happiness anymore than the principle of mathematics will send you the answer to twelve times twelve, or the sun will send sunshine for your garden. That knowledge just about wipes out all the praying the majority of the world has practiced since the birth of man. Think about it. Then, once and for all, realise its no use praying or meditating to God or Spirit because the only true God or Spirit there is, is principle not favouritism. Principle does not listen to our wishes. Principle knows nothing about you or me. Heaven help the world if it did! If the principle of flight were able to listen to our personal pleading not a plane in the sky would be able to stay in the sky because every person would have their own agenda. Leave earlyleave late; fly this routefly that route; maintain this altitudemaintain that altitude; tilt left so I can see the viewtilt right so I can see the view. The princi-



ple of flight simply is, as is the principle of mathematics, gravity, sun, music, equilibrium and every other principle including the principle that is Spirit.

We Must Align Ourselves With The Principle

If we wish to enjoy the great fruits of any principle we must align ourselves with it, not expect it to align itself with our personal desires or needs. If we do not understand this and continue expecting or attempting to have principle work in our favour, or for our project, or health, or abundance, or relationship, just that long we will fail. So realise, if you are still not demonstrating your needed good, it is not that that good is not present and not ever-available to you here and now, it is just that you have not yet aligned yourself with the principle of that good. The very moment you do, your good will be with you, just as the minute you align yourself with the principle of mathematics or flight or sunshine or gravity its good will be with you. The good hasnt got to come from somewhere, it is already fully present right where you are; your only need is to align yourself with it. Imagine you have just finished landscaping and planting a beautiful garden. Now you need sunshine to bring light, warmth and growth to your garden. But imagine you were unfamiliar with the principle that is the sun and so you began meditating for sunshine to come to your garden. You personalised. You were thinking in terms of your personal needs and sunshine fulfiling them instead of thinking in terms of the fact that sunshine bathes the entire earth in blissful light and heatthe omnipresence of light and heat for all gardens, people, and placesincluding, obviously, your garden. Imagine now that that personalised thinking, that effort to have the sun work for you and your garden, had the effect of blocking it from your experience. The sun is fully present but your erroneous thinking has the effect of placing a barrier between it and your garden. Its an illusory barrier caused by the mind, the erroneous thinking; its not real. But it has the effect of being real in your experience.

Whats The Cure?

Whats the cure? Impersonalise. Realise the omnipresence of sunshine and therefore its omnipresence in your garden too. Relax.

Personalising: The Great Mistake


Relinquish all effort to make the sun work for you in the awareness that you have nothing to do but rest in the omniactivity and omnibenefit of the suns already present fullness. The illusory barrier has now been dissolved and the instantaneous benefits of omnipresent sunshine are yours to enjoy in their fullness. Now do you see how we so easily and so frequently block our good without knowing were doing it? We or a loved one have a health issue and what do we immediately start doing? Treating for its cure! Why werent we treating a minute ago, or an hour ago, or yesterday? Ah, but were treating now because we have a personal problem we wish to solve for ourselves or another. Thats just the same as treating for our garden, or anothers, and there can only ever be one result: failure. Or we have a need for employment or business prosperity, or we know someone who has the need, so we begin treating. We begin realising the omnipresence of prosperous activity in and for that person, or for that business and the fulfiling sales activity of its particular products or services. We have beautiful meditations in which we realise the omnipresence of supply for our business or our friends business. And for all our treating, meditating and realising nothing improves. In fact, things rapidly get worse. Why? Were Personalising! Not only are we personalizing but now in our mind is the idea that this person or this persons business is in need of supply and success and you know what the only possible outcome is: more and greater need; more and greater lack and limitation. What is held in mind is also held in manifestation - mind and manifestation are one. If we are thinking Have not all well ever get is more have not. Only when we know I have are we able to experience that have. And what have we? The fullness of Spirit omnipresent, not personal. Only when we rest in the omnipresence and ever-availability of Spiritthe All Goodare we able to experience It tangibly just as we are able to experience the sun tangibly, or gravity or flight or mathematics.

The Uselessness of Spiritual Help That is Not Truly Spiritual

You see the danger or uselessness of going to a spiritual practitioner who accepts the problem you bring him and starts working on it? It reminds me of a story of Mark Twain who, during a steamship journey to Europe from America, became sick. News reached his fans both sides of the Atlantic, and when he finally docked in



Southampton, England, his assistant came running up to him and said, Oh, Mr Twain, I hope you are feeling better; your fans all over the world have asked me to tell you they have been praying for you night and day. And he said, That is nice. Please let them know I am sure their prayers did me no harm! You see, if we are praying or treating or meditatingwhatever term we wish to use; its really all the samefor someone or some thing or conditionwe are praying amiss.1 Mark Twain knew the only effective prayer is a prayer that has nothing to do with him individually, but must be impersonal, the knowing of the omnipresent Good of All which becomes tangibly evident as the individual when it is realised and rested in. Nothing is ever going to happen for a person or condition, rather all will become evident as the person and condition when the omnipresence of spiritual wholeness is realised and bathed in.

So Lets Talk About You

What problem are you facing? It could be a problem of your own or a family member, or a friend. It could be a problem of health or money or employment or business or relationship or home or travel. It could be a problem of depression or loneliness or lack of purpose. Whatever it is in your case, just as long as you are thinking in terms of you and of bringing harmony to your problem or situation you will fail. The very first need is to impersonalise. The problem isnt what it seems to be no matter in what guise or urgency it is appearing. It is really a problem of unawareness of the omnipresence of all good right where you are, actually existing as youindividually but not personally. Its a problem of wrong identityan identity that thinks of itself as a person with personal needs and desires. There is no such existence! There is only the One Spirit existing as billions of individual beings and forms, including the six billion of us human beings occupying the globe, the highest form of all existence. The minute we remove the you and the me that thought in terms of what we personally need or desire, the good that is omnipresent and infinite is able to shine through into visibility. The minute we lift awareness above all personal sense, into awareness of the infinite invisible spiritual good of all, omnipresent here, now and forever, rest in It, be completely still and silent in Its presence, letting It reveal Itself within our consciousness, that same minute we will be in actual possession of our tangible good, which thenwithin a

Personalising: The Great Mistake


few minutes, hours or dayswill be visible through the mind in the outer realm as the good form of our demonstration. The need is fulfiled by whatever means, and in whatever measure, is required, and sometimes miraculously. Do what you do for the joy of it, for the givingness of it to others, but never think in terms of getting it to work spiritually. Take your mind far up and away from any him, her, or it, any vehicle or channel or activity. Gently merge yourself in the omnipresence of impersonal Spirit, the impersonal good of all being, all thing, all activity, all purpose, and all place. Realise that goodin all it forms and ways, and in infinitely more forms and ways than we can ever be aware ofis just as omnipresent as sunlight, mathematics, gravity and flightand just as spontaneously available to you and me when we do not attempt to personalise it. Now watch how quickly your whole world of person, thing, place and activity blossoms, becomes enriched, abundant, lifefilled, love-filled and joyous.



There is an aspect of meditation which often proves a block to our demonstration of good. It is this: If we are not careful, we rest in Spirit, and receive a beautiful flow within, a beautiful peace and assurance that all is well, and then promptly get up and start thinking about our friend who is experiencing cancer or rheumatism, or our business that is experiencing lack or limitation, or our employment that is proving difficult in one way or another, or our relationship that is less than loving. The peace of Spirit is felt within but we then fail to realise Spirit omnipresent the world over, right down to every individual, every thing, every place, every grain of sand, every cell, atom and subatom in our world. Realise this: Spirit does not need your help or mine to be whole and perfect life. Spirit is eternal Isness, eternal completeness. There is no unmanifested Spirit. There is not one blade of grass out of place in Spirit; there is not one weather storm in Spirit; there is not one pound or dollar missing from your complete fulfilment or mine in Spirit; there is not one inharmonious relationship in Spirit; there is not one wisp of inactivity, lack, limitation or difficulty in Spirit. There is only the ecstatic peace of sublime Being.

Remain Aware of Spirit, Not Form

Our awareness must remain on Spirit rather than on the appearing forms and conditions witnessed by the mind if we are to experience a greater degree of the completeness and satisfactions of life. Lets take a friend or family member who has been told they



have cancer. Knowing what we know and are trying our best to be, we sit down to meditate for him or her. But right away we must be careful to understand what our role is. We do not think of the person, we think only of Spirit and the perfection of spiritual life. There is no form as the mind knows it in Spirit, there is just infinite invisible Spirit. That is what we contemplate, and only that. We do not try to see spiritual life as the form of the person we are meditating for. We concentrate on spiritual lifeinvisible life. Our contemplative meditation might go something like this: Spirit, Spirit, Spiritonly Spirit exists. Spirit fills all space. Spirit appears to my senses AS a person, and so I know that the form of a person as experienced by my mind is illusory. The person truly exists but not in the form I am experiencing. My physical eyes deceive me. My mind deceives me. I therefore can ignore the appearance in the realisation that, in truth, the form is Spirit, infinite, perfect and blissful. I know that Spirit does not need my help to be Its fullness of Self. Every pinprick of Spirit is eternal bliss and perfection of Being. Therefore, every PERSON is eternal bliss and perfection of Being even though I might not be able to see the evidence of this Truth with my human senses. Awarenessthat is the great secret. The very moment I become aware of Spirit being the person, and not the form that appears to my mind, the healing begins to take place. As I become more and more aware of Spirit being every person, every thing and every conditioneverything, everything; everything is Spirit!I am not causing change or healing to take place, I am simply awakening my senses to the already existing presence of Spirit. As I awaken, the purity, completeness and perfection of what is becomes more evidenttangibleto my mind and physical experience. But let me be doubly sure that I know I have no role whatsoever in the appearing of Spirit to my awareness. Spirit reveals Itself to my still consciousness. My only role in this whole transformation is to achieve and maintain an open consciousness into which Spirit rushes in and takes residence. Spirit, I rest in You. I wait patiently for You to fill my awareness with the Purity You are, rather than the impurity my mind has acceptedthe ills, lacks, limitation and unhappiness the mind has grown up believing. How wonderful it is now that I know only Spirit

Realising Self-Complete Omnipresence


exists, and that any inharmony entering my awareness is nothing but a trick of the mind which is instantly purified by my simply sitting in the peace of my withinness, with an open and receptive consciousnessan empty houseand having You, Spirit, fill my darkness with light, love and clarity of awareness. All healing, harmonising, and fulfiling experience then takes place in the withinness of being, which then shines through into and as my outer scene as infallibly as sun rays shine and appear as visible patches of light, and tangible areas of heat. Spirit is the one power, omnipotence. Nothing, nothing, nothing appearing to mind is able to stand against the one power and presence of Spirit. Spirit is the only real, the forms of life. The images the mind witnesses are conceptual, therefore have no power, substance, or actual presence. One with the vital awareness of Spirit is a majority. Nothing in the entire world or universe can stand against you when you are aware of Spirit being the Only. Spirit realised (an actual conscious awareness) always and infallibly appears as the illness or disease melting away to reveal health and life... as the lack or limitation fading away to reveal abundance and freedom of prosperous activity and wealth of bank account, wallet and purse... as the dropping away of inharmonious relationships to reveal loving and joyful relationships... and as every restriction and hardship of life dissolving to reveal joy and happiness in every department. Our friend, our business, our employment, our illness or disease does not need our working on it before it becomes perfect, pure and whole. It needs our release. Spirit does not need your help or mine to be Spirit. But it does require our releasing of even the thought that anything needs fixing, improving, prospering or healing.

Spirit is Already Whole

Spirit needs no improvement. It is already whole, perfect and infinite in all ways. It is omnipresent, which means the whole realm of wholeness and joy is right where you are and I am. Spirit needs no improving, prospering or healing. It is already whole, abundant, complete and blissful. The moment we know this, then meditate to have this knowing permeate conscious awareness, and the moment we release all thought of person, thing or condition in the knowing that it is pure Spirit and therefore needs nothing from us, we dis-



cover the healing, harmonising and prospering consciousness that performs miracles as far as the five-sense mind is concerned. Do you see that it is not really a miracle? It is simply awakening to the omnipresence of Spirit as everything, everywhere, needing nothing at all from you or me other than our awareness of Its presence, and stillness and silence of being through which It saturates consciousness and expresses in fullness through the mind as all harmonious and joyful form and activity.



There comes a time when we drop all personal effort in our search for Truth. We reach a point where we have tried and tried and tried to have Spirit flood our experience and harmonise our life and affairs, yet weve had little or only spasmodic success. Maybe weve been trying for months, years, or even decades. Although some harmony and prosperity has appeared it is insufficient to transform our experience and leave us free of the shackles that stubbornly bind us to one form of limitation or another, or one after another. Then one day it occurs to us: Here I am trying to realise Truth myself. All these months, years or decades I have thought it is my job to bring a realisation of Spirit to my life. So I have sat for hours after hours trying to crack this mystery called Truth assuming my dedicated effort will bring out Its fruitage. Ah, thats where weve gone wrong! But strangely enough, all the effort weve made has been a necessary phase of awakening consciousness to the point reached now: complete surrender of personal sense, in recognition and submission to the Infinite, One Self. Now our mode of awareness and meditation changes completely. Now we sit in meditation and instantly realise within ourselves, I can do nothing myself. Spirit Is and my role is simply to sit very quietly until the Is that is becomes an actual awareness within me. It is no use trying to bring the awareness of Spirit to ourselves by churning over dozens of statements of Truth. That practice was for yesterday, but we drop it now.



Surrender all Personal Effort

Now, surrender all effort and rely completely on Spirit to do the awakening of consciousness. Simply sit in silence, empty in mind, not working the mind at all, but resting it, creating of it an empty, clean house in which Spirit can inhabit. What a relief! What a sense of release of all burden and need for effort in the realisation that I am spirit, and Spirit needs no help from me. Indeed, Spirit is completely unaffected by my human effort! Simply sit and receive. Thats all. Sit in attentive expectancy of Spirit making Itself known to your awareness. It will do so in Its own way. Remember, Spirit is the infinite, all-knowing mind, bliss, harmony, supply, companionship, love, happiness, joy, pleasure, and limitless fulfilment. So do not think a thing. And certainly do not wish for Spirit to fix a problem in your experience! It is only our finite mind that sees a problem where, in truth, there is no such problem. Spirit sees no problem because Spirit has no problem. In your pure statewhen your mind is silent, empty and receptiveyou become a greater transparency of that Spirit. Only when the mind has ceased churning can Spirit inhabit it. Even the churning of statements of Truth in mind block the actual awareness of the presence of Spirit from your consciousness because any activity of mind is not an activity of Spirit. Spirit is silence. Therefore only in the silent, empty, receptive mind can Spirit become your vibrant awareness and tangible harmony.

A Sunbeam is One With The Sun

Let me give you an example that will make this highest form of meditation crystal clear. Imagine you are a sunbeam. You have lived your entire life, until now, assuming you had to create your own light and heat. You were unaware that personal effort had the effect of blocking the suns infinite light and heat from your experience. You can quickly understand how dark and cold your life would be! Then you awaken to your true identity. Although you are an individual sunbeam, aware of your current surroundings, you actually are the infinity of the sun expressing itself as you. Your entire existence, your entire being, is infinite individuality, not finite (personal) individuality. You realise that the only thing necessary to experience the infinity of fulfilment you crave for is for you to sit in silent receptivity thereby letting the sun freely pour its light and heat into, as, and

The Highest Form of Meditation


through that point called you. You realise you must make no effort, other than the effort of sitting in pure openness, pure receptivity allowing the sun to be you in all its fullness. How quickly will you experience that fullness? Instantaneously. Why? Because the fullness of the sun IS already what you are, and where you are, but you have been blocking it from individual experience through a false sense of personalisation. This exactly describes the method of silent receptivity which is the highest form of meditation discovered and practiced by the greatest healers of all time. It is a complete silencing of the mind, a complete dropping of all personal sense and personal desire to solve this or that, or prosper this or the other, or get this thing or that thing. It is the art of sitting with a silent, open, attentive, receptive mind and then, with a little patience, letting Spirit be Spirit for, as, and through you. Simply wait peacefully and patiently for the feeling of Spirit happening within you. Youll feel It as peace, or a sense of release from that which has concerned you, or a warmth or heat welling up from within, or a bliss, or euphoria, or a beautiful understanding (awareness) about something of Spirit that springs up into consciousness and is exactly what you need at this moment. When you have felt this happening within you can get up and get on with your day in the absolute knowledge that the Spirit you felt within will now quickly appear in your tangible sense-world as the need or desire fulfiled. Never, never look for the form; keep your awareness gently permeated in Spirit, but have an inner absolute assurance that the Spirit felt within alwaysinfallibly appears in the mind-world as the need fulfiled, and abundantly so.



Meditate peacefully on this: Spirit is SILENCE. No words, no thoughts, no activity: just


The moment you think a thought, you are not in Spirit because you are not in silence. The moment you utter a word, you are not in Spirit because you are not in silence. The moment you read a sentence, you are not in Spirit because you are not in silence. The moment you listen to a teacher, you are not in Spirit because you are not in silence. Spirit Is. Isness needs no word, no thought, no activity because it already Is. How can a word improve what already Is? How can a thought improve what already Is? How can an activity improve what already Is? Spirit is perfection beyond thought, word or activity. Every point in the universe Isfully manifested, complete, eternal, perfection. Our only journey is one of awakening to the already manifested completeness, eternality and bliss of our being, which includes everything that appears to our mind as externalour outer world of body, business, employment, family, home, automobile, and sat-



isfaction. We do not do the awakening. We simply desire the awakening and create an empty consciousnessempty of the desires of outer appearing forms, people and conditionsin order that Spirit can rush in to awaken our awareness, or degree of awareness, at the point called you, and me. And it does.

A Beautiful Clarity
A conversation I had with an Infinite-I student yesterday brings this point out beautifully. As I write this, I am casually keeping my mind open for a new family home. When the right home is ready for us, and us for it, it will appear. In the meantime, I am enjoying how Spirit seems to be preparing the way for us. This week, a beautiful house came onto the market, just perfect to my mind. But, obviously it isnt perfect because its in Devon and were in Kenttwo hundred miles distance; a bit of a commute to school each day! So I looked with interest at the details and am excited that Spirit will appear physically to us as an even more beautiful and perfect home sometime soon. But heres what came out in my conversation with this student. The house is already empty. The previous owners have moved out. The estate agent photographs show empty rooms with not as much as a picture left hanging on the walls or a single piece of furniture left in position. During my talk with this student it suddenly dawned on me that this is what Spirit requires before It can flood into and as tangible individual being. If your houseyour consciousness, your awareness, your mind (use whatever synonym works best for you)is packed full of your thoughts, your words, your needs, your plans, it is impossible for Spirit to inhabit your house (your consciousness). Just as it is impossible for me to inhabit a house still occupied by the present owners, it is impossible for Spirit to inhabit your consciousness while it is still inhabited by youyour mind thoughts and awareness. You and I must move out before Spirit can move in. You see, the you and the I were talking about are a false sense of Self. Your and my real and true self is the infinity of Spirit existing right where you and I stand individually, as you and as me. But we entertain a limited or blind sense of that self. That blind self fills its consciousness to overflowing with the needs, problems, lacks and limitations it sees in its outer world. While individual consciousness

An Empty House


is so full Spirit has no way of living there. Move out of your mind-awareness. Empty your house. How? Sit in silence. Cease your effort to know the Truth. Stop your words and stop your thoughts. Surrender all personal knowing and effort. Every moment you try to know Truth by your own effort is a wasted moment. Nothing is being achieved because only Spirit Itself is Truth. Only Spirit Itself is the miracle. No thought, no word, no activity is Truth, so stop all mind activity during meditation, and as much as you can, also, while you are operating in the tangible world. Sit in your empty house in peace and silence. Let Spirit inhabit your consciousness. You will find It does so instantaneously with just a little patience on your part. Then your outer world reflects the inner habitation of Spirit as all forms of harmony, health, wealth, happiness, companionship, opportunity, success and attainmentwithout effort.





Your business is not supply. Your employment is not supply. Your investments or inheritance are not supply. Your money is not supply. Spirit is supplyonly Spirit. Spirit is Self-Complete. Therefore, what is this business, employment, investment or inheritance. What is this paper stuff called money that you have been thinking of, and relying on, as your supply? If Spirit is Self-Complete there is nothing else Spirit needs in order to be complete where you are and as everything you do. No channel, no vehicle, no paper, no activity, no process, no season, no time. Indeed, there is nothing but Spirit; Spirit is everything, everywhere, and It is Self-Complete omnipresence right here, right now, where you are. Therefore, what has time got to do with it? What has a vehicle or channel got to do with it? What has a process, activity or season got to do with it? What have little paper rectangles or circular pieces of metal called money got to do with it? Spirit already exists right here, omnipresent, in Its infinite fullness. How can anything elseremember, there isnt anything else other than the minds concepts of Spiriteffect It? they cannot, and do not.

Labels of The Mind

It is only you and me - the collective consciousness of the human race - that has created a separation in the mind and called it business, employment, investment, inheritance, money. When it comes to health, it is we who have created a separation and called it body, organs, function, exercise, healthy diet, medicines, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, prebiotics, and probioticsand the



multitude of other names connected with health. None of these are supply and none are health. Only Spirit is supply and only Spirit is life. Spirit is everything, everywhere. The fact that mind sees Spirit as a multitude of forms has nothing to do with it. Only Spirit is all, and Spirit is omnipresent right where you are, as every thing you need in this mind-experience. Only make sure you do not become entangled thinking in terms of things, situations, amounts: think only of the infinite Spirit that you are and that every thing is.

If business, employment and industrious activity were supply every business, every employment and every industrious activity would be limitless, eternal, effortless streams of supply for every person who involved themselves in these activities. You know there isnt a business in the world, or an employment, or an activity that comes close to being true supply. All you and I have to do is step into any community to see the results of this false belief in supply: lack, limitation, hardship, debt, poverty, fines, interest charges, court summons, theft, mugging, even murder, and prison. The false beliefs in which we have invested our hopes have cruel, often terrible, consequences throughout the world.

If your body with its organs and functions were Life itself it would never change, never age, never tire, never sleep, never weaken, never be injured, never wrinkle, never deteriorate, never die. It is only we who have created a separation in mind and called it body, organs, and functions, and then invested that body with properties of, in one category, life, health, and energy, and in another category, degeneration, ill health and lethargy. All you and I have to do is step outside the front door and you quickly see the results of this false belief: the aging, the weak, the crippled, the paralysed, the injured, the diseased, the weak, the dead. The false belief in body being Life has disastrous and cruel consequences the world over. The seeming vehicles or channels of supply, life, love, relationship, happiness, vocation, creativity, and success are a trap unwittingly set by the mind. The mind looks out at life and says, This is all there is. What I see and what I have is the sum total of what I am, and what I can achieve, and be, at any moment.

Only Spirit is Supply


Lets take the subject of supplyspecifically money because so many millions of people throughout the world have difficulty understanding what money really is and how to release themselves from the trap and restrictions of the money belief. When we are judging purely with the faculties of the mind we believe we need employment, or a business, or investment or inheritance, or crops in our fields in order to have the necessary amount of money for a financially satisfactory, free, or even wealthy life. Then, when we have one or more of these channels we immediately believe that it or they determine the amount of our supply. If we are employed we believe our wage is the limit of our supply. If we have a business we believe our ability to make business successful is the amount of our supply and asset worth we have at hand at any one moment. If we have investments or inheritance we believe that its size determines the amount of money we are able to draw each month, and the degree of financial security we have. You see, all the mind can do is judge by forms, amounts, weights, functions, processes, vehicles, channels, activitiesvisible evidence alone. But remember the single most important truth you must grasp: you, I, and every person, thing, and condition is Spirit, not form. All forms are simply the mind seeing Spirit through one or more of its five faculties, which interpret Spirit as the forms, weights and measures of the objectified world. The belief and reliance on form dissolves when we catch the vision of Spirit being everything, everywhererather than things, amounts and activities being everything, everywhere. Right in your lap this very moment is all the supply of the infinite. Think, think! All the supply of the infinite is yours to spend, enjoy and share this very minute. But you do not see it with the mind. So you say, I wish that were true of me any my circumstances, but it isnt, although I can just about see how it could be, one day, when I achieve a higher awareness of Spirit.

Right There The Mistake is Made!

Ah, right there is where you are making the mistake that keeps the infinite supply from your experience. You are still looking through the mind. Your mind is telling you, Where is this infinity of supply? I cannot see it, therefore I cannot use it. But remember, the mind can only see Spirit in what we call form. It can only judge in



what we call form. It can only think within the confines of what we call form. It is incapable of experiencing Spirit. Spirit is high above the minds perceptive and comprehensive ability. We must abandon the senses of mind if we are to rise into the joy, abundance and infinite freedom of Spirit. Begin today to know yourself as Spirit only. Know supply as Spirit only. Know business, employment, investments, inheritance, and money as Spirit only. Certainly know that Spirit appears to the mind as all these forms but never again fall into the trap of measuring the amount of form you have and believing that the amount is the degree of your ability in any way whatsoever, whether you are thinking of body, money, business, relationship, family, home, car, or happiness.

Lift Awareness Higher

As you lift awareness to the point of realising that everything everywhere is Spirit and that Spirit is Self-Complete in every way, needing no form, activity, process or time to be that self-completeness, you will quickly witness your entire life, health, supply, happiness and success becomeeven in the forms the mind seesthe natural self-completeness that your life already spiritually is. Be still and let Spirit reveal to you what your business, employment, investment, or inheritance truly is. Youll be astonished what you discover, what becomes evident to you. Still the mind and let Spirit talk to you. Be still and let Spirit show you what your life really is, and what your body really is. You will be shocked at what you discover! You will be shocked to discover that all these forms you have spent your whole life depending on, trying to get, and being limited by, are nothing at all apart from mind-created illusions that have kept you confined! It is like me drawing a chalk square around you and telling you not to step out out from it, and you believing it, and remaining a prisoner of it!

Understand This
If you believe the amount of form-money your mind sees today is the limit of how much you have you are believing the limits of a chalk line drawn around you! You have infinite supply in your lap this very minute and as long as you realise that Spirit is everything everywhere, and as long as you are bringing that Spirit-is-everything-everywhere awareness to your consciousness every minute of the day (and never again falling for the mind-forms belief) then you

Only Spirit is Supply


will discover that Spirit rushes in and through your mind which, in turn, sees it as all the money you need and desire for anything at all, without limit, effortlessly appearing day by day, week by week, in an easy, natural flow. Other minds will see it only as your business suddenly becoming prosperous, or your employment suddenly opening up as greater opportunity and increased wage, or your investments or inheritance suddenly gaining in value and providing you with greater income. They have no perception of Spirit being supply. But you will know what is really happening: your awareness of Spirit being the only life, substance, and presence, and your complete reliance on Spirit, never again on form or activity or process, enables Spirit to be seen in, as and through your transparent consciousness (empty of the thought of form) as great health, great wealth, great success, great happiness. In the same way, if you believe the amount of form-health your body possessing today is the limit of how much life you have today, and how much life you can expect to continue to have, you are believing the limits of a chalk line drawn around you! You have infinite life this very minute. As long as you realise that Spirit is your life, and the life of everything everywhere, not the forms of life the mind experiences, then you will discover that no matter what the body seems to suffer from it is illusory. Life is Spirit. Life is not determined by a set of organs and functions. No, life is Spirit, wholly and completely, and as long as you know and abide in that truth nothing, nothing, nothing that appears in the body or world of form can effect that life because no thing can effect Spirit.

Keep Your Mind Above Form

Do not think in terms of form, think only in terms of infinite Spirit. Have the inner awareness that everything the mind sees is in fact infinite Spirit being to the mind all this world and universe of form. Imbue your entire awareness with the omnipresence of Spirit. Rely only on the omnipresence and self-completeness of Spirit. Trust only Spirit. Yearn only for Spirit. Make effort only for Spirit. Then you will discover that the very life and activity that you are is a daily miracle of excitement, success, health, wealth and happiness beyond anything imagined by the mind.



~ What Supply Is ~ ~ How Supply Is Experienced ~ ~How Supply Appears Tangibly In The Outer World of Form ~

Part One What Supply Is

Supply is invisible. It is the infinite invisible substance, essence intelligence and form of Spirit. It is not body, health, home, money, property, investments, employment, business, or ideas. It is not trees, leaves, flowers or fruit. It is not produce, products or services. It is the invisible, supreme infinitude of Substance, Essence the One Life Forcewithin you, me and every person. It forms itself through the mind as the things, amounts, property, investments, business, ideas, money, life, body, relationships, joy, opportunity, success and attainment experienced in the external. It is infinite and omnipresent. It expresses through the mind in overabundance. Look at nature, how it is laden so heavily and generously with leaves, flowers, fruits, grasses, animals, insects, birds, fishalways multiplying, always growing, always pushing forth with an inner satisfaction and, I am sure, a smile of content knowingness of its unstoppable and imbedded infinity of being, always omniactive, always fulfiling itself in ever greater bounty and beauty. Supply is the invisible formula and formulation of all visible form. The formula and substance is seen by the mind as the formed. The invisible formulationSpiritis experienced by the



human mind as the visible form.

Supply is the invisible Life Force and Substance which is witnessed by the mind as all the harmonious, natural, healthy, wealthy, successful and joyous things and conditions in this five-sense realm of existence.

It is omniactive. It is not affected by your action or mine, or your inaction or mine, for the external is never able to influence the Internal.

Supply Requires No Channel, No vehicle, No Body

Spirit is the perfect wholeness of your entire life now, this minute. It requires no channel, vehicle or body. It takes no account of what is, or what is not, in the physical, material realm. It Is.

It is omnipresent Self-Fulfilment already. Right where you are is the infinity of already fully manifested supply, mountains of it if you like to think in physical terms. Limitless, infinite supply exists on the very spot you exist this moment. You, actually, are nothing less than the fullness of Supply expressing as you, being you. You are the infinite, blissful wholeness of supply being present in form as you and as everything, everywhere, that you need, desire, do and experience. There is no unformed Supply, Spirit. Spirit is eternal Oneness, therefore Supply is forever and eternally formed. Supply is Spirit. Therefore, although it is fully and eternally formed as you and as everything you see, hear, taste, touch, smell, think and do, your human five senses cannot see It, touch It, or employ It. Only as Supply flows through the mind and becomes tangible to the five senses can it be seen, heard, tasted, touched, smelled, thought of, and employed by the physicality of you and of me. Supply is the invisible, infinite substance of all good, abundant and fulfiling form, ever-present and ever-available to every individ-

An Important Clarity on Supply


ual, without exception or circumstance, worldwide, universe-wide.

Part Two How Supply is Experienced

There is just One substanceSpirit, or Peace. The One substance is objectified by the senses of the mind, experienced in the external world as the people, animals, insects, things, places, activities, conditions, and circumstances we call physical, material or tangible. But all is the One substance being allthat One substance being Spirit, Peace. Therefore, the one thing we need is the experience of Spirit happening withinthe sense of the invisible Something being present within us, the awareness of something happening within usthe sense of the Peace Itself. Thats all we want and all we ever need. Why? Because the Peace appears in our external, objectified world as every person, animal, thing, place, condition and circumstance. We do not make or create the objectification of the external world; the Peace is witnessed by us as the objectification of all in the external world. It is the mind that has the impression of objects, persons, and conditions where, in reality, there is but the One Spirit, the One substance that is Peace being All. The objectification is automatic through the filters or faculties of the collective mind. We are not involved, and so we dont attempt or make an effort to be involved. We leave that part of this whole external experience to the automated faculties of the mind. Just forget it; leave it alone. Youll save yourself many years and many hardships, believe me! The less sense of Peace we have happening within us each hour of each day the less harmonious, healthy, wealthy and fulfiling is our experience of the external objectified world. The greater sense of Peace we have happening within us each hour of each day the greater harmonious, healthy, wealthy and fulfiling is our experience of the external objectified worldhere and now, without limit.

The Only Limit

The only limit is your or my unwillingness to sit in the silence and serenity of our withinness, and to wait a little patiently until we



actually experience the happening of Peace within. There is not one other limit in the entire world that has any power at all, or can impose itself upon you or your situation at all, to limit you, or to leave you in lack, or with sickness or disease, or inharmony or unhappiness or loneliness. Any limitation or discord or ill health you are experiencingany at all, no matter how severe or urgent it seems, or how impossible it seems to solve, or how overwhelming it seems, or how long it has been bothering youis a self-imposed limit. The nature of that self-imposition? The limit we ourselves place on our experience by not devoting enough time in the Silence actually experiencing the happening of Spiritthe happening of Peace in our withinness. It makes little difference whether it is your problem or the problem a member of your family or circle of friends or acquaintances. If he, she or it has entered your consciousnessyour awareness then he, she or it is instantaneously imbued with the substance of your consciousness. And what does that constitute today? Is it filled with the Peace? Or is it filled with thoughts of the terrible condition or situation that overwhelms you or yours? Ah, there you have the reason for every discord, every lack, every limitation, every sickness and every frustration or unfulfilled desire that can ever enter your external world.

The Solution
The solution? Enter your deep withinness, and there, be still, wait, be a little patient, and soonusually within a few seconds or minutes, but sometimes longeryoull feel the welling up of some kind of happening in the silence and depth of your being. It is the Peace. That Peace is the harmony, health, success and abundance of all that will then appear objectified and tangible in your external world. Do not expect the whole harmony or the whole healing or the whole amount to necessarily become evident all at once. It can do, and as you become more familiar and constantly imbued with the Peace within, the whole often does become apparent at once. But whether it does or does not doesnt matter! As long as you know that if and whenever you need more good in your external world the answer is to go within to experience more of the happening of Peace within, and that It will infallibly then appear to your outer senses and circumstances as the needed harmony, health, success or abundance, you simply keep up your inner life experience each

An Important Clarity on Supply


hour, each day. Do whatever you have to do in the outer but the one and only thing that will change the outer from disharmony to harmony, limit to limitlessness, sickness to health, lack to abundance is the Peace experienced within which then becomes evident as the peace experienced in the outer. When I had what seemed insurmountable lacks, limitations and demands to do with money, or health, or family, I learned the greatest secret in the universe: Go within, stop using the mind, wait patiently until I am experiencing the actual happening of Peace deep down within, and then stay within that blissful sanctuary, basking in It for as long as I want to, or can. Often that would be hours at a timetwo, four, six hours at a time, just coming out very briefly for a drink of water, or a snack, then sinking right back into the bliss of Peace in my withinness for another hour or two or three or four. That basking in the Peace is real power. It is the single most practical thing any of us can do when faced with any sort of trouble of lack or limitation, whether of our own or someone elses. The Peace is the all-permeating solution, so spend as much time experiencing It as you possibly can.

Your Entire World Changes Quickly And Permanently

To give you the greatest clarity on this matter of supply: It is as simple as I have described. It may not, at the moment, be easy for you to be still and quiet enough to get the sense of Peace happening within you. But never for a moment believe it is more complicated than I have described here. It is not. The only need is for you to get the mind still and quiet enough so that you can relax into your withinness, and there, feel the blissful infinitude of Love, Peace and Wholeness that is the You of you happening twenty-four hours a day. The Peace you feel happening within as you sit in the Silence and stillness is the substance which then appears as objectified health, money, investments, new home, new car, new or better opportunity, new or better employment, new or better business, new or more loving relationships, new or more fulfiling purpose, new clothes, new furniture, art, literature, music, pleasure, travel. All the glorious things of tangible living are but the Peace objectified as those things and conditions. The Peace is the one experience we want and need, nothing else, because all elsethe whole of the harmonious, glorious



objectified world of people, things, successes and events - happens automatically without our knowledge as to how. Who cares how? It happens, so lets lap it up, be productive, giving and sharing with the bounty of opportunity and things we find pouring into our life from all directions, and lets have overflowing gratitude for the miracle and magnitude of it all, but lets never try to be involved in creating the objectified world, or in trying to get things and conditions in or from the objectified world! That will only, and can only, lead to frustration, limitation and hardship. We all know that by now!

Only The Actual Experience of Spirit Within Counts

Get the actual experiencethe actual feeling of the happening of Peace within, a number of times each day, and youll automatically get every good person, thing, condition and circumstance in overflowing measure, without limit or boundary, in the external world.

Part Three How Supply Appears Tangibly in The Outer World of Form
The inner infinitude is the outer form you and I witness as the external world and everything in it. All is the infinitude of Spirit Peacebut the human senses experience it as a multitude of finite people, animals, insects, things, conditions and places. For instance, when you hold a coin or note in your hand youre holding what the mind experiences as a piece of finiteness. But what you are really holding is Peace being experienced as an object - in this case, a coin or note. You are holding a piece of Peace. Let this seed itself in your consciousness and it will quickly change your entire world: you are never holding or experiencing anything externalyou are holding a piece of Peace; you are experiencing a piece of Peace. Then you dont care what, at this moment, the piece of Peace looks like to the mind. It may at this moment be appearing to you as the most terrible disease or limitation or lack or discord. It doesnt matter. It is alright. It has no power over you or yours the very moment you know the great Truth: no matter what it looks like in the external world it actually is a piece of Peace. It is the Peace Itself. It is nothing to be frightened of, or threatened by, or to feel

An Important Clarity on Supply


overwhelmed by. On the contrary, it is the very Love, Infinity and One Substance of SpiritPeaceItself, so relax, be at ease, and simply let the happening of Peace be felt within as you rest in the Silence and stillness of your being, and quickly you will see the objectified scene change to one of harmony, health, abundance, love, opportunity and fulfilment.

All is Spirit Appearing Yet The Mind Sees Form

All is the Peace that is Spirit yet being experienced by the mind as an object or condition. The mind objectifies Spirit, but only in sense, not reality. Spirit cannot be objectified; Spirit eternally remains Spiritunchanging in incorporeality, infinity, substance, form (spiritual), and nature. Think about what youve just been told! Money is Spiritthe inner Peaceobjectified by the senses of the mind. The object is being encountered only because your mindwhich is imbued with the collective conditioned mindis capable only of experiencing finite concepts. Its a bit like me placing a cup upside down on the ground and saying that I now have just this cup-full of gravity, which I can use, but that if I want more I have to get another cupfull from somewhere else. The coin or note youre holding is that cup of Peace objectified by the mind. But it is not an object, not a piece of anything; it is the Peaceit is Spirit. Now tell me, how much Peace do you have? How much Peace is available to you? You dont have Peace in a bank with access only to the amount you see, with the mind, as being tangibly available. You dont have to earn it, work for it, make it, labour and sweat for it. There is no limit! Peace is infinite and ever available in as much quantity as you wish to experience! You may not be feeling or experiencing much Peace at this moment but thats not because its absent or unavailable, it is because you are not taking the time or opening the way to the experience of It, or the experience of enough of It. If youre not devoting sufficient time to feel the Peace within, you will also not have enough objectified things and conditions in the external world, because the Peace is the things and conditions. If you want or need more good things and conditions, experience more of the Peace happening within you, and then let the rest take care of itself. Its as simple as that. There is no time or process involved before youll witness the good things and conditions appearing in the outer externalised world because the Peace and



the things of Peace are identical substance and identical presence. The only time or process involved is your sitting in the silence and stillness of your withinness actually experiencing the happening of Peace ever and fully glowingBeingthe fullness of you and yours.

Take Hold of a Coin or Note

Take a coin or note in your hand. Look at it. Get the sense that what youre holding is not actually the object it appears to the mind to be, but Peace being sensed by the mind as that coin or note. Money is Peacethe One infinite substanceobjectified, but not as an actual object because no such thing exists; simply as the impression of an object. The mind believes the impression and therefore says it is very real but we have to rise above the level of mind, into spiritual discernment. The infinitude of Peace forms Itself through the faculties of the mind as an infinitude of so-experienced (by the mind only) finite objects and conditions. But no such finiteness exists. The only existence, the only presence, is the infinity of Spirit, Peace, Bliss, Serenity, Light, Gracecall It what you will, its all the same One substance and presence. Every object is not the object it seems to be, but the infinity of Peace sensed by the mind as the object. Therefore, never make an opinion about how much you have or havent got at this moment, or at any moment, because youll be making a mistake that binds you to limitation, hardship and discord. The only thing you have, the only condition you have, is the Peace. Never make an opinion based on the external appearance of thing or condition. Alwaysand instantlyrealise that every thing and every condition - whether the collective mind has decided it is good or bad, healthy or sick, friendly or unfriendly, rich or poor, productive or barren, beautiful or ugly, safe or unsafe, secure or insecure, limitless or limited, abundant or lacking, loving or unlovingis actually, literally, the infinitude of Peace that is the One substance of all glory, all bounty, all beauty, all good, yet being witnessed through the faculties of the mind as that sense of objectified thing or condition, in a degree proportional to the amount of Peace being experienced and maintained in the individual consciousness each hour. If you want ice cubes you need the substance of which ice cubes are formed. When you have access to the substance you can have

An Important Clarity on Supply


as many ice cubes as you wish to have. If you have party guests arriving tomorrow and you look in the freezer and discover you have just one ice cube, you dont worry or start a frenzied effort to get ice cubes from thin air, or to start treating for ice cubes in the hope that, somehow, by some hocus-pocus, youll manifest ice cubes from the external world somewhere. No, you simply take the substance from which all ice cubes are formedwaterand then instead of one ice cube you have a thousand, or as many as are needed to satisfy your guests. There is no limit to the number you can have as long as you have the substance, water. Again, this is a material example and therefore limited, but you get the idea. The substance of all body, family, money, investments, dividends, home, car, art, music, furniture, tree, bush, flower, leaf, fruit, earth, bricks, mortar, wood, metal, plastic, electricity, computers, telephones, iPods, digital files, images and soundsthe all of all we experience and use in the external worldis Peace.

The Peace Felt Within is What Appears in The Outer World as Harmonious Form
The Peace felt within as an actual happening automatically becomes the unlimited, boundless experience and provision of good people, conditions, things and situations in our externalised world, appearing automaticallywithout even one thought or effort made by usjust as the trees, leaves, flowers and fruits appear automatically in the external world without thought or effort made by us. Leave the external scene alone as far as attempting to create or get or achieve. Use the boundless streams of opportunity, things and conditions which arrive on the scene all around youas they always will, in unlimited, glorious and effortless streams when you live in and out from the inner lifebut never interfere with the external, material, physical process. Devote all the time you can to the inner life, actually experiencing the happening of Peace within. Always remember: everything out here is a piece of the Peace, therefore rest back into that Peace within, knowing that It is limitless, infinite and ever available in Its fullness here and now. Then all your external world and events will be glorious, life-filled, health-filled, success-filled, rich and satisfying beyond measure and without limit, time or process, with a divine immunity to sickness, discord, accident or failure.



There is No Need to Categorise The Outer Life, And Work on Each

Finally, understand that everything I have said here applies in exactly the same way to the health of your body, the joy of your relationships, the love and happiness of your family and circle of friends, the success of your employment or business, the prosperity of your investments and enterprises, the safety and security of your environment, the attainment of a beautiful new family home, or holiday homeendless good and enriching things and circumstances. There is no limit to the number and measure of good people, things and circumstances you can have because there is no limit to the amount of Peace you can experience in your withinness. The One and the other are identical. The only limit is the limit you place on yourself by failing to devote sufficient time to experiencing the limitless Peace within! Realise that this applies in exactly the same way to every person, every animal, every thing, every place, and every condition and circumstance that enters your consciousness. All beings and objects you experience are the Peace objectified by the mind. When you look at your family and know they are the Peace objectified, you imbue them with the miracle of Spirit. When you look at your home, your money, your pets, your friends, knowing they are the Peace objectified, you imbue each and every one with the miracle of Spirit. But always remember: It is one thing to know that all beings and things in your world are the Peace objectified by the mind, but this knowledge alone is of little or no visible value to anyone or anything, including you.

No Words; No Thoughts
The only tangible value is in having the actual experience or feeling of the Peace glowing within youhappening within youas an actual experience taking place during the silence of your mind, in the depth and stillness of your withinness. Your silence and stillnessno words, no thoughts; just an inner receptivity and expectation of the feeling of the Peaceis the only condition in which the happening of the Peace can actually be experienced. Therefore, it is the only condition in which your external world can blossom without limitcan overflow with abundance, life, glory, beauty, success, attainment and happiness in every department and activity.

An Important Clarity on Supply


The peace you feel happening as you sit in the blissful silence and serenity of your own private withinnessall alone, just you and the infinitude of Spirit being Youis what then appears to your mind senses as more and more money, a new home, a healthy or healed body, happiness in the family, attainment in business, glorious items and activities for home, leisure, pleasure, travela bounty of beautiful furniture, music, paintings, instruments, concerts, theatre, cars, skills, opportunities, successes, achievementswhatever is your fulfilmentbeyond limit and beyond anything the mind can believe is possible, even if you think your mind believes much is possible! Believe me, it knows nothing compared with the infinity of spiritual bounty ever present and ever available to each one of us who knows the great secret of spiritual living: Feel the inner Peace happening within and then be a witness to Its limitless bounty, beauty, pleasure and joy in what is seen by the five-sense mind as extraordinary external achievement, unbounded health, limitless wealth, glorious happiness, and true and joyous fulfilment of purpose. Whatever difficulty, trouble, unhappiness, sickness, lack or limitation you may be experiencing at this moment, of your own or someone elses, the quick and infallible answer is to allow more peace to happen within your silence and stillness. The Peace you open up tothat you allow to happen within you as you simply turn within knowing that It is there, fully present and fully being within you, and that you simply wait a little patiently for so that you can become still and peaceful enough inside to feel Its presence and glowingness within as a sense of deep peace or stillness or relaxedness or bliss or warmth or heat or a glowing or euphoria or releaseeven if you do not feel anything great except a sense of loving stillness or relaxation or releasea deeper stillness or relaxedness than youd normally feelan inner stillness or relaxedness rather than a bodily relaxationis the achievement of the inner happening I am describing. When youve achieved a good sense of it with each session of silencemeditationyou can be certain that It will soon appear through the mind, in the outer world, as some kind of harmonious, enriched, healthy, joyous, loving formespecially the form most needed or desired at this moment to bring fulfilment to the particular lacking or limiting condition or circumstance youre troubled by. When you haveby actual experiencethe happening of the infinitude of Peace within each day then you also have the infinitude of good things, circumstances and conditions happening to



you and for you in the external world.

The Inner And Outer Are One And Identical

One and the other are identical. The inner Peace and the outer form are identical. Peace does not produce anything or draw good things and conditions to you; It is the things and conditions objectified by the mind senses in the external world. Live in and out from the Peace each hour of the day and then youll quickly discover you have all good things and conditions, eternally blossoming into conscious awareness and into objectified form in your external world. You then possessI havethe greatest miracles of health, wealth, harmony, success and happiness, knowing no limit, no boundary, no process, no season, no time restraint. The infinitude of All is here now, and eternally. It is the Peace. It is the infinite within and the limitless without of you. It is yours to bask in, be fulfiled by, and to share with the world without prejudice or reason; just because.



As we begin to awaken to our spiritual identity we discover some remarkable things about what we are, what we have, and what we can achieve. One of the things we discover is that life itself, and everything of which life consists is impersonal and self-contained. Once we grasp this extraordinary truth it changes our entire life experience. So lets see if we can capture this here and now, and lets see how quickly it, indeed, changes each of our lives tangibly, and in ever more wondrous ways. You have advanced sufficiently to know that Spirit is everything everywhere. Anything and everything that appears to you is nothing but Spirit seen by he mind as a person, place, thing, or condition. You know that what appears as a finite thingan objectisnt an object and isnt finite at all; it is infinite Spirit appearing to the mind objectified and finitean illusion of the senses. Because everything is Spirit everything is infinite and invisible: everything is the Infinite Invisible existing, expressing. Yet there is no escaping the fact that the mind perceives the everywhere-present Spirit objectified as people, places, things and conditions.

The First Knowing

This is the first knowing: that you and I are Spirit sensed by the mind as body and mind, and that everything everywhere is Spirit also sensed by the mind as person, place, thing and condition. The second knowing is that Spirit is indivisiblethe whole of Spirit exists at every point in the universeevery point throughout infinityat the same time. There is no separation, no division, no



slices of Spirit here and other slices over there. The whole of Spirit is one self-complete Being, one self-complete Presence, one selfcomplete Existence existing at every point at the same time. Spirit is indivisible, self-complete, wholeness right where you are, and I am, and every person is. The whole is the only existence. There isnt a choice: you are the whole of love, the whole of life, the whole of supply, the whole of companionship, the whole of fulfilment right here where youre standing, eternally manifested right now.

Yet The Mind Doesnt Experience it That Way

The third knowing is to ignore the pictures and situations the mind presents to us in and as this world. Everything the mind sees, hears, tastes, touches, smells and thinks is false reporting. Ignore it in the knowing that it is false reporting. Dismiss it. We are not ever going to stop using the mind but were forever going to know that the pictures of conditions, lacks, limits, illnesses, diseases accidents, loneliness and hardships the mind experiences and the good of life too (we cannot have it one way and not the other)are false images, or false realities. They are not Spirit because the mind is incapable of understanding or experiencing Spirit. What the mind experiences through the five faculties, and what it thinks, is not Spirit. It is a concept of Spirit, not Spirit Itself. The entire scene of your individual life, and of the world and universe as a whole, is a falsely reported scene, therefore learn to dismiss the way it looks and the things it presents to youall of it. Dismiss the lot. It is all untrue and therefore you havent anything to be concerned about, or to struggle with, fight, or to succumb as long as you realise that Spirit is the only actual presence and the only actual power. Knowing these three knowings, let us now take the subject of supply and watch as it opens a whole new vista of understanding and tangible experience of freely available abundance, opportunity and success in whatever we apply ourselves to. Money is Spirit seen and experienced by the mind as a finite object. The daily scene as understood by the mind is that I start the day with X amount of money in my pocket, bank or credit card, I spend a certain amount of it, and therefore I have that amount less by the end of the day. Do you see how stupid the mind is? It takes infinite supply Spiritobjectifies it, and divides it. It says, I have X amount but

The Self-Contained Life


that person over there has less than I do, and that other person has more than I do. But that bank or credit card company has billions and I can borrow some of it to help me along. None of this is true when you remember the three knowings. I have infinity because I am spirit, therefore I have the infinity of spirit because spirit is indivisible. Every person has infinity for the same reason: they are spirit, therefore they have an infinity of spirit in the shape of everything, everywhere. No one has more or less than anyone else because every person is the fullness of Spirit existing as individual expression, but this only becomes actual, tangible experience when we dismiss the pictures and understanding of the mind and, instead, perceive with the inner eye, the inner self that is Spirit Itself. We realise we are Spirit, and that everything everywhere is Spirit no matter with what face or by what amount it happens to be appearing to me as this moment.

The Only Thing With Which Were Ever Dealing

The only thing we are ever dealing withand transacting withis Spirit, not money or cars or houses or body or health or people or employment or businessjust Spirit! Remember: IGNORE WHAT THE MIND IS PRESENTING TO YOU.



Lets go Further
If Spirit is One Self-Completeness, which It is, and if you are that, which you are, then when you pass an amount of money from your pocket to someone elses pocket what youre really doing is passing it from one pocket of yours to another pocket of yours. You are reallyin actualitypassing it from one bank account in your name to another bank account in your name because there is only one name: I. You cannot give me something and therefore be short of that thing anymore than I can give you something you didnt already have before I gave it to you. You have the entire infinity of Spirit. You cannot ever give away or spend even a sliver of it because Spirit is indivisible. It cannot leave your side no matter how hard you try to rid yourself of it. It is impossible to divide Spirit so how could you possibly ever give away or spend any of it and therefore



be short of that thing or that amount? Everything is Spirit and therefore immovable. It is always right where you are - the whole lot, the whole of infinity. You are that and you have that.

The Mind Reports Falsely

The mind in its fractional sense and fractional understanding perceives a thing or an amount which is spent and is therefore no longer in its possession. But thats the mind indulging in its narrow ways, its false-reporting ways. How long are we going to continue to allow the mind to rule? When are we going to wake up to the truth that all is Spirit and therefore our one need is to perceive spiritually not materially or physically? We have to ignore the scene as reported by the mind and perceive that, in actuality, Spirit is the only presence and the only thing happening right in front of us, or by us, or to us. Think of it like this: Imagine you are an actor on a movie set. Everything needed for the movie is self-contained within the set all the characters, all the money, all the houses, businesses, cars, streets, shops and landscape. None of it can get out of the four walls of the set and yet there is a limitless amount of everything needed to fulfil the movie. The movie set and every person and everything it needs is self-contained, self-complete. Lets say you are playing you in the movie. In one scene, you are going to pay a bill for 10,000. For a moment you forget youre playing a character in a movie, so you look in your bank and you discover you havent enough money to pay the bill. You only have 1,000 not 10,000. You are a long way short of the needed amount. Yet the scene is just about to be filmed! What are you to do? In a panic of forgetfulness fear possesses you. What am I going to do? I havent got near enough money yet the demand is right in my face. Worse, I can see no way of getting the money today, or even this week, or even by the end of the month, by which time it will be seriously overdue and urgently, even threateningly, demanded from me. I am in trouble. The only way you can see of getting the needed amount is to borrow it. So you nervously call family and friends plus credit card companies and banks, but they all say, Sorry, we have no money to lend you; we have no credit for you. In your forgetful state you are in dire straights. Life seems as if its crashing down with no seeming way out.

The Self-Contained Life


Then you wake up! Why, how foolish I have been! I do not play this scene with my money, I have access to, and use, the money provided by the producer. Oh, thank goodness. All is okay, I have all the money this character needs and wants for every scene in the movie. And best of all, when I have paid this 10,000 I still have as much money as I had before I paid it because Im not using my money. It hasnt gone anywhereit is all still within the set.

This is The Secret of Limitlessness

If you catch this you have the secret of limitless supply. Supply in any and all of the infinite ways in which it appears and is used by the mind and the physical body, including as moneyis never yours or mine. It is infinite impersonal supplySPIRITever freely available at every point, to every individual as the particular form or condition that fulfils the immediate need. Spirit is ever freely available to you because you already have an infinity of it. You cannot possibly get any more and you cannot possibly lose any, or be short of any. You are the one infinite Spirit Itself being you but not just you, the other person too. Therefore you have the infinity of Spirit right where you are, in as many different forms as you want and need without effort. When you spend it or give it away you are only passing it to yourself. And yes, there is no effort involved. Again, how can you apply an effort to get something you already have? Only in a dream state of awareness could you imagine you do not have what you already possess. Wake up! Wake up from the sense dream of materiality and physicality, of amounts and measures, of good and bad, healthy and sick, of changeable forms and amounts. Waking up is all youve ever got to do! Then, upon awakening to your spiritual identity, you discover you are in possession of an infinity of all good in every department of life, instantaneously available in any and every form as and when you need or want it, just for the realising. When you are paying a bill or spending an amount of money whether its pennies, pounds, thousands, or tens of thousandsfix your mind on Spirit. Realise that what youre actually spending is Spirit appearing as money, or as anything else you might be passing one to another. Therefore, ignore the appearance and realise that not even a sliver of anything can leave your possession. Yes, I know! The mind is seeing an amount being passed from your account to anothers account but your realisation and mine has now risen above the limited appearance, elevated into the freeing awareness



of Spiritual everything everywhereSpirit being everything everywhere.

Open The Floodgates of The Infinite in Your Experience This Moment!

The realisation of Spiritual infinity as everything everywhere opens the floodgates of the infinite being you actually are. Never again do you experience lack, limitation or inharmony. And as you apply the same understanding to life and health, by realising the untouchable purity of Life that Spirit is and therefore you are, and you have, disease is unable to affect you. Any illness or disease now present in the body will gently, or sometimes spontaneously, dissolve and disappear. It takes only a little actual spiritual awareness before even a minor cold or scratch is unable to come anywhere near you. Sure, an occasional minor ailment or accident or difficulty finds lodging in consciousness, and therefore in the body or in some other outer experience or activity. Why? Were not perfect! We havent yet reached an absolute purity of spiritual realisation. But interestingly, neither did any of the great spiritual masters of the ages, at least none of them history has recorded. Does that shock you? Read their accounts carefully and youll see that even they were occasionally tempted back, or drawn back, to believe in world conditions and beliefs and wereat least for a fleeting momentaffected by them. We can explore that at a different time. But at the moment, you and I can be perfectly happy with the fact that were able to rise abovein consciousness awareness of Spirit being everything everywhereeighty or ninety percent of world, or material, belief. We find ourselves, those around us, and those who come to us seeking realisation to be in a new world not one in a million knows is fully existing right in their midst, as them and as everything they can possibly experience, need or desire in limitless, ever available beauties and bounties. Life becomes exhilarating, effortless, fulfiling and pleasurable.

One More Thing

Always, always remember only the silence is actual Spiritual awareness and experienceno words, no thoughts, just complete stillness, peace and silence. Never go an hour without at least two or three minutes of

The Self-Contained Life


silencea turning within and adopting a receptive expectation where Spirit can actually reveal Itself within you, as you, and through you into your outer world. As well as hourly silent minutes, never go a single day without at least two or three more formal meditation periods lasting anywhere between ten to sixty minutes, or more sometimes, where you may spend a few minutes reading or pondering Truth, or rehearsing Truth statements in your mind, and then being silent for the remaining time, letting Spirit reveal Itself within, as, and through youbeing the fulfiled totality of you. This practice infallibly results in wondrous experiences in all departments of life without further effort. You and I are the guests of life. Well actually experience how abundant and generous our host is as we learn to be aware of the Infinite Invisible Spirit that we are, and that we have, in all ways and as all forms, and as we let the Infinity of us reveal Itself to a greater and more glorious degree each day, as we rest the mind in complete silence and peace, becoming a witness to the bounties and wonders of Spirit appearing right here in and as our tangible experience.



A parable comes to us from ancient times: One day a great spiritual master was walking with his followers and they saw a man on his way to Judea, carrying a lamb. The master said to them, Why is the man carrying a lamb with him? His followers said, Because he will kill it and eat it. The master said, As long as the lamb is alive the man will not eat it. Only when he has killed it, and it is a corpse, will he eat it. They said, Yes, he will not be able to while it is alive. The master told them, You, yourselves, who have ears to hear, keep alive those things you know, lest you become a corpse and be eaten. Like any spiritual text, if this parable is taken literally it is not understood. It will mean nothing to you and do nothing for you. But with spiritual discernment the same parable opens the floodgates of the infinite right where you stand. The lamb in most spiritual texts represents the bliss, harmony, peace, and joy of spirit. The masters followers saw only a lamb being carried for the purpose of killing and eating. But the masterin his great spiritual wisdomsaw another opportunity to explain the secret of bringing limitless spiritual harmony, health, happiness and abundance to individual experience. As long as the lamb is alive the man will not eat it. Only when he has killed it, and it is a corpse, will he eat it. And: You, yourselves, who have ears to hear, keep alive those things you know, lest you become a corpse and be eaten. Spirit is omnipresent, infinite, filling all space, being everything everywhereall person, all thing, all place, all activitybut do we keep this awareness alive in con-



sciousness every minute of the day and night? Do we continually acknowledge and expect only spiritual presence? Do we refuse to accept anything other than spiritjust spirit, not spirit and?

What Are You Acknowledging?

If we are honest, we mostly acknowledge and expect physical people, things, activities and conditions, and their consequences. That is why the world continues to be cruel to us and those we know, in one way or another, or in multiple ways. And it will continue to continue until, one fine day, we wake up and accept our true spiritual identity and the true spiritual identity of everything everywhere: incorporeal spiritual allness existing right here and now as you, as me, and as every person, thing and condition from the atom to the mountain, from the first string of DNA to the fully formed human being, from the dew drop to the mightiest ocean, from the kiss of the breeze to the severest galeeverything everywhere, infinitely sodespite how it appears to the five senses of the mind. We need to awaken the sixth sense, the inner sense, to discern spiritual omnipresence, and we need to keep it awakealivetwentyfour hours a day lest we become a corpse and be eaten. Do you catch the spiritual masters lesson? If we fail to keep our awareness alive, we will by degree become a corpse and be eaten. Not a physical corpse, a spiritual corpse. We are dead spiritually dead in spiritual awareness. Then well be eaten by all that the tangible, mind-dominated world has to throw at us, and we know full well what that is: illness, disease, inharmony, lack, limitation, unhappiness, poverty, barrenness, loneliness, misunderstanding, failure, stress, injury, accident, greed, theft, contagion, depression, war, injustice - I suppose we could list pages of circumstances and conditions the human race finds itself threatened by, and, to a certain extent at least, experiencing individually. There is not a person on the planet who, by some measure, is not fearful of something or someone or some circumstance that could come along to upset the happiness or health or abundance or safety or security or relationship that is their life today. There are millions around the globe who are, as you read this, suffering such hardship, disease, threat or poverty that life hardly worth living. Why such hardship and injustice? Why? How is it possible in a universe of spiritof Love Itselfappearing tangibly as the mind and all its multitude of forms and names?

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The Answer
The answerthe answer given to us by the greatest spiritual masters who ever walked the earthis mistaken identity. Everything is infinite, incorporeal, blissful Spiritoneness, nirvana, heaven yet the mind mistakes itself, and everything it sees, hears, tastes, touches, smells and thinks, as finite, physical form, existing in a relatively hostile world that one day, in some way, is likely to dish out a lorry load of hardship and sadness. But there is immediate individual freedom from the hardships and cruelties of the world. It is here and now available to every one of us who are willing to seriously and fully accept our true identity, our true being, our true life: Nothing is hostile; nothing is subject to disease or sickness or decay; nothing is dangerous or contagious; nothing is lethal; there is no lack or limitation or loneliness; there is no poverty or injustice but the mind believes it so. Therefore, because the mind always outforms itself, each of us has to live with the progressive outforming consequences of our beliefs. Worse, most of the world beliefs are not known to each of us consciously; they are seated deep down in the subconscious. That is why a circumstance or condition can hit at you out of the blue. We say, I wasnt believing that cancer or meningitis or accident or injury or lack or limitation was likely to come into my experience, or the experience of someone close to me. Why has it appeared in my life? Ah, but you do believeyou acceptthe existence of these disharmonies, even if it is an acceptance that someone you hear about in the news or neighbourhood or your social circle has been affected by one or more of them. You accept it as possible or even probable. You feel a fleeting sorrow for the person whilst secretly thanking the gods its not you or your loved ones, and then continue doing what you were doing as if what happened was just one of those things. Right there is your subconscious beliefand acceptanceof a universe of good versus bad matter, not omnipresent Spirit! We must have an alive awarenesswhich means an all day long, twenty-four hour a day awarenessif we are to experience the treasures, beauties and bliss of Spirit in and as everything in our life. As long as your awareness and expectation is alive the world cannot eat you with its suggestion of lacks, limitations, diseases and discords.



Keeping The Lamb Alive

Keeping spiritual awareness alivekeeping the lamb alivein your individual consciousness is the power of alchemy to your world. Discord of any nature cannot touch you and yours anymore than you can touch gravity. Its impossible. While you are not thinking on the things of the world, the things of the world cannot think on you. You are invisible to it. You are invisible to disease, germ, economy, lack, scheming, injustice, failure and hardship of any and every nature because spirit is love, joy, and fulfilment, and Spirit is everything everywhere. When Spirit is everything everywhere in your consciousness that is when youve found your freedom in the world. Do you see? Where are you to the disease if you are immersed in spiritual awareness twenty-four hours a day? Youre nowhere. Youre invisible. Where are you to lack or limitation? Youre nowhere. All these things are mind-made; they are products of the mind that believes in them. When you are not allowing your mind to rule the scene, but you are permeating everything everywhere with spiritual awareness, mind-effects cannot touch you because mind is no longer present. Only Spirit is present; that means only love is present, health is present, harmony is present. Now watch the miracle: When the awareness of Spirit being the only thing present is kept alive in consciousnessand remember, you cannot have a few minutes of life and then an hour of death; you cannot have an alive lamb, then a dead lamb, then an alive lamb again, and so on; the only aliveness that is possible is a continual aliveness. With continued awareness, the treasures of spirit emerge from within as all tangible form without. Where there was an appearance of disease now there is no disease; where there was an appearance of lack now there is abundance; where there was an experience of loneliness now there is fulfiling companionship; where there was a difficulty in trade relations now there is harmonious relations. Whatever name or nature the problem, whatever degree of seriousness, you discover it dissolves into nothingness when true spiritual identity is accepted and kept alive in conscious awareness every moment of the day and night.

Consciousness is What I Am
Consciousness is what I am; Spirit is what I am. But remember:

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mind always outforms itself. So now you understand everything that happens to you, for you, and through you happens as a result of the degree of your consciousaliveawareness of your true spiritual identity and the true spiritual identity of everything everywhere, versus your non-awareness, or corporeal awareness. Your individual awareness of spirit is what counts, and is what subsequently externalises as your outer world. Keep in mind this curious fact: your awareness is always alive! You are never unaware. You are never not consciousexcept, perhaps, in deep sleep, and even then there is a subconscious awareness always on in you. But heres the question: what is alive in and as your individual awareness? At each moment, you are either alive with awareness of spiritual omnipresence or alive with awareness of corporeal, physical people, things, conditions, places and happeningscorporeal presence. Now listen to this carefully: It is the degree of each type of awarenessincorporeal versus corporealgoing on in your individual consciousness that determines the nature of your individual experience day by day, week by week, year by year. If you were sitting here with me, I would have us meditate on that truth right away. Please do, before you carry on. Reread the statement, take it into consciousness, ponder it for a few moments and then be silent. Let Spiritin the silencebring light to it for you. It will change your world.

You Cant Afford The Luxury of Non-Awareness

If we walk through our days with very little spiritual awareness we are subject to the awareness we do havecollective world belief awareness. The only possible result is that we are affected by the very world beliefs of which we want to be free. A book published in the 1980s is titled You Cant Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought. It is a positive mental attitude book, not spiritual, and for that reason I do not recommend it to travellers on this path. But I like the title. We could borrow the idea and say You cant afford the luxury of a non-spiritual awareness. There is wonder and miracle in spiritual awareness kept alive in consciousness, and those wonders and miracles reveal themselves right here, now, limitlessly and without human effort, having the effect of harmonising whatever disharmonious situations present themselves, and making more fruitful and joyous even those departments of life weve assumed



cant get better. Little do we know the treasures and joys of the infinite life when we rely on the mind to do our knowing. There is a realm of infinite joys, boundless life, happiness and achievement without limit and without effort, of love flowing forth as us and to us at every turn, with every touch, and as every thing. It is SpiritSpirit being spirit as you and as me, expressing Itself in the silence, without taint, without prejudice, without opposition, even without thought... just Is... just I... I being Is. It is our real life, our true identity, and our natural inheritance. When we know this truthreally know itour awareness is nothing other that It. We laugh at any opposing appearance. But during the journey of awakening to It, we must keep alive our awarenessour lamb. We must be strict and disciplined. We must be stubborn. We must, to the best of our ability, resist any and every appearance that suggests a power or cause or presence other than Spirit. There is none, but we have to keep a resilient awareness of this truth alive in consciousness twenty-four hours a day. You cannot afford the luxuryor lazinessof a non-spiritual awareness. The effortin the beginningis intense, theres no use pretending its easy. But the payoff is colossal and quickthe infinite storehouse of all good, all pleasure, and all fulfilment pouring into and as the life experience, with nothing able to oppose it or even touch it. It is the invisible infinity of All expressing as you and yours, without bound, without opposition, without thought. It is omnipresence in and as everything everywhere, rolling in ecstasy at your feet being Its infinite, unbounded Self as you and everything about you.

All That The Infinite Has is Yours

Then you discover what the greatest spiritual lights discovered, that All that Spirit has is yours. Spirit has all because all is spirit. Spirit is indivisible, the whole exists at every point in the universe at the same time. You are spirit, therefore you have all that spirit hasinfinity of all good, in every department of life, ever present and available to tangible experience here and now. The whole is indivisible as you. Your entire fulfilment of being already exists. You are Spirit being spirit: you. The Whole being the whole: you. Nothing but the whole exists, and it is fully manifest here and now as you, as every person and every thing, everywhere.

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As you go about your daily life at work, at home, at school, travelling, socialising, talking, writing, painting, playing, holidaying, or meditating you must make absolutely sure that your awareness of Spirit being you and being everything everywhere is fully alive. Never allow it to drop from your consciousness because if you do, you now know that mind-awarenesscollective world beliefwill rush in and inhabit your lazy mind. There are only two types of awarenessincorporeal and corporeal. One will enable you to live a limitless, blissful, achievement-filled life in every way; the other will make you a corpse subject to being eaten by world belief and circumstance.

Sow, And The Reaping Will Take Care of Itself

Your conscious alive awareness of Spirit being everything everywhere without exception or opposition reaps the spiritual harmonies. Whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap. Do not be concerned about the appearance of the harmonies, they take care of themselves. Do not be concerned about the healing you or a loved one needs; it will take care of itself. Never be concerned about a shortage or lack or limitation; the abundance and freedom takes care of itself. All good reveals itself tangibly in that place where spiritual awareness is alive. Where your awareness of spiritual omnipresence is, there is joy, harmony, life, abundance. To him who hath, more will be given. To you who has the alive awareness of spirit omnipresent, filling all space, leaving no space remaining for anything other than spirit and Its boundless joys, more of the infinity of spirit is given more becomes your experience both intangibly and tangibly, invisibly and visibly, one and the same. Whatever you saturate your awareness with within multiplies in the outer. This is why fear of a thing or circumstance is the best way ever invented to bring it to tangible experience. What you hold in mind with deep belief you hold in manifestation also because mind and manifestation are one. When you fear lack or limitation you experience more lack or limitation. When you fear ill health you experience more ill health. Why? What saturates your awareness magnifies. When you allow collective belief to saturate awareness, mind is at work, and you cannot escape mind multiplying that belief as outformed experience. But when you bring spiritual awareness to bear on everything



everywhere spiritual harmony multiplies itself in and as your awareness and therefore in and as your outer experience. The inner and outer are one and the same. But you discover a magical bonus: Spirit has a leavening effectyou invest one measure of spiritual awareness and spirit reveals Itself as multiple measures. The mind cannot embrace infinity and so, as infinity reveals Itself in and as every department of your life as your spiritual awareness is kept alive, you witness blessings so great you shall not have room enough to receive them.

Where You Are Now Your Perfect Whole Demonstration Is

Right where you are is a world of infinite beauty, bounty and joy your world here and now! It is in full existence this minute. It is you and everything you are, your entire surroundings, everything you are involved in, every person you love and call a friend, and every person you call an enemy. It is every person and thing that ever touches your consciousness. The evidence of the five senses will never discover this paradise. It walks, talks, works and plays right in the midst of It twenty-four hours a day without ever recognising It! But as you learn to keep your awareness of Spirit alive, bit by bit it starts to glow in your experience; the mist burns off to reveal a paradise so dazzlingly beautiful, so overflowing with abundance, so life-filled, so joyous, pleasurable and purposeful, so selfcomplete, so infinitely intelligent and loving that you realise that the only contribution you can make is to be silent.

There is Nothing You Can do But be Silent

There is nothing you can do but be silent, to let the paradise of Spirit inhabit your still and reverent senses, pouring out the infinite bliss as and through you to your world and everyone in it, showering silent blessings in every direction, in every life, in every place, in every situation. No one can tell, looking corporeally at you as you. No one ever knows that going on within you is a spiritual awareness that opens the gates of paradise to all who are even slightly receptive. Your silent awareness of infinite harmony and love of all saturates all who enter your consciousness. Miracles of healing, prosperity, love, happiness and success are

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your experience, and are sprinkled everywhere you go, all about. What will your next five minutes be? What awareness will you bring to all in your consciousness? What about the five minutes after that? What about the next ten, the next hour, the rest of today, tomorrow? Its up to you now.



Stop the mind! You are spirit. And yet you are frustrated, even angry. Youve cried many times because the promised spiritual harmonies still do not seem to be yours, or that of those people and situations you wish to bring fulfilment to. In the early days of my awakening I was sometimes able to do nothing but cry. I was angry with spirit! Why are you not providing me with this promised supply and health and happiness? I am being so good; I am meditating daily, I am trying with every fibre of my being to follow the instructions. I cant try harder! No one can try harder if they are sincerely following the spiritual path. You are doing everything you know how to do. You listen to CDs, you read books, you go to seminars or classes, you sit in meditation each day, you try to keep your mind on spirit. You cannot try harder than youre already trying. But you think there is still something you are missing because the life, prosperity, companionship, success, happiness and fulfilment you wish for yourself and others are not yet evident. You think you get it yet there is little or often no tangible evidence. When a problem or emergency presents itself you are unable to dissolve it by spiritual means; it often turns out to be a long, hard and intense struggle.

Drop The Effort

I am going to tell you something now that will bring quick release from the struggle: You do not need one ounce more understanding. You do not have to do anything different before the infinititude of harmony is yours tangibly.



You have already achieved your demonstration because all demonstration is instantaneous. But you are not accepting it! Therefore your mind is still desperate to see it visibly. Bear in mind, you can only desire or be desperate for a thing or event you think you do not have. This is the final thin veil that keeps your already demonstrated good hidden from the tangible sense. You cannot do any more. You cannot. And you must not try. Yes, I sometimes broke down in tears, angry, pleading to spirit. I would find myself screaming at the invisible: I am dedicating myself to keeping spiritual truth alive in my mind, and to meditation, even more than I am dedicating myself to my family and business. What more can a person do?!!! The reason we break down and find ourselves angry is that we think the universe will give or produce something for ushealing, prosperity, a person who loves us, success in our business or employment, creativity, a new home, a new car, a parking space which it has not, as yet, given or produced. We think that some form of desperately needed harmony has not, as yet, revealed itself, and we wonder why not. We are convinced it should have done by now because we know so much truth and we meditate faithfully everyday. Where, after all this effort, is the harmony? Or you may think it is you. You think there is some degree of realisation still needed before you will evidence the harmony, abundance and health. You think harmony will happen one day that cannot happen today because there is still something you do not know about spirit and demonstrating your spiritual allness. As one student recently said, It feels as if there is a big secret out there which you know but I dont. That is the same as thinking the universe will one day open up the clouds and drop you down a million pounds, or heal the dreadful disease.

Spirit Does Not Heal or Give

Bring back to mind what Ive said: You do not need to make an ounce more effort. You cant, even if you tried. You do not need to know anything more than you already know. In fact, you only need one statement of truthone realisation of truthand that would be enough. You could heal the worst disease, you could bring overflowing abundance to any situation, you could bring fulfilment to the most underprivileged or depressed people or circumstances. No, you need not one further word of knowledge. What you need now is to accept that you have arrived. Think about this. Accept that

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you have now arrived.* You see, if you go about your days thinking you still have a demonstration to achieveor that you, yourself, still have a measure of realising to achievebefore your demonstration will appear, you will demonstrate exactly what youve ordered: delayed harmony. All you are doing is perpetuating your misery. What are you thinking? I do not have the necessary realisation. I have not. But the entire secret of spiritual demonstration is the realisation of I have. I have! I have the fullness of spirit. I have all, therefore I have the fullness of my demonstration right here, right now.

Why is That True?

The I that thinks I havent enough understanding is a false identity. Your true identity is just one thing: spirit. Spirit does the work, spirit is the manifested allness, not you. There is no you as you think yourself to bethe mind-sense you are holding yourself to be. Who is this person you think is you who says, You over there know something that I over here do not know? Who is it other than a personal sense of being called Paul or John or Mary or Natalie? Who is it? That personal identity you are entertaining does not actuallyin truthexist. Only Spirit exists as each individual manifested being, you and me, everything everywhere. However, while you continue to identify with a personal sense you go to bed tonight thinking you still are missing the final secret and therefore missing your demonstration. You hope tomorrow youll find the secret and that your demonstration will finally manifest. What have you just done? You have perpetuated the problem. Tomorrow will come and, of course, you will not discover the missing truth. Youll go to bed another night continuing to assume you still havent realised the great secret, andwell, on and on it will go. Has this not been your experience to date? No, no. Make your realisation here and now. Do not wait until bedtime tonight; do not wait for anything; do not wait another minute.

I Am The Demonstration Itself!

I am spirit. I am not this form running around my world, with everyone calling me by my given name, with a career or business, with a family, with certain health issues, or money issues, or love issues, or success issues. I am not that. I AM CONSCIOUSNESS.



I am the one, invisible, incorporeal spirit, already fully manifest. Now if I drop responsibility for my life, my health, my finances, my family, my friends, my loves, my career that I, as a personal sense, have undertakenif I drop it all right here and now, knowing that I have done more than enough, everything I can possibly do and a hundred or a thousand times more than I am ever expected to do at my end of the demonstration processand realise, the one thing I have forgotten to do is be aware that, actually, I am the demonstration itself, then I will quickly witness my fulfilment become tangible to my experience. I have been looking all over the place for my Self, the demonstrated fullness of spirit that I already am! I have been searching the world over for my Self, in every book, every class, every CD programme, in every teacher I can find, thinking that that teaching or teacher, over there, knows a secret that I, over here, do not know. Yet, all this time, I am the demonstration itself. Not the process of demonstration; I am not a process; I am not a channel through which the demonstration appears; I am spirit; I am the fully manifested demonstration itself. Drop the personal sense of youyour name and personal circumstances. As soon as you drop it the full demonstrated harmony, abundance, health, life and joy is found to be sitting right where you are. It has been sitting there for eternity simply waiting for you to drop the personal sense and accept your inherited fullness. When are you going to drop your name and, with it, the personal, limited sense of existence youve unwittingly accepted? As soon as you do, youll discover the great truth: I am the demonstration Ive been searching for all over the world, in every book and class. I am not the process of demonstration, I am the demonstration itself.

A Profound Truth
This is a profound truth. Do you see it? I am not the processI am not this thinking machinery through which harmony and abundance is made manifest. I am not that. I AM the harmony, tangibly. I AM the abundance, tangibly. Interestingly, it is the very mind I have been assuming and hoping my demonstration will happen through that has been blocking the demonstration that I am. Nothing ever is going to happen through you because there is nothing for it to pass throughthere is no personal you for it to pass through. Demonstration is omnipresent. No demonstration is going to

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occur in the future because the whole of spirit is already fully manifest. There is no unmanifest spirit. There is no future in spirit. Therefore, the demonstrationthe actual, tangible demonstrationis already at your feet, omnipresent. Stop thinking Spirit is omnipresent and think The demonstration is omnipresent. It is. And the reason: There is no un-demonstrated spirit. There is no unmanifest spirit; that is impossible. It is impossible to have unformed spirit, but you see, the mind considers form to be corporeal. That is its big mistake. Form is actually incorporeal; the mind simply senses it as corporeal. The mind sees it, hears it, tastes it, touches it, smells it, or thinks of it in corporeal terms. The mind has corporeal sense only. The mind is a corporeal-sensing faculty. But in truth there is no corporealityGod is spiritall is spirit incorporeal, not corporeal. The concept we all hold of the world, the universe, and everything in it, and everything happening within it, is only thata concept. But the truth is that all is spirit, invisible infinity of all. Why then is there a lack of evidence in your experience, a lack of demonstrated good? You continue to assume there is something to do, or something to know, or a process to involve yourself in. That very assumption is the blockage. You see, this outer sense of life is not our real life. Our real life is the invisible life, complete and free and limitless. Our only real abundance, our real health and success, enjoyment, creativity, attainment, and family is spirit because Spirit is what we are. Only when we can go into meditation realising, Ah, now I am home! Now I am actually living my full demonstrated being, here in meditation, do we suddenly witness miracles of harmony happening around us. When we come out of meditation and go running around again in our believed conceptual worlds we are living an illusion. If we ever try to demonstrate something out here we are living an illusion, because this materialistic, corporeal sense is the dream. It is not real.

The One Real Life

This outer sense of life is the dream that, certainly, we are all experiencing and which we will continue to enjoy to the fullest. But our real life is the invisible, incorporeal, spiritual life. When we go into the Silence within we are living our real life. It is like saying, let me go into the bank where I have limitless wealth. It will never run dry. When I come out of the bank I start spending the amount Ive brought out with me, and it gradually, or quickly, depletes. When I



want more I go back into the bank where my allness of wealth is. While I am in the bankin the actual vaultI am with my real money; when I walk out of the bank I walk out with the amount I have brought with me, but all the time my actual wealth of money is in the bank, not out here. Meditation is very much like this. Only when we are in meditation - in the silence, receiving or becoming aware of the allness that we areare we actually living our real life. And by that meditation, and by the realisation that in the silence of meditation we are living our only real life, comes the expressions of the fullness of life in the forms the mind sees out here as wealth, happiness, health and success. But they all come from that spiritual awareness, that life-awareness that we really are: spirit in full manifestation, here and now, eternal, as you and as me.

Without Silence Today You Have Not Lived Today

Get the feeling that youve lived today without your real, fully demonstrated, enriched life if you have not meditated today with the awareness of I haveif you have maintained the awareness of I have. How can you live without Life? Your real health, wealth and success is only to be found in spirit. And what is spirit? Silence. The only way you can be silent, and the only way you can experience the Silence, is in meditation, when the mind is still, and peaceful, and open to the flow of Spirit within. Therefore, how can you achieve anything in life, love, family, home, business, and joy if youre trying to achieve it without the Silence? You cannot. The personal sense you hold of yourself has to be dissolved from your situation, your scene. Not physically but in awareness. That mind that thinks there is a secret that you dont know has to be dissolved from the scene. The mind that goes to bed each night thinking, Grrr! I still do not have my demonstration; I know what Ill do, Ill read another chapter of the book, and hopefully Ill find the secret there. Surely the one great secret Im missing will be in these pages I havent yet read. Mind, Ive read a million pages already and it wasnt in any of those, but still, maybe it will be in these pages Ill read tonight!

Demonstration Will Never Be Found Like This

Youll never find demonstration on a page, in a seminar, on a CD,

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or even from a teacher. The only place demonstration is, and the only place youll discover it, is within your very own selfthe One Self being youthe Self that is aware of Itself as you. Realise: you are spirit living a dream awareness called materiality. It is not the reverse: you are not a material, physical being with a spiritual aspect which you can tap into for various good things and situations whenever you need or desire them, like ordering fast food from a restaurant. You cannot order good things and conditions from the universe. Spirit, the universe, is omnisciencethe all-intelligence, all-knowing mind, substance, form and activity. It would not be very intelligent of omniscience to leave you short of the good things and conditions you require to live a full and joyous existence. Lack, limitation and sickness is unintelligent, not intelligent, especially not Intelligence Itself.

Abandon all Concern

If I were to tell you that if you, this minute, completely abandoned all concern and all sense of responsibility about everything out here in your life, including health, money, safety, happiness, home and everything elsethat you are to no longer take responsibility or even thought for any of itand you are to now become one hundred percent satisfied with sitting in the silence, not wanting anything, not hoping for anything, but just being in it for the pure pleasure of going into the silence and bathing in it, and if I were to promise you that everything in your life and affairs would be then taken care ofabsolutely everything you could ever worry or be concerned about would be taken care ofand not just taken care of but evidenced as beautifully, abundantly, easily and naturally fulfiled, so much so that you would be left standing there watching it all with astonishment and amazementwould you stop the effort and the worrying? Would you simply bathe in the Silence as many times per day as you could and just let harmony happen? Take that leap now, this minute! The leap is possible to take because I am telling you that you, the personal sense of being you think you are, cannot do a thing more. Actually, you have never been able to a thing more. You are not expected to do a thing more. In fact, you have already overworked by a thousand timestrying to gain realisation, making mental and physical effort, reading, learning, searching for the secret. Youve overworked a thousandfold. Your need is now to remove the personal sense of being. Then the miracle of Is shines through your consciousness as tangible ful-



filment. It has always been there for you; it is now. But you must get that personal sense of you out of the scene.

Withdraw The Mind

The mind thinks it needs to keep trying, thinks it needs still to discover some secret it hasnt yet found. The mind extends itself into your business or employment, into your body, into your family and tries to take responsibility, yet it finds itself incapable. It finds itself hitting up against situations or conditions or demands it cant meet and therefore starts worrying about them. The moment you deem a situation beyond your immediate control in one way or another you have to live with the consequences of your belief because the very belief youve invested in any situation is a temporal power to your experience. The mind interprets all day long. It interprets a situation and says, Oh, Im in trouble, I better get this dealt with. Right there, you have to now live with the power youve invested in the situation. You might have a business. Your mind might be worried about a dozen situations in that business, many of them to do with money. Most of your worries are based on what you feel your business is capable of achieving. The mind has reached into the situation with its particular interpretations, and sees limitations, lacks, inabilities where there are none. Businesslike anything and everything elseis spirit, therefore, tell me, where is the limitation, the lack, the inability? Take a coin and hold it in your fingers for a few moments. Rub it a little. Get a gentle feeling for the metal and weight and texture of it. The mind tells you this is a coin, it is made of some kind of metal, it has a certain weight and texture, and it has a certain value. Nowalthough you will use the mind to realise what Im going to show youdiscard what the mind has just known about that coin and realise this: Spirit is the only presence. Spirit is infinite. There is no thing other than spirit. We therefore can understandintellectually that the coin is spirit. But heres the miracle: Spirit does not change its nature, its character, its infinity, or its substance. Think! You cannot take a bit of spirit and form it into a coin anymore than you can form it into an organ or function of the body, or the body itself. Spirit does not change its substance, nor its infinity, nor its nature, nor its character. You cannot take a little bit of infinity and make it finite, and call it a coin, or an organ, or a function. Just as you cannot take a little bit of gravity and form a coin or organ or

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separate function from it. It is impossible.

Your Full Demonstration is at Hand!

What you are actually, literally, holdingget a real feeling for thisis the whole demonstration you are looking everywhere for. It doesnt matter whether the mind says it is a health demonstration youre looking for somewhere in your body, or a money demonstration youre looking for in your business, employment or family affairs, or a love or harmony or safety or security or happiness demonstration youre looking fornone of this matters. All is the One Spirit and Spirit does not change its nature, its character, its substance, its infinity. Therefore, what the mind is telling you is a simple coina thingwith its interpretation of value or amount actually you are holding that very infinity of spirit which does not change its substance, character, nature. And so, you can immediately see that it is only the mind that is seemingly able to form things, to create materials and use them to form a multitude of objects, processes and functions. But that is the mind-realm only. It is fine as far as it goes. But the need spiritually is to dismiss the mind realm. The mind provides false evidence. Keep that in mind as you go about your day, interacting with people, projects, family and social activities, handling things, visiting places, dealing with circumstances and conditions. Dismiss what the mind is telling you. Ignore the way the person or thing or condition appears to be. Do not think of the person or the problem as it appears as form to the senses of the mind. Take no thought for your life, for what you will eat, for what you will wear. Well, go the whole way: Take no thought for this thing a coinor for your business or employment, or for your body or family or home. Take no thought for any of it. Your mind will certainly tell you its version of things, just as your mind is right now telling you what this thing you are holding is. But you have to dismiss what the mind tells you because it is mistaken. It always is mistaken. And weve got to know its mistaken.

Listen to The Great Spiritual Masters

The mind is functional in the five senses only, and it is highly useful when it is used in the correct way. But to try to understand what you truly are, and what everything truly is through the mind is impossible. And so we have to dismiss the mind. Every great spiri-



tual master who ever walked the earth has said the same thing. Many modern scientists and physicists agree. I have only learned from themfor instance: My kingdom is not of this world... Do not judge by the appearance. Jesus The external world is only a manifestation of the activities of the mind itself. Buddha The substratum of everything is of mental character. Sir Arthur Eddington Why would we be advised not to judge by appearance unless the appearance was not reality, unless the appearance was in fact illusion? No, the great masters knew the truth: that all formgood and badappearing to the mind is mayaillusion, having no cause, no substance, no power, no ability to act of its own. This is why the spiritual masters were able to walk about witnessing miracles happening all around them. And that is why you and I can walk about and witness miracles happening all around us as long as mind is not getting in the way. You see, you are not the miracle; I am not the miracle; Buddha, Lau Tzu, Shankara, Isaiah, Jesus, John, Paul, Krishna, Nanak, Joel is not the miracle. I of my own self am nothing, and, The Spirit within me does the works. The miracles were able to be evident everywhere these masters went, and are able today, right here and now, to be evident, at least to a good degree, everywhere you go and I go and anyone who has the true spiritual consciousness goes if the mind is not blocking spiritual omnipresence by thinking its limited thoughts and speaking of its limited ways.

The Miracle is Already Here!

The miracle is already at your feet, in the palms of your hands, everywhere about, omnipresent, in and as everything everywhere! The miracle is in your fingers this minute! You are holding that coin: if you are not careful you will accept the minds view of it and you will put it away thinking it is nothing too much to be excited

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about. What a great mistake! Youve just walked right past your demonstration. Why? Because youve believed the mind, or youve allowed the mind to be the determining understanding. That is what blocks the visibility of your demonstrated good. The entire secret taught to us through the ages by every spiritual master is that we must dismiss the mind and what it sees and understands because it is incapable of seeing or understanding Spirit. So as you hold the coin, you dismiss the mind, and you realiseliterallyI am holding my infinite demonstration of all fulfilment because Spirit does not change. It cannot. It is eternal manifested good. The kingdom is finished and I am holding it in my fingers! Close your eyes, gently dismiss everything the mind wants to tell you about the coin, and realise: I am holding spirit. Not a bit of Spirit because I cant be holding a bit of infinity; such a thing does not exist. I am holding the infinity of Spirit. Although this coin feels solid, my mind is there making it appear solid even though it has no real solidity because it is spirit. Although it looks finite and its got a weight and a texture, and if I hold it to my nose it has an aromaagain, all of this is being experienced because my mind is on the job. But if I now gently dismiss the mind and realise that I am actually holding Spirit that does not change, and that spirit is my full, manifested demonstration at every point, Ill discover my full demonstration here and now without even one more day of waiting. I can go anywhere in the world, or up in space, or down in the oceans, and I will find my fulfilment there because Spirit is there, and The whole of spirit exists at every point at the same timethe whole of my demonstration, fully manifest, is there waiting for me to accept, like a buffet of fulfilment. But I have to recognise the buffet is there before I can pick it up and enjoy it. I have, in affect, got my back to the buffet, and I cant see that beautiful spread laid out for me and my family, my friends, staff, customers, my whole world. How can I partake of it? I cant until I know it is there. Then I can turn around and pick it up tangibly, and freely enjoy it. This is very much the same as demonstrating spiritual good. If you rely on the mind, you will never spot the buffet! You never will! The mind is incapable of experiencing Spirit even if you train it for a



million years. So we dismiss the mind and realise what Is.

There is Something ElseWatch This:

This coin I am holding is Spirit and Spirit is self-complete. Spirit is self-governed, self-fulfilment. Spirit is Its own law, the One law of harmony, of abundance, of health, of joy. Fulfilment has nothing to do with the mind making it so. Spirit is already fully harmonious Is. So think, have I got to do anything, or realise anything, or achieve some method I assume I havent yet mastered in order for that piece of spiritthat coinIm holding to be the full law unto its own self? The full government of love and harmony and abundance? Have I? No!!! In fact, only the minute I try to do something or be something or know something does the full harmony that is get blocked from tangible evidence. The fullness of all demonstrated good is already here. Only the mind blocks the appearance of it, the actual manifested tangible thing, or condition. Only the mind blocks it. Spirit already fully exists where you are. You or I dont make it so; It already exists. And yet the mind steps in and says, Oh, this is just a coin. Now listen to this. If you have a business, imagine now that you are holding your entire enterprise in your fingers, or if you are employed imagine you are holding your entire employment in your fingers, or if you are a housewife or husband imagine you are holding your entire home and family in your hands. Whats the difference between this and the coin? There is none. Your business or employment or home and family is Spirit. Spirit is limitless, boundless fulfilment and joy, harmony, love, synchronisation, government, law. Your business, employment, body, home, family and affairs already are the most beautiful, prosperous, joyous persons, things and activities until the mind steps in and says, I know better. The mind thinks it has to make something, or fix something, or heal something. Tell me, how can you improve that which is limitless fulfilment? You see how blind the mind is? Tell me, if you go to bed tonightor if you allow another minute to go bystill thinking you have to do something in your business, employment, body, family, home or affairs, or in your spiritual awareness and healing, then your mind is still in one or more of these departments and therefore the omnipresent harmony they truly are is blocked from your evidence. And remember, as your mind shines out and into every nook and cranny of your life, you invest in every nook and cranny your belief, and then you have to

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live with it. So, when you go to bed each night thinking there is still something more you have to understand about bringing spiritual harmony, bliss and abundance to every place and situation, then you and your situations have just becomeagaina law unto your own belief. You, yourself, are the law unto your business, employment, body, family, friends, home. If there is any disharmony in any of it youyour mind and its beliefsare that disharmony. It is a hard truth to accept. Yet, if we fail to understand this well forever fail to witness and live as the fullness of harmony we truly are. Whatever you believe consciously and subconsciously is the substance and character of your entire life, all the people, things and activities included and you will have to live by it. There is no escaping itAs you sow, so you reap. It is the teaching of Karmawhat you put out in awareness (belief) is what you will unavoidably get back, good or bad, healthy or sick, rich or poor.

Exercise Care
The moment you think you have to know something, or someone else knows something you do not know about spiritual demonstration, you are living by the mind. Thats the most precarious way to live. I wish I could say I knew how to demonstrate health, wealth and fulfilment but, of course, I do not. It has nothing to do with me, you, or even the greatest spiritual master who ever walked the earth: It is Spirit. Fulfilment has everything to do with memy mindnot being present! I have to make sure my mind is not shining into my business, my body, my friends body, all the bodies I pass in the high street and shopping centres. I have to do my best to be a transparency through which Spirit shines out to and as my every thing, unfettered by me, the mind. Then I see, when I look at my business or my body or my friends bodywhen I look anywhere at anything at allas a beholder, a witnessnot a doer not a creatorbut as a witness to that which Is, then I see health bursting through where there was ill health; abundance and success bursting through where there was lack and limitation, love busting through where there was a lack of love, satisfaction and happiness bursting though where there was frustration and sadness, overflowing creativity, ideas, joy, life. Not because Paul has created it or because Paul has been so clever and been able to be a channel for all this wonderful spirit, but precisely because Paul



has not thought so much of himself, and has, at last, got himself completely out of the way!

Miracles Happen Where Mind is Not

Therewith, finally, no mind present, no effort, no attempt to make anything or correct anything or improve anything or know anythingyou discover what is already present: the full bliss of Spirit being your body and every organ and function of your body, your friends body and every organ and function of their body, your business or employment, your family, your home, your safety and security, your fun, happiness and fulfilment of all. Now you see how you can go to bed tonightyou can even be in this very minute nowrealising that all the months and years of personal effort, with so much accompanying misery and hardship in various departments of life, you were being a law to your own experience. As a torch with a red filter attached is a law of red light. The red filter becomes a law of red light unto everything the torch shines on. You cannot escape it. But remove the red filter and simply let the pure light shine forth, and the problem of red light disappears instantly. You simply witness it. In the same way, you do not create anything, you simply become a transparency of your true self so that you can witness what is. Then suddenly you discover that right in front of you is a magical world of fulfilment and joy. All is pure light. Your business may, a few hours or days ago, have been struggling financially or because of trade relation difficulties or industry or professional restrictions. Nothing you tried to do rectified the problem. Everything was dried up and seemed hopeless, yet suddenly a magical veil opens up, and there, right in front of you, where not long ago the situation looked terrible to the mind, suddenly that same business flourishes. It now surges ahead prosperously, it resolves the obstacle that bound it, or witnesses a breakthrough in trade affairs, productivity or opportunity. The same for the body, the family, the home.

All Material, Physical Things And Circumstances Become Impotent

No person, no thing, and no condition or circumstance has any power over you unless you allow it by your fear or love of it. What is all of this other than the mind? Mind has no power. Spirit is the all-power, the only power, omnipotence. Your awareness of spirit

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omnipresent is mightier than any appearing situation or condition in the worldHe that is within me is greater than he that is in the world. The Spirit that Is, is the one and only power. Do not ever worry about any seeming condition of lack, limitation or frightening disease or illness. Do not ever worry what the experts say. Do not ever worry about a seeming lack. It is all nothingness as long as you take the power out of it by realising the nonpower and non-presence of anything but Spirit. Its like letting air out of a balloon, all its power is instantaneously gone. Just a moment ago that balloon appeared to have a life and a power; a condition or situation appears to have a life of its own and a power over you in some way or another, and you find yourself unable to meet it because it appears as if you do not have the necessary resources or influence or people or knowledge. Forget it! You can instantaneously suck the air out of the balloonthat seeming situation or powerby getting yourself - your mindout of the scene, and realising that Spirit, that He that is within me in the old terminology, is mightier than the thing or condition in the world. The thing or condition in the material, physical world that is worrying or threatening you has no power. It is nothingness. But if you continue to invest power in it by allowing your mind to go meddling with your life, latching itself to all and sundry then you invest all and sundry with that thing called mind which is incapable, and not only incapable but crammed with endless red filters of belief. When you get mind out of the scene, when you withdraw mindawareness, then you discover that what is already present is bliss, infinity of all health, abundance and fullness of joy. All of the infinity of fulfilment here and now is available to you here and now the minute you lift the veil of illusion. Just lift it out of the wayit falls away so easily because it has no power to resist your spiritual awareness; nothing has power to resist your spiritual awareness. And there you discover the magical and the miraculous fully existing as you and as everything about you because Spirit is what everything everywhere is, what you are, and Spirit is already there, omnipresent, eternal, fully manifest in all Its completeness, its wonder, its love, and its miracle. Spirit has already happened, the kingdom is finished. Your miracle has already happened for and as you, and has happened in your evolving state of awareness for and as you. The whole of your overflowing fulfilment of all is waiting for you to become aware of it, and to pick it up. It is wonderful! It



is astonishing!

Understand This Point Very Clearly

Your full demonstration is already right where you are; the kingdom is already finished. So if you go to bed tonight, or if you carry on living the next minutes of your evolving awareness believing it is not, then you have to carry on living without itfrom him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. But if you go to bed, or even better, if you go into the very next moment, realising, Oh, I can relax because my demonstration is already here, and then if you withdraw all concern, all meddling, and you literally leave it one hundred percent to Spiritjust sit in Spirit, in the Silencefor nothing other than the pure joy of basking in the Spiritual Blissbeing totally satisfied with thatyou will quickly evidence your demonstration visibly. Catch this: Be totally satisfied with sitting in the Silence and enjoying the bliss. Do not come out from meditation wanting a demonstration to turn up somewhere, because then youve missed it again. This is the ultimate truth of demonstration. There is nothing more I can teach you. Get yourselfyour mindout of the scene. Do not concern yourself at all now about health, family, business, employment, home, happiness because Spirit has already got an omnipresent treat of fulfilment for you. But because you keep using the mind you are unable to see that treat.

7 Steps
Step One: Realise Spirit is already fully manifest as your demonstration of healing or abundance or idea or ability or love or companion or home or car or happiness or parking space. There is no unmanifested Spirit. Spirit is love, harmony, fulfilment. Ponder any of these areas of fulfilment as you begin to understand the fullness of beauty, bounty and joy being every experience in life. If Spirit is fully manifest as your entire lifeevery department and activity of lifethen, take your time, and ponder what kind and quality of life, and kind and quality of every department of life, you have. You can realise that Spirit is manifest as allness although your mind is telling you youre holding just a solitary little coin. Its a wonderful exercise to practice because the mind really tries to convince you it is just a coin worth only so much. But it really is not. It is the infinity of Spirit.

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Spirit is already fully manifest as all fulfilment here and now, where you are, omnipresent. Nothing the mind can do can change or effect Spirit one bit because the kingdom of all is already perfect, complete, blissful here and now, tangibly. Spirit is eternal; nothing the mind does or fails to do can change eternity. Spirit is already fully manifested bliss and abundance and activity and attainment, and nothing you or I do or fail to do can change it one bit. Nothing you or I do is needed because Spirit already is fully what we want; in fact, our fulfilment is already infinitely more glorious and ecstatic than we can ever imagine we want. Thats the truth of it. Once you stop using the mind you discover riches, glories and successes that you couldnt even hope for because the mind is incapable of imagining that deeply and broadly. This is the irony of spiritual living: the mind wants just the healing of the body, or to be more successful because it will make life as we know it easier; it will take the pressure off when we can pay our bills easily and promptly. This is what the mind thinks because it is incapable of thinking further. But Spirit is already existing as infinitely more than just your healed or healthy body or just your prosperous business or loving relationships. It is already omnipresent as you, and your fullness, without limit. Step Two: Go into the Silence, into meditation, with that knowledge now. Go into meditation purely for the joy and complete satisfaction of sitting there enjoying Spirit because you know that everything is already done, everything already is, and therefore there is nothing for you to do other than sit in meditationbasking in the spiritual blissand to graciously accept and enjoy it. Step Three: Come out of meditation one hundred percent satisfied with having simply sat in the bliss and enjoyed Its limitless fullness. If you want something after being in the Silence you plunge yourself back into I have not. Then you perpetuate the problem. Be completely satisfied with the spiritual experience within. Step Four: Do not start meddling in the outer scene again! Step Five: Trust the spiritual Isness completelyWith all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength Trust it with your life! Completely trust, completely rely, completely lean on the spiritual Isness. Understand completely that the only reason youre not seeing your demonstrated good this minute is because of



the mind. Trust Spirit implicitly, more than you trust any physical, tangible thing or process. Your good will appear. Step Six: Continually let go. Repeatedly let go. Remind yourself every few minutes of the day to let go, let go, let go because everything already Is. Run it over and over in your mind: Let go, everything already Is... let go, everything already Is. Step Seven: Do not ever again be fooled by the mind, and the appearing processes, vehicles and channels that happen in the five senses. The result of faithfully practising these seven steps is life, riches, successes, glories and loves beyond imagination. All fulfilment becomes your experience, visible and tangible to you. All already exists but All will now become more and more visible and tangible to you as your very body, your every function, your every activity, your every desire and need, your every fulfiling form beyond the stretch of even the greatest imagination. My dear friend, live this! Your mind and body cannot do any more, neither was it ever expected to do so, so stop trying. You were never expected to do even one thousandth of what youve done in your effort to realise spiritual wholeness. Relinquish the you that has thought it can achieve something spiritually. Submit yourself and every element of your lifeSpirit is everything everywhere and Spirit is the already-existing perfection of that everything you are. The mind does not believe this. The mind will always present a false picture. So the mind takes itself on a long journey of misery and hardship trying to find what is already present but not tangible or understood by it. This is the journey of awakening we all take until one fine day we realise the omnipresence of all is already at our feet; we awaken to the miraculous fact: I am the demonstration itself, here and now, eternally, available to me. Lets make that day today.



Spiritual harmony in all departments of life is achieved by the relinquishing of material belief, desire and reliance, for the absolute dependence on Spirit for all life, all supply, all success, all relationship, all companionship, all love and joy, all fulfilment of being and fulfilment of purpose. It is the complete letting go of the material belief of life for the complete acceptance of the spiritual existence. This is a spiritual world and universe only. You are spirit only not Spirit and anything. You are incorporeal being only, not incorporeal and corporeal. When true spiritual awareness and reliance is individually obtained miracles of health, abundance, happiness, success and harmony appear right here in the material-sensed lifethe corporeal concepts of life created by the mind. Always remember: The mind is sensing or experiencing concepts of the only real: Spirit. This secret knowledge is key to miracles of harmony, beauty and bounty in all of experience.

Let Go!
Joanie recently flew for a visit to California. A cousin was getting married and the trip was a good opportunity for Joanie to catch up with the large family she left on the West Coast for England. I took two weeks off to be with the children. All will be fine, I assured her. You can take the trip without worrying the kids will starve, be late for school, have unwashed school uniforms, be un-bathed, and lacking in intellectual and fun-time stimulation. If you are a mother you will, I am sure, appreciate Joanies concern! Actually, behind the scenes in the Gorman house, all was quite



well organised and efficient. The three of us got stuck in and enjoyed good home cooked meals at the dining table, fun and nurturous conversation, efficient school routines, freshly bathed children, laundered uniforms, computer clubs, swimming, walking, trampolining, bicycling, along with a good movie at the weekend. Joanie called a few hours after arriving in California, eager to know how we were getting on without her. She gave me a checklist of things I needed to remember. Its okay, Ive got it organised. Let go! She laughed. She cant easily let go of things she normally controls and has so well organised. How many of us can? The next day we spoke again. Have you remembered...? Did you do...? Dont forget to leave early tomorrow for the music lesson... I laughed. You havent let go! Let go of it all, its okay. Were organised. Of course, she was checking out of her love for the children and me. I am sure she was worrying shed forgotten to tell me something (she hadntshes a perfectionist). In a similar way, we must let go and let Spirit be the life, activity and success of our experience, in all ways, without our interference.

Spirit is All
Spirit is All. Spirit is infiniteinfinity itself. There is no Spirit and. Spirit fills all space, is all persons, things, conditions, places. Spirit is self-complete, self-organising, self-supplying, self-fulfilment. The whole fulfilment of Is is present at every point in the universe at the same time. Whatever is, is Spirit being that isness. Whatever you are looking at or thinking aboutor hearing, tasting, touching, smellingis incorporeal Spirit being experienced by the mind as the corporeal sense of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling or thinking. Dismiss how the mind interprets life; realise incorporeal Spirit as the Allness-of-allliterally, not metaphorically. Do not simply read that statement. Stop and really ponder it. Spirit is All. Spiritual perfection of all already exists, is already manifest, already demonstrated, eternally existent. Can you imagine how unstable the universe would be if spiritual perfection relied on the human race to bring it into being! No, Spirit Is, and Spirit is untouched by you or me. Nothing we do or fail to do has the slightest bearing on the spiritual perfection that Is. Your job and mine is to become aware of what already Is. We must take this truth literally, not metaphorically, because it is literally the Truth.

Let Go


Let Go of The Appearance

We must let go of the appearance as it is experienced by the mind, either individually or collectively. We must become aware that only Spirit is, therefore perfection is right at that point where the mind is experiencing a disharmony, disease, lack or limitation. Perfection exists at every point. For us to continue to take thought for the problem or need and thereby failing to release the material sense of life and its needsis similar to Joanie failing to release concern for the children and me. I know everything is organised because Ive thoroughly organised it if not only because I do not want to let the children or Joanie down. I know that Joanie can let go, not be concerned about a thing, and everything will run smoothly. But she worries. She is taking thought. She is attaching her mind to the situation. By letting go she will relax and enjoy her trip far more. In spiritual principle taking thought has a far more serious consequence. Spiritual good is blocked from our tangible experience when the mind is at play. It leaves us with a sense of finiteness and discord instead of the infinity and all-harmony that we truly are. We are infinity itself, supplied, maintained and sustained out of the One Infinite Spirit individualised here as you and as me and as every person, every thing, every condition and every place but we have to give way to that infinity. The need is to let go. Of what? Of the mind and the physical activities the mind thinks are necessary. Let go of the activity of the mind and body that tells you you have to do something either mentally or physically, or both, to correct a problem or bring health or harmony or abundance where the mind is experiencing sickness, inharmony or lack. The need is not mental or physical activity; the need is to know thatright at the point of seeming sickness, lack, limitation of disharmonyexists the perfection of Spirit being the person or thing or condition the mind sees as needing improvement, acknowledge the presence of incorporeal perfection, and then rest in It.

Let It Flow
Let harmony flow into awareness, with a complete trust and reliance in It, nothing else. The harmony you feel welling up within will then shortly become evident in the outer scene. This is the infallible principle or law of spiritual living. Trust it with all your



heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength. As you are waiting for the outer evidencethe healing or the harmonybe disciplined in spirit. Do not allow your mind to wander into mental or physical thinking again, or into doubt. Be strong. Be certain of Spiritthe omnipresence of all spiritual good. Continually keep up awareness of Spirit being omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotentthe All-in-all incorporeal harmony and bliss, the All-in-all incorporeal organising power and government, the Allin-all incorporeal good form that appears to the mind as good and perfect corporeal form when realised and acknowledged right at the very place the mind misunderstood and saw sickness or unhappiness or inharmony. Let go. Take the mind out of the equation. Let Spirit be spirit without yourthe mindsinterference. Live every moment in the awareness and acknowledgement of incorporeal Spirit being present everywhere, as everything. Leave Spirit to manage what is Spirits to manageeverything everywhere! Most important, realise that all is already managedall is already complete, finished, whole. The kingdom is finished perfection whether its the kingdom of the body or an organ or function within the body, or the kingdom of relationship or companionship, or of employment or business, supply, success, attainment, joy. Our work is to know this great truth, acknowledge it from morning to night, and night to morning, in and as everything that touches our consciousness, and to frequently rest in the bliss of Silence in order that the Spiritual already-existing-perfection is able to become your awareness and mine. Then we watch the miracles take place.





The greatest of all secrets of spiritual harmonythe secret of the inner invisible One allness appearing as manifest, tangible harmony to our material experience, here and nowis the realisation and resting in It is done. The kingdom of God is within youwithin your consciousness, forever available to you in its allness of infinity and allness of boundless harmonious formAll that I (the infinity of Spirit) have is yoursto the degree of your awareness of Its presence. But do you for one minute think the kingdom of GodSpirit (God is Spirit)is incomplete or can be made incomplete? Ah, that is where we go wrong. That is where endless delays in demonstration occur, or incomplete demonstrations, or demonstrations that are never seen despite a lifetime of trying to demonstrate.

Spirit is Eternal, Unchanging

His kingdom is an eternal kingdom. Eternality does not change. It already is complete. Spirit is infinite completeness of harmony and lovecompleteness of harmony and love being all manifested form, omnipresent already, as everything everywhere. The kingdom, the omnipresence of all, here and nowlook around you, that is It!!! you are it!!! although not as experienced through the senses of the mindis a finished kingdom. Or have we thought God is unfinished or has been made incomplete somehow, somewhere, particularly that somewhere that is appearing to our mindsenses as a problema disease, a malfunction, a lack, a discord, an accident, an unloving relationship? Or maybe we have believed that Spirit can succumb to cancer, or meningitis, or rheumatoid



arthritis, or poverty, or loneliness, or relationship antagonism and the misery that goes with it? Well, its time to shake up our awareness. Its time to shock ourselves, if thats what it requires, into the realisation of what Islike a shock treatment in the ER to bring life back to our dead bodies and minds.

The Mistake
The mistake is made when we look corporeally and try to make sense of Spirit, what we are, and what everything in our world is. When we say the kingdom is finished what kingdom are we referring to? If we think there are two kingdomsthe invisible spiritual kingdom and the visible material kingdomwe have missed the great secret. There is just Oneness, one kingdom, and that kingdom is Spirit, the incorporeal, invisible, boundless, eternal Allness of bliss, love and harmony. But this paradise is experienced by the mind through one or more of its five senses as corporeal person, thing, place, animal, plant, vegetable, mineral, atom and sub atom. The corporeality of everything you experience as your body, your mind, and every other body, mind, thing and circumstance is simply the minds interpretation of what actually is the only thing present: Spirit. Its just the way the mind sees, hears, tastes, touches, smells and thinks but it is not the real, the actual presence of the thing or condition you are looking at. The only person, thing or condition you are seeing is incorporeal Spirit expressing Itself as that person, thing or condition but the mind interprets incorporeal Spirit as corporeal finite form in the shape of person, thing or condition. Thats the entire problem we are dealing with, nothing else. That is why all work to try to correct or improve a condition seen in the corporeal realm of awareness is fraught with impossibility. We are attempting to correct or improvehealthe minds interpretation of what really is present: Spirit. The true ability to heal lies not in trying to improve the way a person, thing, or condition appears to the corporeal sense, but to ignore the image sensethe problemin the realisation that, actually, right here where the appearance of the problem is, is the finished kingdom of wholeness and perfection. When we realise the presence of Spirit deeply enough the problem disappears or heals because the problem was only ever a

It is Done


problem of the minds belief in corporeality and the frailty that goes with all corporeal form. Everything corporeal is subject to injury or disease or corruption or decay or lack and limitation and eventual death. Of course, because the mind is seeing finiteness in the forms of both good and bad, positive and negative, life and death, love and hate, construction and destruction, and it firmly believes in the reality of its creation. It really believes that the body has life and that life depends on the health of the organs and functions of the body, the meat. Yet over and over we are toldby every great spiritual master who walked this earththat life is not in the body; the body is in lifeformed of and animated by life Itself. The body is Spirit being experienced by the three dimensional, five-sense mind as corporeal. But in truth it is incorporeal, invisible Oneness expressing through the corporeality of mind which believes what it sees and experiences rather than in the Life Force that it truly is.

Life is Spirit, Not Body or Organ

Life is the incorporeal Spirit pushing out into mind-awareness as the corporeal experiencethe body. But never let us be confused with the belief that life is in the body, the meat. If you believe life is in the meat, visit the butcher shop. Discover if you can bring his products to life. If you can manage it youll have a good chance to make it big on television! Yet, isnt this exactly what we do when we attempt to heal a problem in the body? There is never anything wrong with the body because the real body is Spirit, eternal, harmonious life. The problem is in the appearance of a corporeal body and the multitude of discords that can appear in the corporeal sense of body. The real body is Spirit and that is untouchable, perfect, sublime and blissful. When the spiritual body is recognised by you and mewhen we develop the deep awareness of Spirit being the bodyand when we can therefore agree, It is done, there is nothing for me to do other than bring into deep awareness the presence of spirit being the body that is appearing corporeally to me as having a disease or injury, but I know the appearance is nothingness, just an appearance because of the mind-sense, then we see healings. We see prosperity and happiness become tangible everywhere our awareness shines. We have not done a thing other than remove our corporeal sense of awareness from the scene and replace it with the the kingdom is finished and infinitely perfect awareness, followed by silence in which the perfection already omnipresent



can reveal Itself.

It is Done
The entire key is to diminish corporeal sense and magnify incorporeal sense. The great spiritual masters have been instructing us in this way for five thousand years, and interestingly, all gave similar instructions in their own words: take no thought for the problem or the needed things of the material sense of life. Instead, become aware of the spiritual kingdomthe incorporeal kingdom of the infinite invisible. We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. Where the corporeal mind believes a tumour can grow and possibly destroy the body, and where the physical eye sees the tumourthe things that are seenthe inner kingdom of perfect being existsthe things which are not seen. Spirit is not visible to the human eye and so what is the visible tumour? Spirit never can develop a tumour; Spirit is tumourless. The idea of a tumour has no existence in Spirit which is pure love, pure bliss, pure life Itself. It is simply an idea in mind, a belief of the corporeal thinking mind, the mind that believes in two powers, good and bad, life and something else that has the power to restrict or destroy life. Certainly to that mind, two powers, and their consequences, are very real. But there is no such reality. Spirit is infinite; Spirit fills all space; Spirit is everything everywhere. Where then, is there room for Spirit and your body? Have you thought your body is material and not spirit? There is no space for your body because all space is filled with the infinity of Spirit being everything everywhere. Your body is nothing less than Spirit Itself appearing to your mind and the collective mind as the corporeal body youve believed is your real body. Where is there room for a tumour or meningitis or arthritis or even a corn? Spirit fills all space, therefore what appears as an ailment can be only spirit, yet spirit experienced by the two-powers mind as ailing, diseased, or disharmonious appearances. The kingdom of spirit is finished, eternal bliss of life and perfection, here and now, as you and as everything you see, hear, taste, touch, smell plus everything you do and have. It is done. The great secret is to forget what the mind seesdrop it completelyand permeate your awareness with spiritual presencethe things

It is Done


which are not seen. Then you quickly experience harmonious people, things and conditions you can see. Spiritual awareness shines through the mind as harmony, love and abundance, and because the mind is now in a degree of silencenon-judgment about what it sees corporeallythe deep harmonies of Spirit become visible as corporeal life, harmony, love and abundance. I hold you who are reading this in awareness of your true spiritual identity, and therefore your true and full manifest identity.



Part One
Many on the spiritual path block and delay their tangible good from becoming evident here and now because following periods of silence they fall right back into seeing and being responsive to the lack of health, supply or harmonious conditions appearing in their world. They fall back into believing, or being fearful of, or reacting to the immediate appearancethe sense appearance. So belief plays a very important role in evidencing the infinite harmonies of Spirit. But it has to be clearly understood if we are to avoid running off with the idea that belief has any kind of power. That will land us on the rocks with a crash, so lets, today, get this clear and then make sure we are bringing it into practice as we each go about our individual days and activities. First, remember the great secret: Peace, Spirit, Silencethe sense of inner joy, love and relaxednessis the substance of all form. It is invisible, incorporeal, and not known by the mind. The mind is incapable of knowing or experiencing Spirit, therefore no words you use and no thoughts you think or ever can think will bring Spirit into your experience. Spirit is Self-Complete, fully manifested wholeness, perfection, fulfilment of being here and now. You are that wholeness of Spirit being you, but because you have been raised to believe that you are your mind and your body, and that your mind and body are really the only powers you have in life, you have never known the real you.



It is strange, isnt it? You feel you really do know who you are, what youve got, and what youre capable of. But I tell you, you havent got a clue! You are infinite bliss, infinite love, infinite beauty! You have the entire infinity of spiritthe actual substance of all good and beautiful form, all ability, all things, all persons, all achievementswithin and as your very being here and now, freely accessible to your tangible senses and use every minute of every day! And yet, we live lives of limitation constantly desiring things, people and circumstances we think we do not have, and need for our success and fulfilment. We act like beggars in a universe of abundance and beauty, that universe being us! We are the universe, the infinity of Spirit Itself, being the wholeness of itself as each one of us here on earth.

The Real You

The real you is whole, perfect, abundant, joyful, and fulfiledtangibly so. The real you is Spirit - invisible perfection and completenessbut because you have thought of yourself as material form and mind you have missed the miracle you really areSelfComplete Spirit, infinite in every way and every thing. You have also thought of health, money, friends, family, home, success and joy of life being material tangibility and in that way you have again missed the miracle you really are, and the miracle of infinity that embodies you and yoursliterally everything you are, every person in your life, every form, everything you touch, every activity or enterprise or project you perform. You and the things of health, wealth, success and happiness are all Spirit. There is just One substance, One tangibility, One materialitySpirit. There is no Spirit and. The invisible and the visible are One identical presence and form. Understand this and you will lift yourself higher in awareness and therefore actual demonstration than ninety-nine percent of spiritual seekers and practitioners on the planet. The majority of spiritual seekers and practitioners are busy trying to fix the physical forms of lifeto bring health, harmony and prosperity to the physical forms of people, relationships, families, enterprises, regions and nations. But for all this well-intentioned and exhausting good work there is little or no difference in the divorce rates, the unhappiness, the lack and limitation, the poverty, the conflict evident within and between families, communities and nations. In many cases it is worse today than a hundred years

Belief After Silence is Important


ago yet there are certainly more spiritual seekers and practitioners today than at any previous time in history. Where is the result of all this spiritual awareness and practice? Where is the result in your life and activities of all your spiritual effort?

The Four Thousand Year Old Solution

There is a simple answer to it all. It has been available to us for over four thousand years, and if we were to search in the right direction we discover it. It is this: Peace is the substance, the life, and the form of the miracle that you are, here and now, both invisibly and visibly. We must know this truth. We must carry the knowing of it around with us all day and all nightnever for one minute letting it slip from our awareness. There is no duality, no twoness about life. There is just Oneness. It is only the human mind that fails to see the lavish life and abundance all around, everywhere we look, everywhere we arer, and as everything we do because it is relying on the five senses instead of the One Inner Sense. The mind is constantly trying to change and improve its world when its world is already so bountifully whole and perfect that nothing - ever - can be added to improve or bring greater fulfilment. Nothing. Not one morsel or grain.

The Perfect Completeness Exists Here, Where You Are

In truthin realityright here where you are now, no matter what the scene looks to be to your mind, or how difficult your situation seems to bewhether the difficulty is an issue of health, money, morals, safety, happiness, success, home, friendship, relationship or fulfilment of purposethe perfect whole already exists. But what is that wholeness? What are you? What is all form, all presence, all thing, all place, all condition, all life? Spirit! So it is of no use looking for the harmonies of life through the senses of the mind. You will never see them or experience them like that. Its no use trying to fix things or heal things or draw things to you by the use of the mind. The mind is incapable of experiencing Spirit. You cannot do anything about health, supply, family, happiness, home, successI, of my own self, can do nothing; it is the Spirit (the Peace) within me that does the worksbecause there is nothing to do; all is already done, in overflowing measure, completeness,



and omnipresence.

Thats The Secret!

Thats the secret! Thats the miracle you arethat you already are! You can do nothing about health, supply and success because all the health, supply and success in the infinity of Spirit is already what you are, what you have, and what is ever-available to your tangible experience here and now. The answer is as simple and as effortless as having the gentle summer rain fall all around you: go into the deep silence of your withinness, be still, relax, withdraw from everything the mind knows and sees, let that whole outer scene gently fade from your mind, then simply be receptive, listen, be a transparency through which the awareness of the Peace is felt within. You do not do anything; you simply let the wholeness that you already are, and already have, become evident to your inner senses by being still, relaxed, and receptive to the inner impulsethe Peacethe actual substance and form of all good, the whole miracle being you. The Peace or deep relaxedness you feel happening within is the One substance of all good, abundant, life-filled, successful and glorious form, the inner invisible and the outer visible being identical presence here and nowthat presence being you and every person, thing and event in your life. You have instant and constant open access to your miracle your infinity of all goodby resting in the Peace, the Silence of your deep, inner being. It is always there, deep within you, awaiting your recognition, always full, always ready to pour through from the depths of being to the tangibility of outer awareness in great abundance, surging life and health, indescribable beauty, unstoppable opportunity and harmony, overflowing fulfilment of purpose and joy. The only limit to the amount of Peace you experience within and therefore the amount of good you experience in the outer realm is the limit you, yourself, place on the time you devote to being in the Silencemeditation. You have, within your being this very minute, an infinity of Peacean infinity of the substance of all good and glorious form. You can choose to know that and access it right now, and continuously each day, or you can choose to carry on being caught up in the five-sense world of appearances, needs, lacks, limitations, injuries, sicknesses and diseases, battling them, attempting to solve

Belief After Silence is Important


them or cure them in the outer. If you are still with me on this spiritual journey you well know, by experience, that trying to fix or heal or prosper the outer scene is doomed to failure. Any temporary fix you do manage to achieve by sheer mental strain soon falls apart at the seams and quickly crumbles, only for you to start all over again trying to fix this months or this years new problems.

The Answer to Any And Every Negative Appearing Problem

The answer to any and every negative appearing problemno matter what its nature or intensityis to go within to access the spiritual substance of all good and harmonious form: the Peace of Infinity, the Peace of the infinite, blissful Spirit being you and your whole world of people, things and activities. As you feel the happening of Peace flowing or glowing within the depths of your withinness, rest assured it is the Oneness of all good, life-filled and bountiful form. Your demonstration is complete the moment you feel the Peace glowing within because all is One. Do you see that? Once you feel the Oneness of all form, as Peace or deep relaxedness or a sense of release from the problem, you have both the inner invisible awareness and the outer visible awareness because the inner and outer are identical one presence and form.

Rest in The Blissful Love Within

Rest in the knowledge of this wonderful secret; rest in Its completeness and fullness. Rest in the relief and joy of knowing that as you feel and bask in the Peace, you are feeling and basking in the oneness of both inner and outer good, in all forms, and in all ways, in all places. My dear friends, what more can we ever want? What more can we ever need? Blissful life and fulfiled purposeoverflowing with happiness, joy, supply and achievement in every departmentis yours without effort by living the silent inner life, receiving the free gift of Spirit twenty-four hours a day, with depths, glories and attainments so lavish the mind is incapable of imagining even a grain of themand then watching as the infinity of inner treasures pour out into the tangible world as you, your world, and everything you do in it.



No Effort of Yours is Required

There is no effort you have to make, or even can make out here. The effortif it can be called sois in living the inner life of silence and relaxedness from this worldof silent receptivity to the infinitude of Spirit constantly happening within. The rest of lifes health, success, prosperity, opportunity, companionship, love, safety, joyful activity, fulfilment of purpose and givingness to the world happens automatically. You find yourself pushed or led by the inner Peace you are experiencing each day, as a sail boat is pushed and led by the wind in its sails. The boat doesnt sail itself, it has no self-power with which to journey. Wind is its power. Peace is your power and mine, and your and my substance, life, and form of allthe One All-inall, effortlessly and freely received within, then experienced tangibly in individual outer life and activity.

Part Two
Now we come to belief. It is a big wake-up call. The absence of belief after silence is fatal to the tangible forms of good appearing as your body, your employment or business, your endeavours, your home, your loves and companionshipsand the lives and experiences of those close to you whether family, friends or students. You see, if you come out of even the deepest silencethe awareness of the Peace glowing withinand then quickly again get caught up in the sense world of sickness, lack, limitation and discord you block the tangible appearance of the very Substance you just experienced which id ready to appear as the fulfiling forms of good you need or desire. Its like wishing to see a movie but then turning your back to the screen! You are refusing the movie that is playing right where you are! Turning your awareness from the inner whole back to the outer appearing need is just the same as turning your back to the movie.

In What do You Believe?

It is a matter of belief. Do you believe the inner wholeness, omnipresent here and now as the one substance and the one form of all? Or do you more strongly believe in the outer sense of lack or limitation or inharmony? Yes, of course, you more strongly believe in the outer sense. Thats okay. You cannot help that in the early

Belief After Silence is Important


days of your spiritual awakening, it is so strongly ingrained in your mind as reality. But realise now, that the outer appearance of anything at all has no power, no actual law or cause about it; it is just appearance to the mind that accepts it. But to the mind that knows the truth all seeming outer power and cause quickly losses its hold and is seen as nothingness. The very important key to demonstrating the infinity of spiritual good is to believe in the presence of the Peace as the One substance and already manifested form of all good here and now even though the mind may not, at this moment, see any evidence of it whatsoever. Remember, the mind is incapable of seeing or experiencing Spirit. All youve got to do to prove this to yourself is to look around your world. How much harmony, love, satisfaction, success, true happiness, abundance and sharing is evident? Rather than being the norm it is rare. Yet, you know enough to realise that Spirit is omnipresent the world over, being every person, condition, event, activity, thing and place. Why then is It not evident everywhere you look and everywhere you go, no matter what individual, what race, what country, what continent? Why are the hospitals overflowing with patients? Why is business, on the whole, self-serving and greedy? Why is government mostly self-serving and power-hungry? Why does a president or prime minister conduct savage behaviour and brutality, even murder, on his or her own people, or conduct war on another country killing or maiming hundreds of innocent people and wiping out whole families or communities?

The Mind is Incapable of Spiritual Expression

The mind is incapable of seeing or experiencing Spirit and therefore acts out of self-preservation and domination. The mentally and physically strongest dominate when nothing greater than material and mental consciousness exists. It is not the fault of the human race or of any individual. Always remember that. Never blame the human mind for its behaviour any more than youd blame a sheep for getting lost. Forgive them, for they know not what they do, said the master metaphysician. Blame no person for what they do because if they knew of their true spiritual identity they would never do such things. They would have no need to survive or dominate and therefore all survival and domination instinct would dissolve in the awakening of their spiritual identity. They have no idea they are Spirit, and that with spiritual awareness and receptivity,



this whole world right down to each and every individual, can liveliterally soin a paradise experience, so life-filled, successfilled, rich and beautiful that the self-survival consciousness would quickly become devoid of expression. Your job and mine is to not only take as much time as we are able to each day in the silence, bathing in and receiving the infinitude of Spirit, Peacethe substance of all form, the One invisible and visible Being of all, identical oneness and presence here and nowbut to then come out of the silence knowing the presence of that Oneness of all is right here now, not going to be one hour or one day or one week from now.

That is The Fatal Mistake!

How can the now of all form become evident to the mind that is believing - or more probably hoping - it will become evident soon? Nothing will become! All is now. The only forms that become evident to you are the forms you know to be here now. But remember, if youre looking out for corporeal forms youll have a long, hard wait because the wait will be eternal. There are no corporeal formsonly the sense of corporeal forms. All real form is Spirit, therefore unknown and undetectable by the mind. Yet as we live the inner life of actually experiencing the infinite invisible Peace withinthe infinitude of real substance and form of all - that substancePeacepermeates the mind senses and is quickly seen as what we call tangible forms of good in the outer scenelife, health, money, attainment, satisfaction and happiness with all we companion with and as all we do, in limitless, effortless quantity and availability. Heres the secret: without ever trying to change or improve the outer scene, know with a real belief that the oneness and allness of all goodthe infinitude of good life, success, companionship and happinessin actual spiritual formis here and now, in its completed fullness, fully manifested and available for you to access and use, without delay. Do not try to make it so for that effort is only possible by the person who believes it is not yet so. Gentlydespite all physical appearances to the contrary, no matter how intense or urgent know it is so. It is an irony the mind will never understand so dont try to understand it. Again, keep in mind the words of the greatest healer and reformer history has recorded: I, of my own self, can do

Belief After Silence is Important


nothing; it is the Spirit within me that does the works. And what works are they? The bringing of inner awarenessthe inner happeningof the fully manifested Peace, the substance of all good form and experience, into individual experience. This means both the inner and outer tangible experience, because all is One, the inner and outer being identical infinite substance and identical infinity of form, albeit seen by the mind as finite persons, things, places and events but now lavishly life-filled and abundant persons, things, places and events.

Instantly Catch Yourself

Every time you catch yourself thinking it isnt here yet or it hasnt happened yet instantly realise the mistake. That very thinking is the blockage that keeps the tangible evidence from your experience. Listen to that: after achieving the happening of Peace glowing within the hasnt yet happened thinking is the only blockage. It is the only thing keeping your infinity of good out of your experience. There is only one thing present here and now where you are, and wherever you might be at any time, and that is the fullness of Spirit, fully manifested as your individual completenessloving, healthy, rich, beautiful, overflowing with satisfaction and achievement, brimming with tangible fulfilment of purpose to a depth and activity you have never had a clue is your true being, and your true reason for being a part of this earthly experience. Recognise only the presence of Spirit despite all appearances to the contrary. Acknowledge only the presence of Spirit despite all appearances to the contrary. A monk (spiritually aware person) who is skilled in concentration (focused, one-pointed awareness of the presence of Spirit) can cut the Himalayas in two. Truly I tell you, if you have faith (belief in the One presence and form that is Spirit) the size of a mustard seed (the smallest of all seeds), you will say to this mountain Move from here to there and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. The Way has never known boundaries but because of the recognition of a this, there came to be boundaries. Realise only the One Presence. Believe only the One Presence. Live in awareness only of the One Presence every minute of every day. Then youll not only enjoy a personal life richly blessed and tangibly miraculous, but every person, thing and condition that



even brushes your consciousness will be imbued by, and blessed by, the miracle presence that is You being you. It is magical!



The true fulfilment of life is found only when we, individually, realise that the oneness and allness of infinity is within our very own being, and must be allowed to flow out. Truth is within ourselves. There is an inmost centre in us all, Where the Truth abides in fullness; and to know Rather consists in opening out a way Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape Than in effecting entry for a light Supposed to be without. Robert Browning The mistake made in metaphysicsand the reason for so little success in bringing the miracles of the infinite into tangible expression in every day, practical experienceis the attempt to alter, improve or enrich the outer scene; the attempt to use spirit to heal, prosper, and bring happiness and harmony to the outer world of body, relationship, business, home or family. It is doomed to failure from the outset. Why? Because in trying to use spirit to affect the outer, material, physical world we are making a fundamental mistake. The outer world of physical form is the world of the minds concepts. No form you see, hear, taste, touch or smell is real form. The form is there, yes, but not as we experience it. The only true form is Spirit being the infinity of form, and spirit is invisible, incorporeal, without outline, height, weight, or amount. It is ecstatic purpose and fulfilment of Self eternally existing in peace, sufficiency and joy. You are It expressing individually in perfect



form and perfect activity with every thought, move and nuance lavishly catered for. What you experience of yourself and your world with the mind is but a fractional speck of the infinity you truly are.

All Forms are Concepts of The Mind

The entire universe we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is a universe of concepts of the mind. The real formSpiritis present where you are experiencing a limited concept of the form. Think: the perfect whole is present but that which you experience, because youre experiencing through the faculties of the mind, is but a fractional, finite concept of that whole. Look at a flower. You see its beauty, you smell its fragrance, you touch its form. You embrace the miracle it is with wonder and joy. Yet you are experiencing but a fractional, finite grain of its true self. The true form of that flower is and has sublime beauty without limit, infinite intoxicating fragrance, divine love as its very form. From this - through a glass darkly1the mind experiences various physical attributes we call flower, even though, in truth, it has no physical attributes. The physical attributes are but concepts held in mind experienced as physical attributes. Do you want to know the real flower? Then shut off the mind, be very still and quiet, be attentive to your withinness, and slowly, slowly, from the deep Silence of your being, will begin the flow of Allness, Infinity Itself, revealing to your awareness what you wish to know. If you truly desire to know that flower, then It will reveal Itself to your inner awareness, and it will be a beauty so deep, so gentle and delicate, so infused with Love, so emotionally touching that it will change your entire life in that one moment. What if you loved flowers but none were present? What if you wanted flowers but there seemed to be a lack of them where you are? To the mind, which is capable only of being conceptual, looking out at the tangible, physical world around it, lets say there is an unarguable lack of flowers. But are you physical or are you spiritual? What is your true nature, your true being? Spirit. The physical of you is but a concept of the real you. What is the real nature of the flower? Spirit. Spirit is indivisible, whole, self-complete, so where is the division between you and the flower? There is none. You are spirit, only spirit. As spirit, there is not an atom of anything missing from your fulfilment. Neither is there an atom of anything missing from the flowers fulfilment because both you and the flower are one. If you desire flowers then flowers desire you

The Deep Well


equally because both you and flowers are Spirit, and Spirit exists in and as eternal, synchronised fulfilment. There is no imbalance of desire or need or fulfilment, for one and the other are the same, identical spiritual presence.

You and Your Good are Indivisible

You are lavishly complete in every way because Spirit is your true being and Spirit is infinite, indivisible fulfilment of all. Your spiritual self cannot want for anything because it already has it, whatever the it is. You are self-complete infinity existing as you but you dont know it, so you allow the mind to play tricks on you by suggesting you lack something, or many things; that you live a life bound by degrees of limitation, with threats of sickness, injury, injustice, jealousy, hate, risk and chance always present, always showing up somewhere in your life or as the experience of someone dear to you. If flowers are a part of your fulfilmentif they bring joy, freshness and colour to youthen be assured you already possess an infinite number and variety of the most stunningly beautiful flowers in the infinity of creation. Where are they? In your spiritual self. They eternally exist in and as an element of your self-complete spiritual being. But heres the miracle: the inner form and the outer form are One. They are identical. There is only Oneness, not twoness. The inner invisible and the outer visible are One. When you know this great secret, instead of believing the mind which looks out into the world and says there is a lack of flowers, you lovingly laugh at the mind and the outer appearance, dismiss it, enter the deep withinness of your being, and therein complete silence and stillnessfeel the allness of fulfilmentin this case, flowers which, remember, are spiritual flowersthe only real flower which you feel as Peace or relaxedness or a sense of joy or assurance glowing or happening within you. That Peace is the flowersan infinity of the best and most stunning you have ever seen. When you have found the happening of Peace within you, the demonstration is complete. You have now manifested all the flowers you can possibly want, and usually many, many more for you to share generously with others. Its as ifthe moment you have felt the Peace happening withinyou have received a delivery from Interflora, with regular deliveries now organised for you. The feeling of Peace glowing - happeningwithin is the completed demonstration. Then, very quickly, you will wit-



ness the physical flowers coming into your tangible experience. The inner invisible and the outer visible are One and identical. It is simply that the mind experiences the outer as a finite, fractional form, but it is the One because the One is the only one. And if that takes what the mind calls a miracle, then it is a miracle you will witness. Somehow flowers will get to you. Every flower in the region will hear your call and want to be your fulfilment. Youll not be able to stop flowers from coming into your experience the moment you demonstrate the real flowerSpirit. The moment you have felt the Peace happening within nothing in the entire world can stop your fulfilment from reaching you, becoming tangible to your experience. Nothing. That is why, throughout the ancient spiritual texts of the world, the authors related experiences of birds bringing food to them where that was the only way, or the oil never running dry when there was only a small bottle of oil for baking, or of the gold coin in the fishes mouth when tax was demanded, or the handful of loaves and fishes multiplying to feed five thousand with twelve basketsful left over, or in modern timesof Eddie Rickenbecker, stranded with nine crew members in the Pacific ocean for thirteen days, with no radio, no food, no fresh water, witnessing fish swim to his raft surrendering themselves to be eaten, fresh water falling from a cloudless sky, and a seagull landing on his raft surrendering itself as food, and then, against all odds, to be found and rescued. These experiences are miracles to the mind but not to the spiritually endowed consciousness.

The Secret that Separates the Masters From the Masses

Lets use the illustration of a water well to see that Spirit is the substance of all form, and how you, I, and anybody in the world dedicated enough and willing enough to practice thisto make it their actual way of lifecan demonstrate an infinity of harmony, health, love, happiness, abundance, success, reward, recognition, and deep joy and satisfaction everyday of their lives. There is a well, with an infinity of water deep down within, of which it is unaware. It assumes its outer physical form is all it is, and all it has. Because it is unaware of the infinity of water it has deep within, it constantly desires water that it observes in the outer scene as lacking. Not only that, it needs water because people constantly come wanting it, even demanding it. From where will it get

The Deep Well


all this water? How can it possibly fulfil these constant demands? What is the answer? The well must turn within and discover the free-flowing infinity of water eternally present and available as the very nature of itself. This is the truth of all being. It is the truth of you. Whatever you experience as needed in the outer scenehealth, supply, love, friendship, home, success, joythe secret is to know youve already got it because the it is spiritual allnessthe whole Oneness of self-complete fulfilment here and now. The mind would look only to the outer appearing lack and start to furiously scheme a method of getting the needed material health or home or money or activity. It would beg, steal, borrow, or manufacture. It goes outside to practitioners, medics, pills and potions; it borrows from banks, suppliers, investors, credit companies. It sees time restraints, processes to work through, logistics to create, activities to perform. It believes the need for vehicles and channels. It truly believes that if it does something in the outer it will find its cure or supply or solution or possibility or opportunity. All of this in the material, physical plane of existence created by the mind.

Nothing but Spirit is Required

But none of this is required. Not one element of physicality or materiality or process or time or season or channel or activity is required. The only requirement is the discovery of the true identity of self, and then the releasing of the infinity of that self as the allness of fulfilment in the outer appearing world. The moment we discover the truth about our very own infinity of being, then turn our entire effort within, we will find our supply of allness. The moment we discover this truththe source of all supplywe have only to be still and let the infinity of all flow up and out to satisfy and fulfil every hour of every day, every desire, every need, and every purpose. The whole physical world of people, animals, things, places and activities are Spirit being interpreted through the conceptual, physical faculties of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. When seen through the physical eye every person and every thing looks solid, with outline, weight, size and character. But the fibre of them, the substance of all in the physical appearing world, is Spirit. Further, as the infinity of Spirit flows through each individual mind, it is formed into the likenessthe mouldof that particular mind. So the visible form we see and experience is the



mould of the mind, the likeness of the deep beliefs and particular ingrained awareness of the individual mind. That is why each form of person, animal, thing, condition and place has its own unique shape, character and complexion. The mind has nothing to do with the truth of each being; it is unable to experience the true being or object. What your mind sees and experiences as each being has nothing to do with the truth of each being. What we see and experience is nothing but a false concept of the real being. Nevertheless, the real being is there, present, activeand he, she or it is infinitely beautiful, infinitely intelligent, infinitely supplied in every way, and infinitely fulfiled. Get this deeply ingrained into your awareness: Spirit is the only presence, the only being, the only thing, the only power, the only activity, the only intelligence, the only law, the only governing factor, the only supply, the only life, the only joy, the only love, the only pleasure, the only happiness, the only family, the only employment, the only business, the only customer, the only staff, the only driver, the only weather, the only nature. Yes, yes, I know that, you say. But with the very next thought you wonder how your paralysed arm will recover, or how your brain can recover from the damage of meningitis, or how the lump will dissolve, or how the money you need will arrive, or how the home you need will materialise. Always our mind is looking out there for the cure or supply or solution when, all the time, the allness of health, wealth, love, friendship, success, home and family are within, infinitely so, ever available to every person, without limit or delay. But the key is to know what true health, wealth, body, home, success and happiness is: Spirit, the infinite invisible, incorporeal allness of being existing in all its fullness right here where the mind is frantically searching and worrying about where its all going to come from!

How Long Will it Take us to Realise?

When are we going to get it? Spirit is seen and experienced by the mind fractionally, so fractionally that where there is the infinity of allness all aroundliterally bursting from every fibre, every space, every pin prick of the worldthe mind sees just a fraction of a fraction of It and calls it lack or limitation or illness or loneliness or unhappiness. In the worst cases of fractional seeing, it calls it disease, injustice, war, murder, theft, violence, hate, bigotry, depression, poverty, starvation, homelessness. All of this is real and horri-

The Deep Well


ble, even atrocious, to the experience of life lived through the mind. But the truth of it isthe ultimate truth, yet instantaneously availableis that all negative conditions and situations are but the out-forming of the mind which sees the presence of Spirit fractionally and in distortion. The answer? Turn from the outer to the inner, to that sanctuary of Peace and Wholeness, the blissful quietness and rest from the outer appearing world of limitation and discord. Whether the outer troubles are evident in your body, mind, home, family, friend, city, nation, or world, the answer is always the same: go within, and there, rest in the allness of Peace. Realise that that Peace, as you rest in It in the silence, and as you become receptive to Its happening within you, floods and saturates your consciousness and then appears in the outer physical world as the fulfilment of the needthe needed physical things or condition of harmony and health, the needed tangible peace or escape into peace, the right opportunity, abundance of money to meet your immediate needs, the perfect home, or perfect person, and so on.

The Peace Felt Within Appears as the Peace Without

The Peace within appears as the peace without. The supply within appears as the supply without. The life and health within appears as the life and health withoutone and identicalthe Oneness that is Spirit being released from within the silent mind to be witnessed physically in the outer material realm, but always the Oneness of invisible infinity flowing out into visibility as the finite, objectified fulfilment. Constantly rehearse in mind that Spirit is the only, everything, everywhere. Spirit never takes account of what is, or is not, in the physical realm. Of course It doesnt, the physical realm is not complete; it is only the minds concept of that which is complete. Our experience, as a human being, is fractional. So to look at the world and or specific limitation facing us and wonder how Spirit will heal it, fix it, or supply it is nonsense! As you maintain this truth in mind you soon arrive at the breakthrough moment of realising that, if Spirit truly is the only everything everywhere then the whole and immediate answer is to go within to Spirit, hunger only after that happening of Spirit within, crave only the feeling of Spirit flowing and permeating every nook and cranny of your consciousness, in the awareness that when you



are living each hour of the day with Spirit consciously happening within your being as you regularly sit in the complete and receptive silence, all physical things, conditions and circumstances become consciously infused with the One life, One health, One love, One abundance, One opportunity, One success, happiness and fulfilment of being no matter how impossible or implausible that may seem to the mind and its previous experiences, or its education. What is the mind, its knowledge and experiences compared with Spirit? Nothing! The fog (concepts) of the mind clears and you see clearly.

Witness Miracles
Rest in Spirit and youll rest in fulfilment. Rely on Spirit only and youll witness miracles. Crave nothing but Spirit even though you well know that Spirit flowing from the silent depth of your withinness will appear physically to your experience as good and harmonious person, thing, opportunity, place, or pleasure. If you need heath or healing, seek and rely on Spirit onlythe happening of Spirit glowing or flowing within your beingthe actual feeling of the Peace glowing within. Know that the moment you have felt the Peace you have received your demonstration of health or healing and that it will soon appear physically in the outer body, yours or the persons you have in consciousness. At this stage of conscious awareness we may need to live in the Peace hour after hour, day after day, week after weeknever neglecting our outer duties and activities to family, employment, business and friends but making the receiving of the Peace within our main priority at every possible opportunity. Create every opportunity to simply sit and receive the glowing or the happening within, for minutes, or, if you can, hours at a time. That will break the back of the health problem sooner rather than later, and the physical healing will more quickly become evident. In the same way, if you need supply, do not start frantically attempting to get supply from the outer world. Thats not the need; it will not work. That will just prolong your misery. Rather, seek and rely on Spirit only. Dwell in the deep silence of your being, and there, experience the happening of Spirit within. Do this over and over and over again each day. And if the problem is severe, or if its hounded you for weeks, months or years (as it did me) the very best thing you can do is to take forty days and forty nights away from your worldtake one day a week, or a block of seven days, or four-

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teen days, or longer if you can, away from your home, employment or businessand devote the entire time to spiritual reading, listening, classes and, most important, long, beautiful periods each day in the silence, simply receiving the glowing of Spirit happening within, and bathing in It. Oh, if only I could tell you what immense power this is, and what immense tangible results it has in your physical world! Your whole world can change inside of a week or a month when you devote serious time to contemplation and experiencing Spirit within, when you take regular periods of forty days and forty nights to simply let Spirit be you in the silence of your being. You so fill your entire consciousness with Spirit happening, that you experience miracles of healing, supply, happiness and success within, which then burst out into your visible world in every department just as a million buds, leaves and flowers burst into visibility in the spring gardens. Do you see this? Do you now see that every problem, every challenge, every lack or limitation or discord or need you have ever experienced, or ever will, is simply the fractional experiencing and believing of the collective human mind, which has found a temporary residing place in your individual mind through no fault of your own, and that the whole and immediate answerno matter what the physical scene is, or how distressing or urgent it is, and no matter what is, or is not, available in the physical realm at this momentis to gently turn away from the outer scene to the Silence and Oneness of Spirit within, understanding that Spirit is the only thing present everywhere, the only real form, which is perfect, whole, life-filled, abundant and fulfiled in every way here and now, and therefore, by resting and allowing that Spirit to flow freely through your stillness and silence It heals every nuance of fractional experience and belief in consciousness, which then appears in the outer realm as the healed body or mind, the needed tangible supply of money or food or person or place or thing, the desired friendship or love, the perfect home or opportunity, the busy and profitable business activity, the happiness and joy of companionship, family, colleagues and neighbours.

Spirit Becomes Visible in Your Experience as Limitless Harmony, Joy, Life and Riches
As the life, supply and love that is Spirit surges through the mind it becomes visible as the tangible. It is witnessed in the physical as the healing, supply and love of our experience, tangibly so. But



remember well, that the healing, supplying and love happens within our consciousness as Spirit floods and permeates every nook and cranny of our stillness and our dedicated attention and receptivity to It. Whatever individual consciousness contains pours through the mind becoming the tangible outer form we experience. Mind always out-forms itself as the physical appearing body or condition. When consciousness contains only or mainly the concepts and beliefs of collective mind we leave ourselves open to the lacks, limitations, ill health and discords of that very collection of concepts and beliefs. But the moment we discover the great secretthe secret that separated the masters from the masses, and separates us from the masseswe constantly turn within to let Spirit become our conscious awareness of being. We live our entire life out from the stillness and silence of that deep infinity of withinness. We then find ourselves immune to the difficulties, challenges and disasters the rest of the world has to sufferliterally and tangibly immune to itliving an inner and therefore outer life filled with health and vitality, success and abundance, love and friendship, beauty and bounty, joys and pleasures, and a real fulfilment of purpose. Yes, it is a miracle. But the real miracle is the miracle of Spirit; the miracle awareness that Spirit is everything everywhere, that Spirit is you, that Spirit is your entire world, and that, by constantly turning within, and living your entire life out from that deep infinity of withinness, you are a master of life, and a blessing and healing presence to all and everything that comes within range of your Spirit-filled consciousness. Silence towards the outer world is the key. That silence enables you to turn within peacefully and bathe in stillness and receptivity to the inner infinity, receiving the Spiritual allness. That silence, stillness and receptivity is the condition in which, and through which, Spirit glows and flows in our awareness, dissolving the fractional beliefs and concepts of the mind, enabling us to evidence the presence of the fullness of being in the inner as well as the outer, for one and the other are the same, the invisible and the visible, identical Oneness of all.



Part One Rely on Spirit Alone, Never Form

Do you not find it strange that students who have been on the spiritual path for years, even a decade or longer, and who are more than well versed in the knowledge of spiritual principles, of self, and of harmonymost of whom could probably write a good book about itstill find they cannot demonstrate health, supply, success and joy in their every day lives. I was one of these. Perhaps you are experiencing the same frustration. I want to give you a clarity and inner awakening that will, if you really now commit yourself to studying, pondering, meditating on, and actually practicing what is about to be revealed, will enable you to quickly open, and keep open, the floodgates of infinite good in your daily life and affairs. You know that there is but one Existence. Call it Spirit, Love, Life, Supply, the Infinite, God, the Life Force, the One Substance, the One Power, the One Presencecall it by any name you wish; the name is of no importancenothing more than synonyms for the Oneness of Infinity. You know that Spirit is whole at every point in infinity at the same timeomnipresent, omnipresence Itself. There is no such thing as a lack of completeness at any point in the universe, as any being in the universe, thing in the universe, or as any activity in the universe. The whole of infinityself-completenessexists at each point. The micro contains the macro. Oneness is the truth and the



supreme reality. But remember, Spirit is invisible to the mind, so as long as youre not now trying to understand this fact with the mind, you are half the way to being able to demonstrate it. You can perceive it, but if you find yourself struggling or arguing with this truth of wholenessOnenessit is because you are still thinking in physical, corporeal terms. Spirit is invisible, incorporeal. The need is to withdraw the mind completely from its normal environment of matter, people, things, activities, places, seasons, processes, and channels into the peaceful atmosphere of the invisible infinity of allness, omnipresent as your very being and everything about it. Remember this every moment of the day: Because the mind is capable only of experiencing finiteness it does not possess the capacity to experience spirit. Through the mind we cannot see, hear, taste, touch or smell spirit; what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is our minds concept of the real presence, which is spirit. We have said, when you experience a flower, your experience is the minds concept of the flower, not the fullness of spirit which the flower truly is. The mind experiences a fraction of a fraction of the true presence of the flower. The same is true of every person, animal, thing, place, condition and circumstance you experience with the mind.

Everything Objectified is a Dim Fraction of its True Self

Amazing, isnt it, that everything we have experienced throughout life, and believed to be real, is not a fraction of a fraction of what it truly is. Its amazing, maybe shocking the first time we realise it, but its also wondrous. Within the infinity of this realisation are miracles awaiting release into and as your tangible self and world through the avenue of your awareness. You know also that Spirit is infinite, therefore is all form, all power, all activity, all intelligence, all being that is this world and in this world (and universe). Spirit is everything everywhere, without exception. Spirit is what you are, what your money is, what your home is, your family, your car, your garden, your favourite shop, your everything, experienced through the mind finitely darklyas the people, things, conditions, places and activities you witness in life. You know that Spirit is Good. Spirit is fulfilment of being, fulfilment of existence, fulfilment of Itself and every expression of

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Itself, for the seeming two are but One. Love expresses and contains only love with nothing to oppose it. Life expresses and contains only life with nothing to oppose it. Supply expresses and contains only supply with nothing to oppose it, and so on through all the synonyms. You are that Love, Life and Supply existing here as you, and the entire world and universe of people, things and conditions is that Love, Life and Supply existing as them. Yet the you you are familiar as being through the mind has little or no awareness of the Infinite You, the real You, and the infinity of all good you possess and have availability to, here and now, and eternally. The entire world of thems and its you are familiar with through the mind resemble nothing compared to the real thems and its they truly are.

It is Real
Every person, place and thing does exist. This world and every person, object and place in it is real. Never believe it isnt. But the way in which we see and experience every person, place and thing is fractional, finite and distorted. So, in the very presence of infinite Love and Life the mind sees a fraction and a distortion and names it sickness of one sort or another. Whatever is in the mind is always out-formed in what we call the material or physical manifestation. So the sickness of which the collective mind of man believes, is out-formed and shows up in our experience tangibly somewhere. It has to. It has no choice as long as it remains sitting in the mind as a belief. It is the law of mind-formation, or mindexpression, or mind-imaging. The mind is in a constant state of projection and so is always projecting its collective inherent beliefs out into and as the external scene. You might think youre witnessing a sickness out there either in your body or mind, or someone elses. But there truly is no out therethere is only the mind projecting its image and likeness into and as your material world, which you quickly or eventually see, hear, taste, touch or smell and then react to, often with alarm! Its just the same, really, as the law of image-projection. The movie you watch on the screen isnt truly on the screen. It is a projection from the projector. The movie is in the projector. If it wasnt, wed see no movie on the screen; if the film was blank, no images would be seen on the screen. You see how impossible it is that the screen can fail to project the totality of images of which the film consists. If the film contains an image of sickness then



that image has to appear on the screen. Equally, if the film contains images of life, love, success and happiness those images have to appear on the screen. We are truly in the hands of the producer and director of the movie as to the appearance well witness out there on the screen. Our emotions, excitement, fear, expectation and satisfaction are all thrown about like a feather in a storm; all reactions to the images thrown onto the screen by the projector. So it is that the collective mind of man is our producer and director when we are ignorant of the law of mind projecting itself out and as our material, tangible world. And the producer-director will, by degree, continue to govern and dominate our lives until the moment we begin to withdraw belief and reaction to the outer world of matter (the screen), in favour of the inner invisible infinity of life, love and fulfilment of being which you, and I, and all, truly are.

Do Not Any Longer Believe The Images of The Mind

How ridiculous it is to believe the images on the screen of life after the moment we understand what they truly are! That moment is here and now, today, this minute. From this very moment realise that the entire world of good and bad people, things, conditions and places is nothing but images on the screen of material life, produced and directed by the collective mind of man which has evolved through centuries of unknowingness of its true self and true nature: Spirit. We can no more blame collective consciousness for its unknowingness than we can blame a one year old for not knowing the twelve times table, or even the one times table. Nor can we blame ourselves for the conditions that cause our particular troubles.

Not You; Collective Mind

It never is anything to do with individual you or me; it is the collective mind that has found a temporary lodging in our individual mind, and is then, of course, out-formedprojectedas our individual experience because it has no choice but to do so. And why has the collective mind been able to lodge in our individual mind? Because, at the moment, or at the time, we have been unaware of the Truth that Spirit is actually our true self and our true nature, and that in spirit there is no good or bad, there is just Oneness, the

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oneness of Good Itself, with nothing to oppose it. The moment we individually become aware of this great truth, the producer of the images of our worldthe collective mind instantaneously losses its power and substance over us. All the people, things, circumstances and antagonistic conditions we see as being very real, tangible and threatening become impotent in a flash, andliterally sodissolve from our experience. Why? Because they never possessed an ounce of real power in the first place, just as the theatre screen has never possessed real power or substance. As a child we might find ourselves drawn in and believing the frightening images on the screen, so the images have power over us. They are the cause of our reaction, our fear, even our imminent disaster or death! But are they real? Do they possess real substance, real form, real activity despite the belief in the childs mind that they do? Of course not. You know what happens the moment you introduce the child to the fact that no images on the screen are real but projected. As soon as the child gets the truth of it, the image instantaneously losses it power and effect. The child can still enjoy a good movie but never again is he drawn into believing it is real. Yes, we can, should, and do still enjoy good life, love, people, things, events, activities, enterprises, home, family, travel, and pleasure except now we find ourselves with a greater abundance of them than ever before, and without effort. They are attracted into our material experience like blossoms attract bees. But we are never again fooled by the outer appearance or the outer processes. We know that all the outer appearing true selves are Spirit, and therefore, no matter how beautiful, bountiful or wondrous they appear in their physical forms - or how unfriendly, sick or depraved they may appear in the guise of a tangible discord, or illness, or lack, or limitation - they are, either waygood or badnothing but images on the screen of material life. The real them or it is Spirit, wholeness, love, fulfilment, bliss, perfection of existence Itself with nothing to oppose it. Okay, so all this you know with the mind. I have probably, to this point, said nothing new to you. Why, then, are you unable to demonstrate it? Ah, there is a specific reason. It is this: There is a world of difference between the knowing of the truth, and actually knowing truth. One is through the mind; the other is through the Soul the deep inner self we each are. That difference separates those who are able to daily demonstrate the infinite life, riches and harmonies, from those who are not.



Part 2 Know The Truth, And The Truth Frees You From all Material Ties
Know the Truthreally know it deep within your beingand the Truth becomes tangibly evident as the life, riches and harmonies of your experience, with no effort on your part, and with nothing to oppose It. But, you say, it is all very well to hear that, but how do I get to the point of knowing truth more than I know of the truth? What have I got to do, practically, to transcend from knowing of the truth to actually knowing It and therefore demonstrating It in my daily life and affairs? There are two steps, and they work in parallel. If you will stick to what Im about to reveal to you, youll witness the opening and flowering of your consciousness with wonderful results following. Step One: Take a single statement of truth, or no more than three or four, related to your favourite or most pertinent need or desire. For instance, if your need has to do with a health issue select one, two, three or four statements that talk of the One life, the One power, the One form, One presence. If your need has to do with an issue of supply select statements that talk of the One supply, the One presence of allness, the Whole existing at every place in the universe. If your need has to do with a relationship issue select statements which talk of the One being, the One harmony, the One agreement, the One joyous synchronicity of all beings. In the same way, select statements that relate to any category of need thats apparent in your life. Where will you find such statements? Every paragraph of this book overflows with them! Any sentence that clicks with you, or brings you an Ah-hah feeling, or opens your eyes, or causes a Wow! moment within you is the right statement for you. Always remember, there is no power in the words - any words ever uttered in the history of mankind, or words that ever will be uttered in the future of mankind. The power is in your awakening to the deep meaning or truth of which the words are speaking. Do you see that? Its the difference between me giving you the words, The sunset is beautiful this evening and you then using the words to go and actually experience the sunset for yourself. My words will never be a fulfilment to you; they will never be the actual experience of the sunset for you. But your using my words as a prompt to get up and

The Master Ability to Demonstrate


witness the beauty of the sunset yourself will quickly lead to the actual fulfilment of the experience itself. When youve selected your one to four statements, use them like this: Take the one which today holds the most meaning or wonder for you. Dont worry that one particular statement may have more effect than anotheragain, there is no power or effect in the words themselves. Any statement of truth in the entire world has the same possibility: that of opening your consciousness to the infinity of your being, enabling it to blossom and demonstrate. The work of awakening happens within you not out there anywhere, even from the most stirring or poetic words ever penned.

You Know This to be True

How many stirring, beautiful and inspiring words of truth have you read and listened to since you began your spiritual quest? This chapter alone consists of seven thousand and ninety four words. If youve read only one spiritual or metaphysical book it will have contained twenty thousand words at least, more like fifty thousands or moresixty, seventy, eighty thousand words. You may have read twenty or fifty or one hundred books. Some of you have read more than that. Just twenty, fifty thousand word books will have been the source of a million words of truth flowing through your consciousness. If youve read one hundred books five million or more words of truth have flowed through your consciousness, assimilated, pondered, and, by degree, taken out into life with you. But can you demonstrate the truth those millions of words have spoken of? If not, youve got to ask why. And the answer is: there is not an ounce of power or effect in any of those words, not even the words of the greatest spiritual masters such as Buddha, Krishna, Shankara, Isaiah, Solomon, Lao Tzu, Muhammad and Jesus. Does that shock you? If it does, lets get the shock out of your system here and now, because only when you understand this critical pointthat the one and only place truth is is within you, and the one and only way in which It is made evident in the material world is by being released from within youwill you know how to demonstrate, and more than that, find demonstration as natural as simply closing your eyes and smiling at the Presence everywhere around you wherever you are. Words and thoughts are the bridge from the knowing of the truth, to knowing Truth Itself. They are the first step, and they are critical as the first step. So lets get on the bridge now. Select just



one Truth statement of your choice. Live with that one Truth statement all day, every hour, every minute. Rehearse and rehearse it in your mind all day and evening. Never for a moment let it go from your awareness. Keep it glowing in the background of your mind as you go about your work or family duties, like a winter fire gently glows in the background of your evening. But heres the secret: after every repetition of the statement in your mind, stop and allow it to percolate in your being; to gently sink in of its own accord and flow through the depths of your being by stopping your thinking for a few moments, and turning your awareness within. Why? The stopping is a space in your minda gap in thinkingand that space or gap allows the Infinite Peace to pour through. It is instantaneous. Youll often feel it as a beautiful peace or relief or relaxedness within. The outer world will look just the same but dont believe it; it is being dissolved, made impotent, and saturated with the infinity of Good, Love, Life, Abundance and Harmony flowing within your consciousness. Every moment you stop your words and thoughts you allow the space, the gap, to happen in your world. That is pure power. The Allness of Consciousness flows through the space in your mind, out into and as the outer appearing world, the image on the screen. That is where the immense infinity of power and substance of Good is, right there within you, your consciousness, the Silence, flowing through the space or gap you allow by that moment of no thoughts and no words, to become your tangible, physical, harmonious world. Step 2: The Experience of Demonstration Itself. Now that you have crossed the bridge - using words and thoughts of truth, which have brought a calm and stillness to your mindyou are ready for paradise Itselfthe greatest gift in the universe. You are now prepared to receive it by sitting in the deep Silence of your Being, experiencing the infinity of All actually present and happening within you. Within and out from the Silence of Being comes the knowing of the omnipresence of love, life, success and happiness in and as all. The knowing is the form itself. The Peace you feel happening within is the forms of life, love, supply, success and happiness that appear in your outer experience. The inner and the outer are One and the same. Thats why, after you have known the truth with the mind, when

The Master Ability to Demonstrate


you now actually experience Truth happening within youusually as a feeling of peace or deep relaxedness or a glowing warmth or light withinyou automatically find the truth demonstrating Itself tangibly in your experience. Youre not doing it; the Oneness is doing it. It always has been doing it for you, and as you, but you havent witnessed it because all youve done is know of the truth from books and classes, words and thoughts. Now you are rising into knowing Truth Itself, which means the actual experience of the feeling of Peace happening within you while you simply sit silent and receptive. You are now becoming aware that the knowing and then the material forms of the Knowing are One and identical. The degree to which you know that Truth and the forms as which the Truth appear in the outer awareness are One existence, One presence, One formnot twois the degree to which you demonstrate the infinity of life, love, harmony, success and wealth in your tangible experience. Thats where and how it happens, within and as your consciousness pouring into visibility through the space your mind becomes when you stop all thoughts and all words, to be a receptivity, a listener, an awareness faculty. The knowing of the truth becomes the actual knowing truth Itself in all Its inner Oneness, which becomes the outer tangibility. It is entirely an inside job, performed not by anything you do with your mindnot by words or thoughtsbut by no words and no thoughts - the space, or gap, or transparency you make of the mind in the Silence. Additional to the constant rehearsing-then-moment-of-silence, repeating-then-moment-of-silence, over and over and over again throughout the dayof just one statement of truthhave at least three or four periods throughout the day of ten to twenty minutes in the Silence, in meditation, where you stop all thoughts and stop all words, and just gently relax, surrender, relinquish or allow to drop away all of the outer world of material people, things, conditions and circumstances, good and bad. Let the entire boat-full drift off, away from your attention, and simply relax and bathe in the infinite love, the blissful peace and gentleness of Spirit within, and let It do the work of bringing the Knowing to your awareness. The battle is not yours, but Spirits. Its not your job to rise from the knowing of truth to the actuality of knowing truth; it is Spirits, so relax, surrender, and simply let. It is the deepest, most divine, most miraculous, most tender experience. Even the abundance of good forms and activities as which the deep



Peace appears in your outer world are nothing compared to the bliss, ecstasy and wonder you experience within, because what you are experiencing is the actual Spirit Itself, the tangible Miracle Itself happening within you. Nothing will ever compare. The silence becomes your daily mode of awareness and practice. Make it your practice today, and every day, and I can assure you you will witness the most wonderful, astonishing, and miraculous transformations of life, from within to without, and quickly so. But Ive found that to deviate from this straight and narrow way is to delay your experience of good, often for months or years. Tomorrow, you can work with a different one of your statements, or stick with the same one for days or weeks. It is often best to work with just one statement for weeks upon weeks because it takes just one, sufficiently realised as being the Truth of being, to open the floodgates of the infinite in your life; just one. The biggest mistake made, one which I myself made, is to anxiously skip from statement to statement, from book to book, in a frantic effort to find the truth that will bring the needed demonstration. There is no truth out there! There is no knowing out there! Truth is within ourselves and to know, rather consists in opening out a way whence the imprisoned splendour can escape, than in effecting entry for light supposed to be without.

The Complete Demonstration is Within

The very truththerefore demonstrationyoure looking for, and need, is, right now, sitting within you as the One inner and outer harmony, health and joy of all being, bursting to escape through your stillness of mind, not your activity of mind. I can, of my own self, do nothing. If the great master metaphysician can do nothing of his own self, do you suppose you and I can? No, of course not. He was giving us the secret but until now we have failed to recognise it, or weve overlooked it as being curious but not practical. No one could have been more practical than the Master. No one in recorded history, that I know of, has demonstrated the absolute practicality of spiritual living more than He, and the uselessness of being inwardly spiritual yet outwardly barren. The focus on one realm of existence but not the other is not truth because in truth there is but One, the inner and the outer being identical Oneness. We need to listen and learn. You and I cannot do anything about health or wealth or love or happiness or success or attainment or home or family or safety or fulfilment. So

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we need to stop trying in the recognition that it is the very trying itself that blocks the way. Then we suddenly discover what the master also said: It is the Spirit within me that does the works. Doesnt that sound just like the message Robert Browning has given us, Franz Kafka has given us, and actually, the message every true spiritual master down the ages has given us? It is the Spirit within that is the One substance of all, the One life, the One supply, the One harmony of all, the One activity which is omnipresent as both what is sensed by us as the inner invisible, and what is sensed by us as the outer visible. It does the works of bringing the Wholeness to our tangible inner and outer awareness; we do not do it; we cannot do it; we were never designed to do it except in our ability to become still and silent, and receptive to Its infinite happening within us.

The One Need

Our only need is to release the One spirit within, the All-in-all, the inner and the outer life. We achieve that by first, knowing the truth with the mind, then by being silent and letting the great It escape, flow through and out of our Silence, to appear as the tangible forms of harmony that make the material world an effortless joy of living and achievement, a constant wondrous surprise everywhere we are, and as everything in which we are involved. All the rehearsing and repeating of statements of truth by your effort naturally fades away the moment you know Truth Itself, because then youll find there is a constant flow of Truth awareness consciously going on within you without much effort on your partwith just the continual openness of the inner ear. The spirit within me does the works. But until that happens naturally, you will tremendously accelerate and shorten the time it takes to experience the demonstrated truth by faithfully practicing the straight and narrow method above.



Spirit does not take into account what is in the material realm, or what is not. Spirit is whole, fulfiled; the already fully manifested existence of All despite appearances to the contrary in the outer realm of matter. Remember, appearances are caused by the conceptual mind seeing darkly that which is actually the incorporeal presence of Allness. Right where there is an appearance of lack there is wholeness, tangibly so. Right where there is an appearance of ill health there is the allness of life, tangibly so. Right where there is an appearance of relationship antagonism there is love, tangibly so. Here we come to a point that causes many students to suffer long delays in demonstration: thinking the demonstration is dependent on a particular, already-existing physical channel, or vehicle, or process, or person. No, Spirit is dependent on no person, no thing, no channel, no vehicle, no process. If there was nothing but an empty world, devoid of every person and every thing, do you suppose Spirit is unable to be your fullness of being? What nonsense! Your demonstration would reach you just as easily. Of course! What is the thing, or channel, or vehicle, or process you are relying on? Spirit! Spirit is every person, thing and process that appears to you. There is nothing but Spirit! The person or thing or channel you may think is the only way your demonstration can reach you is the created, but Spirit is the creator. Spirit is the Infinite Invisible Source and Substance of all we experience in our world. You are It existing as you. You are spirit, therefore infinite, complete, free in every way imaginable and in an



infinity of ways youll never imagine with the mind. Does Spirit require anything but Itself to fulfil Itself as you and as every person, thing and condition you need or desire materially? Of course not. Spirit is that materiality appearing to your senses as every person, thing, place and condition. Suppose you were the only person in the world and you found your body with the appearance of disease. There are no doctors, no pharmacists, no drugs, no hospitals, no procedures, no cures. There is no material help whatsoever. There is just you and the natural world. Does the lack of medics, drugs, operating tables and procedures mean youll soon be dust? Does Spirit depend on materia medica and all its equipment? Of course not! All these people, procedures and things are Spirit appearing as various agencies of existence and activity in this physical realm. You dont need the agencies as which Spirit appears, you need only Spirit itself because, in Truth, you, and everything else, are only Spirit Itself. I am not saying the agencies arent sometimes useful and sometimes used, but never are they needed. Never. Spirit is complete now, and at every point of now in eternity. Whatever physical agency may or may not be objectified at this point of human evolvement is of no importance to the spiritually demonstrating individual. To everyone else its often life-saving, its the only help theyve got, so if the physical equipment or procedure they need to be saved hasnt yet been invented, they have to go without their help, and continue to suffer, or die. That is the story of evolving materia medica through the recent ages. But its entirely different to us who know that we are spiritual beings, and who can actually demonstrate the spiritual fullness of self. Thats why more and more of the masses are finding their help with the great advancements made by materia medica. Many diseases that only a few decades ago were killing thousands are now quite easily cured by modern drugs and procedures. Its a wonderful thing at the level of consciousness that needs it. But you are spirit! Every person on the planet is spirit! Spirit is wholeness, life, fulfilment, joy. Can you imagine Spirit sitting around saying, Well, its too bad, the equipment and procedure you need to save your life is not due to be invented for another hundred years, so youll have to suffer it and die. No! Spirit is omnipresent Wholeness, Love, Life existing as fully manifested Form, as everything everywhere. Spirit is the All-in-all, the Allness of-and-in the allness, both the inner invisible and what we experience as the outer visible. Then where is there room for suffering

If You Were The Only Person in The World


and death? Where in omnipresence is it that such a horrifying thing could happen? Do you see that? Its impossible. There is just Love and Life in all. It is Spirit, and you can one hundred percent trust and rely on the spirit you are to be your fullness of being. Thats the great secret: to recognise Spirit as being the only you, the only life, the only supply, the only love, the only friend, the only family, the only home. With all hope and reliance withdrawn from the visible world of people, place and things, and placed on Spirit only, you witness Spirit appearing to you as the perfect people, places and things of your fulfilment. No longer is It blocked by the mind imprisoned in materiality. If you were the only person in the world, and you faced the appearance of disease, youd find your help just like Eddie Rickenbecker found his, lost in the middle of the Pacific ocean with no food, no water, and no radio; youd find it in Spirit, and it would be quick, and powerful, and sharp.6 Rickenbecker knew that although it appeared to the mind that he was lost in the ocean and in danger of death, actually he was just as much in the infinity of Spirit as he was when safely tucked up at home. Whats the difference? The fullness of Spirit is omnipresent. Just by quietly turning within to the omnipresence of Spirit, and resting with receptivity in the deep withinness of being, Rickenbecker witnessed his demonstration happening all around him. You know the account: fish and birds coming to him to be eaten, rain water falling from a cloudless sky, and finally a chance spotting and rescue. All alone in the world, youd find your health by realising: I am spirit, not matter. I know the appearance to my mind is that I have a body and a disease, but actually the I that I am is spirit, incorporeal, invisible, and Spirit needs no person, no object, no procedure, no method. Spirit Is, therefore I am. I am Whole now. The deep inner Peace I feel happening as I simply rest in my withinness springs up into tangible life here and now. I simply watch as the diseased part of my body becomes whole, perfect, fresh. I witness a complete renewing of any and every part of me that needs it. I do not do it. I do not make an effort. I do not try to be an assistant or co-director to Spirit. Spirit needs no person, no thing, no procedure! Spirit Is. I simply rest quietly in my withinness, completely trusting the great Oneness that is Love and Life omnipresent with nothing to oppose It. I witness the happening within which becomes the happening without. Spirit does the work; the battle is not mine, but Spirits. I rest, I relax, and I watch the miracle happen.



No matter what problem ever faces you, whether its an issue of health, supply, love, home, family, employment, business, safety, or happiness, and youve been struggling with it for months or years, one of the reasons for the struggle is often this thought that your demonstration requires a particular channel, or event, or person, or procedure. Remind yourself all the time: What if I was the only person in the world. Have I been unknowingly blocking my demonstration by personalising my awareness of Spirit, assuming It has to come through a particular person or group of people I already have around me, or through a particular channel or vehicle I already have, called family or employment or business and its vehicles of operation? That assumption will block your demonstration like curtains block the sun. Spirit needs no person, thing or activity because even when person, thing or activity does appear as the channel through which your good appears to come, it is never from that source, and never needs the channel. It is from Spirit only, and if there are no existing or present vehicles available then your demonstration will come to you in any one of a billion other ways, even from the clear blue sky if necessary. I can tell you that from experience. Because of the work Ive been involved in for many years with business owners, some of whom have become students of the Infinite-I, I have watched the struggle that is set up when a person sees his business vehicles as the only way in which supply will demonstrate. Ive also watched how quickly supply flows the moment the vehicles are dropped from mind, and the realisation of pure spiritual presence and demonstration is achieved. The mistake is trying to make our business prosperous and harmonious, or our selves prosperous and harmoniousor healthy, happy, wise, fulfiled. We personalise and thereby block our demonstration. This is the secret: The earth and everything in it is Spirits. Everything is Spirit. You are Spirit being you. That means you and everything in your world is impersonal, not yours, not owned by you but owned by Spirit. In that case, you and everything in your world is perfect, whole and infinite. There is not a bit of finiteness about you or about anything in your world. You are infinite and you have infinite allness right this minute because you are spirit, owned by Spirit. Not owned in a restrictive way but in an infinitely free way! You have the keys to the world! You have complete freedom including the freedom to ignore your spiritual inheritance and true nature, or live it.

If You Were The Only Person in The World


Spirit Can Only be Lived Fully

If you decide to live it you discover you must live it wholly, not partially. You cant mix Spirit and matter because the mix is only in your conceptual mind. All the time you are still thinking in terms of matter and physical procedures you are entangled in the belief of a material world of limitation. But from the very moment you lift into the true spiritual awarenessthe true awareness that everything everywhere is Spirit, and that it is only the minds concepts of Spirit that make the world of people, places, things and activities look as they lookyou are able to withdraw all attention, reaction and fear from the outer appearances, turn within to the deep Silence of your being, and there, rest, bask in the sublime Substance of All, patiently waiting for the actual feeling of It happening withina feeling of peace or warmth or release or relief or love or a sense of satisfaction or delightand then knowing the greatest secret ever given to the human race, that the peace happening within is what quickly appears in the outer world as tangible, physical health, supply, love, home, car, business, travel, deeply satisfying and joyous relationships, safety and security, boundless pleasures and fun, and most of all, a wonderfully satisfying lifes purpose materialised.

Take Ownership of This Lesson

My greatest wish is that you will make this lesson a reality in your life. Never again be content to know of truth. All that knowing of truth is is an intellectual joy and something fascinating to talk about with like-minded friends. But it is not demonstration. Demonstration requires knowing truth Itself, which is achieved by using the bridge of words and statements of truth to relax and assure the mind, to calm it, to give it something to rely on, place its hope on, rest in, and relax with. When the relaxing and resting feeling has been achieved then the mind has turned from being a frantic thinker and doer to being an organ of receptivity. Then comes the second and miraculous experience, the experience of actually knowing Truth Itselfthe actual feeling of Peace happening or flowing or glowing or welling-up within your being. The peace you feel within is the Truth happening in your worldthe infinity of Spirit happening in your world, inner and outer. The within and the without are the same One, the only One. If you look into your world and see anything at all lacking or limit-



ed or discordant, the one great need is to turn within to the Peace that is always happening there, and bask in It, rest and relax in It, letting It glow and flow within you, knowing that the Peace you feel happening within is the tangibility of what will then appear in the outer realm as good and abundant form. The Form felt within is the form witnessed without. The inner infinity of Peace is the outer infinity of health, supply, success, attainment and fulfilment of everything you are, have and do; only do not make a separation between the inner invisible Peace and the outer visible forms of matter as which the Peace appears. There is no separation other than in the mind of the individual who doesnt yet know the great secret taught to us throughout the ages by every true spiritual master: the infinity of all good is within your very own being. It is not matter, but Spirit. It is invisible, incorporeal and cannot in any wise be sensed by the mind. It is the One and Only of both what we think of as the inner world and the outer world, except, truthfully, there is but One world, Spirit, here and now, filling all space, being all. The only need is to go within to It with a restful and receptive mind, using no words and no thoughts, making no effort at all but always being receptive and open, bathe in It, feel It, and thereby let it flow outlet It escapeinto and as your whole world of inner demonstration, and then as outer appearing matter and activity. But always remember, the demonstration has nothing to do with you. Spirit does the work, and Spirit is the demonstration Itself. The Peace happening within you is the demonstrated good in all its fullness, and the only part you play is to be receptive to the happening, to be the recipient of Its infinite love, life, supply, and form happening within. The restthe outer appearing goodis infallible and axiomatic. Then your outer world becomes blessing after blessing, miracle after miracle, delightful surprise after surprise as, just like the magnificent breaking forth of the Spring gardens, your world of body, family, home, enterprise, attainment, recognition, reward and pleasure breaks forth each day as boundless health, limitless supply, satisfying endeavour and enterprise, deeply loving family and friendships, and a profound sense of worth and purpose that no one living purely intellectually and physically will ever know nor be able to achieve.



Know the truth, and the truth will make you free. This is one of the greatest spiritual secrets ever revealed, a secret which, when known, enables every one of us to experience the wondrous fruitage of boundless good in individual life. But, as always, simply knowing this statement intellectually will do us little or no tangible good. Failing to understand its hidden meaning and enabling its actual experience to pour out from our withinness will prove to be no more than an unfulfilled promise. What is the Truth we must know and experiencethat truth that will set us free from the restrictions, burdens, lacks and hardships of this world? What is that truth which will give us instantaneous freedom of body and health, freedom of love and relationships, freedom of enterprise and purpose, freedom of home, activity, and fulfilment in every department of life? Well, by now, you have an idea, but lets make it clearer and sharper than ever: The truth we must know is that there is no reality to this world. Every aspect of this world experienced through the five senses is nothing more than a series of mind-created concepts. Concepts of what? Of the one real world which is Spirit filling all space, being all persons, all objects, all places and all conditions. Absolutely every person, object, condition, animal, insect, mineral, cell, atom and sub-atomic particle is nothing more than a concept formed by the collective mind of man and is not reality. Let me illustrate this in the following way: Let us say you are the director of a new movie. You film the first days footage and all seems to



have gone well. But when you watch the rushes that evening your characters, plus the whole of each scene, is imbued with unpleasant degrees of redness. Every character, every scene, and every set has a degree of red, from mild pink, to crimson, to deep, dark red. Nothing looks as it should. The array of beautiful, natural colours, skin tones, characterisations, costumes, sets and scenery that should have been captured in all their natural glory is discoloured and disappointing. Immediately you shout, Thats not what we filmed! And that is the truth; it is not. What has happened? Unknowingly, the camera crew left a kaleidoscope of red filters on the lenses of each camera thereby creating that same kaleidoscope of red images on every image filmed. If you, as director, accept the kaleidoscope of red images as being real there is only one thing you can do: attempt to colour-correct each and every image and finite detail separately. Not only would it be a long and infinitely laborious job that would never succeed in capturing the true natural colours by artificial means, but it would not solve the problem of redness. Each time you filmed more footage the redness would be present and youd have to start all over again trying to correct it frame by frame, detail by detail. You might succeed to a degree but youd never find the ultimate solution that way. Lets say your heroine and hero both look particularly red. The heroine, although red, is very beautiful, yet, because of the redness, is not close to being the true beauty she actually is. The hero, also red, appears plain and aged which is not close to being the strong, handsome actor he actually is. The redness has made everything appear illusory and incorrect. Finally, after many years of attempting to tackle and correct the redness frame by frame, minute detail by detail, the truth of the situation pops into your mind: This appearing redness is an illusion! Its not real! There must be something between the real and the image of the real I am witnessing on the film. You know what happens next; you discover the red filters on the camera lenses, you remove them, and, hey presto!, suddenly your whole world appears as it always has been in truthbrighter, more beautiful, more handsome, richer, healthier, joyous, pleasurable and satisfying in every department. Youve found your freedom! And you found it by discovering the truth, not by attempting to correct the error appearing on the film. There we have the entire explanation and confusion about this world.

My Kingdom is Not of This World


The Truth
The Truth is Spirit, and It is pure, beauty, love, life, joy, and fulfilment at every point of existence. This world is the image world appearing as is does because of the concepts of beliefthe red filtersof centuries of built-up collective human consciousness finding its way into your and my individual consciousness. There is not one iota of truth in this worldthe material world of people, things, animals, places and conditions as we experience them. That is the hidden secret within the words of the great master metaphysician, My kingdom is not of this world. Not once did he suggest that there is a different world called heaven where he came from, or where only God, he, and a handful of other worthy saints abide. Can you imagine it? It would be hard luck for the rest of us because by the look of things in this world we and our ways are certainly not too heavenly. No, he was revealing the secret of secrets: this world only appears as it does, with sickness, disease, injury, poverty, lack, limitation, dissatisfaction, hardship, failure, insecurity, unhappiness, loneliness and finally death because it is experienced through the filters of collective human belief. The appearance of everything in this world has no cause, no power, no influence, no substance in reality. This is the truth we have to know. Now you can see why, immediately we do know this truth, we begin to set ourselves free of the hold it has upon usfree of the appearance world. We no more have to be free of lack, limitation or discord than the actors and director need be free of redness. There is no redness in reality. There is no lack, limitation or discord in realityonly when experienced through the filters of belief and conceptualisation. Through those filters the world looks both good and bad, both wealthy and poor, both happy and unhappy, both successful and unsuccessful, both healthy and sick, both loving and hateful. The pairs of opposites are a creation of mind only; there is not one iota of Truth in them. This whole world of matter is a world of concepts created by the belief-filled and conceptual mind of man, nothing more. That is why, as long as we attempt to correct the images of mind, body, family, home, employment, business, activity and place we will only ever succeed in the most minor of ways, and in most instances fail, just as the director will succeed only in the most minor of ways as long as he attempts to correct redness on the film. My kingdom is not of this world and Know the truth and the truth will set you free now suddenly alight in your consciousness.



My kingdom is not a separate place but this very place in which you, and I, and the entire world population are living, here and now. It is the real place, the real kingdomthe spiritual real world; the worldyour very world and minethat does not contain sickness, poverty, failure, entropy, destruction, disaster, death, but only love, life, beauty, wholeness, abundance, harmony and fulfilment.

To Experience The Knowing is to Demonstrate

When we truly arrive at the point of knowing this we no longer attempt to correct or prosper or heal whatever or whomever appears to need it in this world. My kingdom is not of this world therefore why attempt to heal it, improve it, bring prosperity and happiness to it? Yet the miracle is that as we drop the attempt to manipulate this world in the knowledge that everything appearing in it is not the Truth, and then we rest in, and rely on, the experience of Truth actually happening within us, and pouring out of us, this world heals, improves, prospers and becomes gloriously fulfilling in every way. That is how the great miracles of the past were achieved, and how they are achieved today. Not by healing this world but by ignoring it, knowing the presence of the real spiritual world, and then letting the spiritual Truth make Itself clearer to our human five senses in and through the silence of mind. Only in the silence of mind does Spirit become tangible. Then, as the light shines in the silencemind empty of the red filters of thoughts or words this world of beings, objects, and conditions is witnessed to be boundless life, wealth, success, love and deep satisfaction. What appeared to be a sickness or disease, lack or limitation, discord or loneliness as witnessed through the conceptual collective mind, quickly becomes whole and healthy, abundant, freed of limit, harmonious and loving. The redness quickly becomes whole, healthy and abundantthe natural, real complexion that always existed in Truth. The wholeness of life, health, supply and fulfilment always exists and has never, for a second, been compromised. The compromise exists only in the mind of man, not in reality. My kingdom is not of this world of compromised concepts and images. I am no longer going to believe the sickness or disease or limit or lack; I am going to have the discipline to seek My kingdomthe kingdom of the spiritual Truth that is the only truth and reality

My Kingdom is Not of This World


omnipresent here and now, even though, to the mind and physicality of being, this sickness, disease, limit or lack appears very real indeed, and is very real as long as I remain in the realm of mind and corporealitythis world. I must raise awareness up and beyond this world. Appearances I am no longer willing to accept. I have grown beyond the willingness to accept, by rote, what the rest of the world accepts. Why should I? I am not a lemming willing to follow the crowd simply because they have gone off in a direction they now call real. That is nothing short of suicide to the fulfilment of life as it truly, spiritually, is, and the deep, glorious satisfaction that life truly is. The truth is: this world is real but not as we materially experience it. My kingdom is the spiritual kingdom, the Kingdom within the kingdom, the real World within the conceptualredworld. Your body, and the body of your family, friends and fellow human beings the world over are real but not as you experience them. Whether the material sense of body is healthy or sick, vital or diseased, beautiful or plain, it is real but not as you experience it. The real, spiritual body exists here and now, right where you are experiencing the this world body, and it is never compromised. Therefore, give up the attempt to make healthy or heal the this world body. Give it up; give it up this minute, because if you continue to try to fix the this world body of its ailments, injuries and deterioration youll fail. There is no Truth in the appearance of something that needs fixing or healing! The Truth is found in My kingdom of Spirit, existing in all Its glory and completeness, with nothing to oppose It. The very moment you abandon all attempts to do anything to the this world body, whether yours or anothers, and, instead, switch your effort and awareness to the Spiritual body and Its ever-existing pureness and wholeness, youll witness quick and wonderful healings. The same applies to every facet and activity of life. Your employment, your business, your home, your automobile, your travels, your life purpose, your joy and happiness, your relationships and companionships, all appears in this world to be subject to both good and bad, happiness and unhappiness, success and failure. One day were on top of the world and everything looks bright; the next were at the bottom of hell with everything that can go wrong going wrong. That is the this world of pairs of opposites created by the mind, yet it is quickly discovered that such a creation has no power, no influence, no causal activity, no presence in realityin



My kingdomin TruthSpirit.

Nothing Can Oppose Spirit

There are no opposites in Spirit. Spirit simply Is. Is has no opposite. There is not health or wealth or spouse or partner or success in Spirit. Spirit simply Is; Spirit is Life Itself, and Life Itself does not have health. To have health there must be an opposite conditionill healthto bring validity to the concept of health. Life is Life. Life is infinitely more than health, for what can health be other than a measure of life? If you want proof, ask yourself, Are their degrees of health? Or does everyone who has health have the same degree of health? You know the answer. That alone demonstrates that health is a concept, not Life Itself. No, Life is Life is Life with not even an ounce of health. Supply is not money because there are degrees and amounts of money in each persons mind, bank account, wallet and purse. If money were supply everyone on earth would have the same amount: an infinity of money at hand at every moment. But no one on the planet will find themselves with an infinity of money, even if they lived a thousand years, or ten thousand. Money is a concept of supply as witnessed through the mindthrough the red filters of mind. The secret of having an abundance, or even an overabundance of money is to Know the truth, and truth will set you freefree in never-ceasing wealth. And what is that truth we must know as it applies to money? Spirit is Supply and Supply appears through the mind as the objectified concept called moneylimitlessly sowhen we cease from attempting to make moneythe attempt to bring abundance to this worldand instead, raise our effort and awareness to My kingdom of omnipresent Spirit, there letting It reveal Its infinite Self. Once we raise awareness into the spiritual kingdom there is no further effort in life; life comes to us, supply hunts us down rather that us having to hunt it down by sweat and toil. This is the truth that sets us free. An infinity of money already exists where you are, and as every employment or business endeavour in which you are involved, or ever will be, because money is the omnipresent spiritual supply the infinity of supply that is Spirit. There is no abundance or prosperity in Spirit because those terms require an opposite in order to exist. Spirit is Supply; Supply is Spirit, and Spirit is You. Because Spirit is omnipresent, existing in all Its fullness at every point in space at the same time, Supply is omnipresent and exist-

My Kingdom is Not of This World


ing in Its fullnessIts infinityat every point in space at the same time. Only when we make the mistake of believing money is supplybelieving the redness on the film is the realitydo we struggle with lack. But the very moment we lift awareness up and above this world of concepts, objects and limits we gain our freedom in an infinity of supply which is then witnessed as an abundance or overabundance of money plus every other needed or desired good form. So on through every issue of human life and its pairs of opposites. Leave this world alone, it is not real. It is a world of concepts only. You, or I, or even the greatest mystics and masters who ever livedBuddha, Jesus, Shankara, Lao Tze, Krishna, Nanak, and otherscannot change a world of illusion, a world of concepts, and the objects and images produced by those concepts. This discovery is the wondrous vision realised by every spiritual master this realisation of Oneness, of Spirit being the only existence, and that everything appearing through the realm of mind is not real but a false image or concept.

Secret of The Miracle

The secret of the miracle and the healing is this: this world is not to be worried about or manipulated, no matter how sick, limited, sad, lonely or lacking it appears to be. Your very own consciousness is the infinity of Spirit Itself and is the fullness of life to you and yours when you know it, and let It be. It is omnisciencethe allwise, all-knowing mindtherefore never tell It what you need, how you need it, or when. It knows already, well before you even had an awareness of the need. Let It be You and everything about you. Spirit is Omnipotencethe all-and-only-power, all-and-onlyactivity. There is no power other than Spirit, Good. Therefore what appears to be a negative or destructive power in this world is not power in the slightest the moment you know the Truth, and then let the Truth be the Truth in your life. Spirit is omnipresenteverywhere present in Its fullness of infinity at each point in space at the same time, filling all space, being everything, everywhere. There is not, and cannot ever be, rednessnegative conditions of any sortin the world because Spirit is the only presence, the only person, the only thing, the only place, the only condition despite appearances. Forget this worldleave it alone! Stop attempting to improve and enrich it! You cannot improve or enrich a shadow, an illusion, a nothingness.



Lift awareness up and into the blissful atmosphere of Spirit where there are no bodies, minds, lovers, friends, businesses, employment, money, homes, automobiles, holidays, places or conditions. There is just Spirit, the bliss that is Life and Fulfilment Itself! Enter that world, and rest in It. Be content to rest there as you would rest under the welcome shade of an ancient oak on a hot and tiring day. Rest there, and be at peacefeel the Peace. Be completely satisfied that in that blissful place, that world of Spirit and Peace, all is already done for you, all is finished and complete, all is glorious, all is life, supply, happiness and harmony. Be completely satisfied with the Peace that wells up within. Be silent. Be the silence itself. Rest the mind and be silent. Stop all words and all thoughts and simply be silent. Listen. Be open and receptive. Into that silence, openness and receptivity will rush the infinity of Good, the infinity of Spirit Itself, the real You Itself, and all is well. Every nook and cranny of this world will become harmonious, enriched, life-filled and satisfying beyond measure. Every corner and niche of your experience will reveal life and success, abundance and happiness, relationship and companionship, fun and pleasure, purpose and fulfilment beyond anything the mind can imagine for itself. This is the Miracle Self. This is your self. You are the miracle itself. Let It Befor and as you, now.


When the noise of the world clamouring is for a moment left outside, when the doubts, and fears, and urgent needs are lovingly understood; When the rage of outer thoughts are dowsed in love and care, Suddenly, in the stillness of the mind, a dawn of Love so deep soothes every part of me. From somewhere deep within I feel Its healing rays; welling up and filling me with a tenderness sublime. At last, at last, at last! Just Silence here and there, At last I feel Its presence, deep Silence everywhere. I bathe in Love Sublime holding me, caring, removing every fear; Saying Be not afraid, it is I, It is only ever I. The disguises of the mind have been your only fear, But no one, nothing, ever is, anything but I with you, right here.



I am what you see in body, in home, in work; I am everything everywhere, but the mind is not aware. I am the fields, the sheep, the cattle; I am the buds, the flowers, the fruits. I am the earth, the air, the sunshine; I am the giver, the receiver, the gift Itself. I am the One you feel this moment in the deep peace of your withinness. I am the One you feel in stillness, The One Life, One Love, One Supply. I am the peace, or warmth, or light you feel glowing deep within; I am the release, the joy, the bliss you feel happening within. You feel Me within being the life of every smile breaking forth in every being, the gentle wisp of breeze caressing each and every one with Love. You feel Me being every loving thought and every grateful gesture; every babys joy, every parents delight. You feel Me being the Oneness of Life at every tiniest point and every grandest vista; You feel Me being the moon and stars, both essence and form itself. You feel Me being the wind and sky, the fluffy whiteness of the cloud; You feel Me being the sparkle of the ocean, the magnificent waves every motion.

The Symphony Within


You feel Me being the flight of the feathery bird as she soars in joyous freedom; I am the melody of her song and the life of the branch she sits upon whilst pouring out her glorious symphony. Nothing but nothing can hide my Presence yet the dimness of mind sees not; but with the gentle turning within to the stillness deep inside youll find Me waiting there in fullness; there my love for you abides. Youll find the I of Me is truly the I of you the fullness and the glory of everything you need, desire and do. There is not a single grain of sand, a single pin or mite, That isnt already here within for you in boundless, immediate sight. There is not a dream too grand, a desire too mighty to have, That isnt already yours within to be and to live this moment. The mind may think it difficult The poor, dim, simple mind! But mind is nothing but an image so tiny, so limited, so behind! The I of you is the I of All, The All is You right here; The very presence of Infinity Itself Being, Expressing; no fear!



The You of you is all about pouring Love forth boundlessly What is to fear? I say to you, but the images of mind so dear? Realise this My love, My soul, I AM your life, your supply, your joy. Not the things the mind sees here and there, but ME, the invisible Bliss everywhere. I came to you as You I gently let you know: If you can see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, or touch it, then thats not the I that I am. Thats only the mind in its fanciful ways not seeing a fraction of Is Yet in the midst of the fraction exists the perfect Whole The Is that is You and is Yours right here, right now, forevermore. Simply rest the mind this hour and the Whole will shine gloriously through in every blissful way right here, right now, today. Never can I leave you, nor forsake you, to cry For you are Me, and I am you, The One Ecstatic I. Where will you go from the I that I am? From the I that is you, that is I? How can the I be apart from the I? For there is no other than I. Only joy is present here in every imaginable way Not one tiny fragment of darkness can enter your being today.

The Symphony Within


Where would it come from, this darkness of mind? The mind is just image, not real. Just image, not real, I assure you its true So rest My love; Let Me be You. Trust Me, trust Me, only Me Not ever what the mind may glean. Fall back in My arms of Love, I say The withinness of you is where I AM for you each minute, each hour, each day. Simply rest the mind and turn within My song is singing there. The song of Life, and Love, and All. Its the greatest song I ever sang, and every note for you. Just place your troubles on the ground, your needs and desires too. For I am Life, and Love and All and All that I AM is you. Quickly you will see Me there both within and then without. For the within and without are identically One The womb of Love, the Life of Love, the Flow and Form of Love, just One. Never again think I am out there for that is just the mind. I am here, I am you, I am here within. All is Good, all is fine, all is Love for you.
Inspired following the September 2008, Eastwell Manor 5 Books Retreat

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NEW: The Eastwell Manor 5 Books Retreat Home Study Set now available
In September 2008, Paul took a group of private students through a breakthrough retreat, revealing his 5 Booksfive realisationsteaching. Once the five realisations are achieved as a state of actual conscious awakening, spiritual fruitage is witnessed here and now. The five books are: Book One: I~Is. Book Two: The Mind. Book Three: The Grand Illusion. Book Four: Demonstrating The Presence (the inner invisible witnessed as the outer visible). Book Five: The Giving Flow. You feel yourself rising in consciousness, along with the live participants, as you are expertly guided through each of the five books. Experience the beauty and solace of each meditation as you discover the Silence flowing within, which is the substance of all harmonious and abundant form in the outer. 18 CDs, 54 page notebook with quotes. Price 69 plus p&p.

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The true secret of life is not found in, or by seeking, the outer forms of health, relationship, money, success, home, employment or enterprise. These things of life are good and desirable available to each and every person in limitless flow but the way by which we attempt to get them is flawed. The miracle you have searched for the substance of all healthy, harmonious and prosperous form is within, already fully manifested, simply awaiting your silence and receptivity. Then the Miracle Self is released as tangible, boundless good here and now. If you have read dozens of books, practiced meditation, visualisation, affirmation, positive mental attitude, and tithing and are still not experiencing the fullness of health, prosperity, love, and true fulfilment, this extraordinary teaching can finally enable you to enjoy rich spiritual fruitage in every department of life.


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