Letter To Big Sky

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Spirit LAKE TRIBE PO Box 359 + Forr Torey, NO 58335 + PHONE 701-766-4221 - Fax 701-766-4126 September 26, 2011 Big Sky Conference Doug Fullerton, Commissioner and Members 2491 Weshington Blvd, Suite 201 Ogden, UT 84410 Dear Dr Fullerton, ‘The purpose of this leter is to express to you, on behalf of the Spirit Lake Tribe (Dakota Sioux) of North Dakota, with the approval and empowerment of our Tribal Council, the truth surrounding the use of the Fighting Sioux name and logo on the athletic field as it pertains to UND for the past 80 years. As # proud people, we stand on the principle of our traditions and customs in defense of what ‘was given by our elders of our People to the University of North Dakota generations ago. You ‘may not be aware of the importance of the Pipe in our culture, as is the case of many of those who claim or cast our name as hostile or abusive, with little paucity in the debate while remaining ignorant to our customs. We have asked for evidence of the allegations, but with no demonstrations hard evidence of such cleims being produced and find no reason to retire the name and logo at UND. We have ourselves investigated the allegations and we find only honor and high regard by UND as Fighting Sioux. This letter speaks directly to you on behalf of the Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe and all other Sioux ‘who have not been allowed to voice their support in the use of our namesake at UND. There is a consistent effort to silence our voices and ignore our request to be at the table to voice our concems by those who are professing to embrace culture diversity. This is very unsettling to us. ‘We fear that history may be attempting to repeat itself as in the days of our ancestors of the Sioux Nation, as deception and greed raise their ugly heads again. ‘We wish to remind you that on April 21, 2009 in the general election 67% of Spirit Lake voters voiced their support for the UND Fighting Sioux. That the Spirit Lake Tribal Council voted ‘unanimously to give perpetual use of the name and logo. It is our hope that the story on January 28, 2011 from President Douple of the Summit League suggesting pressure being applied to come out in opposition to the name and logo by UND officials, is not repeating itself. ‘We want to educate you on our traditions and culture as it relates to our religious ceremony and the importance of this in the debate. When we share the Pipe, itis our word; it is binding, as in the 1969 Ceremony at UND where President Starcher was made an honorary Chief as part of the Sacred Ceremony. The Supreme Court recognizes the Pipe Ceremony in modem terms as a binding contract and a religious act. Our elders have given the name and we are to honor and uphold their wishes and values. We cannot allow this ceremony to be cast aside by those who seek to remove our name and culture from the face of the earth. It is with these actions that we feel that the NCAA has abused our civil liberties, 1 Amendment Rights and has hindered our ability to seek due process in the court of law. We seck clarification from you and we propose this letter to you and ask you candidly for your reply: + What is your position concerning the use of the Fighting Sioux name and logo in your conference? + Have you stated publicly that you will not engage the Fighting Sioux in athletic, competition if UND retains the name and logo? Contrary to what the media may be printing, the Spirit Lake Tribe is in strong support of the continued use of our namesake and logo. We interpret any action or sanctions by any University/School to be a direct attack against our race, customs, traditions, culture, and people. We strongly fee! that the NCAA is erroneous in its attempts to remove the name and label it as, “hostile and abusive” when we ourselves, a Sioux Nation, find it to be honorable and a gift that ‘we bestowed upon UND to use for as long as they do so in an honorable way. Spirit Lake is requesting that the Big Sky Conference please respond to our request as to what your stance is on this matter. Cordially, Spirit Lake Tribe (The Committee for Understanding and Respect) Committee Secretary Danitor Ce: Rodolfo Arevalo, President, Eastem Washington Bill Chaves, Athletic Director, Easter Washington Arthur Vailas, President, Idaho State University Jeff Tingey, Athletic Director, Idaho State University Royce Engstrom, President, University of Montana Jim ODay, Athletic Director, University of Montana Waded Cruzado, President, Montana State University Peter Fields, Athletic Director, Montana State University John Haeger, President, Northern Arizona Jim Fallis, Athletic Director, Northern Arizona Kay Norton, President, Northern Colorado Jay Hinrichs, Athletic Director, Northern Colorado Wim Wiewel, President, Portland State University Torre Chisholm, Athletic Director, Portland State University Alexander Gonzalez, President, California State University, Sacramento Terry Wanless, Athletic Direetor, California State University, Sacramento F. Ann Millner, President, Weber State Jerry Bovee, Athletic Director, Weber State

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