Forex Unit 5

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Tax Treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains & Losses


tax jurisdiction Varying definition of tax base Different tax rates

Tax Neutrality

Tax structure favouring optimal allocation of capital among countries

Tax amount should be in proportion to the amount of public services a tax payer receives No one should be taxed twice for the same income

Tax Equity

Avoidance of double taxation


tax With holding tax Value added tax

Retention OR repatriation of profits by subsidiaries

Cost allocation

Branches OR Subsidiaries

Direct Taxes in India

Wealth tax This tax is applicable to all the citizens of India. Wealth tax is the cess levied on owned property. Corporate Income Tax

Domestic corporations in India pay a minimum income tax rate of 35 percent along with a surcharge of 2.5 percent.

Foreign corporations are required to pay tax on 40 percent of their income along with a surcharge of 2 percent. Personal Income Tax . This tax is based on the personal income of an individual

Indirect Taxes in India

Sales Tax Sales Tax is the tax levied by the state government on goods bought and sold in the country. Custom Duties Custom duties were introduced in India through the Customs Act in 1962. This duty was introduced with the aim of checking illegal exports and imports of goods. Taxes would be charged for all the good that were imported into the country mainly to protect the industries in Indian.



Domestic / Foreign Resident / Non resident

Indian Income
Income that arises in India and is received/ to be received in India Income that arises outside India but is received / to be received in India Income that arises in India and is received/ to be received outside India

Foreign Income
Income that arises outside India but is received / to be received outside India

resident assessee is taxed on both its Indian and foreign Income A non resident assesse is not taxed on its foreign income Rate of corporate income tax is

33.99% for an Indian Company.(10% surcharge+3% education cess) 42.23% for foreign company .(2.5% surcharge+3% education cess)

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