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Dustin Michael H.

Garcia IV-Aguinaldo

Advanced Chemistry Mrs. Russel Berador


In this lesson our teacher taught us that Calorimetry is the accurate and precise measurement of the heat change for chemical and physical processes. Under this lesson is the enthalpy change which is concerned with the computations of heat change for a process at constant temperature. The equation for the enthalpy change is composed of the three factors namely the mass, the specific heat, and the change in temperature. For me, it was not that difficult to understand because the only thing that you need to do in answering problems that are concerned with this lesson is by substituting the values to the given formula. Heat of Reaction The heat of reaction is about the heat change for the balanced equation exactly as it is written. It is an easy lesson to comprehend except the part on where to place the enthalpy change. At first I was confused on where to place it. But thanks to our teacher who gave more sample problems regarding the lesson, I was able to understand it. I learned that if it is endothermic, the enthalpy change should be placed on the left side or the reactants of the equation and if it is exothermic, it is placed on the right side or the products. Redox Reactions Redox reactions are chemical change that occurs when electrons transfer between the reactants. It was not difficult for it was already discussed in our previous year. Although it was like a review, some find it difficult to understand. I guess that they need to read their lessons in their previous year so that theyll have a better understanding of the lesson. It was also not easy for it may give confusion because of the terms used. For example, if it is reduction there is an oxidizing agent involved or if it is oxidation, there is a reducing agent involved. I think that the key to understanding lessons like these is practice.

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