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To perform round robi scheduling .

1.Start the program
2.get the time slice and the number of processes.
3.then the values for process name and the service time.
4.the remaining time is calculated within the given time slice and
service time
5.the process are scheduled according to the time slice.
6.if there is remaining time they are also scheduled in order of
arrival time and time slice.
7.thus all processe are scheduled ,waiting time ,turn around time are
calculated and the average waiting time ,average turn around time is also



"roundrobin.c" 64L, 1386C written

[3itb45@TELNET ~]$ cc roundrobin.c
[3itb45@TELNET ~]$ ./a.out
enter the no.of processes3
enter the slice for RR4
enter the burst time of process p 1 24
enter the burst time of process p 2 3
enter the burst time of process p 3 3
given time slice :4ms

prno bursttime waittime turntime

p1 24 6 30
p2 3 4 7
p3 3 7 10

average waiting time:5.666667ms

average turn around time:15.666667ms

Thus the program for round robin scheduling is written and the
output verified.

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