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Write as many words you can think of that rhyme with play.
Read a story to mom or dad. Have mom or dad write a brief summary about the book.

Write 5 Write 5 Write about Make a list of all the things words that words that your that are laying describe you. describe your favorite on your bedroom mom or dad. floor. holiday. Have your mom or Write about Write a Write a journal dad write about the funniest entry in the letter to their favorite thing that has dark with a memory of 1st or the principal. flashlight. ever happened 2nd grade.
to you.

Write about Make a list the best field of your trip you went favorite on. foods.

Read a story Write 3 questions by yourself. you would like to Write a brief ask the President of the United summary about States. the story.

Write down 10 things you can hear at home. Write about your favorite animal.

Write a thank you note to somebody.

Write a word with your finger on mom or dads back and have them guess it.

Write sight Have your mom Write as many or dad write 3 words as you words in reasons they can think of shaving are proud of that begin with cream. you. ch.
Write 2 sentences about the weather. Check punctuation.

Write a Write a poem with story of mom or dad. your choice.


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