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Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada

Ka-n-ti Ti-on Jn-kon Hiap-ho

You probably know about imprisoned former President Chen Shui-bian in Taiwan , but may not be familiar with Chen Guangcheng in China. As a result of his courageous work investigating reports of forced abortions by local authorities in Linyi, China, Chen Guangcheng, a Christian and blind self-taught lawyer, has endured a relentless campaign of harassment, persecution and physical abuse for the past six years. Sentenced to four years and three months in prison on spurious charges of "damaging property and disturbing traffic", the 40-year-old served his sentence in full and should have been freed in September 2010. But upon his release he and his family were immediately placed under house arrest. The authorities have gone to extreme lengths to cut Chen Guangcheng's family off from the world. Their internet connection and phone line blocked. Security personnel have occupied Dongshigu village where they live, and surveillance cameras watch their home. Neither Chen nor his wife Yuan Weijing have been allowed to leave the house in the past 12 months, not even to shop for groceries or visit the doctor. Chen Guangcheng and Yuan Weijing's plight has inspired a wave of protests by activists in China. In recent months, supporters in China have attempted to visit them, and have been met with shocking police brutality.

Former President Chen Shui-bian at:

No.2 , HongDe New Village, GueiShan Siang, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 33307 33307 2 ,
and Chen Guangcheng and Yuan Weijing at:

Dongshigu Cun (Village), Shuanghou Zhen (Town), Yinan Xian (County) , Linyi Shi (City) 276321 Shandong Province People's Republic of China 276321, &

45 Fontainbleau Drive Toronto Canada M2M 1P1

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