Chapter 1 Study Guide

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Study Guide South-Western Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes 2011 Edition General Editors William H. Hoffman, Jr., J.D., Ph.D., C.P.A. University of Houston James E. Smith, Ph.D., C.P.A. College of Wiliam and Mary Eugene Willis, Ph.D., C.P.A University of Illinois-Urbana Prepared by Gerald E. Whittenburg, Ph.D., C.P.A., E.A. San Diego State University o's SOUTH-WESTERN ‘ase CENGAGE Learning asa pan “ara 2° SOUTH-WESTERN © CENGAGE earing © 2011, 2010 South-Western, Cengage Leaming ‘ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No par of tis werk covered by the copytight herein may be reproduced, vansmited, slowed, oF ‘sed in any form orby any means graphic, elecronic or ‘echarial including but no limited to photocopying, recording, scanning igtzing. taping, Web dstibution. 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Wo ask that you taka ‘asenabl stops fo protect the Supplement For unautoczed ‘ee, reproduc, of istbton. Your Use ofthe Supsement Incates your accepiance ofthe conditons eat fod in Tie ‘Ageoment. if you do not azcopt Bose sondtons, you mutt lum the Supplement urased witin 30 days of recip. AL sighs (ncucing without limitation, copyrights, patria, and trade sete) ne Supplement are snd wit fenoia the sale and exchsive property of Congage Learing andor ts tansors, “The Supplements fumished by Cangage Leaming on ans" basis without any warrant, express or impled. Ths ‘Agreoment wil bo govarad by and eonstued pursuant 101 {Gs ofthe State of New Yor, without regard to sun State's conti of le, ‘Tmank you for your assstance in neping to safeguard the Inlogty of te content sontained the’ Supplomort: We tet you fed te Supplement a ust teaching tcl CONTENTS PREFACE v Chapter 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO TAXATION AND UNDERSTANDING THE FEDERAL TAX LAW aoe : 1 Chapter 2. WORKING WITH THE TAX LAW - 24 Chapter 3. TAX FORMULA AND TAX DETERMINATION; AN OVERVIEW OF PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS. . Bl Chapter 4 GROSS INCOME: CONCEPTS AND INCLUSIONS... Chapter $. GROSS INCOME: EXCLUSIONS. Chapter 6 DEDUCTIONS AND LOSSES: IN GENERAL, Chapter 7. DEDUCTIONS AND LOSSES: CERTAIN, BUSINESS EXPENSES AND LOSSES, Chapter 8 DEPRECIATION, COST RECOVERY, AMORTIZATION, AND DEPLETION... ‘Chapter 9 DEDUCTIONS: EMPLOYEE AND SELF-EMPLOYED RELATED EXPENSES 7 coon] Chapter 10 DEDUCTIONS AND LOSSES: CERTAIN ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS. Chapter 11 INVESTOR LOSSE: Chapter 12. ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX. Chapter 13. TAX CREDITS AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES... Chapter 14 PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS: DETERMINATION OF GAIN OR LOSS AND BASIS CONSIDERATIONS 141 Chapter 15. PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS: NONTAXABLE EXCHANGES... 1541 Chapter 16 PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS: CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES. os 161 Chapter 17 PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS: SECTION 1231 AND. RECAPTURE PROVISIONS | 17 Chapter 18 ACCOUNTING PERIODS AND METHODS. 18 Chapter 19. DEFERRED COMPENSATION 19-4 seen D0°1 Chapter 20. CORPORATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS... (02011 Cugige Lenin Al Righ Reseed May tbe seamed coped er deplatede posed pully ace web, in nee pa

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