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The White House

What is it?

The White House is the official residence and workplace for the President of the United States The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500


The White House as built between 1792 and 1800 The White House has been the residence of all the Presidents since John Adams The original White House was burnt down by the British Troops in 1814


The White House was rebuilt in 1815 and was finished in 1817 President James Monroe moved-in in 1817 and bought all the new furnishings for the house The White House as it is today was finished in 1829
The first photograph of the White House, 1846


Many Presidents have added their own style and to the White House during their residency Presidents have also added new technology to advanced the White House such as indoor plumbing or new ways to heat the house

West Wing

The Executive Office area in the White House Construction on the West Wing began in 1902 In 1909 President Taft had the West Wing enlarged, and in 1929 Hoover had the West Wing remodeled and rebuilt after a fire The West Wing did not get its name until the 1930s, when all of the construction was finally complete.

Breakdown of Rooms

Bathrooms Bedrooms Kitchens Dining Rooms Library Bowling Alley Movie Theater

Quick Facts

First fireworks display at the White House was by John Adams Polks wife did not allow drinking, dancing, or card playing in the White House Pierce ordered the first bathtub for the White House The White House requires 570 gallons of paint to cover its outside surface

No Free Ride

The President and First Family are charged for all meals and incidentals The President does have an expense account to help cover the costs Guests of the First Family stay free, but are charged for outside services


The annual budget for the care, maintenance, repair and alteration, refurnishing, improvement, heating, and lighting, including electric power and fixtures,and the official entertainment expenses of the President are about $9,260,000 This is about $27,370 a day


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