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This chapter discusses about the background of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of key terms. 1.1 Background of the Problem Indonesia is well known as a developing country that consists of hundreds tribes having thousand of cultures, traditions, and of course language. Every tribes has a unique language with a different dialect. The language is very important tool which is used to communicate each other. There are many languages are being used, each tribes has different language that must be complicated to be understood by other. However we can used our National language to communicate each other, it is Indonesian language. One of the tribes in Indonesia is Sasak. Its settled in West Nusa Tenggara Province. Sasak language has many kinds of dialect used by the native speaker of Sasak. According to Azhar (..: 1), the dialect in Sasak tribes are divided into: Selaparang dialect, Pejanggiq dialect, Pujut dialect, and Petung Bayan dialect. Furthermore, Dielenge (1999: 12), divided Sasak dialect into four kinds of Sasak dialect, they are dialect Selaparang or ngeno-ngene dialect, dialect Pejanggiq or meno-mene dialect, dialect Pujut or meriak-meriku dialect and dialect Petun Bayan or ngkuto-ngkute

dialect. The name of dialect is connected with the Kingdom which have to develop in Lombok island, such as: Selaparang kingdom, Pejanggiq kingdom, Pujut kingdom and Petung Bayan kingdom. Acording to Neil F Staf (1995: VII), Sasak dialect are five. They are: meno-mene dialect, ngeno-ngene dialect, meriak-meriku dialect, and kuto-kute dialect. Sasak dialect is used in every regency around Lombok island. Ngeno-ngene dialect is mostly spoken in East Lombok and West Lombok, meno-mene dialect or Pejanggiq dialect is spoken in central Lombok where the Pejanggiq kingdom where born in Pejanggiq village, meriak-meriku dialect or Pujut dialect is spoken in central Lombok and some in east Lombok, nggeto-nggete dialect or Petung Bayan dialect is spoken in the northwest of Lombok and some people in east Lombok (Istianah, 2004: 2). There are many kinds of Sasak dialect, but it does not mean that kinds of Sasak language are varies. Sasak language are unity but rich of vocabularies. For example, kebian (afternoon) is synonym of laiq (afternoon) and uiq (yesterday) is synonym of rubin (yesterday), beraye (friend) is synonym of beraye (darling). In this research, the writer is interested in analyzing about the affixation in Sasak dialect especially in meriak-meriku dialect or Pujut dialect. She tries to find the change of the words meaning when the words is added by prefix, suffix, infix and simulfix. As we know, affixation is process of mixing of two morphemes (Hornby, 1998: 7). Affixation is additional of some variable in the beginning and in the end of words (Istianah, 2004: 6). Affixation not only added at the beginning of the words (prefix) but it is can added at the last of words (suffix) even in the mid of the words (infix) or in the beginning and in the last of the word (simulfix). Example in affixation form such as: per, -peng, ber, -ng, -be, -te,

-ge, seng, se, - (prefix), in infix such as (-er, -me, -er, -eg, -d, -em), suffix such as (-ang, -an, -in), and simulfix (ny ang, pe an, te an, je an). Morpheme is a part of morphology. According to Ramlan (1987: 21) morphology is a part of knowledge which discuss or study about the form which are influence to changing the word toward the classification and meaning of word (morphology adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bentuk kata-kata dan pengaruhnya terhadap golongan dan arti kata). Furthermore, Samsuri (1987: 190), morphology is the way to form the words with combining one morpheme to other morpheme, and the process of morphology can to formed through affixation process, reduplication process, internal change process, suppletion process. Moreover, Keraf (1984: 81) said there are two kinds of morpheme, they are: free morpheme and bound morpheme. The free morpheme can be examplipy as belek (big), solah (nice), belo (long), tinggang (high) etc. and bound morpheme is must be attached with other words to give a meaning. The bound morpheme example in affixation form such as prefix (be, pe, se, re, re), infix (-er, -me, er, eg, -el, em), suffix (-ang, -ang, -in), simulfix (ny ang, pe an, te an, je an). As the object of the research, the writer want to know more about the affixation in Sasak, it will be useful for many people who want to know more about Sasak language. 1.2 Statement of the Study From the background of the study stated above, the writer formulates the question as follow: 1. What are the forms of affixation in Sasak language, especially in Pujut dialect? 2. What are the meaning in Sasak language, especially in Pujut dialect?

1.3 The Objective of the Study Referring to the statement of the problem above, the objective of the study is to find: 1. The form of affixation in Sasak language, especially in Pujut dialect. 2. The meaning of affixation in Sasak langauge, especially in Pujut dialect. 1.4 Significance of the Study The writer hopes that the studying is very useful for who want to study further about Sasak language, especially for the student who will carry out a research on Sasak affixation word especially in Pujut dialect. This research provide by the field of literature which can be enriched with Sasak morphological analysis. Its also can be good source for those who want to study and understand as well as increase their knowledge of Sasak affixation words of Pujut dialect. 1.5 The Scope and Limitation of the Study In order to avoid a broad discussion, the study is limited at the following points: 1. This study is related to affixation (prefix, suffix, infix, and simulfix) in Sasak language. 2. The dialect in this research is Pujut dialect only. 1.6 Definition of Key Term To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation in this study, the writer defines some variables. Sasak : Sasak is part of community special in Lombok which located in West Nusa Tenggara Province Pujut Dialect : a dialect which is settled around Central Lombok


: Additional of some variables in the beginning and in the end of the words.

Prefix Suffix Infix Simulfix

: Additional of some variable in the beginning of the words. : Additional of some variable in the end of the word. : Additional of some variable inside of a root of the word. : Additional of some variable in the beginning and at the end of a root of the word.

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