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Procedure No.



1. PURPOSE To ensure that only qualified office personnel are hired. 2. APPLICATIONS This procedures shall apply to the entire company organization. 3. RESPONSIBILITY The General Manager shall approve the hiring of the office personnel, upon the recommendation of the Medical Director.

4.1 The Department Head shall recommend to the Medical Director the hiring of personnel. 4.2 The Medical Director shall discuss with the GM the need of hiring of personnel or filling up to a vacancy. 4.3 Once the GM makes a decision to recruit personnel, the Medical Director shall give instruction for the posting of a Notice of Vacancy at the Bulletin Board together with the qualition requirements (see Annex II-2). 4.4 If necessary, the Medical Director shall consider placing an advertisement in a leading newspaper. 4.5 An applicant shall be required to fill out an application form (Form QS-20) and to submit the following documents. a) Transcript of Records

Date: 08 July 2011

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Procedure No. 02 Selection and Recruitment of Office Personnel (continuation) b) c) d) e) f) NBI clearance 2x2 pictures, 2 pieces Certificate of employment or work experience, if any SSS No. Other documents that may be required

4.6 The Medical Director and Assistant Medical Director shall interview all job

applicants for the desired position using Form QS-21. The interviewers shall confer with each other to come up with their recommendations.

The GM conduct final interviews of those recommended and approve the appointment of newly hired personnel.

4.8 The candidate shall be required to undergo medical examination in the clinic. 4.9 If the candidate passes the medical examination, the GM shall issue a letter of

Appointment (Form QS-23) and the job description (see Annex-II-I) through the Medical Director.

The Medical Director shall advise the new employee to report for work on a designated date.

4.11 The new employee shall be subject to a six-month probationary period.

4.12 The GM shall issue a Letter of Employment as Regular Employee after six months or a Notice of Termination within six months, depending on the result of performance evaluation (Form QS-22). 4.13 The Medical Director Department shall maintain a 201 file for each employee.

Date: 08 July 2011

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