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1. What is the most basic physical property that governs seismic reflections? 2.

Can we detect the boundary of two lithologies using seismic technique having upper layer with density=2.3 g/cm3 and velocity 2300 m/s and lower layer density=2.5 g/cm3 and velocity 2116 m/s. 3. What defines a reflection strength? Show the equation. 4. Acoustic impedance of different rocks increases with depth. True or false? 5. What do you understand by Vertical Resolution? 6. With increasing depth, the frequency of sound signals decrease. True or false? 7. What is porosity? 8. Give three main objectives of a resistivity log. 9. Given a well drilled to 10,000 ft and a max recorded temperature of 223o F, and a mean surface temperature of 70o F 10. What is the temperature at 8000 ft? 11. Give three uses of a gamma ray log 12. How do you determine if a reservoir is tight? 13. What is slowness? 14. Differentiate between minimum phase and zero phase 15. Mention five components required for oil and gas in a given area 16. When gas is present in a reservoir, the density gives a porosity that is too high. True or false? 17. What is the equation for estimating the amount of hydrocarbons in place? 18. Mention four equations for calculating water saturation from logs, apart from Archie equation. 19. What is the calibration scale for density log? 20. Mention four types of fault 21. Proper development of the Niger delta began at which time? 22. Which are the three main rivers controlling the deposition and sedimentation of the Niger delta? 23. Mention the depobelts of the Niger delta 24. Give three differentiations between 2D and 3D seismic 25. Mention four seismic energy sources 26. What do you understand by Migration as it pertains to seismic? 27. How many gallons are in one barrel of oil? 28. Mention the sedimentary basins in Nigeria 29. What age is the Takoradi formation? 30. Why is gamma ray called a shale log?

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