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Once upon a time, there live one evil lion.He likes to destroy everything and likes to eat animals.

One day,he went to search for victims.Suddently he saw a big cave.Then he went to the cave to serch for food then he saw a dear.The lion ate the dear until dead.

At the same time he saw a beautiful Maiden.The maiden is serching for food.Suddently the lion fall in love with the beautiful maiden.

The maiden went back home.The next day he want to see the maidens parents. Her parents shocked to see the lion.can i marry your daughter Says the lion.

Her parents was in shocked and they say NO but in three conditions.First, he must be nice to all humans and animals.Second,he must give food at the maiden.Lastly he must go to the magical river wash his face then be real human.

The lion has completed all of the conditions. Then they get married and they live happily ever after.

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