Physical Const

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Avogadro's number: Planck's constant: Boltzmann's constant:

Physical constants 1 1 23 26 = 6.02252 10 N = 6.02252 10 gmole kgmole 27 34 h = 6.6256 10 erg sec = 6.6256 10 J sec ergs J cm 1 = 1.38054 10 23 = 0.69503 K K K 1 (where cm is a wave number unit) erg J 7 R = 8.3143 10 = 8314.3 K kgmole K gmole 31 me = 9.1095 10 kg k = 1.38054 10 16 Conversion Factors 1erg = 1 10 7 J = 5.0345 1015 cm 1 (where cm 1 is a wave number unit) 3 1 gmole = 1 10 kgmole kg kg g g 1 =1 (e.g. M O = 32 = 32 ) gmole gmole kgmole kgmole 6 dyne 5 N 1 atm = 1.01325 10 2 = 1.01325 10 2 cm m

Universal gas constant: Mass of an electron:

Energy: Moles: Molecular Weight: Pressure:

Wave Number Units [ cm 1 ]

In gas dynamics, "frequency" is sometimes expressed in Wave Number units [ cm 1 ] This "frequency [ cm 1 ]" is actually the true frequency normalized by the light speed in cgs units: [sec 1 ] frequency [sec 1 ] " frequency [cm 1 ]" = = light speed [cm / sec] c [cm / sec] Wave Number units [ cm 1 ] may also be thought of as a unit of energy: energy per molecule = h where h is Planck's constant. Thus, we may compute a Characteristic Temperature: energy per molecule [ J or ergs ] " frequency [cm 1 ]" [K] = = Boltzmann' s constant [ J/K or ergs/K ] Boltzmann' s constant [cm 1 /K] where Boltzmann's constant in terms of wave number units is shown above.

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