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Chapter 1 Our Social World

Section 1 people far and near

Communities are linked together by certain means One type is ethnic groups, groups of people with similar language, origin, and history Another type is minority group, groups that are different from others. Often they are treated differently and share many similar traits Communities that are mixture of all groups are Diverse

Section 2 understanding cultures

Your culture is your way of life through similar beliefs and customs Some examples of modern culture are music, language, religion, and government When you learn more about your culture you tend to think differently about other peoples culture, this is called ethnocentrism When you follow someone's culture it is called cultural borrowing When the culture spreads knowledge and skills it is called cultural diffusion

Section 3 patterns in todays world

People move around everywhere. When many people move around it is called migration When people move from villages to cities, that is called urbanization Sometimes people dont want to migrate, they have to. Refugees are people forced to leave homelands because of wars or unjust governments. If you are a citizen you have to participate in some government affairs called responsibilities Every thing you buy comes from a country. Interdependence is when one country depends on others for raw materials and goods As technology advances in daily life globalization takes its course, globalization is developing of world culture and interdependent economy

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