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ENGR 220 Test 1 Study Guide The following is a list of things that you should be able to do for Test

1: Break a force into x and y components. Calculate the resultant of several concurrent forces. Apply factors of safety in component design. Calculate the axial deformation (change in length) of an object with an axial load. Apply equilibrium equations in order to calculate unknown forces. Calculate the strain in a body. Calculate the shear stress in a body. Calculate the axial stress in a body. Calculate the bearing stress between two bodies. Calculate the moment that a force creates around a specified point. Read a stress-strain diagram. Look up material properties such as ultimate strength, elastic strength, and modulus of elasticity. Use Method of Joints to solve for the force in truss members. Use Method of Sections to solve for the force in truss members. Use summation of moments to solve for external reactions. Find zero-force members in a truss.

The equations that you need to be familiar with are:

V Shear stress A

l f lo lo


Axial strain

P Normal stress in an axially loaded member A

Fx 0 Fy 0 Equilibrium M 0


ultimate, yield
F .S .

Factor of Safety

PL Change in length of an axially loaded member A E

E Hookes Law

You need to be able to define or comment on: Modulus of Elasticity Yield Strength Stress (normal, shear, bearing) Ductility Proportional Limit 0.2% offset Strain Factor of safety Deformation Hookes Law Ultimate Strength Resultant

Zero-force member Elastic Region Plastic Region Equilibrium Free Body Diagrams Truss

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