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The Yester Years

From 1964-1985: Military Government Rule

Brazil experienced rapid industrialization expansion , its manufacturing industry flourished. Economy grew at the rate of 11.1% and inflation was under control. Oil crisis in 1970 which led to subsequent increase in international interest rate affected Brazil Foreign debt surged and by 1980 it was $54 billion. So as possible solution government introduced reforms to attract FDI.

1985: Democratic Government

Reduction in Import Tariff from 51% to 35% on average.

1994: Mr Cardoso elected as president
He implemented an economic reform program called Real Plan , under which real was allowed to float free and subsequently it appreciated by 30%. The Mexican crisis in 1994 and the South Asia crisis in 1999 aggravated Brazils financial woes .

2002 : Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Lula) became president.

He continue the reforms started by his predecessor Cardoso in welfare, education and health and also areas ranging from pension to policing.

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