Dorset Review Analysis

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Client Review-Dorset Udaan Program

The Past April-May-June

Titre du document - date - Arial regular 8pts

Total Registration
Total registration in each Tier type
Blue, 11 Silver, 26 Diamond, 7

Gold, 14

Director, 1

Platinum, 3

Total registration- 62

The Presenttill September

Titre du document - date - Arial regular 8pts

Total Registration

Diamond, 8

Director, 1 Gold, 15

Silver, 51

Platinum, 3

Total registration- 78

The Comparison

(for first 62 only)

Fast Moving SKUs

45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

April to June

Axis Title

Multi Purpose QTY 41296

Cylinders 16835

economy sets 14734

Tubular 13475

Mortice locks 12783

hinge ss 12694

90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Multi Purpose Qty 85046 Cylinders 39554

Current Position

Axis Title

Hinges & Tower Bolt SS 33696

Economy Sets 30089

Mortise Lock 29971

Tubular 28861

Slow Moving SKUs

7000 6000 5000 Axis Title 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Brass Handles QTY 6450 SS Handles 6066 Door closer and floor springs 5775 hinge brass 5567 Zinc 1582 Accessories 1514 Quottro 561 Night Latch 224

April to June

18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Brass Handles Qty 15970

Current Position

Axis Title

Door Closer and floor springs 14566

SS Handles 12133

Accessories 4693

Zinc Handles 3993

Quottro 1638

Night Latch 859

KY 40


Top Moving SKUs Product Past Present Increase %age Increase

Multi Purpose
Cylinders Hinges & Tower Bolt SS Economy Sets

16835 12694 14734

39554 33696 30089

22719 21002 15355

134.95% 165.45% 104.21%

Mortise Lock Tubular

12783 13475

29971 28861

17188 15386

134.46% 114.18%

Improvement in Slow Moving SKUs

Product Accessories Quottro Night Latch Past 1514 561 224 Present 4693 1638 859 Increase 3179 1077 635 %age Increase 209.97% 191.98% 283.48%

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