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Education international school


Grade 11:
Physics Ch14 Ch1S Sec(1-2-3) Sec(1)

Social studies
Chemistry Biology Math

Ch12 Ch13
Ch12 Ch13 Ch 29 Ch 30 Alg2: Ch 8 Ch10

Sec (3) Sec(1-2)

All Sec(1+2) L(2,3,4,S,7,8) L(2,3,4,S,6) ..)A"JIJd. , : ~I


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English:1.vocabulary: 2.Grammar:



Vocabulary: lessons (6-7-8-9) Grammar: complements (direct+ indirect object, predicate nominative+ adjective), classifying sentences by purpose, prepositional phrases, participle, gerunds, infinitive (clause, phrases). Literature: American romanticism pg.204, the tide raises the tide falls pg.226, the minister's black veil pg.302, noiseless patient spider pg.S39, because I couldn't stop for death pg.S61. Writing: Expository essay (problem and solution, cause and effect).

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